Sony Admits Private PSN Info Has Been Stolen - All Of It


New member
Sep 29, 2008
Haven't seen any damage yet, but I've had my bank reissue my debit card and have put a security freeze on my file with all three US credit bureaus. Only bad thing about security freezes is that you have to pay a fee to have it put in place, modified, or removed.

Sony owes me 9 dollars American and my lunch break.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
I can't believe some people, I mean seriously, saying Sony is incompetent because of someone elses actions? If Sony is incompetent, then why don't any of you suggest a way to be hack proof when someone prior to the incident gets off with the code showing how PSN works? And then releases it to the public? I know I may get a lot of hate saying this, but what the hell; one could go as far as to say that Abraham Lincoln and JFK were both incompetent because they were assassinated, only by your logic.


New member
Sep 29, 2008
Kernalgohd said:
I can't believe some people, I mean seriously, saying Sony is incompetent because of someone elses actions? If Sony is incompetent, then why don't any of you suggest a way to be hack proof when someone prior to the incident gets off with the code showing how PSN works? And then releases it to the public?
To put it simply, it isn't my job. Sony's job was to do everything it could to secure the data of its customers. Layers upon layers upon layers of defense. If GeoHot's publishing of the root key compromised PSN's security (which I doubt), Sony should have taken it offline for restructuring immediately.

Don't get me wrong. The hacker(s) who did this are scum of the earth in my book, but Sony could've & should've done more to keep my information safe.

P.S. And they still owe me 9 dollars American...


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Woodsey said:
Jedihunter4 said:
Woodsey said:
Fuck Sony man, hackers have teh rightz!!!!!


Oh, right, no. Fuck them.

Still, I access my account regularly so I'll know if anything gets taken out. I'll end up emptying it myself anyway - oh the joys of having no expenses!

JourneyThroughHell said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
Sony are incompetents.
For not being 100% hack-proof?

For being unable to protect private information entrusted upon them.
Anyone with a shred of sense should know that there's a possibility their data will be stolen. No, its not fair, or what we want, but shit happens.

Just because there is still street crime doesn't make it fair to deem the police incompetent.
My bank has never been hacked . . . .
Is this the bit where someone quotes me, makes a barely-there point, and expects me to understand the relevance?
Poison replaced CC DeVille with Richie Kotzen on lead guitar until Rikki Rockett (the drummer) found out Kotzen was boning his fiance, Kotzen was then fired and replaced by Blues Saraceno until CC rejoined the band a few years later. (I hope that suffices as a barely there point sort of like "My bank hasn't been hacked". Actually, since Poison songs are available to download on the band games on PSN, it actually does sort of involve it lol)


New member
Aug 9, 2009
RowdyRodimus said:
Woodsey said:
Jedihunter4 said:
Woodsey said:
Fuck Sony man, hackers have teh rightz!!!!!


Oh, right, no. Fuck them.

Still, I access my account regularly so I'll know if anything gets taken out. I'll end up emptying it myself anyway - oh the joys of having no expenses!

JourneyThroughHell said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
Sony are incompetents.
For not being 100% hack-proof?

For being unable to protect private information entrusted upon them.
Anyone with a shred of sense should know that there's a possibility their data will be stolen. No, its not fair, or what we want, but shit happens.

Just because there is still street crime doesn't make it fair to deem the police incompetent.
My bank has never been hacked . . . .
Is this the bit where someone quotes me, makes a barely-there point, and expects me to understand the relevance?
Poison replaced CC DeVille with Richie Kotzen on lead guitar until Rikki Rockett (the drummer) found out Kotzen was boning his fiance, Kotzen was then fired and replaced by Blues Saraceno until CC rejoined the band a few years later. (I hope that suffices as a barely there point sort of like "My bank hasn't been hacked". Actually, since Poison songs are available to download on the band games on PSN, it actually does sort of involve it lol)
Well I may as well continue the identified trend of posting barely-relevant responses, by posting a barely relevant-response to your barely-relevant musical response with my own barely-relevant-but-almost-because-you-brought-up-music-response. So without further ado...

This is quite a good cover, and Jesus fuck, the girl is pretty:



New member
Apr 24, 2010
Woodsey said:
RowdyRodimus said:
Woodsey said:
Jedihunter4 said:
Woodsey said:
Fuck Sony man, hackers have teh rightz!!!!!


Oh, right, no. Fuck them.

Still, I access my account regularly so I'll know if anything gets taken out. I'll end up emptying it myself anyway - oh the joys of having no expenses!

JourneyThroughHell said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
Sony are incompetents.
For not being 100% hack-proof?

For being unable to protect private information entrusted upon them.
Anyone with a shred of sense should know that there's a possibility their data will be stolen. No, its not fair, or what we want, but shit happens.

Just because there is still street crime doesn't make it fair to deem the police incompetent.
My bank has never been hacked . . . .
Is this the bit where someone quotes me, makes a barely-there point, and expects me to understand the relevance?
Poison replaced CC DeVille with Richie Kotzen on lead guitar until Rikki Rockett (the drummer) found out Kotzen was boning his fiance, Kotzen was then fired and replaced by Blues Saraceno until CC rejoined the band a few years later. (I hope that suffices as a barely there point sort of like "My bank hasn't been hacked". Actually, since Poison songs are available to download on the band games on PSN, it actually does sort of involve it lol)
Well I may as well continue the identified trend of posting barely-relevant responses, by posting a barely relevant-response to your barely-relevant musical response with my own barely-relevant-but-almost-because-you-brought-up-music-response. So without further ado...

This is quite a good cover, and Jesus fuck, the girl is pretty:

I wonder how many people on here will even get what we were pointing out about the relevance of their statements?


New member
Aug 9, 2009
RowdyRodimus said:
Woodsey said:
RowdyRodimus said:
Woodsey said:
Jedihunter4 said:
Woodsey said:
Fuck Sony man, hackers have teh rightz!!!!!


Oh, right, no. Fuck them.

Still, I access my account regularly so I'll know if anything gets taken out. I'll end up emptying it myself anyway - oh the joys of having no expenses!

JourneyThroughHell said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
Sony are incompetents.
For not being 100% hack-proof?

For being unable to protect private information entrusted upon them.
Anyone with a shred of sense should know that there's a possibility their data will be stolen. No, its not fair, or what we want, but shit happens.

Just because there is still street crime doesn't make it fair to deem the police incompetent.
My bank has never been hacked . . . .
Is this the bit where someone quotes me, makes a barely-there point, and expects me to understand the relevance?
Poison replaced CC DeVille with Richie Kotzen on lead guitar until Rikki Rockett (the drummer) found out Kotzen was boning his fiance, Kotzen was then fired and replaced by Blues Saraceno until CC rejoined the band a few years later. (I hope that suffices as a barely there point sort of like "My bank hasn't been hacked". Actually, since Poison songs are available to download on the band games on PSN, it actually does sort of involve it lol)
Well I may as well continue the identified trend of posting barely-relevant responses, by posting a barely relevant-response to your barely-relevant musical response with my own barely-relevant-but-almost-because-you-brought-up-music-response. So without further ado...

This is quite a good cover, and Jesus fuck, the girl is pretty:

I wonder how many people on here will even get what we were pointing out about the relevance of their statements?
I'm still waiting for Mr Fancy Pants to tell me why the fuck I should care about his bank account, so a while for some, probably.


New member
Apr 19, 2011
Spangles said:
People, seriously, this kind of shit is happening too often now. Big comapnies have to be sent a message that they MUST ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE the privacy of any and all personal info that they store, OR THEY SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO HAVE IT.

How much longer are you just going to let the companies away with this kind of thing, time and time again? They just mutter 'sorry' and walk away.... It's about time they were sued in to oblivion.
The problem is that sony 1. as better lawyers and 2. they are probably not reliable for stolen info if u agreed to their terms of service.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2008
It's times like this that I rejoice over the fact I've never bothered to buy anything on the Playstation Store. Luckily, the only information they should have is my email and password, which shouldn't be too bad.


New member
Dec 4, 2010
Sebster 105 said:
I still think it's the retards at Anon
and to think a fortnight ago they were all "We're on your side, really"

I know Anon said it wasn't them but who buys that?
They don't exactly act in unison though do they, if anon say they didn't do it all that means is one of them asked "so any of you guys hack psn lately?" and got no answer, the guy who did it may not have even seen such a post... If it was even them.


New member
Mar 7, 2009
On the one hand, I'm pissed cause SCEA and the whole playstation company are probably done for. But on the other hand, it's pretty impressive for a bunch of nerds with computers to bring a multi-billion dollar company to it's knees. Also, HEY I GUESS THE CONSOLE WARS ARE OVER! NOW EVERYONE JUST HAS TO DECIDE BETWEEN XBOX 360 AND... XBOX 360! That is until "project cafe" comes out.


Social justice warrior
Apr 3, 2010
Kernalgohd said:
I can't believe some people, I mean seriously, saying Sony is incompetent because of someone elses actions? If Sony is incompetent, then why don't any of you suggest a way to be hack proof when someone prior to the incident gets off with the code showing how PSN works? And then releases it to the public? I know I may get a lot of hate saying this, but what the hell; one could go as far as to say that Abraham Lincoln and JFK were both incompetent because they were assassinated, only by your logic.
Sony is incompetent because of their own actions. We do not live in a world where any system can magically get completely owned by hackers whenever they feel like it - Sony knew what they had to do to secure their systems, and they did not do it. The key breach a few months ago likely had little to do with the current situation, but even if it did have everything to do with it, that's entirely Sony's fault too. I explained it in detail in an earlier post so I'm not going to go into it again, but if you're really interested in what happened back then, this video pretty much sums it up. Skip to the 6 minute mark to get the good stuff.
Even if you don't care one way or the other, it's a good little primer on why you have to read crypto design documentation carefully, and not skimp on the details.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Awexsome said:
He released the code online to these people who hacked for the personal info. That is not up for debate.

The hackers used modded custom firmware on their PS3's that wouldn't have been able to get online with that kind of illegal authority without that code. By releasing that code Geohotz definitely allowed this to happen. Just like Sony had predicted. Sure he settled out of court but that was just how the judicial system works. The damage was done and Sony didn't need to bankrupt the guy for everything he owned and after this, I wouldn't blame em.
You do realize how many different devices besides a modded PS3 that a hacker could have used to achieve the same thing, right? A PSP for example? Or even a PC?

Besides bias and supposition, do you have any proof that it was Geohotz's hack that directly caused this?

Remember, correlation =/= causality.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
If PSN was so easily compromised, then Sony is entirely at fault. The silver lining in this is that they will be forced to correct their problems. This is why blackhats are important.

I am sorry for those that had their information compromised.


New member
Aug 16, 2010
Mercsenary said:
Rhiehn said:
I'd blame the hackers(who actually stole the information) first, then Sony for being apparently less secure than Apple, since iDevices have been jailbroken for years, but iTunes remains secure, and GeoHotz last for possibly opening a security hole(admittedly, the only evidence that indicates this is that it happened in the months after it was jailbroken, its totally possible that the hackers didn't even use anything GeoHotz released) I really hate that everyone is lumping all of the "it's your device, you should be able to run what you want on it" hackers with the "gonna steal a bunch of credit cards kthxbai" hackers.
Love how geohotz gets some fault for this.

Its like having your house broken into and then saying "obviously keymakers have some fault as they make keys to doors."
That's not exactly an apt comparison. It's more like blaming someone who made a device that could be modified to pick locks or something.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Pyrokinesis said:
killamanhunter said:
Let's see the timeline

1st: Sony sues Geohotz and everyone goes against Sony
2nd: Anon attacks Sony and everyone goes against Anon
3rd: Geo drops out and Anon tries one last ditch effort to feel like they mean something in this fight no one likes anyone
4th: PSN goes down everyone hates Sony and Anon
5th PSN stays down and Anons all like "we did nothing bro!" everyone hates Sony
6th: everyone get's their stuff stolen off of PSN and we go back to everyone hates both sides in the fight

point is if we can put music on a compact disc....
It is a bloody song and dance and quite frankly Sony is good at it. All it takes is one specially worded excerpt of vauge words and hidden potentials to make everyone jump off the deep end and start blaming Anon. When are they gona admit that the data was "capable" of being stolen but was not downloaded. Never, that would make their case look weak. They have to paint Anon as "malicious hackers" and they did it well without saying a word. Well done sony, And well done mindless masses who believe them.
Wait, are you suggesting they did this to THEMSELVES just to demonize Anon? @_@ They are seriously positioned to lose money hand over fist from this. They could damn well be nailed badly enough that SCEA as we know it could be ghosted. US Senators are getting up in arms, class-action lawsuits are going up, consumer confidence is flying out the window, and their stock undoubtedly is going to take a pummeling so bad, if this was MMA the ref would need to call a stoppage for inability to actively defend one's self. You CAN NOT seriously think they did this- ALL this -to themselves just to make people mad at Anon.