Skyrim physical copies have no data on the discs


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Its likely your friend is just stupid and tried to run the setup from the disk and got redirected to Steam with a message that the game will be available to download on 11/11/11. You will still install the game from the disk. People have already been replying saying they have the disk with data on it.

Mr Thin

New member
Apr 4, 2010
Damnation, Escapists are a bunch of ninnies.

I admit I was worried after reading the OP... then I read the rest of the thread, like you're bloody supposed to, found the several people pointing out that it was bullshit, and relaxed. About five other people who posted have done this; the rest have clearly not read past the OP.

Makes me mad that I even bothered to read their stupid posts, when they clearly have no interest in reciprocating. Wankers.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
This thread: Proof that members of The Escapist are the easiest group on the internet to troll, as they're too damn lazy to read the entire thread, reading only the first post and believing it as fact.

10/10 OP, it's like stealing candy from a fetus.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
I'm pretty sure it we wont be DLing the WHOLE game from steam, it might just be like Battlefield 3's installation where it "Downloads" aka installs from steam with the data from the disk.

If what I said will be true then some people will be surprised seeing their DL going at 11MBs per second =]


New member
Apr 3, 2011
Well fuck that for a joke. Here in New Zealand, where the internet is third world and outrageously overpriced, I pay $50 a month for 15gb. That's $90 odd for the game, then another $50 to download the fucking thing. Not impressed. Plus we don't get any of that megabit fancyness over here, oh no, it's cause for celebration if steam goes faster than 300kbps over here >_>


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Irridium said:
SuperMse said:
That's how every Valve game works, yet everyone seems fine with them.
Um... no. I've installed Portal 2 using the disk. As well as Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Team Fortress 2, Half Life 2 and its Episodes, Portal, Day of Defeat Source, and Counter-Strike Source.

OT: Chances are your friend made the same mistake I made with Civilization V. Chances are it just auto-defaulted to installing by downloading from Steam. To fix it you have to manually run the setup.exe. Pain in the ass, yes, but there it is.

Wouldn't matter anyway. Skyrim doesn't unlock for a few days, so even if he did install it, he couldn't play it until the 11th.
Now that I think about it, you're right. I mistook installing from the disc but to a Steam library as downloading from Steam as well. Oops. Guess I shouldn't post when I'm starving.
May 5, 2010
neonsword13-ops said:
Console gaming for da win!

OT: But seriously, that sucks. The Steam servers are going to be very busy come 11/11/11.
Exactly what I was gonna say. Feels pretty damn good to be a console gamer right about now.

Although after all the disdain for consoles (and, more importantly, console gamers) around here, I have very little sympathy.


New member
Dec 12, 2008
Well, good thing I'm going super early. And honestly, I'm only getting a physical copy to save money when I trade in RAGE. I'd activate it on Steam anyway cuz using discs to run your games is for people in 2003.

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
Sorry man, your story is just too vague for me to believe. I'll have to see some actual evidence before I 'unleash my fury'.


New member
Dec 12, 2008
The Steam Servers are always busy on release days. The pre-load is today anyway. So everyone who pre-ordered will be long done fighting for bandwidth come Friday.


New member
May 10, 2011
Aris Khandr said:
Well frak. If true, this is really going to upset a friend of mine in NZ. They have a download cap, and Skyrim would chew hers up like a pack of wolves on a steak.
Got that right, I've pretty much gone for my whole month of usage downloading barely anything JUST so I can download Skyrim. Oh the things we do for games...

OT: That kinda ruins the whole point of having a physical copy, you get it so you can admire the disc, case, manual etc, no? I can imagine how guttered your' friend must be... with Skyrim of all games.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
So I pay ~$20 more for the same product, but it comes with a case..... WTF? All they do is make people turn to torrents for faster download speed.


New member
May 2, 2011
People should at least read down the first page instead of exploding at rage at the first post and then commenting.

TLDR - OP is wrong.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Nonono thats wrong it will give you a code to go to steam then it will install from the disc just like orange box


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Arluza said:
One of my acquaintances got the PC copy of Skyrim today. He already knew that he wouldn't be able to play until Friday, but he looked on the disc anyway to see if he could install any of it. The answer is no. All in the disc is a small bit of code redirecting to Steam so you can download all of the game from there.

I am kinda pissed about this. I paid $150 for the CE of the game and I want to be able to install from the disc (A La Deus Ex: Human Revolution) because it is a LOT faster. I guess I am a little lucky to not have it coming to me until the 12th, because by then I expect I might be able to download it from Steam by the time it gets here. Those servers will be too full and wouldn't see me anyway.Just thought I'd tell you guys.

I know for some of you, it doesn't matter at all. But this type of thing aggravates me a bit.
Please can you edit the post there is data on the disc it just needs to register on steam first


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Reminds me of Shogun Total War. I got the disk, I installed it then Steam wanted to download the ENTIRE game all over again before it would let me play.

oh, and the patches, I don't need those patches to play Dawn of War single player, Steam disagrees.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
Why not pre load it? I'm pre loading my (digital) copy on Steam, and he might be able to, too.


New member
Apr 4, 2009
Arluza said:
One of my acquaintances got the PC copy of Skyrim today. He already knew that he wouldn't be able to play until Friday, but he looked on the disc anyway to see if he could install any of it. The answer is no. All in the disc is a small bit of code redirecting to Steam so you can download all of the game from there.

I am kinda pissed about this. I paid $150 for the CE of the game and I want to be able to install from the disc (A La Deus Ex: Human Revolution) because it is a LOT faster. I guess I am a little lucky to not have it coming to me until the 12th, because by then I expect I might be able to download it from Steam by the time it gets here. Those servers will be too full and wouldn't see me anyway.Just thought I'd tell you guys.

I know for some of you, it doesn't matter at all. But this type of thing aggravates me a bit.
Steam will likely have Skyrim up for a pre-load, so you may not have to wait for an install to play it on the 11th.


New member
May 14, 2008
Somonah said:
People still buy PC games from stores?
Yes, they do. I happen to be one of them. I actually like having physical copies of my games, in fact it's actually a fairly important aspect to me since I'm a collector.

If things eventually become digital distribution only, I will quit buying new games, permanently.

And for the record, I don't bluff, period. I have more than enough older games to keep me entertained as is, so it's not even much of a loss.