Gameplay isn't EVERYTHING, but it's really the most important thing. Gameplay that is lacking can be compensated for by a great story or immersion or incredible graphics and such, but its a much harder sell, and its easier to have great gameplay compensate for the other things I listed. That's why games like Halo, Gears of War, God of War, Quake, and to some extent casual/PopCap games do better than games like Psychonauts, No More Heroes, Beyond Good and Evil, and essentially the whole adventure game genre. If you want to focus more on presentation than gameplay, fair enough, but you'd better work hard to make all your other pieces compensate for it. I never played Too Human, but from what I can tell, SK did NOT do a good job of compensating for bad gameplay. It did a very good job with Eternal Darkness, which really exactly wow me in terms of gameplay but sucked me in about 5 minutes after I started playing it.