Serial Killer Round 47: It's Over!

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
@Link: You seem like the sort of person make bad bluffs.
I think.
I don't know you, or your bluffing habits, that well.


Good Dog. Best Friend.
Nov 19, 2009
@Trilby: Well of course. I cannot imagine anything more fulfilling than learning minor character details about people on the internet that you will probably never interact with in person.

Truly there has never been anything better in the history of ever.


New member
Jan 21, 2013
Reverend K.R. Mason stood there over the corpse of the recently deceased sergeant. A killer or no he still deserved his last rites. He knelt down and drew the man's eyes shut whispering a brief prayer. The execution had been swift and brutal, but given the situation necessary. He rose and stepped out of the cell pondering what drove the killer to his actions. Hopefully this would be the end of this bloody mess. Two lives had been lost today, and that was two too many.

He walked back to the church alone; thinking about the sermon for Sunday, when suddenly he felt a sharp pain is his back. Within moments he collapsed to the ground his vision fading. All he could feel was the warmth fading from his body as his vision turned black. He could dimly make out a figure holding a knife, but little more. They'd been wrong. I.A. had gotten the wrong man, and now he was chosen as the next victim.

As the lights faded out from his eyes, he couldn't help but think how perhaps if he'd been a bit quicker, he might have spared an innocent life. The prayer book he'd carried with him since his baptism fell from his hand as his muscles relaxed, and the two of them lay there on the ground in silence.

So yeah didn't last long, but looks like i set a record


A Writer With Many Faces
Dec 25, 2008
[b]Observation:[/b] I doubt you will have set any records. Neo will be the judge of that, however, being the record keeper and all.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
@Krimson: Well... as newcomers go, and ESPECIALLY since you're the only one this round, you lasted the longest on your first game.

War Penguin

Serious Whimsy
Jun 13, 2009
[color=black]Announcement: Yes, the killer strikes again and [user]KrimsonNekros[/user] is the latest victim. Who do you think it is? 
What do you mean [i]you don't know?![/i] Whatever, just vote anyway...[/color]


Zombie Nation #LetsRise
Jun 9, 2008
@Krimson: Yeah, lots of Newbies have died in the first round, so you're hardly a record breaker. *goes back to feasting on JIB nachos*


New member
Feb 26, 2009
@ThreadTitle: Yes, I pay attention :)

Vote sent, btw.

@Deaths: I like how you guys are making an effort to keep the deaths connected. I like these thematic ideas; it adds to more interesting stories, I believe.

War Penguin

Serious Whimsy
Jun 13, 2009
Commentary: My, I'm not used to being a GM. I feel the need to vote even though doing would be absolutely useless! Oh, the petty woes of a top of the line assassination droid...


New member
Jan 21, 2013
Oversight can be lethal. Perhaps not joining the group earlier was part of the reason for my early demise. Still, the problem has now been rectified and I'm in the group officially now.

War Penguin

Serious Whimsy
Jun 13, 2009
[color=black]Announcement: All of the votes have been received. Tremble as you check your inboxes!


This is the space where I would put other witty remarks and comments. [/color]


A Writer With Many Faces
Dec 25, 2008
[b]Statement:[/b] I have had no messages from the Spy...

[b]Conjecture:[/b] It would seem that that makes me a possible suspect. Targeting me is an unwise course.


Detective Prince
Jul 2, 2009
Michi was sitting in her room trying to gather as much information as she could on the killer. So far all she was able to come up with was that the killer was not American. "Well this isn't much to go off of." She said sighing and took a sip of some tea. "First the priest goes down so I need to work fast." She thought out loud then heard a knock at the door, she got up and opened the door and sighed seeing two cops.

"Look, I told you all I know guys. As I said the killer isn't American." She said crossing her arms. However, the cops didn't seem happy with her. "Look, we're not buying it any more. We know you're the killer; you've just been lying to cover your ass. You're coming with us." One cop said. Michi blinked and growled. "You fucking idiots, I'm the spy for crap sake. THE KILLER IS NOT A SPY." Michi shouted and then pushed herself past the cops and ran.

"Hey get back her killer, we know it's you." The other cop yelled pulling out his gun as Michi ran faster. Thankfully she was too fast for them and stopped to take a breath. "Ok, I think I'm safe." She said to herself then looked up seeing her old friend Raven. "Rave, you've got to help me the cops are after me. They think I'm the killer. I didn't kill anyone; please get me out of here. I'm the spy, I need to keep my investigation going." She said panting but noticed Raven didn't seem to want to help her.

The Kiwi open his mouth as he pulled a sheep forward. "I'm sorry Michi but I can't believe you. I need to kill you, I wish there was another way but at the same time I can't understand how you could kill two people. Besides can't let you get any more information on me Michi, sorry but you need to die." He said letting the sheep off its leash. "Go get her. Have fun with a man eating sheep Mich." He said then walked off as the sheep ran at Michi and tackled her to the ground and went for her throat as she screamed for help but no one was coming to save her this time. As she died she swore she?d have her revenge.