Sony to Nintendo: Leave Our 3D Glasses Alone!


New member
Feb 6, 2009
$300 is not a confirmed price, We should know Nintendo by now they wouldn't be making the 3DS unless they could do so at an affordable price.


New member
May 9, 2010
Why, oh why, must 3-D be the centre of attention?
Like a lot of people are struggling to afford proper 1080p HD tvs. What makes Sony think that the vast majority of people are willing to shell out +?3,000 and the several hundred Euro required for the 3D glasses.

Congratulations are due for Nintendo. Cheap, non goofy glasses required, 3D for the masses.
Sony, go fuck yourself!


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
Ravek said:
tkioz said:
Glasses are 90% of the reason I detest 3D, the other 10% is split up between the headache it gives me, it's general gimickness (sp?), and several other minor issues.
Headaches are bad, of course. But I can't agree with calling it a gimmick. I would hate not having stereoscopic 3D vision in my day to day life, so how could I consider 3D vision in games a gimmick?
A gimmick is something that is done just to be done, to attract attention but doesn't really add anything to the experience, for example 3D in Avatar wasn't a gimmick, it added a lot to the experience, 3D in Clash of the Titans was a gimmick, if anything it detracted from the movie.

The same thing will happen with games, you might get a handful of really really good games that make the most of the 3D tech, but the rest will be dross that would of been otherwise fine games.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Shouldn't Sony be sucking Nintendo's cock on this one, C'mon now the 3DS does 3D without glasses, isnt that a future goal for ALL 3D?


New member
May 12, 2010
Sony gotta be kidding.
Reggie just says that Nintendo's 3D is actually purchasable by more than 5% of the usual customers while you gotta pay multiple thousands for the whole PS3 - 3D setup.

That plain and simply true and no mocking at all.

If it was the other way round we'd already see multiple new Kevin Butler PS3D advertises...
Goddamn hypocrites.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Awww, Sony did you have your feelings hurt?

I'm so sowwy!


Come on Sony, stop being such a little ***** and deal with it. Its a big-boys world out there, you know that better then anyone. You were the very one's who were pleased that Nintendo was going ahead with 3D technology because you think it will be their downfall. Its called making money, gentleman, and if you miss the bus you get left behind.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
Dear Sony.
Some of us already wear glasses, and you guys make no concession for us,
So I side with nintendo, and will buy shares in them if they can bring this tech to TV screens.

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
Korten12 said:
funny thing is that if Nintendo said any douche like statement no one who have any problem.
I don't see how this is true. But I don't think Sony is making a "douche like statement" here, they are just being massive hypocrites and that bothers people. For example, I recall them taking multiple stabs at Microsoft's kinect during E3, pointing out how a controller with buttons is an important part of the hardcore gaming experience. Now they want Nintendo to stop promoting the fact that their 3D does not require those annoying glasses.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Sony: "But we're your friends Nintendo! Why don't we work together?"
Nintendo: "Uh...because our product functions without the need for an irritating limitation?"
Sony: "Why you be so mean?!"

***5 years earlier***

Sony: "HAHAHAHA!!! We OWN this town!"
Nintendo: "Sigh...we lost. But we won't admit that."
Sony: "***** PLEASE! Speak only when spoken to!"

Of course, Nintendo is every bit as arrogant as Sony today. I just find this turn of events amusing. Sony doesn't want to build *anything* with Nintendo except their bank accounts.
Nintendo, likewise, doesn't need Sony for dick.

OneBig Man

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Onyx Oblivion said:
3D is a fad.

But the 3DS is not going to be. You don't need any special equipment, and there'll be plenty of 3DS games that likely won't use the 3D tech.
If plenty of games don't use the tech then why waste money on it. I say just forget 3D and wait for actual virtual reality.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Susan Arendt said:
buy teh haloz said:
Gamegodtre said:
since i wear actual glasses the 3D glasses don't fit me can i get 3D goggles?
I wear glasses, but I have to wear the 3D glasses on top of my regular glasses. It's so fucking uncomfortable.
Damn straight. Sony's glasses are light and even attractive, but they still suck if you wear normal glasses, too. That's not their fault, that's just how it is. Glasses over glasses ain't comfy, no matter how nice each pair is.
So then why are we still seeing just glasses. If there is so many of us who already wear glasses why aren't we seeing freaking clips? That is all we need fer crying out loud. They make them with sunglass lenses so we don't have to wear sunglasses over our daily glasses.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
John Funk said:
Yeah, what gives Nintendo the right to point out that their technology doesn't have glasses that can cause headaches and darken the over all picture for thousands less for the TV+glasses could possibly cost!

...Wait a minute.


Crumpled Ball of Paper
Oct 11, 2009
Don't know what the big deal of wearing some glasses for about an hour or two when you play a game.
Are people's heads made out of squishy playdo and scared that the glasses might deform their nose?

on a it wrong for me to say that Nintendo 3DS's 3D just seems like a fancy R3/right analog button?
It's a camera, you're looking into the game.
Sony's 3D comes out of the screen, AT YOU.
Don't get me wrong, 3DS is definatly on the want list but it is a different kind of 3D to the other 3D we know.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Wow, someones getting angry? Well, it will all amount to nothing, I am sure.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
OneBig Man said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
3D is a fad.

But the 3DS is not going to be. You don't need any special equipment, and there'll be plenty of 3DS games that likely won't use the 3D tech.
If plenty of games don't use the tech then why waste money on it. I say just forget 3D and wait for actual virtual reality.
At least the 3DS includes some improved graphics, a new joystick that looks like it has been designed to avoid all the troubles the PSP had with its joystick, a huge number of launch titles, and the ability to change the depth of field or out right turn it off with a simple slider on the side of the system.

The PS3 3D update will only work for certain (expensive) TVs, work only with the glasses, and I heard nor seen that it can be changed in anyway.

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
Ha ha, hilarious. Surely if Sony had the better product they'd be best pals with Nintendo, no?

I mean, what's up with Sony? Did they send all of their PR and marketing folks to a camp and they never returned? Or were replaced by aliens?

Mr. Gency

New member
Jan 26, 2010
John Funk said:
Both companies should be presenting a united front in the promotion of 3D gaming, not sniping at each others' technology.
Nintendo, those quick-scoping bastards!