Serial Killer Round 43 - Welcome to the Killtona 500 (Finish Line Reached! Race is Over!)


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Yeah, step it up! We can't have TWO people gloating it up about being the king of SK!


New member
Oct 9, 2008
@Link: But the king of SK declared your win null and bunk, cuz you double teamed it (Granted, your 'partner' bought it early).

Who am I but a regular Jacques Clouseau to defy him? *Feigns humility*

Tortilla the Hun

Decidedly on the Fence
May 7, 2011
@Red: I concur. He looks like someone else entirely.

War Penguin

Serious Whimsy
Jun 13, 2009
And then War Penguin came along hoping that he would create some activity, got bored, and buggered off to do whatever the fuck he wanted.



New member
Jul 9, 2011
So you guys executed the wrong guy, I'll have a death post up eventually, but I'm suffering from some severe writer's block right now after cranking out a whole bunch of dialogue trees over the weekend.


Zombie Nation #LetsRise
Jun 9, 2008

[HEADING=2]His writer's block has come crashing down on his head, and his race is over. Only eight are left on the track, will the killer keep rolling? Or has the pack finally figured it out?[/HEADING]​


What type of steak are you?
Apr 26, 2009
Whelp, I'm dead. Even after I tried to be sneaky and make people forget I was participating. Damn. Still got pretty far though.

I woke up.

I wasn't expecting that. With the headache I currently have, I kind of wish I didn't. The fact that I was handcuffed to the steering wheel of a car didn't help either.

Hang on, a car?

Wait, a car in a car crusher?!


Okay okay, calm down. I didn't come this far just to be picked off...

"Are you awake now?"

There's a man over there in the shadows! I squint, trying to see his face, but it's too dark to make it out.

I tug on the handcuffs. There's not much slack, but I might be able to slip a hand out if I try. I need to buy time, keep him talking.

"Would you happen to have some painkillers?" I ask, "My head is killing me."

He smirks, "No I don't. And I'll be doing the killing here tonight."

A chill goes up my spine. I can hardly keep my voice from shaking, "So, what did you use to knock me out anyway?"

"A crowbar."

"Oh? And why did you pick me this time."

"You happened to cross my path."

"And why a car crusher? Isn't that a bit cliche?" Come on! Loosen up you damned cuffs!

He shrugged at that, "I like it. It's simple, efficient. Even it's name is simple. 'Car crusher'. Does exactly what its name implies. It crushes cars," he lets out a short bark of laughter, "And anyone who happens to be in the car at the time."

My wrist is bleeding now, but the blood helps lubricate the cuffs. Need more time! "I don't suppose you're going to tell me who you are? Seeing as I'm already as good as dead?"

He laughs at that, "I don't see why not." He steps forward, out of the shadows.

My breath catches for a moment, "YOU!", then I frown, "Wait, I have no idea who you are."

"Really?" He looks disappointed for a moment, "Well, it's been fun!" He strides over to the controls.

I start panicking. Not now! I need more time! "WAIT!" I cry, "At least tell me your name!"

"Sure! My name is-" He pulls a lever. Whatever he said next was drowned out by the roar of machinery.

My legs are the first to go. As the front compacts inwards my legs are trapped. They resist for a split second before snapping like dry twigs.

It hurts. I scream.

The windshield explodes inwards from the pressure, sending shards of glass flying. A piece lodges itself in my lung, that stopped the screaming.

Being crushed is not a nice way to go. That's my final thought, before my skull is smushed like a melon.


The killer watches as a block of blood and metal is spat out by the machine.

"And so another one bites the dust." He chuckles as he walks away. On the ground near the metal coffin is a message for whoever found the body.

Lay him down
In the cold, cold ground
Where before many men have gone

And old song. One which was sung in a time of war. Fitting, as he was now at war with the world.

He pauses, a thought occurring to him, then turns back and adds one more line.

And where many more shall follow

Whistling, he walks to his own car, already forgetting the name of the man he just killed.

This is loads of practice for NaNoWriMo next month! XD


A Writer With Many Faces
Dec 25, 2008
@SomeLameStuff: Hah. I tried writing for NaNoWriMo for the first time last year... just before I hit 80% of the mark, my computer committed suicide and I couldn't finish it. I still have a copy of my work, though.


What type of steak are you?
Apr 26, 2009
@War Penguin: Oh come on! He killed me via car crusher! VENGEANCE I SAY!

[sub][sub]Actually when you think about it, I was the one who killed myself via car crusher. Huh.[/sub][/sub]

@Counterattack: I tried NaNoWriMo for the first time last year too! And I won with 58653 words =D

Desert Bus tried it's best to distract me though... Nearly didn't make it >.<


Zombie Nation #LetsRise
Jun 9, 2008
@SomeLameStuff: So some pedigree coming in here then. It shows.


[HEADING=2]Another racer hits the dirt, and I can pretty much just start doing this directly now, so elementsoul, J1-2themax, RBMidknight, Diablo1099, chromewarriorXIII, razer17, socialtangent. It's time to vote, yous![/HEADING]​

War Penguin

Serious Whimsy
Jun 13, 2009
@SomeLameStuff: First off... I love your username. Sorry, just haven't had a chance to say that. Felt like this was the perfect opportunity. :p

Secondly... uh... SO? <_<

Also... NaNoWriMo? Whut?