So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"


New member
Sep 9, 2009
If it was me I would be very offended. Especially the part about Atheism --> lack of empathy. imo it's the other way round, intolerant pricks.

Sue 'em if you can.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
It's times like these that I am glad I was homeschooled in my last 2 years of High School.

If they had a file like this on me, it would sure as hell mention that I kept a journal which I wrote in with cryptic characters rather than letters. This pissed off one of the teachers there to no end (because they could demand to look at anything you were writing in under school policy. However, because they couldn't read it, I could write whatever I wanted, and he could do nothing)

Really though, if Metal makes you a threat, I wonder what they would say considering I listen to Lady Gaga and Clasical. Likely "This person is f****** nutso. They need to be taken out"

EDIT: I think they changed the policy a year later because some students threatend to sue.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I read about a university where ALL the male students were put on a "potential rapist list".

That went over well.

I wouldn't have to worry about being on the shooter list, I'm the least intimidating or morose guy you'll find in my size.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
EvilPicnic said:
If it was me I would be very offended. Especially the part about Atheism --> lack of empathy. imo it's the other way round, intolerant pricks.

Sue 'em if you can.
I found this a bit ironic. Thanks.

Chase Yojimbo

The Samurai Sage
Sep 1, 2009
From what you have said... what they are doing sounds very illegal, either that or just extremely stupid, im going with stupid. They are not aloud to make assumptions without any proof. But teachers now adays like to think they are psychologists. "OMFG HE LISTENS TO HEAVY METAL! HE MUST BE A SATANIST!" Havn't you heard of individualism? "OMFG I DON'T KNOW THAT WORD! I DON'T TRUST YOU NOW BECAUSE YOUR ONE OF THEM!" (excuse the caps, but this is generally how I view dumb people, they use caps). I've had teachers 'psychologically profile' me for the past 14 years simply because they thought they were smart. Because I couldn't read a few words like my peers in grade two, they thought I was going to be retarded forever, and thus put me into a class full of dumb people. by the end of grade 5 I was reading at a grade 8 level, and by the end of grade 7 I was at a Grade 12 reading level and by the age of 15 I began writing my own books and developing universal theories.

Over all, Teachers are dumb asses who think they are psychologists. If I were you OP, I would study into this further, and if what they are doing is illegal, which probebly is, I would contact the Department of Education.

I can understand that they have to keep an eye on children/teenagers, but that doesn't mean they have to assume their entire life by only a few actions and hobbies.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Perhaps repeatedly pulling out that Airsoft gun and gently cooing to it and stroking it wasn't the best idea.


The Voice of Treason
Dec 17, 2008
Religion: Atheist, shows lack of empathy.
That's incredibly judgemental (not to mention wrong). Whoever wrote that should be slapped.

Really, the fact that such a list exists is so wrong in itself.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
More than likely, I'd be in this category if my school had something like that.

However, while it's nice to be cautious, that's really stereotypical and needless. If a teacher noticed you changing in personality to something incredibly darker, that's understandable. But saying you're a potential shooter because you're an athiest and like listening to heavy metal is just uncalled for. That's like saying if you listen to rap, you'll become a gangster or a hoodlum. It's just a pathetic stereotype.

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
What I find especially weird are the inaccuracies you pointed out here. How, exactly, are they drawing these conclusions? Was there even anything resembling a test or survey? That, more than anything else, is disturbing.

And are they seriously equating "atheist" with "lack of empathy?" Sorry, but even if you were an atheist to begin with, I've known plenty of self-absorbed religious people and plenty of atheists who were anything but. The way that they're conflating the two verges on bigotry.

Treaos Serrare

New member
Aug 19, 2009
why are people so fucking stupid and paranoid about a repeat of columbine?
seriously those kinds of kids are few and far between, and usually boast their knowledge or ability to commit such acts. Those are the kids you watch, and anyway why does it take the possibility of death and carnage for these fuckwit teachers to treat students like people should be treated?


Lvl 20 Hedgehog Wizard
Jan 25, 2010
My advice is to get involved in school life doing something you're interested in. You're probably on that list more because you're seen as a depressed loner than anything else. You have to SHOW them you're a healthy happy person. They can't read your mind, and they don't have the time or resources to do some thorough investigation into every student on that list. So if you look to them like someone who would shoot up a school, I would agree with someone on the first page: smile more. Don't walk around all the time looking like you think life sucks, especially if you don't think that's true. They likely suspect you because you come off as angry or depressed to them. Prove them wrong.


New member
Apr 12, 2011
Trezu said:
that is weird

Usually teacher's shouldn't psychological profile you. i assume at least i never was.

but i did find a site that talked bout it
I was reading that article and came across this
"A prior history of violence suggests there is going to be a future history of violence"
is it just me or does the term "future history" seem a bit wrong/oxymoronic
Custard_Angel said:
Here's an idea.

Smile more often.

It'll open many "non-shooting" doors.
Non-shooting doors? as opposed to that one from that SAW movie that shoots whom ever tries to open it?