Skyrim physical copies have no data on the discs


New member
Nov 1, 2011
Well, ain't that dandy. It means that I'll have to wait for about one more day after I actually have the freakin' thing, considering it's a 6-gig game. It really annoys me. I'm one of the kind of people who always like to have the actual disk in my hand, but knowing that I pretty much just have a postit saying "Ask Steam for it" really makes me unsatisfied. Oh well, at least it makes up for having to wait 3-7 days for Amazon to deliver the thing, since know I can giggle at everyone who has it from 11/11/11 because they're going to be downloading at one megabyte per hour. They'll still going to get it considerably earlier than me, but at least I have that small consolation.

Of course, there's always the chance that that's only the pre-release copies, to stop leakages, which I hope is the case, but honestly, considering gaming is moving towards only-digital very fast, I doubt it.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
For God?s sake, Harry!

distortedreality said:
People should at least read down the first page instead of exploding at rage at the first post and then commenting.

TLDR - OP is wrong.
Indeed, then people might actually have noticed...

Caniroth said:
This is not true, I've got the Skyrim DVD as well, and it has data on it, it just won't let you install it untill 11-11-11 (it checks with Steam though, but you won't have to download it, well, maybe you'll have to download a patch :) ).
Vergial said:
...I'm having a hard time believing just how dense almost everyone in this thread is.

He has the game before launch.

It's a Steam game.



Is this helping anyone make the connection? At all?

For those still quite slow: The disc has data to check with Steam to see if the game is actually released. If it is not, nothing happens. If it IS, the install can proceed. Steam has done this for MULTIPLE games to avoid the pre-launch gameplay silliness.

Christ. My IQ dropped just looking at this thread.
DRes82 said:
Its just not true. All the copies at gamestop have many gigabytes of data on the disks.

Your friend is lying to you.
DRes82 said:
Its just not true. All the copies at gamestop have many gigabytes of data on the disks.

Your friend is lying to you.
skullduggery said:
Holy shit people, don't believe everything you read.

They got a physical copy *before* game release. How? What does your "friend" do to get this? How could you download it before release, even if that was true? Why would Bethsoft send you a completely worthless DVD?

I call shenanigans on this.
Aethren said:
This thread: Proof that members of The Escapist are the easiest group on the internet to troll, as they're too damn lazy to read the entire thread, reading only the first post and believing it as fact.

10/10 OP, it's like stealing candy from a fetus.
ExiledPaladin13 said:
I'm pretty sure it we wont be DLing the WHOLE game from steam, it might just be like Battlefield 3's installation where it "Downloads" aka installs from steam with the data from the disk.

If what I said will be true then some people will be surprised seeing their DL going at 11MBs per second =]
Better now, Escapist?


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Somonah said:
People still buy PC games from stores?

EDIT- i bet the people who buy PC games from RL shops also have VHS players, a CRT monitor and music on cassettes.
I have all of the above, what's your point?

Though most of those are because it's stuff that's hanging around I'm too poor to replace (e.g. the 14" CRT TV + VCR in the kitchen, currently no good for anything but old movies until I can find what cupboard my spare digital receiver got buried in; the tape player is built into my car dashboard and would cost more to replace than the vehicle is worth, so I may as well keep playing the mixtapes that took so many of my youthful hours to create), there's still a good argument to be made for having physical copies of games available. It's a lot quicker and more robust to install for a start: even the slowest, most ultramobile contemporary DVD drive won't take more than 30 minutes to read that data... my own somewhat chunkier drive would probably do it in less than a quarter hour. That's equivalent to a 22 ~ 50 Mbit internet link. The fastest I can ever get to my home is 13Mbit, and you can bet that it won't even be 1/10th that speed when the servers are being hammered on release day.

My somewhat cheap internet also comes with a 10 Gbyte "daytime" (08:00 to 23:59) monthly cap, which this would eat 60% of if I put the disc in to install it without realising that it was all going to come off the net... if I was already sailing close to that limit and otherwise rationing myself, it could potentially cost me an extra £10 (on top of the purchase price, and a £12.99 phone/net tariff) because it would bust thru the bandwidth cap, and then through the extra 5Gb-for-£5 limit which would have been automatically added. I could try downloading it overnight, but getting it within the "free" window cap would need at least a continuous 1.8Mbit transfer rate across myself, my ISP, the backbone, and the Steam servers, which I bet will be hard to come by for the next couple weeks. *Portal* took goddamn long enough to copy when I grabbed it on their free offer...

Plus this also makes it difficult if not impossible to archive a working copy of the game for future review or replay when the download servers for it are inevitably shut down in a few years' time. As someone who is currently in the middle of experiencing a lot of near-10-year-old classics for the first time, having had to give regular gaming an extended hiatus because of life-chaos reasons, I wouldn't appreciate being forced to miss it entirely. It'd be like going back to a time before VCRs and DVDs, in TV terms. (Which is also why I don't fancy the idea of physical CDs and DVDs disappearing from the market)

And of course, if your internet is patchy in any case, you're going to have extra difficulty even getting hold of the game, on top of issues with playing it cooperatively. And you can use the disc to install even if the Steam server is temporarily broken, and get playing straight away when service is restored.

Plus, they already went to the effort of writing the code and pressing up all those discs - when they could have just given you a scrap of paper with a URL and password printed on it. This seems massively counterproductive. Hopefully they'll offer to replace these "dummy" discs with real ones once the mass market release day has passed? We can't even make the argument that this is a penny-pinching money saving manoeuvre (what, 50p per copy maybe?) because it takes just as much time and money to press an almost-blank disc as a chock-full one. And the pirates will probably find a way to snag the download copy and hack it to work anyway. Mad.

Oh, and my other CRT monitor is still in occasional use because I have some classic consoles that DON'T WORK WITH LCD TVS because they use weird scanline modes that CRTs understand just fine, but LCDs go crazy with. Or they output RGB down a scart lead but not the "I am using RGB" signal that the monitor has a manual switch for.

tl;dr NOT EVERY OLD THING OR IDEA IS AUTOMATICALLY BAD, just as not every new idea or thing is automatically good. Jeez.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Either way I'm not too fussed. The joys of royal Britannia, 50 meg broadband and no cap. From what I can tell.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
And yeah I didn't read the whole thread this time, as I was answering a particular, early post. STFU.

If the guy says there's nothing on the disc except a steam launcher, and I don't have one of my own to check against, I'm going to at least initially give him the benefit of the doubt that he opened the disc filesystem in Explorer and checked how much stuff was on it. Or tried to image it with ImgBurn/etc and found it was only a couple of meg in size.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
YepGeddon said:
Either way I'm not too fussed. The joys of royal Britannia, 50 meg broadband and no cap. From what I can tell.
Enjoy your enormous monthly Virgin Media bill?

V TheSystem V

New member
Sep 11, 2009
Misterian said:
Something tells me I have another reason to be happy that I'm a Console Player.
This. We may not be able to get it early, but at least we can play it right off the bat.

If we do get it least we can play it right off the bat.



The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
neonsword13-ops said:
Console gaming for da win!

OT: But seriously, that sucks. The Steam servers are going to be very busy come 11/11/11.
That GIF made me laugh hard

but srsly for you PC guys

That sucks but waiting a little longer isn't a bad thing

but you can always read the manuel


Senior Member
Jul 1, 2011
I find this very hard to believe.

If it isn't true, would somebody please edit the title so that the uninformed don't get the wrong idea.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Did anyone raging finish reading the first page? It's not true. I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt to the OP and say I think his friend might have been trolling him. So calm down world, other people have said it's not true. Keep calm and enjoy Skyrim!


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Somonah said:
People still buy PC games from stores?

EDIT- i bet the people who buy PC games from RL shops also have VHS players, a CRT monitor and music on cassettes.
There are still people that don't have internet access.

There are people who don't like using their bank account or credit card details online.

Of course people still buy from retail shops you silly person with quite possibly the daftest comment of the day.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Aris Khandr said:
Well frak. If true, this is really going to upset a friend of mine in NZ. They have a download cap, and Skyrim would chew hers up like a pack of wolves on a steak.
Oh trust me, many a Kiwi are raging about this. Luckily, we're on a unlimited bandwidth scheme (But limited speed...the fuck?), and my flatmate recently got Rage. 22 Gigabytes. The biggest plan we found aside from Unlim ones was about an 80G cap for a hundred bucks a month. Internet in NZ is bullshit.

Also, tell your mate to get it for console if she doesn't plan on modding Skyrim. And if she has a console. And plays console games like Skyrim.


New member
Apr 4, 2009
Rariow said:
Well, ain't that dandy. It means that I'll have to wait for about one more day after I actually have the freakin' thing, considering it's a 6-gig game. It really annoys me. I'm one of the kind of people who always like to have the actual disk in my hand, but knowing that I pretty much just have a postit saying "Ask Steam for it" really makes me unsatisfied. Oh well, at least it makes up for having to wait 3-7 days for Amazon to deliver the thing, since know I can giggle at everyone who has it from 11/11/11 because they're going to be downloading at one megabyte per hour. They'll still going to get it considerably earlier than me, but at least I have that small consolation.

Of course, there's always the chance that that's only the pre-release copies, to stop leakages, which I hope is the case, but honestly, considering gaming is moving towards only-digital very fast, I doubt it.
Actually Skyrim is up for preload right now, I am already 50% done... so giggle away I geuss.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Well, I'm just glad I live in Denmark, the internet highway of the world!

Or among the top, anyway.