some people who THOUGHT they were RPG fans were immediately disheartened by the telepathic guards, the idiotic scaling level system that NEVER made you feel like you were getting any stronger, and the lack of any sort of tutorial to get anyone who had never played an elder scrolls game up to speed.Dr_Horrible said:...except that the target audience of this game, by which I mean RPG fans, already know and understand the systems involved in an RPG. That's the beauty of creating a game in this style is that you can have the target audience be people who undestand and are experienced with the material already; you do not introduce new gamers to an RPG to start with.previous Bethesda games had asked players to make choices on skills and classes before they had proper understanding of what they did
Luckily I have other stuff to contribute, so I am able to just say 'This.'hawkeye52 said:I quite like having complex systems in my RPG's. Hence why i enjoy games like the NWN series (which tbh isn't that complicated but still a hell of a lot more so then oblivion was)
Also, your avatar is hypnotic![]()
honestly, anyone who hates the fact that it's being made simpler so more people can enjoy it is just suffering from an extreme case of "STOP LIEKNG WAT I LEIK!" and just wants to have some sort of exclusive club where everyone who doesn't understand the extreme complexities of building EXACTLY the character you want and just being able to enjoy the game without it slapping you in the face every 2 seconds because you didn't remember X,Y, and Z at ALL times (even in the midst of something intense).
just stop being so elitist and assholeish and start realizing that this means more people can enjoy what you enjoy and thus you'll be able to converse with more people about it. there's nothing better than a good experience you can share with everyone, and it's elitists like the ones saying "People thought Oblivion was complicated? good god..." and "FUUUUUUUUUUU-! Y IT NO BE COMPLEX? WAAAAAH! RUINED 4EVAAA!" that make people WANT to write off gaming as nothing more than a niche hobby and WANT to pass legislation against video games. because you don't allow any entry to anyone who won't enjoy it EXACTLY the way YOU enjoy it.