It's not so much that it's new, so much as it is incredibly faster these days.ObsidianJones said:This is a cooking thought, but I'm counting it.
Why do we act like #CancelCulture is a new thing? The only thing new is the Nomenclature. Boycotts, McCarthyism, Flower Power vs the Man, Treatment of Abolitionist, Socialism, Censorship during the new Media Era, the list goes on and on.
If you name a period in history, you will find someone against almost every aspect of it.
Hell, 80's had us against Socialism, us against rampant consumerist greed, us against the poor, us against the yuppies, us against nu wave, us against all the various types of metal genres, us against the new era, us against the status quo, us against the Me Era, us against Hands around the world...
90's was the counter culture movement, us against the Companies destroying the earth, us against the new hippies, us against the intellectual movement in hip hop, us against the rise of gangsta rap, us against conservatism, us against PC...
2000's was the Return of the Me Era, us against the war in Iraq, us against the speaking out against the troops (which meant anything, just as the Dixie Chicks), us against corporate greed that caused the recession, us against hand outs and lowering prices because companies need to stay competitive, us against PC Gone Amuck, us against the rise of hate groups again, us against cyber bullying, us against censorship and people with thin skins, us against the climate change weirdos who believe the earth is changing, us against the climate change weirdos who don't believe the earth is changing...
There was no end to it. There will be no end to it. And for people to constantly say "It's never been as bad as this" can't remember when D&D was almost outlawed for being Satanic []. Or how one of the greatest comedians who ever done it had to change Obscenity Laws in the Supreme Court [], ushering a new way of communication in media. Or how a decent amount of the population called in death threats and boycotted Ellen DeGeneres after she came out on her show [].
This is all the same bs it's always been. It will be the same bs ten years from now with a same name. And you will think it's never been as bad as it was before.
Or, you can just break the cycle and be ok with 7 billion people being different and voicing it. Give respect as much as you want to give it, and understand the spotlight needs to shine on others from time to time.