So notch is an assh*le......


Dec 22, 2007
United Kingdom
I really don't believe that notch would make it up, especially as they were bitching and other people talked about it before notch tweeted about it.

Michael Logan

New member
Oct 19, 2008
Nouw said:
He donated $10,000 to Child's Play in Desert Bus for an auction yesterday. He is definitely not an asshole.
I once gave $1 to a homeless person, Im still an asshole though.


New member
Mar 14, 2010
HoradricNoob said:
They are surely both at fault for some aspects of the disagreement. It is FULLY Notch's fault for making a spectacle of it.
Actually, I think that particular title belongs to the fans, since they kept pestering Notch about the event, then proceeded to pester the Yogscast.

noble cookie

New member
Aug 6, 2010
What's with all the Yogscast hate? They're awesome and if you've seen a single one of their videos you'd know this sounds ridiculous, they are really nice guys, they dont put it on. They love Minecraft. Notch saying all that, it doesn't sound like them at all.


New member
Nov 8, 2009
I just want to point out that Notch didn't mention Yogscast by name until his tweets about Minecon were being flamed by people angry about what happened between them. It's not like he had planned to rage over twitter, so I'm willing to give him some benefit of the doubt.


New member
Mar 7, 2010
AugustFall said:
weker said:
Macrobstar said:
After yogscast posted this well written statement notch said fair enough and apologised so hes not really disagreeing anymore is he? Also some guy linked some articles in the thread
So far his apology sounds like it is about calling them out about it (only article i noticed), it's still jumping to conclusions to call notch an out right lie.

Notch said "Hey, @yogscast! Sorry about being a dick," 3 hours ago.
This must be something I missed growing up in the United States. "Being a dick" means "acting in an unpleasant, harsh, abrasive, or unfair manner" where I'm from. Does it mean "lying" in your part of the world (or, more importantly, in Sweden)? I may simply be missing some crucial cultural context here.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
silversnake4133 said:
Well, judging from your response, it seems to me that you're the crazed fanboy here. Also, both the Yogscast and Notch have huge, dedicated fanbases that continue to grow with each passing day. I doubt that they're going to instantly go into bankruptcy over the loss of a few subscribers. Look I don't know if he was trolling or not okay? I've heard before that Notch can be a wicked troll sometimes with random matters on his twitter. Also, try to look at this issue from a different perspective other than the Yogscast's. Essentially, this was Mojang's first big-time convention, they probably wanted everything to go as smoothly as say Gamescon was in Germany. Here's the thing though, it didn't go as smoothly because of being understaffed, overworked and overstressed from of the amount of people that attended, and trying to keep to a relatively tight schedule. They didn't have the resources to be able to control everything that went down. Plus it is possible that communications could have been skewed when being relayed from the situation to the people in charge. Also, people can lie, it's a well in-grained thing that people do in times of stress. Besides Yogscast and the Mojang team, who else was there that was a really hot ticket item to see? Besides Deadmau5? Heck most of the people there were probably moderately popular Minecraft Lets Players with a few of their friends.

I have read the arguments, and from what the Yogscast had posted it seems like they were just as surprised as the community because of the supposed brevity of the situation. But unless someone besides the Yogscast, or Notch, who was there and knew about what happened explains what went down, then we really don't have any solid evidence do we? Don't go throwing your accusations at me because I have a different opinion of what happened. While I agree that this is really strange, I'm not defending Notch nor the Yogscast. But it seems that this is something that should be solved by the guilty parties, not through legalities. If the Yogscast really wants to lose money, getting themselves a lawyer and suing for slander is what will do it. This is a very gray area with most of the "evidence" being a "he said, she said" kind of thing. Notch doesn't seem like the type of guy to just instantly attack someone that he's had good company with over something as silly as cursing. That's why I believe something went wrong in the communication of the "events" and Notch reacted accordingly. This is already a big enough shit storm thanks to nosey fans, and I bet either party would just love for it to go away, but thanks to their statuses over the internet, it won't.
Don't go throwing your accusations at me because I have a different opinion of what happened
Read your first line and then read the above in bold and notice some hypocrisy here.
Regardless of you getting personal with the "You're the fanboy", I just want to say I don't even know much of anything about Yogscast apart from what was posted on here and I also have Minecraft installed on my pc so back that train up.

Base fact is, this was not trolling.
Yogscast is a brand as well as Minecraft is in their respective fields, had the Yogcast bunch turned and said Notch had been telling kids to fuck off and ruining their merchandise it would have been a serious hit on him and his reputation.
It doesn't matter if they did or did not do it, what matters is that it's said at all and without any real proof to support it like Notch said so in his twitter.
That's a very poor thing to do to someone you want to work with, especially since this is his first convention.
This small debacle will be what Minecon will be known for, Notch making an ass of himself and ruining someones rep regardless of truth.

Notch is a powerful force in the gaming industry and he should temper his words accordingly, thankfully Notch is at least humble enough to say he was sorry and admit a mistake. If he was any less of person he could simply refute their claims and watch the Yogs cast guys go down.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
blizzaradragon said:
To the first part, I suppose it could be looked at that way, but I really don't think joking about something serious like a lawsuit in your face is the best way to get people on your side.
Well, didn't it do pretty much exactly that? after he posted that pretty much every single gaming site had everyone voicing their support for him.

blizzaradragon said:
To the second, everything I saw was about adding a subtitle to it such as Scrolls: The Cards of Fate(not an "official" subtitle but a good example) or something along those lines. People said that he offered to change Scrolls, but every time I went to look for it I didn't see it. If you can show me where he said he'd change Scrolls I'll take back what I said about that.
Nope, you're right on this one. For the name change it seems he did only offer to add a subtitle, this was my mistake. However, he did offer to completely abandon the trademark, which, imho, should've been the end of it.

Either way...he did try to reach some kind of compromise.

blizzaradragon said:
To the third, they can register their trademark, but Notch went overboard. It went to board and card games, movies, TV shows, radio shows(seriously?), and a variety of other things as well as a video game trademark. It seems like someone asked what he wanted to trademark, and he just went "EVERYTHING! I WANT IT ALL!" or something to that effect. Plus that could do things like, say, prevent an Elder Scrolls movie should Bethesda ever decide they want to do one, simply because Notch made sure he held the trademark for Scrolls for everything.
Notch didn't apply for the trademark, Mojang's lawyers did. Did they over-reach? apparently so.

But what I find annoying in discussing this topic is that everything related to Mojang's side of things is attributed 100% to Notch's personal choice and responsibility, whereas everything on the beth/zeni side is written off as "oh well that's just corporate lawyers being corporate lawyers".

blizzaradragon said:
If you're a fan of Notch, don't let me try to stop you from being a fan. I just feel Notch should either watch his mouth a bit before speaking or have some consequences for his actions, even if it's just something small like a suspension on his Twitter. Plus I'm sure at least some of this backlash from everything could be fixed if Notch just got someone for PR :p
I definitely agree that Notch should've stopped using twitter long ago. Unfortunately his personal twitter feed has become considered the be-all-end-all of Mojang PR, when often it's just one guy's personal mind farts.


New member
May 5, 2009
Venatius said:
AugustFall said:
weker said:
Macrobstar said:
After yogscast posted this well written statement notch said fair enough and apologised so hes not really disagreeing anymore is he? Also some guy linked some articles in the thread
So far his apology sounds like it is about calling them out about it (only article i noticed), it's still jumping to conclusions to call notch an out right lie.

Notch said "Hey, @yogscast! Sorry about being a dick," 3 hours ago.
This must be something I missed growing up in the United States. "Being a dick" means "acting in an unpleasant, harsh, abrasive, or unfair manner" where I'm from. Does it mean "lying" in your part of the world (or, more importantly, in Sweden)? I may simply be missing some crucial cultural context here.
He called them out, said he would never work with them again, painted them as complete assholes and unleashed a shitstorm while they were on a plane and could not respond. He has yet to tell anyone where he got the information for which he felt the need to slander them in such a way that their site was DDOSed and still not online and the Yogs guys were insulted repeatedly on the their arrival at the airport in England by rabid fans.

I would say his actions qualify as being a dick. Now I don't think he lied. A lot of people seem to think he lied vindictively to try and sabotage Yogs which seems ridiculous. He did however blow hearsay way out of proportion without speaking to them first and still hasn't really given them an apology for the damage he incited.

That is a dick move.


New member
Mar 7, 2010
I was thinking about trying to explain to the members of the crowd evidently unwilling to exercise their imaginations how things could have gone (and in fact, likely did) without either side being guilty of some incredibly elaborate and improbable deception. Then I realized nobody is going to care because that means not getting to take a side - or worse, actual ambiguity. So, I guess I'm going to have to showboat for some kind of "neutral faction" for a while in order to get any attention for such a concept, but somehow I don't think that's going to fly. Let me know what the verdict is and what final and decisive action is taken based on the tally of opinions on this topic that has zero impact on any of its commentators and is apparently resolved between those it does affect.

Ahhhh, sweet, sweet tabloid drama.

I am, however, a little disturbed by people who think that their "media nannies" are as responsible for the actions of rabid fans with delusions of involvement as the fans themselves - if not moreso (I've seen a lot of "Shame on you for what your fans did" and zero "Shame on you fans" in this thread). That kind of disturbing implication of how far spectation-based celebrity culture has gone is harder to laugh off.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Macrobstar said:
So earlier this week it came to light that the yogscast had misbehaved at minecon, notch tweeted various tweets basically slandering them and yogscasts response was this

Turns out notch made it up, yep all of it for no good reason. He sold the rightsof there video without consent and slandered there name. and now notch fanboys are DDOSing their website and losing them subscribers, and notchs response?

"Fair enough"

You've got to be fucking kidding me...... I think a full apology and compensation is in order and notch needs to stop acting like a spoiled celebrity.
Because there's no possibly way that Yogscast is lying, right? Just take whatever the side you like more says at face value with no proof. I'm not surprised, really. That's what happened with that Extra Credits nonsense, and that's what's happening here.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Nouw said:
Delritho said:
Nouw said:
He donated $10,000 to Child's Play in Desert Bus for an auction yesterday. He is definitely not an asshole.
Giving money to charity doesn't stop one from being an asshole.
Well I guess it's both yes and no but what I've seen in this thread about him apologizing, I can still conclude that he is not an asshole.
Apologizing certainly does help. But the matter should of been settled privately in the first place.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
I don't really care anymore. The Yogscast crew put out their statement and Notch apologized (via Twitter, but still), so I say we leave it at that.
Doragon Shinzui said:
Or Simon and Lewis could just be trying to cover their asses. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
I'm more inclined to believe Notch over those two. Sure, they're funny, but they aren't exactly what you'd call "Mature."
I don't think Notch qualifies for a 'mature' label either.. Don't get me wrong, I like the guy, but he's not always the most.. tactful person around.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
GrandmaFunk said:
I wouldn't say every gaming site was voicing their support, but more encouraging people to take a side. After all, it's kind of bad journalism to take a side without the full story, isn't it? However it did get the word out there, and it did get a ton of people to side with either him or Bethesda so I'll give you that one.

It also wasn't so much the dropping of the trademark though as the fact that the game still had the name Scrolls. As long as Scrolls still had the name Scrolls and was planning on being released, then Bethesda and Zenimax had to protect their trademark. Besides, if I recall correctly that huge trademark from Mojang got shot down anyway because of just how much stuff it tried to trademark with a common word, but I could be wrong.

Another part of the problem is that with Mojang, everyone only knows Notch so he gets shackled with the blame more often then he probably should. Albeit his Twitter ramblings aren't doing anything to remedy this either. And while this may be just wishful thinking on my part, but shouldn't the company head have to give the go ahead to make the trademark in the first place? I mean I'm sure that the head of Zenimax at least knew about the lawsuit before things were filed, right? So while it may be Mojang's lawyers who wrote up the application, I also feel it's going too far to say that Notch had nothing to do with it.

The main problem with Notch's Twitter feed is that it's mixed with his brain farts and official Mojang stuff, so people have come to take it as the head of Mojang speaking to his followers instead of one guy just talking for the sake of talking. Something that'd help would be for him to have two Twitters maybe: one specifically for Mojang stuff and one for his ramblings. Hopefully something happens soon though, cause Notch is almost starting to make the gaming industry tear each other apart more than normal...


New member
Nov 14, 2011
Hey! Quit arguing! Notch already apologized.

Markus Persson
@notch Markus Persson
Hey, @yogscast! I'm sorry about being a dick.

He publicly apologized for letting his (zombie army) fanboys DDOS the Yogscast. It's over. Let it go.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Venatius said:
I am, however, a little disturbed by people who think that their "media nannies" are as responsible for the actions of rabid fans with delusions of involvement as the fans themselves - if not moreso (I've seen a lot of "Shame on you for what your fans did" and zero "Shame on you fans" in this thread).
I don't see anyone saying that they're equally at fault as the fans..

However, if you are a person with considerable influence and public exposure it seems a fairly natural response to demand that you exercise that influence responsibly. Deliberately trying to incite ill-feeling towards someone else is something you can be held responsible for, which is why you need to be very careful when doing it.

Whatever might have actually happened at the event and whoever is actually 'right' in this dispute, posting random bile on Twitter demonstrates a complete lack of tact which, if it results in verifiable negative consequences for the 'target' deemed to be unjustifiable by the circumstances, could theoretically see a libel conviction. Since the attacks by fans are clearly triggered by the accusations, they could easily form part of a libel case.

Also, if any of you ever has the good fortune to be in a similar position and you don't want it to be widely assumed that you are a muckspreading piece of shit (or worse taken to court for libel) then give your sources, if not by name then at least by reference. Some twitter feeds have a higher readership than magazines or newspapers, the same rules which would apply to a magazine or newspaper can be applied to you.

GrandmaFunk said:
But what I find annoying in discussing this topic is that everything related to Mojang's side of things is attributed 100% to Notch's personal choice and responsibility, whereas everything on the beth/zeni side is written off as "oh well that's just corporate lawyers being corporate lawyers".
That said, if Robert Altman posted random drunken shit on twitter about people he worked with, his own shareholders and board would likely force him to resign.

It cuts both ways.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
mjc0961 said:
Macrobstar said:
So earlier this week it came to light that the yogscast had misbehaved at minecon, notch tweeted various tweets basically slandering them and yogscasts response was this

Turns out notch made it up, yep all of it for no good reason. He sold the rightsof there video without consent and slandered there name. and now notch fanboys are DDOSing their website and losing them subscribers, and notchs response?

"Fair enough"

You've got to be fucking kidding me...... I think a full apology and compensation is in order and notch needs to stop acting like a spoiled celebrity.
Because there's no possibly way that Yogscast is lying, right? Just take whatever the side you like more says at face value with no proof. I'm not surprised, really. That's what happened with that Extra Credits nonsense, and that's what's happening here.
Yeh because thats why notch apologised, because they're lying. Also a little quick sorry on twitter shouldn't be enough, what he did was outrageous


New member
Apr 28, 2010
major_chaos said:
I love how everyone assumed that Notch was the one who was lying just because those yogscast ass-holes said he was, because based on their videos they have all the maturity and integrity of of a drunken frat boy. I suspect that both parities are at fault to a degree.
They're polite and genuinely nice in there videos, and notch wouldn't apologise is they lied. *facepalm*