trunkage said:
Hey, just checking everything's still okay
Ok, here goes.
Back in January I met a woman (for convenience, let's call her Julia) at a close friend's house party. We got along well, started hanging out, became friends. I developed feelings for her, and eventually decided to man up and invited her for dinner, we had a nice evening, kissed, and the next thing we were dating. The next few months were honestly some of the best I've had. Julia is smart, funny, sweet, supportive, pretty darn attractive, a little geeky, and a whole bunch of other good qualities. Honestly I initially thought her out of my league. She's basically everything I could want in a girlfriend.
But some things bothered me. Like how Julia told me she worked in a bar, but I noticed she only worked 3 days a week on average, and how could she afford an apartment and make ends meet on just that? Or how I once found what I was pretty sure were (negative) STD test results on her kitchen counter while looking for some other stuff. But everything else was great and I was afraid I'd maybe ruin thing by prying, so I sort of wrote it off and banked on trust. Then friday last week I felt like thing had got to the point where I felt confident in asking her to go steady, but I wanted things to be clear between us first. So we met at her place, I expressed what I wanted from out relationship and voiced my concerns, and that's when she told me what she actually does for a living:
"I'm a prostitute"
Julia started explaining after, like how she didn't tell right away because every time she did before when dating outside the sector the guy always ditched her, and she wanted to wait for a good time. How she's doing it entirely of her own will, there's no coercion or drugs involved, always uses protection, gets herself tested every month and that the sex on the job is strictly business. How she really wants to continue our relationship and promised to always be open from now on. I just stood there and listened. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to react. I eventually said I needed some time and left. I haven't seen or talked to her since, tho she's been messaging and calling a lot.
Now I don't know what to do. I'm hurt that she lied, but I still love her. Having her in my life was a vast improvement. Part of me wants to forgive and believe her that we can make this work. Part of me is afraid we can't and that I won't be able to handle her, you know. Asked some close friends for advice. Opinions are split 50/50 between "take the chance" and "better end it now".
Done. Made it through. If anything, felt somewhat relieving to write it all down.