So Dawnguard is out and its pretty much broken.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
SpectacularWebHead said:
Doclector said:
SpectacularWebHead said:
Hey, I haven't got it ye, but when I do...
If i am already a werewolf (Cuz of the companions) can I also be a vampire?
Don't think so, due to the "beast blood" ability that gives you 100% immunity against all diseases, including the vampire disease. Unless in dawnguard it's done differently, in which case, I should think the werewolf abilities would be cancelled out.

If it's not done differently, you'll need to find a cure to being a werewolf before you try to become a vampire. I know there's some way to get it cured, but I don't know how, look it up on the wikis, but I do know that once it's cured, there's no way to become a werewolf again on that character.

In all cases, you've got a choice to make; Fur or fang?
Nah, I have a second character that I'm gonna make Evil vampire deathlord of death, because my argonian is past the point of being cured of werewolf-ism.
Ah, right. Think I'll make a new character to be the vampire lord. I was gonna use my khajitt theif/assassin, but then I thought how inconvenient not being able to go out in the sun would be.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
SpectacularWebHead said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Enjoy being beta testers Xbox users! Thank Microsoft for giving PS3 and PC more time to fix the kinks out.
You do realise that
A) This is bethesda, if they find bugs they aren't going to change them.
B) PC versions of any game, especially something as big as skyrim are terrible at even starting, IDK about ps3.
and C) We got it before you. Be as douchey as you like, you still have to wait for the exact same product because you made a bad decision when you choose your gaming platform.

Shush Slackbladder, let the knowledgeable do talking.
(See, I did a flashheart reference, cuz he's cool and so is rik mayall.)
Except that my pc has no problem what so ever with Skyrim, and it is a piece of shit! Plus Bethesda does fix bugs and if they don't modders will. Oh and we picked the wrong platform. Hmm I seem to remmember a bunch of x-box players whining that they can't have mods. You guys have to pay for ALL your extra content us however we get free content that can turn Skyrim into star wars. I am running around as a jedi x-box users can't do that. Now who picked the wrong platform?


New member
Jun 11, 2012
The_Lost_King said:
SpectacularWebHead said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Enjoy being beta testers Xbox users! Thank Microsoft for giving PS3 and PC more time to fix the kinks out.
You do realise that
A) This is bethesda, if they find bugs they aren't going to change them.
B) PC versions of any game, especially something as big as skyrim are terrible at even starting, IDK about ps3.
and C) We got it before you. Be as douchey as you like, you still have to wait for the exact same product because you made a bad decision when you choose your gaming platform.

Shush Slackbladder, let the knowledgeable do talking.
(See, I did a flashheart reference, cuz he's cool and so is rik mayall.)
Except that my pc has no problem what so ever with Skyrim, and it is a piece of shit! Plus Bethesda does fix bugs and if they don't modders will. Oh and we picked the wrong platform. Hmm I seem to remmember a bunch of x-box players whining that they can't have mods. You guys have to pay for ALL your extra content us however we get free content that can turn Skyrim into star wars. I am running around as a jedi x-box users can't do that. Now who picked the wrong platform?
You, because you're using a pc.


New member
Jun 29, 2011
SpectacularWebHead said:
Hey, I haven't got it ye, but when I do...
If i am already a werewolf (Cuz of the companions) can I also be a vampire?
Being a werewolf doesn't seem to matter to them, they can turn you into a VL regardless, which I would suggest because it wrecks peoples shit. As to being both, no can do :\


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Kahunaburger said:
You're surprised a Bethesda thing is buggy?
This. I came to this thread to say this, but now I don't because someone beat me to it :D
I plan on waiting a week or so before getting it. By then they'll have it fixed (mostly)


New member
Oct 7, 2011
SpectacularWebHead said:
The_Lost_King said:
SpectacularWebHead said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Enjoy being beta testers Xbox users! Thank Microsoft for giving PS3 and PC more time to fix the kinks out.
You do realise that
A) This is bethesda, if they find bugs they aren't going to change them.
B) PC versions of any game, especially something as big as skyrim are terrible at even starting, IDK about ps3.
and C) We got it before you. Be as douchey as you like, you still have to wait for the exact same product because you made a bad decision when you choose your gaming platform.

Shush Slackbladder, let the knowledgeable do talking.
(See, I did a flashheart reference, cuz he's cool and so is rik mayall.)
Except that my pc has no problem what so ever with Skyrim, and it is a piece of shit! Plus Bethesda does fix bugs and if they don't modders will. Oh and we picked the wrong platform. Hmm I seem to remmember a bunch of x-box players whining that they can't have mods. You guys have to pay for ALL your extra content us however we get free content that can turn Skyrim into star wars. I am running around as a jedi x-box users can't do that. Now who picked the wrong platform?

You, because you're using a pc.
Why am I worse off for using a pc. I get amazing mods you don't. I have more processing power than an xbox. I fail to see one thing the x-box has over my pc. Well I guess the fact that I have to pay for a gamepad if I want to use a controller but I am fine with my mouse and key board.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
KingsGambit said:
Could anyone playing Dawnguard tell us poor folks who still have to wait, what is the deal with the two factions? How does it treat the player if (s)he is already a vampire, or a werewolf for that matter? What powers/abilities do the Vampire Lords have? And the Dawnguard? Info info info info.
If I was you I'd start a new thread asking those very same questions. I've only just started playing through it now, but I will be more than happy to share my play experience in regards to the two factions later on today.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Amarok said:
SpectacularWebHead said:
You, because you're using a pc.
I feel like I'm reading a conversation from ten years ago.
I feel like I'm reading one from 18 years ago. When I was six years old. And I was wrong because I picked shoes with lights over shoes with a pump in them.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
when you become a vampire lord you won't be able to become werewolf, but if you cure being a vampire lord, when you are cured you will be a werewolf again :)

OT: i thought this was supposed to be a whole new expansion with a whole new area, i know there is the soul cairn and the castles but is there more? like a big area? if not i will say i expected more.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
The_Lost_King said:
SpectacularWebHead said:
The_Lost_King said:
SpectacularWebHead said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Enjoy being beta testers Xbox users! Thank Microsoft for giving PS3 and PC more time to fix the kinks out.
You do realise that
A) This is bethesda, if they find bugs they aren't going to change them.
B) PC versions of any game, especially something as big as skyrim are terrible at even starting, IDK about ps3.
and C) We got it before you. Be as douchey as you like, you still have to wait for the exact same product because you made a bad decision when you choose your gaming platform.

Shush Slackbladder, let the knowledgeable do talking.
(See, I did a flashheart reference, cuz he's cool and so is rik mayall.)
Except that my pc has no problem what so ever with Skyrim, and it is a piece of shit! Plus Bethesda does fix bugs and if they don't modders will. Oh and we picked the wrong platform. Hmm I seem to remmember a bunch of x-box players whining that they can't have mods. You guys have to pay for ALL your extra content us however we get free content that can turn Skyrim into star wars. I am running around as a jedi x-box users can't do that. Now who picked the wrong platform?

You, because you're using a pc.
Why am I worse off for using a pc. I get amazing mods you don't. I have more processing power than an xbox. I fail to see one thing the x-box has over my pc. Well I guess the fact that I have to pay for a gamepad if I want to use a controller but I am fine with my mouse and key board.
Your only benefit is mods. Pc has literally nothing else going for it. I'm not having this argument with you, because it's... fucking stupid, to be honest, neither of us is going to get anywhere.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
SpectacularWebHead said:
OT: I'll get it for PC when it comes out.
I have, just not a good one lol.
I've seen better ones than the one I had access to, but my friend who uses PC downloaded some mod for lightsabers or something and they wouldn't let him into whiterun.
I guess they don't like jedi[/quote]

Wait, what? Your friend must have downloaded the worst made mod EVER then, cause damn.

There's just no reason adding an item would fuck with that at all. Sure he didn't manage to piss of the whiterun guards or not do the persuade check at the start of the game or something?


New member
May 15, 2012
The Unworthy Gentleman said:
No, as per my Bethesda game worked fine and so did the DLC. I experienced the same thing with Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout 3, though I bought them after all the patches were released, and Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim both worked fine, as did their DLC.

The actual amount of people affected by bugs in Bethesda games is blown out of proportion by the infamous vocal minority.

Now, if we can just get some DLC relating to the Thalmor before I leave for uni that'll be great.
^^ I agree with this guy.

OT: It's not broken if you haven't given the game time to adjust to having the new content. It's not just going to magically appear, is it? As many have suggested, just go to your dashboard, restart the game and then go to some major city. Either talk to a guard and they'll give you the quest, or better yet, go to Riften and wait for them to come to you. On my first playthrough, I stepped out of the Thieves Guild and found a huge battle waging between the Dawnguard and Vamps, and they told me where to find them.

Now can everybody just stop with the 'oh it's a Bethesda game, therefore must be buggy" stuff? It's kinda boring. I've been playing Skyrim since it's UK release, and while I have encountered my fair share of funny little bugs, I've never felt the need to whine about it til I'm blue in the face. This stuff happens, and it's not as if they've never tried to fix it, hence all the patches. It sounds as if some people aren't even giving the game a chance anymore, you're just finding it's not working instantly, and declaring brokenness instead of trying to find a workaround. If you don't like the dev because you think their things are broken, don't buy the game. Simple.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Adultism said:
I've met at least 5 people who can't start the main quest. Figures Bethesda can't do anything right.

Anyone else having problems with the DLC? Because I have to start a new game to play it
Hmm. That's what you get for playing a PC game on a console. mad about the staggered release. Damned consoles ruining everything.

Also, if Bethesda "can't do anything right", why the hell do you continue to buy their products?

I'm of the opinion that they do quite a bit right, which is why I continue to consume every game that they release. Even if they tend to be a little buggy in the beginning.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
DRes82 said:
Hmm. That's what you get for playing a PC game on a console. mad about the staggered release. Damned consoles ruining everything.

Also, if Bethesda "can't do anything right", why the hell do you continue to buy their products?

I'm of the opinion that they do quite a bit right, which is why I continue to consume every game that they release. Even if they tend to be a little buggy in the beginning.
Well, I'm glad the Xbots get to beta test the product for a month before the full release comes out on PC.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I'm not really surprised, I mean when was the last time that Bethesta released somthing that worked at launch.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Worked fine for me, and I downloaded it pretty much the moment it came out. I did have to exit the game and then enter it again for it to load the add on, though. Oh, and I have completed the entire vampire side to the DLC with 1 crash when entering an area, and no other issues. I was really impressed with the lack of issues in fact, especially since there's so much content to go through.


New member
Jun 26, 2011
SpectacularWebHead said:
Your only benefit is mods. Pc has literally nothing else going for it. I'm not having this argument with you, because it's... fucking stupid, to be honest, neither of us is going to get anywhere.
It's a good thing that you recognise that the whole thing is stupid. What you fail to recognise is that you're still using that same shitty console which will never improve and which has limited possibilities regarding even games. Just admit that you're a fanboy and keep at least a tiny bit of integrity if you have any. PC is a computer, one can do a lot of things with it and things evolve constantly. I fully admit that system requirements get bigger as time passes and that can be a problem but that is the fault of the coders who choose not to optimize their code and just release games that may be buggy. At least the major titles get patches and those are easy to obtain.

Doesn't seem to me like the PC has nothing else going for it. Feels quite the opposite and the perfect example of this is The Witcher series. Brilliant games which are well made, interesting and the publisher respects their clients. Kudos to CD Project Red!

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
Soviet Heavy said:
Enjoy being beta testers Xbox users! Thank Microsoft for giving PS3 and PC more time to fix the kinks out.
'scuse me. Skyrim's controls are batshit in chips on PC.