Sony Explains Why Controller-Free Gaming Won't Work


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Meh. Meehhhh.

I don't care, I won't be buying anything Microsoft any time soon, so let Sony sling all the mud they want. I will forever love them for LBP. Not that that means I'll get move.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
SomethingAmazing said:
What's with all this talk about them being childish?

They're right about this.
What they're saying is that the Eyetoy was too limited. OF course it was. It was just a camera. The kinect is a tad more complex and has more potential. Is it the next big thin? eh... nah, probably not.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Nouw said:
Doesn't the Kinect recognize objects? Also, QQ Sony. Or should I say, GG? Please, do not put down a competitor...That's really bad 'sportsmanship!'
I swear the Eyetoy creator )Richard Marks) was talking about his experience back on the ps2 with the eyetoy? This isn't some random guy you know, he actually demoed the core Kinect technology on the ps2 in 05' (made by some company in Israel I believe)before MS bought the tech and fixed it up a bit.

Yeah, Sony turned down this tech b/c they know the limitations with it.

Main Highlights
00:23-00:28 ("This isn't our tech btw, its made by an Israely company...")
08:10-08:25 ("This is a demo of a guy batting a ball around...this is very early work...this is running on the PS2 btw...")


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Eruanno said:
Okay, I agree that not having a controller is kind of dumb. But I still applaud Microsoft for trying something new, instead of just going "Oh hey, let's copy Nintendo!"
Look at above post^


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
So they just *happened* to point out the flaws in a system they designed years ago a day before Kinect is released?


Sony! You're not exactly in a position to attack Microsoft for making a crappy gimmick! The Move might work, but it will be pointless. You can't change all of your main franchises over to Move-only controls, since that would cut sales from people who haven't bought one. That means that the only Move games will be shovelware and the occasional well-designed third party game which will undersell because everyone will already have traded in their Move by then.

Nintendo has the advantage, because everyone who has bought a Wii has all of the motion controls already. They don't have to choose between making the game good or trying to force the controls into the games and alienating customers who don't want to buy it.

GLo Jones

Activate the Swagger
Feb 13, 2010
I totally got some powerful nostalgia over some of those games. I fucking loved the firework one.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
SomethingAmazing said:
''Even better, it turned out that gamers actually like having something in their hand while they play!''

Of course they do. I love a dirty mind, be it yours or mine :p

OT: Move is no better than Kinect. They both push stupid, simple....casual...urg.., games that get boring REAL fast. Just like the wii....


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Ugh. I see so much hate from Sony.

Personally, I'm on their side. I cannot stand the Kinect. IT's a horrible piece of hardware, and I can see how even the MOVE is beating it in sales, though I dislike it as well.

If they were wrong, the Wii wouldn't have taken first place in sales. Even if Sony copied them, they copied what apparently was a winning strategy.

I hate to admit that such gimmicks sell millions, but it's a truth.

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
Yugi: Wait, did you just make a crappy peripheral?
Micro$oft: Yeah, so?
Yugi: Well isn't that a rip off for the customers?
Micro$oft: Screw the customers, I have money!


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Accridition said:
AzrealMaximillion said:
Baldr said:
AzrealMaximillion said:
Baldr said:
Kinect can recognize objects to use in place of controllers so you don't need a standard controller. Thinking that Kinect is controller free is a mistake.
For example take a bowl and using it as a steering wheel in a racing game.
or a stick as a sword for a fantasy game.

Kinect can't register a person moving forwards and backwards. This makes weaving and dodging in boxing games better on the Move by default. And thinking of Kinect as controller free isn't a mistake. Using a bowl or a stick to help control a game is more of an extension of the person. The same has been said about operating a car.
where are you getting your information? because it is wrong. It does recognize back and forth through the IR signature gets darker when further away from the IR projector.
Got my info from a GameStop manager who got to test is 2 months before release. Having friends in the retail end of things helps. I probably should have clarified, Kinect can't read a person moving forwards or backwards in the sense that walking forwards and backwards isn't going to be happening for a while. There mat be a patch for that. Also weaving and dodging in boxing games is an imppossibility right now. This is coming from a source that had hands on experience with Kinect. Gameplay videos of Ubisoft's Fighters Uncaged, and MS' own Boxing game on Kinect Sports prove that. Both games require the player to put up both hand in a blocking stance. Early Kinect will not be that great. Wii Boxing had weaving and dodging on it Day 1. If the Kinect can't do that, those limts with it that Move, and even the Wii will capitalize on.
Your GameStop manager buddy is wrong. Kinect can see things moving forward and back - it's core to several of the Kinect Adventures games and required to set up Kinect ID.
Fair enough. They must have patched it as I do remember them habing to fix the issue of it not being able to read actions from a sitting player. And from what I've seen from the two games I've seen that would really benefit from being able to "lean backwards to dodge" instead opting for just "blocking motions", I though he was right. My bad, I'll go slap him upside the head today for lying.


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
Jewrean said:
Yeah but... the Eyetoy sucked!
That's the point they're trying to get across

cocoro67 said:
Jumplion said:
I have EyeToy: Antigrav, it was fun when I played it as a kid :D

As for the video, while he didn't explicitly mention Kinect, it's obvious that it's being referenced.

I think that we really need to concentrate on regular motion controls for now since we can barely get those to work half the time to begin with. While I do want Kinect to succeed in some points (and the other half of me wants it to fail so that Microsoft will shut the hell up), it's probably best to work the kinks out of regular motion controls for now.

Though the Move, for as much flak as it's getting for being a "ripoff" of the Wii (which, in essence, it is), it is sort of an intermediate between the Wii and Kinect in that is has both a controller and a camera, effectively doubling it's possibilities.

I for one can't wait to see what either of these controllers will put out. Maybe it'll be crap, maybe it'll be gold, but I'm always optimistic with new technologies.
I tried out the Move when they were demonstrating it at the shopping center near my school.
It is much, MUCH better than the Wii in horsepower and calibration.
Though I have to admit they probably just bought a Wii and said "Okay we need to find flaws in this and make the same thing only better"
Wii 2.0 HD = Move
Again, the Move and Wii started development around the same time (some time in 2001), but at least someone here has actually noted down why the technology of the Move is more advanced.

Imagine it whis way. The Wii is based mainly on the technology in the controller. The Kinect is based on tracking motion with a camera. The Move is those 2 idea put together.

And I also don't see why people who slag off the Move saying it's unoriginal, yet people don't slag off the Kinect because it's unoriginal (Please, you've mentioned the EyeToy over and over again, yet some people don't seem to have put 2 and 2 together)


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
Oh, and another thing. With the Move, you can (kinda) physically throw David Hasselhoff across an indoor theme-park filled with explosive crates

I'll let that one sit in you mind for a while...


Can you feel around inside?
Dec 22, 2008
Ignoring the obvious bashing occurring here, he's also just ACHING to push their annoying 3D agenda when it's perfectly viable without the expensive 3d technology:

Of course, they can still make some money off of cheap plastic holders and glasses for the controls and sensor, but clearly this is possible without the ridiculous expense of their 3d glasses.

I suppose that the 3d won't work for more than one person, but at the same time, the immersiveness that one person can have is much greater. So I guess that's the one drawback. Ah well. Still, this stuff is silly.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Megacherv said:
Vanguard_Ex said:
I must admit, I love how Sony are resorting to this childish slating of the other platforms.
jeremypeel said:
Mmph. Cheap shot.
You know that they've been implicitly slandering Kinect for months right? Go watch Kevin Butler's Playstation Move from the Future advert because A) It's as subtle as a T-Rex (which is intentional) and B) you can't watch enough Kevin Butler.
Yeah I know, I didn't say anything that implied otherwise. I was just saying that I love how they're the ones that have this massively ongoing campaign against the other ones like they're a fucking political party or something.


New member
Jul 13, 2004
You can't have motion controls without a wand. You can't have 3D television without glasses.

Sony sure love to accessorise!


New member
May 8, 2010
You realize that this is the beginning of the end for the keyboard and mouse. Now we just have to figure how to safely beam light directly into our retinas and get rid of the monitor.