Shadows of the Universe (Sci-fi Action RP)(Started)(Closed)


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Camilla smiled "Close enough," she replied, "But that's Damien's job. Trust me, don't ask for a demo. My training is fixing things, not people, and I'm a natural at breaking stuff" she shrugged, spreading huge hands.

"On the subject of breaking stuff, you want to watch out; I'm no good at gentle, and while the flirting is well intended, you'd be better off picking on someone your own size."

So saying, she gently but forcefully propelled Jinxie forwards. The Feather, who had been quietly lurking behind her companion, blushed as gave Jobe a shy, awkward smile.

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Jobe returned the smile and chuckled "Sweet dreams." He closed the door. His right hand was gripping one of the knuckle dusters. "You're getting too jumpy Jobe" he berrated himself "but I guess thats normal for a pscho like you." Not for the first time he wondered why he talked to himself. He knew he was a psychopath, but that didn't necassarily make him crazy. But he did talk to himself. Did the insane know they were insane? "I guess I'd better start worrying when the green elephants start talking to me" he muttered.
Jobe looked around briefly for a drink, but he was pretty sure the jug in the corner only contained water. He'd have to have a word with the kitchen staff, see if the could sort it out. He did have a way of making people agree with him afterall.
Jobe climbed into bed, switched on his night-light and decided to try and get some sleep.
He wouldn't realise until morning that he'd had one of his knuckle dusters in his hand.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Kell and Hunter walked slowly around each other. They?d been at it for some time now. Hunter jerked forward moving her arms to grapple before suddenly twisting around and spinning a kick towards Kell?s head. A feint. Kell ducked under it easily and caught her leg, throwing it up and forward resulting in Hunter landing on the dirt on her back. Hunter did a quick semi-circle in the air with her legs, generating enough momentum to get her back off the ground without using her hands. As she steadied herself Kell made a quick jab towards her midsection. She dodged, grabbing his arm as she did and bringing her open palm around towards his temple. Kell blocked the attempt and dragged her arm behind her back, finishing with a soft kick to her lower back that sent her stumbling forwards.

Kell ran after her, winding up a punch that would send her to the ground again but Hunter dodged under it and rammed her elbow into Kell?s midsection. She knew it wouldn?t do much. Kell?s enhancements let him shrug off all but the most powerful of blows. She wound up for another but Kell jumped back to avoid it. She turned and charged at him, delivering a flurry of blows to his head, torso and arms.

After around a dozen blows she whipped her arm back in preparation for one strong enough to actually faze him. As she delivered it, however, Kell caught her fist mid-punch, dragging it down and towards him, and her with it. With a sharp *crack* he head butted her, sending her reeling back, he followed up with a second one. Blood gushed from Hunter?s nose, matching somewhat appropriately with her red hair and standing out among her pale features. Kell took advantage of her brief stunned state and delivered a hard blow to her center that lifted her off her feet. As she fell she rolled with the impact, ending up crouched and facing Kell.
A small crowd had gathered to watch the short, tanned Arab and the pretty, svelte redhead fight. None of them interfered as both the combatants were wearing WINGS uniforms. It may also have been because earlier a young man had thrown himself in front of Kell, thinking the whole thing was some sort of domestic dispute. Hunter had taken the interruption poorly and the two had waited for several minutes while members of the crowd retrieved a stretcher and carried the heavily bruised would-be Good Samaritan off to a medical facility.

?What?s wrong Mag-? Kell stopped himself, mindful of the crowd, ?What?s wrong private? You should be doing much better! I?m kicking your ass and I?ve been drinking!? And drinking he had been. After Hunter had returned to the cityscape from the cargo bay where she and James had sparred she?d found Kell singing songs in the bar with a bulky crewman with a scar on his face (?This guy?s great! Only been here 45 minutes and I feel like I?ve known him my whole life! Tell her that joke.?) and a tall, rather busty barmaid (?She loves to give hugs which is nice cuz my head only reaches her chest.?). Hunter had dragged Kell away, scowling at the waitress who called out ?Come back any time sergeant, we?d love to have you.?
As they?d passed the park James and McMillan had been practicing in earlier Kell asked her if she wanted to spar, saying it had been awhile. Hunter begrudgingly agreed, remembering that it was the reason she?d been looking for him earlier.
?I had a fightwith Sergeant? Reynolds, sir.?
?What? You catch him peeping on you in the shower? That man probably would use his optic camo like that.?
??No sir, he asked for a match withme. He said that you had? said it was alright.?
Kell paused. ??Oh yeah, I did tell him that. Didja win??
?Yes, sir. But-?
?That?s my girl!? Kell interrupted, before frowning when he realized how it sounded.
??But Ithink I was lucky. He?s very? good. I think I won because I surprisedhim.?
?You should feel great! You beat up an honest to god WINGS member.?
?He wants me to train? McMillan in hand to hand.?
?Thought he was doing that? And having a great time, too.?
?He saysit?s not working. Should?I do it??
?Did he order you to??
?Not assuch, sir.?
?Then you haven?t got to. McMillan?s his responsibility. Hell, reason it?s probably not working is cuz he spends more time treating that recruit like a chew toy than training him. If that boy can?t take care of his puppy we?ll just have to take it away from him and?and send it to a farm? Kell grinned, thinking he?d made a clever joke.
?You?re... right sir, as always.?
They continued sparring for another half hour as the crowd around them slowly dispersed. They stopped finally when a particularly good throw by Hunter resulted in Kell vomiting in a fish pond.


New member
Jul 21, 2011
Chris decided it was a good time to stop weapon repairing training and start on electronic hacking. After watching Colon properly clean, fix, cut, and improvise pieces of metal from everything to be used in a gun, Chris finally told him it was OK to stop. "You know what, how about you and me take a walk. We haven't really done anything casual since I woke you up that one morning." Chris told Colon

"That sounds good, I could really use a change in scenery." Colon replied.

As Chris and Colon were walking down the hall, Chris suddenly remembered that he wanted to ask Rick something. "Hold on Colon, we are going to take a slight detour for a quick second. He walked up to Rick's door and asked, " Hey Rick, mind if I ask you a question concerning our two FEATHERS?"


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Rick answered the door. Chris could see a bizarre contraption inside that had various pieces laying around inside, with Knobs kneeling next to it.

"Hmmmm? Something about Knobs and... Colon?" Rick asked.


New member
Jul 21, 2011
Looked at the strange machine Knobs was tinkering with. "Uhh, yea. I wanted to ask if you would like to have them train together, I mean they were roommates in academy and they basically know the most about each other than anyone else. I figured it would make sense, besides it would give me and you time to learn more about each other." Chris replied taking his eyes off the contraption. He looked back at the thing, "Hey, how about Colon and Knobs work on, think."


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
It was pretty rare to seem Rick with his armour off, and he wasn't much shorter without it than with.

He shrugged. "Sure. I don't see the harm. Knobs is modding that Flammenwerfer up to more... modern standards. Apparently, this thing is from way back in the twentieth century. Best flamethrower they had at the time. It's pretty solid, and Knobs thinks that he can make it more... explosive. Colon would probably be of help.

"Anyways, it's getting late. My training happens in the early morning... really early. If we're going to combine training, you and Colon had better grab some shuteye."

Rick nodded and closed the door.


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
Jason awoke about six hours after he went to sleep, getting up he saw Mitchell and Webb still sleeping on the floor. "Wake up you two! we have a lot to do today." Jason said waking up the two sleeping soldiers as the jumped to attention. "I hope you like standing at attention because your about to do a lot of it." Jason exclaimed as he looked at the two sleepy soldiers. "Captain Kahlil we are within range of Dayelsha." Sanders stated over the intercom system in Jason's room. "Good, tell the rest of the squad to meet me in the briefing room for a final overview of the mission." Jason responded as he started to walk out of the room.

As Jason was walking to the briefing room he took time to go to the captains chair and look at the monitor. What he saw was a big tan planet with little blue dots and some green spots scattered around it. "So that's Dayelsha." Jason thought to himself before moving on to the briefing room. Once Jason made it to the briefing room he went to the front of the room and started to look over the pictures of the planet that they had taken. Jason noted that the E.U.S. Tokyo had sent a squad of their own lead by Sergeant Clearwater of WINGS.

Once all the squad was in the room he turned on the projector and an image of Dayelsha showed up on the screen behind him. "WINGS this is Dayelsha, this is the first planet we will be clearing out. You're in luck, the planet is completely uninhabited but the settlers refuse to land on the planet until we go and make sure that it's clear." Jason started out as the squad was studying the picture of the planet on the screen.

"As you can see this is mostly a desert planet with some scattered pools of water. Dayelsha's deserts do not have a high amount of oxygen because of the lack of plant life seeing as not even an earth cactus could survive in dayelsha's deserts. We will be focusing our attention on the spots with water and plant life as those will be the areas that the settlers will go to." Jason continued and during his speech he was using a laser pointer to point out the areas he was talking about.

"One more thing, the E.U.S. Tokyo has seen it fit to send one of their squads who will meet up with us at the drop off point. The squad is lead by a member of WINGS known as Sergeant Amos Clearwater." Jason added as he looked around the room at his squad. "If there are any questions ask them now." Jason added at the end just wanting to get this mission over with.


New member
Jul 22, 2011
"Sir, will our FEATHERs be following us?" James was leaning against the darkest corner in the room, with McMillan, and while James was nearly invisible, McMillan actually took two looks to notice. He had improved vastly in how quiet he was, no longer stomping around the ship, and being more comfortable in dark places.


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
"While I had not planned on them being here I will allow them to come. But have it be noted that you will hold all responsibility for your FEATHERs, If your FEATHER does something wrong I will punish both of you. They are also to follow my orders as well so do not give them orders that counteract mine." Jason responded.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Rick raised his hand. "Is there any more information on our 'God's Failed Chupacabra' or whatever it is?"


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
"The holes have mysteriously vanished. Were assuming that the holes never existed and it was just a mistake on the observers part. I don't think there will be any giant worms so you don't have to worry about them." Jason responded.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Rick made a mental note to grab a rocket launcher anyways. Intel wasn't as dumb as the military often thought it was. Besides, the rocket launcher was the only thing he could reliably aim straight.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Giant holes that disappear, eh? Camilla shook her head softly; this did not bode well, either due to dodgy Intel, or worse, something that could modify terrain...


New member
Jul 22, 2011
James nodded to McMillan and turned back, saluting "Sir, permission to fully arm ourselves for planetside?"

McMillan looked nervous. James had been drilling and stretching and pushing him almost constantly, and now he realized why James hadn't today, he'd been counting the days. If James wasn't trying to make-or-break him, it meant he thought something dangerous enough to warrant such caution might happen. Anything that scared the sarcastic assassin scared McMillan more, and he looked at Kell, suddenly becoming visible, hoping that his other teacher might somehow snap him out of his reverie, not realizing Kell might not even see McMillan now that he was stealthier, in a dark corner.

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
"An interesting bunch." Mused Jobe as he looked over the assembled squad. They all had side-kicks too. Why didn't he have someone to polish his boots? "Because they're scared of you" he found himself whispering. The weapon nut standing next to him threw him a quick glance then seemed to elect to ignore him. Whatever, it was of no consequence.
Jobe decided to pipe up: "Sir, I've gathered that we've been authorised to deal with any percieved threats by any means necassary. I'm assuming rules of engagement and animal rights crap don't apply to aliens? I REALLY don't want to have to waste my time justifying gutting the Earthworm From Hell."


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
"Permission granted." Jason responded saluting James back.

"The mission is kill anything that can be perceived as a threat. Sentient or not our mission is to kill them all. As so the rules of engagement do not apply." Jason answered.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Gah! Jobe seemed to get creepier by the second.

"Can we get any recommendations for which weapons to take?"


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
"You may take whichever weapon you'd like. Just take into account if you can carry it and if you are skilled with it." Jason responded.