Sony Explains Why Controller-Free Gaming Won't Work


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Jumplion said:
I have EyeToy: Antigrav, it was fun when I played it as a kid :D

As for the video, while he didn't explicitly mention Kinect, it's obvious that it's being referenced.

I think that we really need to concentrate on regular motion controls for now since we can barely get those to work half the time to begin with. While I do want Kinect to succeed in some points (and the other half of me wants it to fail so that Microsoft will shut the hell up), it's probably best to work the kinks out of regular motion controls for now.

Though the Move, for as much flak as it's getting for being a "ripoff" of the Wii (which, in essence, it is), it is sort of an intermediate between the Wii and Kinect in that is has both a controller and a camera, effectively doubling it's possibilities.

I for one can't wait to see what either of these controllers will put out. Maybe it'll be crap, maybe it'll be gold, but I'm always optimistic with new technologies.
I tried out the Move when they were demonstrating it at the shopping center near my school.
It is much, MUCH better than the Wii in horsepower and calibration.
Though I have to admit they probably just bought a Wii and said "Okay we need to find flaws in this and make the same thing only better"
Wii 2.0 HD = Move


Legendary Table User
Jul 17, 2009
Atleast they admit Eye toy sucked.

Worst. Christmas Present. EVER.

SomethingAmazing said:
''Even better, it turned out that gamers actually like having something in their hand while they play!''

Of course they do.
What?!?! That is so untrue I long for a medium where I can watch an imaginary protagonist do cool shit while I need to give no input at all.


Beer Quaffer
Jul 10, 2009
Then again, the eyetoy was a raging pile of crap that no one liked. The kinect is more than just a dinky webcam. But hey... who is sony to judge when they pretty much made a damn wii-mote?


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Who Ever said that you ABSOLUTELY CAN'T use a controller in conjunction with the kinect?


New member
Mar 2, 2010
fanklok said:
What?!?! That is so untrue I long for a medium where I can watch an imaginary protagonist do cool shit while I need to give no input at all.
I believe you may be referring to this revolutionary and modern experience:

Here []


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Doesn't the Kinect recognize objects? Also, QQ Sony. Or should I say, GG? Please, do not put down a competitor...That's really bad 'sportsmanship!'

The Cheezy One

Christian. Take that from me.
Dec 13, 2008
Except the Eyetoy was hilariously easy to break. At some point, I held up a moose puppet, and did exactly as well as my friends who were using themselves.
Please stop bashing kinect. Not just Sony, but all those people who haven't played it yet. Am I the only person who remembers CoD4:MW being slandered when it was announced as a step away from the series' roots in WW2? All the complaints suddenly disappeared when "Good" became an undestatement. If you don't like it, don't buy it.
And Kinect early on was announced to have 3D recognition, and will be 1-1. So you have to flail like a mad man in sword fighing games, is that any different to spastic jerks that I use when playing anything on the wii?


New member
Aug 9, 2010
AzrealMaximillion said:
Baldr said:
AzrealMaximillion said:
Baldr said:
Kinect can recognize objects to use in place of controllers so you don't need a standard controller. Thinking that Kinect is controller free is a mistake.
For example take a bowl and using it as a steering wheel in a racing game.
or a stick as a sword for a fantasy game.

Kinect can't register a person moving forwards and backwards. This makes weaving and dodging in boxing games better on the Move by default. And thinking of Kinect as controller free isn't a mistake. Using a bowl or a stick to help control a game is more of an extension of the person. The same has been said about operating a car.
where are you getting your information? because it is wrong. It does recognize back and forth through the IR signature gets darker when further away from the IR projector.
Got my info from a GameStop manager who got to test is 2 months before release. Having friends in the retail end of things helps. I probably should have clarified, Kinect can't read a person moving forwards or backwards in the sense that walking forwards and backwards isn't going to be happening for a while. There mat be a patch for that. Also weaving and dodging in boxing games is an imppossibility right now. This is coming from a source that had hands on experience with Kinect. Gameplay videos of Ubisoft's Fighters Uncaged, and MS' own Boxing game on Kinect Sports prove that. Both games require the player to put up both hand in a blocking stance. Early Kinect will not be that great. Wii Boxing had weaving and dodging on it Day 1. If the Kinect can't do that, those limts with it that Move, and even the Wii will capitalize on.
Your GameStop manager buddy is wrong. Kinect can see things moving forward and back - it's core to several of the Kinect Adventures games and required to set up Kinect ID.


New member
Oct 23, 2009

No, Sony, nobody's going to make the connection to this and the Microsoft Kinect.



New member
Mar 23, 2010

Broken failware is broken. It's only official now.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Like Rune342 said:
Rune342 said:
It sounds to me that they are saying, we think controller free gaming won't work, because ours didn't work. But don't worry, we made this other thing that isn't copied from Nintendo at all...
Yeah, remember how the Wii-mote looked like a lollipop, according to them? Well, Move certainly doesn't!

I wonder if this means they'll copy the Kinect system in a few years, if it turns out to be popular? Then again, they've already tried it with the EyeToy.


Captain Hammer
Aug 14, 2008
Okay, I agree that not having a controller is kind of dumb. But I still applaud Microsoft for trying something new, instead of just going "Oh hey, let's copy Nintendo!"

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
Shale_Dirk said:
fix'd []

Broken failware is broken. It's only official now.
All of those complaints could potentially be fixed with software updates and an expanding library of games (as the article itself said). Sure it's no excuse for Kinect being so specific in setup requirements, having limited or awkward menu navigation, or lacking in worthwhile games but the device is clearly not "broken failware".


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Jkudo said:
dogstile said:
Awesome Sony, because they're selling a hell of a lot more kinects than your silly eyetoy you're going to get jealous :p

On a serious note, I really want them to let us use kinect for RTS games. That would make consoles a really viable target for those.
I'm really ignorant on the subject so correct me if i'm wrong but isn't the reason people dislike console rts is because the keyboard and mouse do it better with all the buttons. Once again i know almost nothing on rts, never played one on a pc. I can see how you could select things with kinect, actually if you combine it with voice control it might work on some level, but if it wouldn't be measuring depth(maybe to zoom in i guess?), and without it tracking fingers i can't see it being much different than using an eyetoy. It just seems pretty messy.
Its got some problems. If it got refined, i'd be happy with it


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Eldritch Warlord said:
Shale_Dirk said:
fix'd []

Broken failware is broken. It's only official now.
All of those complaints could potentially be fixed with software updates and an expanding library of games (as the article itself said). Sure it's no excuse for Kinect being so specific in setup requirements, having limited or awkward menu navigation, or lacking in worthwhile games but the device is clearly not "broken failware".
Sure, software updates could fix the selection options, and iron out some of the kinks with video recognition, but it will do nothing to save the lag and drop-out problems that the system has. I'm not saying that the system is a failure because of a lack of expansive selections, I'm saying as such because it does not do its intended purpose, which is 1 to 1 motion capture.