So my mom tried to get me to come 'out of the closet...'


New member
Dec 15, 2007
I'd say I've read this thread before, but actually it was done by a guy last time.

Soooo, most akward moment...

Actually my parents are pretty cool all round, but my gf keeps calling me gay (in all fairness, the men she's used to are mostly arseholes and working class).


New member
May 23, 2010
Danik93 said:
Jonluw said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
Jonluw said:
Uncreation said:
Jonluw said:
Well, I had a great (rolls eyes) one today.

Edit: Oh yeah, and my mom has several times jokingly told me that she got me in order to get out of military service.
Is military service in Norway compulsory for women? :|
Yes. Though, you can refuse, and instead have to do social service.

Or, well, it's a bit complicated now. A while back, almost all people had to do military sevice; but these days the military doesn't want you if you have a small injury.
Why on Earth does Norway of all places have compulsory military service? I can't think of anybody who'd want to attack you guys.

On a serious note, it might have something to do with tradition. We have had laws about compulsory military service since the viking-age. Also, we were infact invaded by Germany in 1940-something. You see, due to the country's geography, it is of incredible strategic value in naval warfare.

We also have a small population (under 5 million), so to be able to keep a military running, we almost have to have compulsory military service.

Also, we have realized that times are peaceful, so we are scaling down the military. They did not want me, for example.
Giving up Norway was our biggest mistake... We could have been much more rich :( Just you wait... It will be ours!


Nov 9, 2010
Most awkward conversation with my parents were if I'm gay and if I tried to have group sex with a couple of gay friends down in Melbourne, who obviously are also gay. I've told my mother that I'm bisexual, and she doesn't seem to believe I'm serious about it, but she'll randomly ask me if 'you're still gay? or are you bi? or what have you become now?'.
Christ, annoying AND awkward


New member
May 13, 2010
I can't remember anything off hand. All of the examples I can think of I didn't bat an eyelid (I'm used to my parents attempting to throw me for six, although my mum did say a corker one time. I just calmly answered and she was most disappointed that I wasn't shocked/unnerved).


Nov 11, 2009
Uncreation said:
Jonluw said:
Well, I had a great (rolls eyes) one today.

Edit: Oh yeah, and my mom has several times jokingly told me that she got me in order to get out of military service.
Is military service in Norway compulsory for women? :|
Jonluw said:
Uncreation said:
Jonluw said:
Well, I had a great (rolls eyes) one today.

Edit: Oh yeah, and my mom has several times jokingly told me that she got me in order to get out of military service.
Is military service in Norway compulsory for women? :|
Yes. Though, you can refuse, and instead have to do social service.

Or, well, it's a bit complicated now. A while back, almost all people had to do military sevice; but these days the military doesn't want you if you have a small injury.
Um... No... It is not mandetory for Women in Norway. Remove Women from what you said and it's correct :)

That said Women can choose to serve here in Norway.

gary the red shirt

New member
Jun 3, 2010
mine was when my overly religious mom told me she thought i was going to sacrifice my siblings. first thing you need to know is, I'm wiccan. second,i was going through a terrible brake up, third my siblings (there quite a bit younger than me) were comforting me and i needed a friend.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
My most uncomfortable conversation with a parent, ever, was probably when for no reason out of the blue when my mum picked me up from work when I was 17 (I was late to learn to drive a car) I randomly told her I was pregnant.

I wasn't even pregnant, I just said it because part of me... just did. I don't even know my thought process.

Anyway, my mum stopped the car immediately (luckily there was like, noone around) and just stared at me. I was like "I'm only kidding! it was a joke!"

I'd literally given her heart failure. I still to this day, do not understand what made me say it.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
I had a very similar situation to the OP - my mum asked me offhandedly if I was a lesbian. Completely out of the blue. I mean, sure, it's a question that many people seem to ask me, but I never expected my mother to ask me that. Funny thing was, after I assured her that I was in no way interested in the same sex, she asked me if I was asexual. As if it's completely unacceptable to her that I might just be straight. And once she tried to talk to me about the guy I was dating at the time. It was very awkward, because she kept trying to get on the topic of sex.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Yeah, this'll probably happen to me at some point.
My dad's already questioning me about if I "really like girls or not."


New member
Sep 27, 2010
I get the "Are you gay? because it's OK with me if you are" talk quite a bit from my mum >.>

I believe it's mostly because I showed no interest in the girls back at highschool, have long hair and spend most of my time with my best mate.

To explain my reasons for those three things: All the girls in highschool though either hated me, were skanks, or not interested in a relationship, fair enough, I didn't and still don't really care. My hair grows insanely fast and is impossible to keep short, also once I saw it at shoulder length I realised it looks better longer. and I've known my best mate since grade 3, we grew up together.

To clarify I'm straight, but have little interest in actively LOOKING for a relationship...


New member
Aug 14, 2009
My mom tried to broach the birds and the bees with me by explaining that if I didn't have any rubbers, I should tie a knot in the end of my 'equipment'. If you're talking to a 15 year old male that has had access to both porn mags and the internet for several years, I'm pretty sure the whole discussion is a little awkward, to begin with, but that advice is completely shudder-inspiring. That's especially bad advice if, like me, you'd divined and practiced the use of condoms over a year earlier, when your (then) girlfriend asked if you'd let her practice putting one on you.


New member
Jun 16, 2008
Jonluw said:
Uncreation said:
Jonluw said:
Well, I had a great (rolls eyes) one today.

Edit: Oh yeah, and my mom has several times jokingly told me that she got me in order to get out of military service.
Is military service in Norway compulsory for women? :|
Yes. Though, you can refuse, and instead have to do social service.

Or, well, it's a bit complicated now. A while back, almost all people had to do military sevice; but these days the military doesn't want you if you have a small injury.
Uncreation said:
Jonluw said:
Well, I had a great (rolls eyes) one today.

Edit: Oh yeah, and my mom has several times jokingly told me that she got me in order to get out of military service.
Is military service in Norway compulsory for women? :|
No, he lies. Only for men. They encourage women to sign up for military service, and if they do they can leave whenever they please.
Yes, I'm norwegian too, and I got the military breathing down my neck so I know all about it for sure.

Mr Pantomime

New member
Jul 10, 2010
lolmynamewastaken said:
my dad tried to get me to come out of the closet and my mother keeps leaving gay literature in my room...
Gay Literature? Like "Billys New Mommy is called Frank" and that kind of stuff?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
yeah my dad had a really long, awkward car drive, all about how he didn't care if i was streight or gay, and that he would support me as his kid all the same, when i was 16, and just after a break-up w/ a chick (she left.) -_- thanks dad...


Servant of the old gods
Nov 18, 2009
ehh.. i've been told that if i was gay that im getting disowned by my father, and if i get a girl pregnant that im getting my peepee cut off... and i just came home from a party where i hooked up with guys on about 5 different occasions -.-
ihope my father doesnt see this post, im not gay, im bi. honest.
i hate my daddy.
OT most akward thing,i can remember is my mother telling me about when she lost her virginity.. =/


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Futurenerd said:
I must know... Please?
Just a hint? PM? Something?
I'm sorry but I'm INSANELY nosey. I wouldn't make fun of you, I probably wouldn't even care. Mostly I just want to know to satiate my desire to know everything o_O ...
Look through his post history and you'll see why he's so reluctant to spell it out for you.