I don said:
It's actually because it's harder to get mad at something you really don't know anything about. It's not that we don't care, but it's that we never hear about it in the first place because we don't sit around and read Polygon all day.
Yes, but you do visit the Escapist, and I have a long memory. I remember back during the height of the "cenbsorship" BS around here. I remember how many people would flip out if they changed the aghe of underage girls in an RPG. I also remember how quiet those voices got when EA was reported to have censored same-sex relationships, or when they covered up a FF character because he was making dudes uncomfortable.
To quote an old song...your story's real touching, but it sounds just like a lie.
In fact, I remember the screams of ": SJW!" when Bioware included same-sex relationships in ME and DA, which they wanted from the start. I remember the cries of "SJW" when Volition took the T&A they didn't want out of their games. It's really hard to believe the people who were triggered by optional gay content in vidya games to the point they wanted it out are against all censorship because they happen to object when underage girls (and it is always girls) and groping games are removed.
Dreiko said:
That's a valid concern. My only explanation is that people who care about this issue don't actually play any gay games so are unaware of the censorship coming that way and perhaps that there's just way fewer instances of such a thing happening to a series known about having sexy dudes. I definitely agree with you that it also ought to be condemned in a similar fashion.
Similar to what I said above, the biggest problem with this is how many of these people are getting their news from gaming nsites. In fact, the ones I encounter--the only ones I can really comment on--are 100% getting their news from gaming sites, because I literally don't follow anywhere else where this shit shows up.
I'll also point out that these were the people who insisted people like me weren't gamers (which is sort of true, because I will not brand myself with that label), or "True Gamers" or whatever.
There's a huge overlap between fans of depictions of underage girls being groped and gaming, and even when these stories are reported, they vanish faster than logic in a superhero show.
There's a certain logic behind the notion of "all censorship is bad, so we must defend everything" except...that's not what happens. On the gaming sites I visit it's always the underage girls, giant boobs, and rapey games that get defended. LGBT content removed? A woman removed? Black characters removed? Cover up a dude's homoerotically delicious abs? NINJA! VANISH!
Actions matter, and people have consistently not been there to defend this stuff. In fact, gamers seem to be happy to call for the censorship of media that offends them personally, which sends the message to me that they very specifically like this kind of content.