Sony Admits Private PSN Info Has Been Stolen - All Of It


New member
Nov 7, 2010
I think changing credit card numbers is a bit of an over reaction. If you happen to have the same password for your PSN as any other account, maybe change it, but the likelihood that these hackers;

A. Downloaded 'the entire' database, (including unecrypted passwords to all the acounts)
B. Will then log into each of these accounts... oh wait, the system is down, well can't do that then
B2. When it's online, log into your account, then steal your information and
C. Use your credit cards to buy stuff.

Just seems so ridiculous and farfetched. 'Why risk it?', I know, but changing your password within 5-10 minutes of the PSN coming to life again will give you probably a 99.5% chance of not losing your information. What are they going to do? Have multiple log on batches, and have some sort of pre-programmed macro system to automatically look up, and download your credit card info (assuming you stored it with the PSN)? Really. Everyone should just calm down.

EDIT: Further thoughts, regarding point A. If they have the entire database pre-shutdown, it likely has all of the information you put up there, so they won't need to wait to log on. However, it's still extremely farfetched that they've accomplished this. I'm sure we can all agree a general 'fuck you hacker x' whoever it was, should be broadcasted their way.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
At most people can get my name, and it's a fairly common one at that. Glad I only used those pre-paid card things and never gave away any useful info. Plus I spent most of the money I had there, might still be a couple cents, but nothing major.
Though my password needs to be changed once I can access PSN, it's the same one I use for everything.

And I don't believe Anon's claims either. They're just a large group of criminal trolls with a god complex (that internet bastards have helped build to an unhealthy level), and no one can control trolls. Probably a small fringe group of Anon that's getting their jollies off all this.
And to claim it's not that Geohotz bastard's fault is silly. For this to happen so close after he leaks the master key is just too much of a coincidence.
I can only hope that whoever's at fault is eventually apprehended and punished...extensively.

I am however glad that I don't rely on multiplayer to enjoy a game, and I have more than enough single-player games to pass the time...and my 360. As long as it's fixed by June I'll be fine, even then I can just buy Alice for another system.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Mumorpuger said:
Wouldn't it be hilarious if it was George Hotz who stole the info?
Wouldn't it be even funnier if George Hotz ended up being found in a ditch with a couple of bullets in his head?


New member
May 27, 2010
Harry Mason said:
It's a good thing I don't use card numbers or my real name or address on XBox Live, PSN, or anywhere on the internet in general. My conspiracy theories have all just been confirmed, and I can smugly sip my White Russian tonight, safe in the knowledge that my paranoia has payed off.

My only real concern is that all my other PS3 brothers and sisters might be in trouble. I hope this doesn't have the effect of making all the XBox fanboys and girls jump up and scream "AHA! PROOF THAT THE PS3 SUCKS!"

Gits. :p
Well put. Personally I don't have a PlayStation, so this won't affect me, although I do feel bad for all of you guys out there ...

But this makes me wonder, how shitty was Sony's security? Must have been pretty bad :p


This is a...!
Apr 8, 2009
RowdyRodimus said:
Mumorpuger said:
Wouldn't it be hilarious if it was George Hotz who stole the info?
Wouldn't it be even funnier if George Hotz ended up being found in a ditch with a couple of bullets in his head?
Rather than if instead of bullets, we found that he'd been bludgeoned with a PS3, I believe it would be called "poetic justice."


New member
Jun 30, 2008
Kadoodle said:
Fair enough.
Now I feel like a dick because you've been reasonably polite. Well played.

I was projecting a little, admittedly. There were so many posts on the first few pages about how the PS3 jailbreak somehow directly enabled this attack that I was in rage mode by the time I saw your post :p


New member
Oct 16, 2010
Harry Mason said:
It's a good thing I don't use card numbers or my real name or address on XBox Live, PSN, or anywhere on the internet in general. My conspiracy theories have all just been confirmed, and I can smugly sip my White Russian tonight, safe in the knowledge that my paranoia has payed off.

My only real concern is that all my other PS3 brothers and sisters might be in trouble. I hope this doesn't have the effect of making all the XBox fanboys and girls jump up and scream "AHA! PROOF THAT THE PS3 SUCKS!"

Gits. :p
indeed, it saddens me that buyer beware is a rarely practiced concept

though sorry to disappoint you but the fanwar has already been restarted, which completely ignores the fact that only affects PSN accounts, not the console itself, yet people are treating it as if PS3's have caught the digital equivalent of leprosy

DarthFennec said:
Well put. Personally I don't have a PlayStation, so this won't affect me, although I do feel bad for all of you guys out there ...

But this makes me wonder, how shitty was Sony's security? Must have been pretty bad :p
don't you mean a PSN account?


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Mumorpuger said:
RowdyRodimus said:
Mumorpuger said:
Wouldn't it be hilarious if it was George Hotz who stole the info?
Wouldn't it be even funnier if George Hotz ended up being found in a ditch with a couple of bullets in his head?
Rather than if instead of bullets, we found that he'd been bludgeoned with a PS3, I believe it would be called "poetic justice."
Either way, as long as he is no longer what we could consider "alive" lol


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
Sony are incompetents.
For not being 100% hack-proof?
no for having security made of cardboard. if it was that easy and people stole shit, thats not really a "its not heir fault situation" of course I blame the hackers for doing it but being that big of a target and not updating your system is just incompetent... NOW i have to change my password but thank logic and reason i only use psn cards and don't have to worry about some A-hole buying an $80,000 RV or more likely a really nice Alienware computer using my thankfully non existent credit.

And no i don't know what type of security sony has, yes im still a fan but seeing as no major network like XboX live has gotten hacked psn and qioriosity's security is definitely not up to standards, I wonder how many servers they actually have...


New member
Oct 27, 2009
It's douchebags like these who give "white-hat" hackers a bad name.
I suppose it's a really good thing that I've never used the PSN network, despite owning a PS3 for a while...and they told me the DLC was worth it.


New member
Jan 26, 2011
Awexsome said:
lol... blaming Sony...

when will you wake up out of your blind hatred and try to hold his actions accountable?
whether or not geohotz was able to hack the system itself has nothing to do with their servers and personal information storage at their server HQ

for a leading company in electronics it's embarrassing that they had such a gross oversight.

regardless, geohotz is not linked to this in any concrete way so your initial argument is ridiculous


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
Wow, uh yeah I'm kinda glad I rarely used the PSN now. Actually come to think of it I couldn't even remember my password the last time I tried to log on. Oh well, my credit info on the PSN is way outdated and tbh spammers already have my info as evident by the mountains of spam I receive on a daily basis.

Still I can't help but laugh at this. The shit-storm has gotten so epic it's really all you can do, getting mad at this point is pointless. Sony knows they fucked up and they're working to fix the problem. Still this does put me off to ever using the PSN in any greater capacity than I was before.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
I luckily don't have to worry about that (since I don't even have an account) but I hope no one will be seriously financialy harmed from is :<


New member
Jul 16, 2009
pokepuke said:
puffenstuff said:
Actually this is a reason why sony is at fault for the security breach. If, as is being speculated by some, jailbroken firmware enabled the breach, it means that Sony's security system trusted that client's PS3s were secure and would always be so. This breaks a FUNDAMENTAL tenant of computer security. Designers are supposed to always assume that some of the client's systems will be compromised. If one compromised client can cause a system-wide break.... well that is.... words fail me... I literally cannot find a way to describe how irresponsible that is. So please, this is the fault of Sony and whoever stole the data. Don't try to let them off the hook by blaming anyone else.
Frankly, what you just said here is illogical. The PSN security was completely bypassed, and there is absolutely no way that it was simply from a console spoofing itself as a legit client; that doesn't even make sense.

Theseus32 said:
Bitches don't know about my personal army.

Imma take a minute to explain something. Anonymous conceptually exists on several levels. It is comprised of quite literally tens of thousands of people across dozens of websites. Therefore, any statement you care to make about them, is by the very nature of anon, true. Are they a "rag-tag group of basement dwellers"? Sure. But that is a gross oversimplification. Anon is a hive mind, again, quite literally. But beyond that there are some highly influential highly successful people who call themselves anon. I know of at least one congressman. I know of actors, directors, engineers, doctors, professors, lawyers and every other kind of professional you'd care to name. And the hackers. Anon thrives when people underestimate it. Just ask Aaron Barr.
Um, yeah.... that's great and all, but Anonymous is still just a group of hipsters glomming onto an internet subculture. Chances are, anyone being serious isn't going to care to be a part of it or care to attach themselves to it as part of their criminal activities.
agreed and its not even in anon's interest to really attack psn and lose support from gamers who want to jailbreak the PS3, if anything it was a malicious splinter group of hackers maybe involved with but not necessarily supported by anon, anon itself said they would attack sony's site, after psn is back up so as not to interrupt gamers on psn. Not defending anon here just saying its probably someone else who is less involved with the big picture.