So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"

Rocking Thunder

New member
Jul 1, 2010
Reminds me of the time I was diagnosed with Psychopathy, ahh the memories. For those of you that dont know, it is not the murder go kill everybody legal definition, but the medical definition, which is that the person show a lack of empathy. When my school medical records were updated, I started to notice that teachers would try to avoid me. Through a teacher who thought it was a mistake, I found out they sent out a memo about me. So I then had to explain to all my teachers that it is medical issue. Its amazing how people just jump to conclusions


New member
Nov 14, 2010
0 ought to take that shit to court for profiling. Im a Christian but that doesn't mean i think atheist are more prone to shootings. and i listen to heavy metal, but i dont like to kill things.(except hunting and video games but i digress)
this is profiling plain and simple.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Damn. At first I thought it was messed up that a school would keep a list like that, but in typing a response to this I kind of understand why they'd have it. I think their "reasons" to suspect you are pretty dumb though.

Also, I'm now wondering if my school had one of these and if they had the same criteria to "meet" to be on the list. If my school did then I'd be one of the higher suspects I guess since I listen to metal, I'm an atheist, I did TERRIBLE in school and was depressed for a lot of it, AND I do have a slight fascination with death. I'd never psychotic enough to actually do something as stupid as a shooting, but I bet my teachers would be / were shitting their pants if they had this list.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
Err, that's good. It's good that you like death.

It's very good.



Please don't shoot me bro!
LOL maybe I'm a bad person but this mad me laugh harder then I have in a few weeks. Thank you good sir.


New member
Jul 9, 2010
I wonder if my school has a list like this... I bet I'd be on it lol

Anyway I bet you could sue for this, Just something to keep in mind


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
I don't believe it for an instant. No councilor is stupid enough to risk letting a student paw thorough personal files. That could get her fired in an instant.

the monopoly guy

New member
May 8, 2008
Whats worse that the profile itself is the reason that they think you have potential to kill them all. They are making sweeping generalizations about subcultures, genres, and ideological beliefs.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I'm willing to bet that if my school had one, I was on it because I truly hated 90% of the people there. But you know what I did rather than murder them? I just hung out with the other 10% so I wouldn't be driven further into insanity. Lists like that just make a kid worse than they already are because if they weren't an outcast already it makes them one.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
Wow, so they compile an amateurish psych assessment, fill it with lies, and then use that incorrect/incomplete information to create a threat assessment? That's awesome. I can just imagine my own high school profile:

Grades: Average to poor, dislikes MATH! Disrupts classes by asking questions.
Interests: Roleplaying games including Dungeons & Dragons. Clearly seeks to live out fantasies of power where his presence is relevant or even desired. Probably practices witchcraft.
Music choice: Modern pop/punk including The Offspring and Garbage. Common threads of defiance throughout lyrics sampled.
Religion: When asked about the nature of God, Kermi quoted Voltaire. In French.

Kermi clearly considers himself a free thinking anarchist, but his views are of no consequence whatsoever. Please attempt to drum this anti-social coock lord out of school before his sheer density drains the intelligence from those students unfortunate enough to sit near him.

Treaos Serrare

New member
Aug 19, 2009
Twilight_guy said:
I don't believe it for an instant. No councilor is stupid enough to risk letting a student paw thorough personal files. That could get her fired in an instant.
sorry to break it to you but most of these people are basically part time employees, and usually incompetent to an alarming degree if the counselors and teachers at my schools are any indication they have been for a decade or more, shit i have college level teachers at my present school teaching a class they have NO EXPERIENCE IN OR IN HOW TO TEACH IT.
I'm paying thousands of dollars, for an education, and half these assholes don't know what they are teaching.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
-Smaller than before!-
I think you're username describes it all.

WHAT THE FUCK, MATE?! That's what I call a good case of Cognitive Dissonance. Where are they pulling all these figures from? What are they talking about? Is this really what education is coming to?

Find out on the next exciting episode of...Escapist Magazine!


New member
Jan 27, 2011
biggles1 said:
sleeky01 said:
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
So I was called into the office of my high school today to talk to my guidance counselor about college stuff (I'm a senior) and she had all my files and stuff on her desk. There was one folder she never looked at though during the meeting. I asked her about it and she said it wasn't important.

The bell rang and we both got up to leave. I went back to her office once she had left and picked up the folder.
Let's see. You both got up an left the office, but you presumably mumbled an excuse that you forgot something or some such, and found the files still lying on the desk.

I'm a little suspicious. Your Guidance Councillor heard the bell and like Fred Flintstone yelled Yabba-Dabba-Doo and flew right out the door leaving everything out in the open?

I'm finding it alittle hard to believe.
maybe they both left for lunch, and he/she came back during lunch when they were out of the office?
Again...lunchtime....Yabba-Dabba-Doo and out the door she flew leaving everything on her desk?

I kinda doubt it. I'm calling it troll.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
This is ridiculous it all comes down to america's attitude on guns and their belief that if you aren't religious you are clearly the devil(that second bit is just my opinion whereas the first bit is fact).They set up a system to analyse whether of nor you are likely to go on a shooting spree and yet america as a country insists more guns is safer I mean come on really MORE GUNS, how is more of a tool specifically made to kill things going to make your country safer.
Also I feel for you man those reasons that they've put for you are complete balls if they spent the time finding out things that might actually lead to a shooting spree like bullying, abusive parents and whatnot instead of wasting it creating bullshit documents like that.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
grounds for being a bit miffed I think. But I would be careful how I handle it if I were you. No need to make things worse...
good luck!


New member
Dec 8, 2009
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
So I was called into the office of my high school today to talk to my guidance counselor about college stuff (I'm a senior) and she had all my files and stuff on her desk. There was one folder she never looked at though during the meeting. I asked her about it and she said it wasn't important.

The bell rang and we both got up to leave. I went back to her office once she had left and picked up the folder. It was a report about my "school shooting potential". At my school, apparently, the SSP is based on grades, interests, music choice, and religion. It said this (from what I can recall, I skimmed it)

"Grades: Excellent, excels in science.
Interests: Shows an interest in death and goth culture.
Music Choice: Heavy metal, shows interest in death.
Religion: Atheist, shows lack of empathy.

Comments: Staff are urged to act nicer to NAME to keep him at a stable emotional level."

Which is weird, because I don't have any interest in goth subculture or a death fascination. I do like metal, but so? Also the part about me being an atheist is ridiculous (the school is in a Protestant/Catholic town).

Anyone else think this is a bit weird?
I would ignore it. You're a senior, so you'll be out of this bullshit school in due time. As long as you don't actually, you know, do a school shooting, you'll be fine.


New member
May 16, 2011
I'd like to find out if my school is keeping such a file on me. It would be interesting to see what people think of me.