So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"


New member
Jun 5, 2008
I wonder what other notes they have....

"Student is especially cheerful and always happy to see others, be rude and mean to bring her down a notch."


New member
Jul 20, 2009
That's really screwed up. Nothing like a little Profiling to spice up your school-life.

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
Yureina said:
This is starting to make me wonder if my high school kept a similar file for me while I was there. I always wondered why, after years of difficulties, everyone suddenly started being nice to me one day. :eek:
Who, you? Get out of town.

Now, I wonder if I have a file as well....might as well check it out.


New member
Jun 30, 2008
open trap said:
And my avatar is the spinning Metallica Logo over TSHF album cover. Its one of the best albums/artwork out there. Im both a Megadeth and Metallica fan (i just like Megadeth more)
Huh. I thought the logo looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. Guess I'm not used to seeing it spinning :p

Rust in Peace all the way.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I can understand compiling a list based of past transgressions or things that might be early warning signs or incidents where school action was needed against a student, but profiling to compile a list based on observed behavior or appearance? That's just downright creepy.

I mean, I like the idea of being proactive about these issues, keeping the possibility in mind, but I dont think it helps if you instill in the faculty's mind that "this is a list of the students that are ticking time bombs" Might be trying to help by keeping a close eye on them and being so nice to them, but in many cases could have other problems, not all teachers taking the advice the same way and becoming scared or distant from them.

Good intentions I guess, bad execution.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
Dr. wonderful said:
Yureina said:
This is starting to make me wonder if my high school kept a similar file for me while I was there. I always wondered why, after years of difficulties, everyone suddenly started being nice to me one day. :eek:
Who, you? Get out of town.

Now, I wonder if I have a file as well....might as well check it out.
I am a very different person than I used to be. :eek:


New member
Oct 24, 2010
I find that outrageous.

The real sociopaths are so good at hiding their faults they look like normal students. Most Psychopaths are so good at blending in, it'll be one of those "He was such a nice fellow" TV interviews when they kill someone.

Atheist killing because they are Atheist? I find it more probable that a Christian fanatic would kill someone.

Make you wonder if they profile Muslim students because they are Muslim.


New member
Jan 28, 2011
my school file had a picture I drew in kindergarten saying I wanted to be a firefighter, I have know clue why they kept it and for what possible reason.

Also I suspect this may be a fake topic as some call it


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Welcome to the 21st Century, where schools can make shit up about you if they have the smidgen idea you might go Columbine on the school. It is a world of ignorance and laziness, with less empathy than their supposed idea of atheists for students.

So glad I dodged that bullet when I did.


New member
May 11, 2011
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
"Grades: Excellent, excels in science.
Interests: Shows an interest in death and goth culture.
Music Choice: Heavy metal, shows interest in death.
Religion: Atheist, shows lack of empathy.

Comments: Staff are urged to act nicer to NAME to keep him at a stable emotional level."
These descriptions sound like myself. even the "act nicer to -insertname-"

...And on another note; discovering said file would make me more likely to harm so much as a fly than my music or religious beliefs.

Rocking Thunder

New member
Jul 1, 2010
Trololo Punk said:
I find people saying atheists and other "non-believers" show less empathy,remorse, and are more "dangerous" quite insulting
For the whole shooting list thing, I didn't even know they existed, possibly cause they do not do those in Canada/the area that I live
Worst part is, Sweeden, which is a very secular society, donates more money to charity per capita than any other country


New member
Dec 31, 2010
*Facepalm* I would be more worried about the kids who DIDN'T appear to have flaws, or the ones who could lie or cheat without remorse (small signs of a Sociopath).

In the end you have sufficient evidence to sue the school (should you be able to prove the existence of such a file). Personally I would get my hands on that file and start the suing immediately.

open trap

New member
Feb 26, 2009
Sentox6 said:
open trap said:
And my avatar is the spinning Metallica Logo over TSHF album cover. Its one of the best albums/artwork out there. Im both a Megadeth and Metallica fan (i just like Megadeth more)
Huh. I thought the logo looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. Guess I'm not used to seeing it spinning :p

Rust in Peace all the way.
Great album. Saw the band play through it while on the American Carnage Tour. Good chance i will be seeing them at the Big Four show in New York too.
Also, i have the PRIATE symbol in there, it might have thrown you off a bit.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
i only found out that i was on my school's one back in high school when my friend hacked their servers i still have a text copy on my computer now

Grades: Average
Attendance: Perfect
Uniform: Perfect
Excels in Maths and IT. Only Excels in English with creativity. Excellent cook in Food Classes, prone to eat raw mix eg. dough, cake batter, Attendance however seems unaffected. Sleeps during tests/exams when completed. Dislikes Sexual Education in Health

Interests: Computers, Food, Games
Music: Misc
Study Period Location: Unknown
Always found in Library on computers. Found several times unblocking sites using staff logins. Continues to find loopholes in network to play game. Music consists of Goth (Marilyn Manson) Rock (Grand Theft Audio), Metal (Korn) Foreign (ALI PROJECT), mainly video games when asked. Seen walking to Midvale Shopping Center and/or waiting at Busloop (in evenings) or Library (before Recess/Lunch). When no work available, plays handheld video games.

Religion: Other
Believes in Entities that control balance and should not be considered gods, believe that all other religions Quote: "Blindly follow invisible Phantoms cause they have no will of their own"

Visits to -
Principle: 1
Assistant Principle: 3
Councilor: 10
Mini-School Manager: 4
Teacher: 2
Other Staff: 15
Contently sent to System Admin to explain actions on computers. Sent to councilor after every bullying incident. Does not report bullying, found several times in fights, all instances of extreme bullying.

Councilor Notes:
Over the Years [NAME] has become more self reliant due to lose of friends and has begun to show little interest in making new friends. [NAME] will bottle up anger from aggressors, all reports of [NAME] getting into fights have been because of his built up anger being too much for him. Does not report to teachers because he believes that others are in more need of him. does express hatred for to people who have wronged him, this includes former friends. Believes that people he hates need to pay by Quote "Making them suffer for the rest of their lives".
When in a fight, he seems to to be blinded to everything around him, i mainly refer to Barkly Main Corridor Incident when Barkly Mini-School Manager [TEACHER], Barkly/Lalor Assistant Principle [TEACHER] and [TEACHER] had to retrain [NAME] when he failed to comply to [TEACHER]'s instructions however seems to former student [DIV] and [STUDENT], reason unknown.

Final Notes:
Potentially unstable. Does have violent thoughts. Expresses hatred to certain students. No religious basis. Advise to Staff - In classes keep occupied or allow to occupy himself. In Schoolyard, when alone keep an eye on nearby problem students, when in library, do remind and enforce school computer network rules

i don't belive most of this cause 1. i only have 2 of Marilyn Manson's songs, his "This is Halloween" for the remade Nightmare Before Christmas and "Seizure of Power" from the Resident Evil Soundtrack and i never thought he was goth, but these reports they actually use them, one i saw said a guy was high risk because he beloved himself to be the Hand of God and he was on a list of students transfered to another school where we send all our expelled students, he, he, also, [DIV] the friend who hacked the network, she was expelled for breaking a guys arm but she still turned up now and again


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Wow This is Fucking insane. But I'm sure I'm top #1 on that list.

Music: Metal
Religion: Atheist
Interests: Guns, Games, and Humming "Dea-dea-dea-dea."

Yeah I'm dangerous. :p


New member
Jun 23, 2010
Schools have that? I wonder if I'm on my school's list....

Teachers do tend to treat me... differently...