Skyrim physical copies have no data on the discs


New member
Apr 12, 2011
Aris Khandr said:
Well frak. If true, this is really going to upset a friend of mine in NZ. They have a download cap, and Skyrim would chew hers up like a pack of wolves on a steak.
You got that right. Internet down here is really expensive, and is like filtering glue down a thin wire.


New member
Oct 5, 2010

Have to say, not a big fan of downloading. I want to know if I'll have to download the game if I get it on a console (If anybody knows, give me a shout).

Why do they bother making physical copies at all if they're just basically Links and redeem codes in a case?


New member
Apr 4, 2009
Christopher N said:

Have to say, not a big fan of downloading. I want to know if I'll have to download the game if I get it on a console (If anybody knows, give me a shout).

Why do they bother making physical copies at all if they're just basically Links and redeem codes in a case?
No download on the console(other than the eventual patches and DLC of course). Also the OP was wrong: The disk does have the install files on it, it simply installs through Steam but from the disk.


Disciple of The Gravity cat
Apr 16, 2010
I was about to rage until I saw this
lacktheknack said:
Caniroth said:
This is not true, I've got the Skyrim DVD as well, and it has data on it, it just won't let you install it untill 11-11-11 (it checks with Steam though, but you won't have to download it, well, maybe you'll have to download a patch :) ).
Oh, snap! OP should see this...
thanks for that.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
I'll wait to comment upon it when my collector's edition arrives tomorrow. But even if it is like that... Well 5gb is not that much to download. Even with crappy internet you can do it overnight I guess.

neonsword13-ops said:
Console gaming for da win!
Yep, your modding community will get things ready faster because they won't have to wait for down- Waaait a minute.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
I hope the Xbox 360 version doesn't pull this kind of shit, because I couldn't finish Arkham City due to the fact the bugger kept telling me to go on Xbox Live, which I don't have.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Are you retarded ?

Do you honestly believe they would bother setting up production and logistics for a blank disk ?
Do you have any idea of how much work is involved in getting those boxes into your local retailers shelfs ?

If it was DL only, you'ld get an empty case and a DL code, simple as that.
If you get a disk, you WILL have code on it. Sure, we can all expect Day0 patches beeing downloaded during installation, but you'll have to have most of the game on disc.

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
lacktheknack said:
Caniroth said:
This is not true, I've got the Skyrim DVD as well, and it has data on it, it just won't let you install it untill 11-11-11 (it checks with Steam though, but you won't have to download it, well, maybe you'll have to download a patch :) ).
Oh, snap! OP should see this...
Yeah, this.

It's worth noting that sometimes discs with Steam on it fuck up and decide it'd rather not install the game. All the data is there, it just activates then uses the download as a source instead of the disc. Usually all you have to do is delete the game, then run the installer again and it should get itself into gear.

The Steam disc installer and Steam downloader also look identical, right down to the mb/s measure, so your friend could have been mistaken that way.


New member
Jul 4, 2010
Caniroth said:
This is not true, I've got the Skyrim DVD as well, and it has data on it, it just won't let you install it untill 11-11-11 (it checks with Steam though, but you won't have to download it, well, maybe you'll have to download a patch :) ).
And despite refuting everything we've heard so far and completely diffusing the problem here, that statement is going largely ignored. Like, five more pages of ignored. God damnit.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Insanity72 said:
Baresark said:
Somonah said:
People still buy PC games from stores?

EDIT- i bet the people who buy PC games from RL shops also have VHS players, a CRT monitor and music on cassettes.
There was originally talk of a cloth map, which was revealed to be lie. you have a source that says the premium map is a lie? Because i have not been able to find one article, blog or announcement stating that it's a lie.

Bethesda has stated that the Premium map will be made of a similar material to Burlap
It will apparently be a paper material that feels similar to burlap. It was tweeted on that guys (his name escapes me at this time) twitter account. The guy from Bethesda... damn, and I can't find his name. It's not just going to be plain paper, no worries about that.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
Hey guys, just giving my 2 cents.

I pre-ordered skyrim for PC and got it yesterday (The Netherlands gets their copies faster appearantly <3, still can't do anything because steam unlocks it at 11-11-11, just fapping on the disc xD)

As far as I know you don't have to download the whole game, the data on the disc directs you to steam, yes, but I think it will be the same as with the Dawn of War 2 games that you need to have steam and then it gets the data from the disc. So internetz is needed alas.

I would like to see the game accesible without internet, just like Oblivion. Hoping they will give a refund or whatever other option(Will likely never ever happen, but hey, one can hope)

Hoping this might calm a few people :p
Mar 5, 2011
Somonah said:
People still buy PC games from stores?

EDIT- i bet the people who buy PC games from RL shops also have VHS players, a CRT monitor and music on cassettes.
I bet you haven't been PC gaming for very long. Having a physical copy is just so much better then a Steam or GOG download. I bought the Orange Box off of Ebay last month just to have the physical copy. Also my internet is really slow. And capped. And it's stolen WiFi.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Somonah said:
Rawne1980 said:
There are still people that don't have internet access.
There are people who don't like using their bank account or credit card details online.
Of course people still buy from retail shops you silly person with quite possibly the daftest comment of the day.
If they don't have internet access, how can they read what i post on this site?
Possibly Rawne meant "broadband"? A lot of people in less well provisioned areas are stuck on dialup because it's just too expensive for themselves or the cable company to run a BB line out to them, and satellite broadband is still kinda pricey. You can still get a reasonable game over dial-up if all the textures etc are cached, you just can't use voice chat or download any extra stuff in a meaningful fashion. If you're on 56k, six gigabytes would take about ELEVEN DAYS to download, IF you do nothing else, AND the line doesn't drop after a few hours... which is a heck of a wait even if your connection call is free. If it's charged at, say, a super low 0.5p per minute, that's £77...

tahrey said:
My somewhat cheap internet also comes with a 10 Gbyte "daytime" (08:00 to 23:59) monthly cap, which this would eat 60% of if I put the disc in to install it without realising that it was all going to come off the net... if I was already sailing close to that limit and otherwise rationing myself, it could potentially cost me an extra £10 (on top of the purchase price, and a £12.99 phone/net tariff) because it would bust thru the bandwidth cap, and then through the extra 5Gb-for-£5 limit which would have been automatically added. I could try downloading it overnight, but getting it within the "free" window cap would need at least a continuous 1.8Mbit transfer rate across myself, my ISP, the backbone, and the Steam servers, which I bet will be hard to come by for the next couple weeks. *Portal* took goddamn long enough to copy when I grabbed it on their free offer...
So your internet is sectioned off to 'peak hour cap' and off-peak hour cap' exactly like mine. What you can do, exactly like i do is download it overnight. And don't even try to ***** about your internet speed to me, im in Australia, we have the worst speeds in the world.
I think I already covered those two points... but let's reiterate.

* If the download is running slow, as in significantly below 2mbit/sec (which is not an uncommon thing to happen - as I said, Portal really dragged, and that was just from the stragglers who never previously played it grabbing it for free rather than the launch of a hotly anticipated AAA title) then it won't complete in the "off peak" period. Either you'll have to interrupt it with no good guarantee it won't just start over (AND wait most of an extra day before getting to play your paid-for game), or accept that hit to your bandwidth. And some people don't have this partitioning - I specifically went for this plan even though it wasn't the most affordable or that high a peaktime cap because I have a catch-up-TV streamer set to download in the offpeak time, and don't make superheavy data use of the internet other than that.

And, if it actually downloads from Steam without telling you, or you put the disc in and set it going automatically or whatever, trusting it to come off the disc, that's a sudden and unexpected lump of peak time usage (or unavoidable consumption of your 24/7 cap). Also, I would have to stay up to start it - or, having bought the game earlier in the day, on disc so I could start straight away... I'd feel cheated at then having to wait those long agonising hours until it can be safely started.

* My own internet speed isn't the issue, I haven't had to use anything less than 10mbit in quite a while - or at least, my mother's net (which I sometimes "borrow" from if I'm near my cap) will step down from 10 to 5 to 2.5 when you make heavy use of it in a short period, but you'd still be able to snag 6gb in ~3 hours even so. My own connection doesn't have heavy traffic shaping, just the "flexible" cap (ie you pay harsh overage fees but there's no upper limit). In clear conditions it will run at a fairly steady 13-ish Mbit, which is better than 1x DVD or 8x CDROM, and get you the game in about 90 minutes.

What instead I'm anticipating is huge SERVER load, which may bring speeds way down. I'm sure Steam has quite a good connection and some pretty beefy servers, but there's still a limit to what you can supply, and big "events" like this would create congestion even WITH some of the players installing from disc instead. If it was to fall to, say, 1.5 Mbit (single-speed CDROM), then the aforementioned longer-than-eight-hour download would result. That's peaktime usage I shouldn't have to be virtually/actually paying for, time spent waiting for a download when I could be playing, and an utter waste of a pressed DVD, the box it comes in, and the drive it was inserted into.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Well glad to find out data is on disc from later posts in thread. I was about to cancel my pre-order because last game I downloaded entirely offline was League of Legends and that took me nine hours. Partially because down loader kept freezing for first five.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
If this is true, then I am going to trade Skyrim in the second I get it. I just don't have the Internet cap to download all these games...


New member
Sep 18, 2009
bahumat42 said:
it wouldn't be hard
at all
there will be a dozen download sites offering the game in perpetuity. It will always be there, now for those unlucky enough to have terrible internet, sucks to be you i guess, but the stuff is still here for the rest of us.
There's no proof or guarantee of that. It might be near impossible to hack. The sites (at least, the easy to find ones) may be hit with takedown notices and greyhat DDoSes.

If you have it there, on a disc, then you can play it as long as you like. I recently resurrected my old Atari... and most of the floppies, despite being of early 90s vintage, still worked well enough for me to get the games and other apps up and running, and I had an enjoyable evening wandering down memory lane.

Ditto a lot of old PC games on floppy and CDROM.

Some of the ones that don't work, I'm fairly confident in finding a copy of online... but others, particularly those which stopped working years ago before I even put the machine to bed, I have NEVER found online copies of, and when they do sometimes crop up, they're fakes or otherwise corrupted and don't work.

You can repair a scratched CD / DVD, and keep retrying reads on a worn floppy in the hope that the head will catch the last fragments of the dying sector and you can clone it onto a new one. Bit hard to do that with files on a remote hard disk that are just images of a disc someone else ripped ages ago and may have made a complete hash of.