So my mom tried to get me to come 'out of the closet...'


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Mr Pantomime said:
lolmynamewastaken said:
my dad tried to get me to come out of the closet and my mother keeps leaving gay literature in my room...
Gay Literature? Like "Billys New Mommy is called Frank" and that kind of stuff?
Wow, I laughed so hard, I almost choked on my FruitLoops.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Most embarrassing would be how I had to repeatedly tell her that she shouldn't come into my room while my girlfriend was around. We were mostly just hanging out but a few times she came into my room without knocking while I was going down on her and stuff...

And best part was that she just said "oh sorry," left and came back again a minute later just to make sure that yup... I was still on it. But that was years ago. Livin' in my own apartment currently so no such interruptions...

Mr Pantomime

New member
Jul 10, 2010
DuctTapeJedi said:
Mr Pantomime said:
lolmynamewastaken said:
my dad tried to get me to come out of the closet and my mother keeps leaving gay literature in my room...
Gay Literature? Like "Billys New Mommy is called Frank" and that kind of stuff?
Wow, I laughed so hard, I almost choked on my FruitLoops.
Actually a real book (some variation on the name though). It was on my school library's ban list.


New member
May 23, 2010
Aurgelmir said:
Uncreation said:
Jonluw said:
Well, I had a great (rolls eyes) one today.

Edit: Oh yeah, and my mom has several times jokingly told me that she got me in order to get out of military service.
Is military service in Norway compulsory for women? :|
Jonluw said:
Uncreation said:
Jonluw said:
Well, I had a great (rolls eyes) one today.

Edit: Oh yeah, and my mom has several times jokingly told me that she got me in order to get out of military service.
Is military service in Norway compulsory for women? :|
Yes. Though, you can refuse, and instead have to do social service.

Or, well, it's a bit complicated now. A while back, almost all people had to do military sevice; but these days the military doesn't want you if you have a small injury.
Um... No... It is not mandetory for Women in Norway. Remove Women from what you said and it's correct :)

That said Women can choose to serve here in Norway.
I know. I corrected myself later in this thread.
I thought it was though. I don't know how I got that impression.

Edit: Post #54 if you're interested.


New member
May 23, 2010
Udyrfrykte said:
Jonluw said:
Uncreation said:
Jonluw said:
Well, I had a great (rolls eyes) one today.

Edit: Oh yeah, and my mom has several times jokingly told me that she got me in order to get out of military service.
Is military service in Norway compulsory for women? :|
Yes. Though, you can refuse, and instead have to do social service.

Or, well, it's a bit complicated now. A while back, almost all people had to do military sevice; but these days the military doesn't want you if you have a small injury.
Uncreation said:
Jonluw said:
Well, I had a great (rolls eyes) one today.

Edit: Oh yeah, and my mom has several times jokingly told me that she got me in order to get out of military service.
Is military service in Norway compulsory for women? :|
No, he lies. Only for men. They encourage women to sign up for military service, and if they do they can leave whenever they please.
Yes, I'm norwegian too, and I got the military breathing down my neck so I know all about it for sure.
I was not lying, I was simply wrong.
I corrected myself later in the thread. I'll go in and edit that post as well.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
me an my mother had talk once, it was more of concern that she wanted grandchildren...
its one of the questions most everyone is asked

D Moness

Left the building
Sep 16, 2010
bam13302 said:
me an my mother had talk once, it was more of concern that she wanted grandchildren...
its one of the questions most everyone is asked
My mom gave up on that one about 5 years ago(at least with me). A well my younger brother has a 8 month old daughter so at least my mom is happy on that account.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Mr Pantomime said:
lolmynamewastaken said:
my dad tried to get me to come out of the closet and my mother keeps leaving gay literature in my room...
Gay Literature? Like "Billys New Mommy is called Frank" and that kind of stuff?
i don't normally read the title to be fair, just the blurb and notice it has the words "Gay couple" or something along those lines in it, and just put it down... i know one was about a guy who murdered his boyfriends and then killed himself though.


Future sovereign of Oz
Nov 6, 2010
Well once I told my mom about the time my sister hit me in the head with a baseball bat, to which she replied "So that's what happened?"

I can't be sure, but I think she was hinting that I was mentally retarded.

Mr Pantomime

New member
Jul 10, 2010
I just thought of another one. On Boxing day, my Mother and two aunts went to the boxing day races. When they got back, they told me i should have come because of all the drunk slutty girls I could take advantage of. So I reply ofhandedly "oh really, any cute guys?". Everyone stares at me, I smile.


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Oct 25, 2008
Razgrizaces said:
I haven't had one because I'm usually shy towards girls who I just meet, and I never take the opportunity to talk to them about interests when I do talk to them. Anyways, some girls just aren't attractive in my opinion. Then again, I've always been nice since I've started talking to them, and people do say I'm "cute", but meh. I couldn't care less about whether or not people like me, and I also couldn't care less about what people think when they hear that. So what? I don't have to have had a girlfriend or a kiss to be straight.

EDIT: I'm also 14, by the way.
The year I turned 18 was the first time I ever got boyfriend. If I were you I wouldn't worry too much about dating yet. :)

OT: My mom also told me at some point that it's okay if I'm lesbian and I shouldn't be afraid to bring my girlfriend(s) home with me... It's fair to say I don't blame her for thinking that way for my lack of boyfriends and being a tomboy all my life and turning down the guys who did show interest in me... But yeah. Still, it was nice to know my mum is alright with homosexuality.

I've never really had awkward conversations with my parents, though. I think I have a good relationship with my parents and it's always been easy to talk with them.


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Oct 21, 2009
The most awkward situations I had were when my parents would try to walk in to my room when I was with a girl. If I was ever up to anything I'd pull my DVD drawer out, which blocked the door meaning no access. Problem was, they must've figured out pretty quickly WHY that drawer was conveniently out so often. Got a few awkward glances from them.

As regards "the talk" that never really bothered me. I was mostly just told to "be safe" as my mum apparently doesn't want grandkids before she's 50 which means 5 years of no kids for me xD

Ramin 123

New member
Apr 23, 2010
MBergman said:
Well I had a fairly uncomfortable one, although nowadays it's just humorous.

Anyways a little back-story:
So it was when I was in 7th or 8th grade I believe, around 15 years old. We had a week when you went spent a week working at a real job, to feel what it's like or something. Anyways, I was at a restaurant which was like an half hour bus ride away. Not too bad, but I had a friend that lived just next to it, he was maybe 21 at the time, living in his own place.

So I tried to argue (that is nag, nag and nag) to stay at his place cause it would be easier and I could sleep longer, but they would have none of it "school day's aren't sleepover days", they pretty much just said no on principle.

So I don't stay there and that week I fall asleep with my computer on, and MSN messenger running. So my friend sometimes has a special kind of humour, I'm woken up by my father who is pointing at the screen and asking: "What the fuck is that?" My friend had written to me: "If you don't watch out, I'll break up with your dad!"

So this isn't too harsh, but my dad has noo reservation for gay jokes at all. He instantly believes that this guy is 100% super gay and has corrupted me and that my nagging to sleep at his place was for whole other reasons that to just be close to work. So I'm forbidden from ever seeing him again, asks me how you can even say something like that etc. etc. I try to explain to him that it's his kind of humour and that it's just a joke, but dad can't fathom it.

But after a couple of weeks it has cooled down a bit and I'm going up to him to play some D&D, something we did once or twice every couple of weeks. Anyways, I'm standing at the station waiting for the train to go up there and my dad calls me and says: (and this is the real price winning conversation)

Dad - "So, I'm not sure I want to let you go up there!"
Me - "Dad, I've told you a million times! It was a joke okay?"
Dad - "Ok, but if I find out in a couple of years that you've had some kind of fucking gay club up there, I'm removing you from my will. Ok?"

Suffice to say my only thought was "WHAT?"
That was simply...priceless (^^,)


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2009
Well, it must have been when my mother came out of the closet.

Was not all that awkward actually.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Being openly bisexual and proud with a boyfriend of nearly 2 years, I found this thread Hilarous in some parts, Infinitely disturbing in others. Reading about these parents who hate gays and non-christian types with such vindictive hate is just mind-blowing. But anyhow, I never had the sex talk but had the ''Are you gay?'' Talk, wasn't uncomfortable because I wasn't uncomfortable with myself.

Only embarrassing talk is when I was younger about 14, When the shower in my bathroom broke and I had to use the other shower my dad usally uses. Cleverly after washing and getting dry I decided to do the act that young men do, stupidly knowing my dad uses this bathroom and wouldn't of known if I was out of the shower yet or not. Upon being discovered, he closed the door told me to ''Pack my bags, and put away my tool and take it to the bedroom'', then walked away laughing. Couldn't look him in the eye for like 3 weeks.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
LegendaryGamer0 said:
ajemas said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Umm... not exactly the worst I can remember but one of the most memorable.

Let's just say it's like coming out of the closet, just not the gay closet. Some refer to it as coming out of the toybox.

It basically went with her freaking the fuck out, saying to "get away from me you sick pervert" and her basically saying she was going to disown me(probably joking on the latter of course).

Even though the hints were fucking EVERYWHERE and my sister actually knew for a while before I even told her. My mom is now just using it as a four-word insult now to annoy the hell out of me. Not a fun time. She is actually still in denial about it too.

If you do not know what I am talking about, look at my other posts if you don't get the whole "coming out of the toybox" thing. Particularly since I am pretty sure I will not be seeing any sympathy from any of my fellow Escapees. Your reactions may be similar.

[sub][sub][sub][sub]I'm a nice guy... I don't hurt anyone...[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]
As long as you don't act on your actions, then I suppose that it is OK. I find the actual act of your particular obsession to be one of the worst things on the planet, but I guess that as long as you aren't acting on your urges, then there isn't a problem. However, possession of any... materials depicting things that you might enjoy is still very illegal, and so is engaging in any kind of action.
My advice is to get some kind of help or treatment. I'm not saying that you should go to one of those crackpot people who try and change your sexuality; that's impossible. Just go to see a regular therapist. You might want to do some research, but I'm pretty sure that they have to keep your information confidential. (Again, please double-check.) Just being able to talk to someone about it could really help you out.
By the way, I would try and keep mum about this. Browsing through your posts, like you instructed, I've seen numerous references to your you-know-what. Why would you tell everyone about that? Why would you flaunt anything related to sex and sexuality, especially with your particular subset? And, with your attraction, people are going to think far less of you, including me. I'm sorry, but that's just how it goes.
I must ask you, why do you speak of it as if they are nigh uncontrollable urges? It is a simple attraction. No, I do not possess any such... material. I have no desire to see a therapist because I feel content with myself. I have no issue with expressing it so why suppress it? Though I only really do so with related subjects.

I have no desire to impress people. I have no care as to how it goes. Allow all to think what they want. As long as they keep their remarks to themselves and do not interfere with my personal life(which many frequently do regardless), I have no issue. I am that I am. Which is nothingness.

EDIT: Sorry if I sound like a heartless prick. I am just very... passionate, on the matter.
Just wanted to touch on this, Im new on the forums and we don't know each other so likely my opinion Isn't worth a damn or if you'll even read this but anyhow. I think you got a bit of a rough review from the person who replied telling you to seek help etc, People as humans are infintely unique with desires and attractions from normal to downright bizzare. Doesn't make you a bad person even though your particular niche is socially unacceptable, what the hell isn't to the closed minded?
Desires can be just that, a personal attraction to something that few other people will understand and stay simply in the mind of those that have it, not meaning any harm or intending to cause any. I ain't gonna blab on and on but you said wheren't out to impress anyone, but you impressed me with your honesty and self belief and thats what counts. I don't think any less of you and no-one should if it isn't causing any damage, Stay true to yourself mate. Have a good day/night


Has gone too far in a few places
Mar 25, 2010
Valksy said:
The gay thing, never really an issue. The "talk" either. I was barely paying attention either time.

Most awkward moment. Hmm. Well, I had finished Uni and was back with my folks for a while and I had gone to an adult website and ordered a sex toy. I had failed to notice the "issue number" for my switch card and instead of emailing me to provide it, they wrote instead. The envelope was perfectly same but my parents and I all have the same surname and the same initial and the shop in question did not use a title. So my Mum opened it.

In fairness, she never gave me a hard time about it but finding the open letter on my bed when I came home from work gave me the worst cringe spasm that I had ever experienced, I think that I was practically inside out.
I just ordered some "toys" a week ago and they should be arriving today.
I don't think my mom would really care, but I can predict what she's going to say if she does find out (And plus she's the nosiest person I know so she'll constantly ask me what the package is if she sees it and might even search my room for it).

*The part where she says my full name*
"Why would you spend your money on these things?" Well...You see...
"Aren't you still dating Connor though?" Yeah...but...*mumble mumble*I don't get to be with him that often...
*The part will she jokingly calls me a pervert* Well...It came with a free vibrator that I won't have a use for... >_>

(Those won't be my actual responses because I would be too embarrassed to say anything) And she'll probably continue like that until I have a panic attack.

So yeah...I might have a new more awkward conversation with her.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
A lot of your guys' parents are just kinda tactless. When my parents found out I was gay (curse you, internet pornography) they never really pushed the subject. I gave them a lie and they accepted that I wasn't ready, didn't even tell my siblings.

My mom doesn't mind talking about her sex life in front of me, I do.


New member
May 29, 2009
Oh, I asked my mom "What would you do if me or one of my brothers were Gay?" and she said, no fucking lie. "I'd kick you out of the house."

Thankfully I'm not Gay. When I asked my Dad the same question he said "Your still my Boy, why would I care?"


New member
Oct 30, 2009
RanD00M said:
I would say that time that I heard them doing it through the walls. But I've heard it so often and on such a regular basis that I've gotten used to it.
And other than that, I can't remember anything really awkward with my parents. They're pretty open about everything, and so am I. So nothing to worry about there.

I've had that happen too. It was hard to look at either of them in the eye the next day.