So my mom tried to get me to come 'out of the closet...'

Lunar Shadow

New member
Dec 9, 2008
When I found out my dad didn't like my current girlfriend cause she is black. He tries to disguise it by saying it's flaws about her that don't exist (she has flaws, just not the ones he is harping on) and that I should go out and experience more women. Starting to agree with him on the last point, but that's more to do with the fact she is a slave to her parents. Seriously, who the fuck tells their adult child that if they have sex they will cut off their tuition? /rant


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Cuy said:
No. No it does not. It's just you people who should act a bit less weird, and maybe get a girlfriend.
Because social pressure is totally a good reason to start a relationship, and not at all manipulative to the person you're dating. Related to the thread, imagine how awkward it'd be if you heard "I only went out with you because my parents thought I was gay."

A Pious Cultist

New member
Jul 4, 2009
LupusDei said:
''Pack my bags, and put away my tool and take it to the bedroom'', then walked away laughing. Couldn't look him in the eye for like 3 weeks.
Embarassing but also somewhat awesome.


New member
Oct 15, 2008
Cuy said:
sheic99 said:
I think this happens to a lot of people. I know my mom did it too me. It's still fairly funny though.
No. No it does not. It's just you people who should act a bit less weird, and maybe get a girlfriend.
And maybe you could be less of an righteous asshole.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
I once bought a Porn on Pay Per View.
In my defense I didn't know they actually tracked the order titles, I only thought they tracked prices.

I'd still have to explain what I bought that cost $9.99, but I'm sure I could've come up with something.

Needless to say, that was very awkward.

Never had the "are you gay?" conversation, I guess judging from the porn, they assume I'm not.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
lvl9000_woot said:

I've had that happen too. It was hard to look at either of them in the eye the next day.
Really? I personally just asked them to keep it a little more quiet. And so they did for the next following nights.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
RatRace123 said:
I once bought a Porn on Pay Per View.
In my defense I didn't know they actually tracked the order titles, I only thought they tracked prices.

I'd still have to explain what I bought that cost $9.99, but I'm sure I could've come up with something.

Needless to say, that was very awkward.

Never had the "are you gay?" conversation, I guess judging from the porn, they assume I'm not.
I totally read "titles" as a totally different word the first time. >_<

Related OT: I once found a gay porn DVD lying around the house, and all my porn is digital. I still don't know whose porn it is. I remember it had some sort of "tool" pun in the name, but can't be bothered to go looking for the actual title.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Ha. Here we are. I seem to get this from my dad more than anyone; he's the more left-wing one...

Before I start, I have had the Gay question asked... more than once.

Anyway, I work in a cocktail bar and meet a lot of interesting people and whenever I seem to tell my dad about some interesting people I met (notably men), it seems to imply that I'm gay for them. But hey, don't get him wrong, he wouldn't care about it he keeps on reminding me...

The most 'interesting' question from him though, came from after spending an evening having a long chat with the ex-boss after the shift and a few drinks, I was then suspected that my ex-boss supplied me with Cocaine that night...Typical Ex-Londoner Dad Suspicions though.

Jeremy Skitz

New member
Jul 1, 2009
well, my parents were thinking I was gay, Until they found out I fell in love with an absoloutly stunning middle class girl... XD... though my mother talks to me about her and that is a lot more awkward...


New member
Jan 7, 2011
well my conversation was a little different when i was around 7 or 8 i was introduced to porn yea not a good time around 10 or 11 i was curious about my sexuality i kept it a secret but one day my mother wasnt home neither was my brother so i went on the internet to see what gay sex was like about that time (worst TIMING EVER) my cousin bursts into the computer room with a check from my aunt for a fundraiser needless to say we dont talk to much anymore.

I later found that he had told my mother because she said these exact words to me "its ok i like balls too) i almost cried that forever ruined my image of my mother again being 11 i was still attached to my mother especially since my father left at a young age i asked her "why would you think that?" she said "oh michael told me what you were watching" "but that waas just curiousity no mom im not gay"

im now 15 and currently in a 2 year relationship with my girlfriend and i had her over for dinner once and it was really quiet until my mom out of nowhere asks my girlfriend "hey umm have you two had sex?" my girlfriend looks at me, i shake my head no then just facepalm myself. she says no at that point we had but if i had told my mother she would have started sharing her 'tips' as she called them.

just a little side note my mother isnt crazy shes just never thought about the subject being awkward.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
i can honestly say that i have never had an awkward moment, though i do know how the it feels, i love when me and my friends are talking and i suddenly say something that makes it awkward for everyone, something completely random that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

but i guess the most awkward moment i ever had was when i played the awkward game with my friends for 40 minutes straight


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Goldhawk777 said:
Ha! I actually got....THE TALK from my father. He stated that if I was gay, then he would accept me for who I was as a person. Apparently, his evidence was that I had many female friends, but none I would introduce as my "Girlfriend".
that would kinda give off the signal, you should bang one of them in front of him, see how awkward that gets


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Cuy said:
sheic99 said:
I think this happens to a lot of people. I know my mom did it too me. It's still fairly funny though.
No. No it does not. It's just you people who should act a bit less weird, and maybe get a girlfriend.
im curious what gives you the right to judge people and are you saying that acting gay is wierd or is it that you think carpentry is wierd? just because you didnt have it why in the world would you think no one else did? or post something this close minded?

Sep 9, 2010
InterAirplay said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
Never really have awkward conversations with my parents. I've gone out of my way in my teen years to abolish all forms of taboos and "Things I can't talk with my parents" because I didn't want to be that immature about it. I mean, christ, you're parents are the ultimate familiars, there is nothing you shouldn't be able to talk about with them.
This! My parents are pretty open about stuff. My dad is a ludicrously easygoing guy when it comes to these things and my mum is vey willing to talk. I dunno how this came about, but I guess they just didn't patronise me when I was little and weren't afraid to bring up difficult issues. They've actually averted awkward conversations, I remember my dad gave me the drugs talk when I was about 13, and his talk could be encompassed as "you're a bit young, but if you do, stay away from the hard shit and take it easy, ok?" and he shared a few stories of his own recreational drug use. Another time, dad browsed the history of internet Explorer and found a few.... softcore websites when I was quite young. Sitting there with horror as I realised he could see ALL OF IT, I claimed that some spyware had kept opening up popups on me and thank Christ, he pretended to run with it and spent a while claiming he was looking into that problem, when I know now that he wasn't at all. They also let me drink a little when I just entered my teens and let me drink (provided I do it responsibly) from 15 onwards.

Shit, I feel really lucky now. Sorry guys, this has just turned into a monologue on how great my parents are. At least I've figured this out just now... I think I'll go see if mum or dad want a beer or something...
It really is nice when you realize you're one of the few people that win the lottery in that department. Of all the people I associate with I'm the only one with a normal stable home life.


New member
May 30, 2010
Havent had very many awkward conversations with my parents... I try to avoid them, and so does my parents.

However, I do see a pretty awkward conversation comming up tomorrow when I'm gonna tell them that I'm going into town to be a model for some girl's phototask.

The awkwardness is that I am not very fond of pictures, and I do try to avoid them as much as possible, atleast the "SMILE AND BE HAPPY FOR TEH CAMERAMAN" pictures...

Never had the gay conversation though, yay me?
Having a girlfriend from 5th-8th grade kind of helped with that... I guess, cause people who I know now (but didnt know back then) tend to be kind of questioning about my sexuality if they dont know my past.
I dont mind though, my friend and I have pretty much been as gay as it's possible without actually being gay.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
IMO the most awkward feeling is the one you get when even your parents dont believe your not gay it was my life until i met my Gf ashley<3 and OT i no matter what take peoples word for the matter if it is denial they dont want you to know leave it at that and if its not true its not true simple as that

k i have to say ive been watching videos on the escapist for a loong time when yahtzee first put out a review and i must say i never saw the importance of the account system but this topic and most of the peoples comments restored my faith in humanity i must say i used to have a gay friend until he was killed in a back alley by gay bashing assholes and after that i wondered why would someones own personal choice make you want to kill them? bigotry is a disease and we desperately need a cure. being straight people always thought that my girlfriend was pressuring me to be an advocate for not just gay rights but the rights to choose any sexuality fetish or personal preference its like thinkings someone is wierd for wearing a blue shirt.