Shadows of the Universe (Sci-fi Action RP)(Started)(Closed)


New member
Jul 21, 2011
Was in the hangar sitting on some boxes that were near the drop ship with his arm propped up on his knee. He kept thinking about what they would find planet-side, and what they would find in the rest of their travels. When he heard someone burst into the hangar he took a look at the entrance and saw Jobe with a look on his face like he wanted someone to die. "Looks like something is about to go down", Chris murmered to himself.


New member
Jul 22, 2011
James was in optic camo, and he didn't make a sound creepily enough as he walked around the hangar. Then Jobe come in with a rather interested look, and he stood still, in a far corner. He watched, and wished Rick was still playing some music, I should re-learn guitar or maybe learn some flute or something, that looked fun. I wonder if he could teach me?


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
Jason watched as the rest of his squad got on the Pegasus and took their seats in the back. "Okay guys cut the chatter." Jason ordered as the Pegasus fell silent. "Okay this will be our first mission together so let's lay down some ground rules." Jason started as he took position in the middle of the group.

"To start off with they may say that the planet is uninhabited but assume hostile life, be cautious with this I don't want to lose a squad member on the first mission. Secondly you will all follow my orders to the letter, that will make both our life's much easier. Third do not take unnecessary risks, those lead to someone getting wounded or killed and then your basically useless until you heal up or if you die you won't be useful ever again." Jason stated in his usual cold tone.

"Those are my rules and be sure to follow them. Now that thats taken care of, TAKE US DOWN TO THE PLANET PAX!" Jason shouted to the front of the Pegasus where Pax was located. Jason then felt the Pegasus start to move as he took his seat and pulled down the safety harness. He felt the Pegasus shake as it left the hangar of the Berlin and the Pegasus started to shake a little as the ship made it closer to the planet's atmosphere.

Jason looked out the window and saw that they were getting closer to the planet and that there were more Pegasus coming out of the Berlin and going towards the planet. Jason then saw some flames start to appear on the outside of the ship and he felt the heat of the Pegasus as it started to go through the planet's atmosphere. He then felt a sensation of free fall as the ship got closer to the ground and it was in a free fall. The ship started shaking as they got closer to the ground and the ignition kicked in to stop them from their free fall and it caused jason to slam back into his seat.

Without the feeling of free fall Jason looked out the window and noticed large body of water near the place where they were landing. He looked over to the spot where they were landing and he saw another pegasus near the location and what looked like people. "That must be Sgt. Clearwater." Jason thought to himself as the ship was getting close to the ground. Jason then felt the clank of the ship landing in the sand as the noise of the Pegasus' engines faded. Jason lifted his safety harness as he grabbed his pack and his rifle and exited the Pegasus.

Walking out of the Pegasus Jason noticed the heat and how it was a little difficult to move in the sand. He then looked over to the man who was looked like he was in charge and Jason walked over to him as his squad started to exit the Pegasus. "So you must be Sgt. Clearwater. I'm Captain Kahlil and I'm in charge of this mission." Jason said as the man looked over at him.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Jarmen and Hunter walked into the hangar looking around at the dropship and pair of fighters that now inhabited it, probably to act as an escort for the ride down. Both took notice of seperate things that were out of place in the hangar.

Hunter was looking at the floor, seeing the tell tale dents and scorch marks from the firefight several days before.
They still haven't cleaned this place up?

Kell on the other hand had taken interest in a shimmer of light moving toward a corner of the hangar. He slowly walked over to the corner, near the massive armored doors that acted as an airlock for the hangar, pretending to have taken an interest in the few heavily reinforced clear panels that allowed a view out into open space. With care Kell pulled out a battered, leather wrapped case and opened it. He pulled out a cigarillo and lit up. After standing quietly for several minutes blowing out smoke, the small cigar burning down slowly, he flicked the smouldering remains of it off to the side. It bounced off James' head with a soft *poink*
"That fancy armor's not much help under all these bright lights, sergeant."

This is a flashback to before they left. Yes, let's go with that. This is in no way an attempt to make it appear as though I did not check before posting. Stop thinking that it was.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Kell walked out, heading behind the Pegasus. He took a few moments to admire the impressive display of rapidly cooling glass that the Pegasus? engines had turned the sand into as it landed. It was still red hot and there was a soft crackling noise every few seconds as fragments cooled enough to solidify then crack.
?So, We?re the first people to ever set foot on an alien planet.?
He looked at Clearwater and the few soldiers he?d brought with him, milling about on the sand.
?Ok, 2nd people to ever-ENEMY AIRCRAFT!? Kell shouted, everyone jerked their heads up, some even falling to the ground as Kell and Hunter whipped their rifles out, firing into the sky several times. A half dozen bird-like creatures fell from the sky, most falling a fair distance from the pair of shuttles. Everyone looked back down at Kell. He was grinning from ear to ear.
?What? We?re supposed to kill everything, right? So they?re enemies. And they?re flying so??
He glanced at one of the flying creatures that had fallen near them. It had landed on the edge of the still hot glass and was beginning to burn. The smell of charred flesh filled the air.


New member
Jul 22, 2011
James noticed a creature skulking infront of him before confusedly looking around for his scent, and then getting a combat knife in it's head as James de-cloaked "You could have just said birdies, Kell. No reason to make us think sentient life decided to say a military hello." James was cleaning his knife on the rubbery skin of the mastiff-sized creature he'd killed, sitting on the corpse like some sort of macabre log around a the glassed sand campfire


New member
Jul 21, 2011
Was casually standing in the heat of the sun, trying to get over the sudden adrenaline rush Kell had worked up, "Ya Kell, try to take it easy before someone does something stupid. You ever hear of the story of 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf'?" Chris said to Kell, he then took his pair of binoculars and started scanning the area to see if anything of importance was around. He then thought to himself that it was a good thing that he always wore a handkerchief over his mouth and nose, it was perfect on a planet like this.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
"It's not a bird, Reynolds. Look at it. Its got no feathers, no beak. Its a flying...lizard...bird..." He paused and crouched down next to it, the glass now cool enough to stand on.
" thing? It's got gills. Why the fuck has it got gills if it lives in a desert? No, in the sky above a desert?"
He picked the thing up and held it in front of him. With greatly exaggerated motions he pulled it towards its face and pretended to take a bite. One of Clearwater's soldiers turned and walked away, looking squeamish.
"Hey! I was just pretending!"
He turned back to Gannon.
"No, I haven't. Is it about a boy who's tears are so big they can hold wolves?"


New member
Jul 22, 2011
"It's a cautionary tale, and a great con to play to interfere with a guard cycle of a target location. You see, back in the middle ages, there was this boy. He was a shepherd's boy, well, needless to say, he got bored every so often. So he one day yelled out 'WOLF WOLF!' Well, the villagers nearby all grabbed their bows and came quickly, but he said that he'd managed to beat the wolf back himself, and he was praised for his honor and skill, well, the next day he did the same thing, and the next, and the next, until one day a week later, a wolf actually did come, so he of course cried out 'WOLF!'. But nobody came, him and his entire flock was devoured. The lesson, is never tell the same lie twice."

James put his now-clean knife back into it's home on his belt, to join it's several friends, and walked over to the animals Kell had shot

"We could call them... Kells? After their great and tolerant discoverer?"


New member
Jul 16, 2010
"No thanks. I'd rather not amuse myself by shooting things named after me. ...I think we should call them Reynolds."


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Rick had wandered to the water and stuck his hand in it experimentally. It was warm, but not so much as to be unpleasant. The entire trip down, Jobe had been giving him the stinkeye, and Rick wasn't sure what he'd done to piss him off. Whatever

GOOD GOD, it was hot. Rick ventured over to the nearest clump of trees to seek shade. Off in the distant desert, he thought he saw a dune suddenly rise and fall again, but after blinking a few times, he wrote it off as a mirage.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Sorry for being late, timezones and shit

Amos glared at the young Captain, wondering how such a brazen youth could hold such a rank. He pointedly ignored the rest of the man's squad and sighed audibly, attempting to draw attention to the fact that he wasn't amused with being held up

Amos Clearwater had been waiting at the rendezvous point for over an hour. He'd sent most of his squad onto the target area while he waited to brief the new arrivals, allowing the best of his soldiers to stay behind as an escort.

Surveying the hostile landscape with hard eyes, Amos spoke sharply to Jason. "What's do be done then? I have men waiting at our target position and I'm loathe to keep them waiting any longer than necessary." He glanced sideways at the young captain before striding to the edge of the body of water. He didn't like this youth. It didn't seem right that a mere boy was a captain. Something was definitely wrong with the system...


New member
Jul 22, 2011
"No no, we all know that you are the mauve shirt, and I'm the charming Rogue." James nodded to Kell wisely, then looked around , McMillan had been panting in the shade of the Pegasus "Oi, Private McMillan c'mere, I need you to settle a dispute between sadistic superior officers."

McMillan paled, suddenly, the desert wasn't nearly warm enough.


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
"Cut the Chatter you two!" Jason snapped becoming a little annoyed with their bickering. "SSSSIIIIIIIRRRRRR!!!" one of clearwater's soldiers started yelling as he was running towards the group. "What is it private?" Jason asked as clearwater glared at him for asking his soldier first. "Well uhm we discovered a large hole over there sir and it doesn't look like it was naturally made." The private explained.

"Take us there private." Jason ordered as he looked back to the rest of his squad. "Let's get a move on, I think they discovered something." Jason stated to the rest of the squad. The group was lead past a few dunes and in about 10 minutes they made it to the giant hole the soldier was talking about. Jason looked at the hole and estimated it was about 200 ft from one side to the other. "Whatever made that won't be easy to kill." Jason thought as he looked down the hole and he couldn't see the bottom.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Rick hastily followed everyone through the dunes to the hole. He knelt down and peered over the edge. It was very recently made, as there was hardly any wind, yet sand was pouring over the edge into the hole. The walls had a weird glassy coating that held back the sand. Rick put two and two together.

"Sir, I think that the vanishing holes we saw in briefing vanish when the weird wall structure dissolves, and the hole collapses on itself." As if on cue, a bit of sand suddenly gushed in about halfway down where they could see.

Rick stepped carefully away from the hole. "I think God's Failed Chupacabra is a viable option again. Requesting permission to turn off the safety on my rocket launcher."


New member
Jul 21, 2011
Looked at the giant hole and said, "With the size of this hole, I'me guessing it is either a giant sand gopher or a giant worm/snake. Either way it is going to be a ***** to take out." Chris then decided to jog up a nearby sand dune to use his binoculars and see if he could spot anymore holes.


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
"Not yet Sgt. we still don't know what made this hole." Jason responded as he looked at the walls of the hole. Jason noted what Rick was talking about and noticed the glassy coating it had, he couldn't tell if it was a natural substance or a synthetic one. As jason was looking down the hole a group of the lizard bird creatures came flying out of the hole almost knocking him down.

"Jesus Christ!" Jason shouted as he jumped back from the hole. "Fucking lizard birds!" Jason swore as he stood up and brushed the sand off his armor.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Rick watched the lizard birds fly back towards where the oasis was.

"Well... it's a hole, sir. Should we go back to the trees and water to mark out a landing zone and ideal outpost location?"


New member
Jul 22, 2011
"Kell was right... They DO have gills... If I remember my high-school evolutionary classes right, that would mean they're either things that evolved from something with gills, and they're gills either stayed, or evolved into something else, or there's a lot more water somewhere we don't know about." James frowned, casting his mind back to his classes "If there are underground lakes, that would probably mean these things evolved to come up to the surface for food. Now, we can hope against all odds they're herbivores, but they seem to have teeth, so they probably eat those strange ground-creatures of which I knifed earlier. Some 'lifeless' world this is."

McMillan was looking around, and then pointed to more of the ground creatures hiding closer to the squads, and the bird-lizards seemingly deciding to find easier prey, farther from the perceived human threat. "Seems we're the local walking safezone from predators."