Sony to Nintendo: Leave Our 3D Glasses Alone!


New member
Jan 15, 2009
Susan Arendt said:
buy teh haloz said:
Gamegodtre said:
since i wear actual glasses the 3D glasses don't fit me can i get 3D goggles?
I wear glasses, but I have to wear the 3D glasses on top of my regular glasses. It's so fucking uncomfortable.
Damn straight. Sony's glasses are light and even attractive, but they still suck if you wear normal glasses, too. That's not their fault, that's just how it is. Glasses over glasses ain't comfy, no matter how nice each pair is.
Why can't someone design a 3D face shield? For the movie theaters... it would be like a cross between a face shield, 3d glasses and those paper crowns that one fast food joint gives to kids on their b-days.

Korten12 said:
SuperMse said:
Sorry Sony, but I really don't see how glasses beats no more glasses []. Why should Nintendo not advertise one of the biggest selling points of their handheld?
becuase possibly the one that nintendo has only works for 1 person while the glasses work for more then one person?

funny thing is that if Nintendo said any douche like statement no one who have any problem.

Pimppeter2 said:
I don't understand why people are pointing out that the 3DS only working for one person at a time like its a bad thing. I mean, the DS is a personal device.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
Diversity in ideas is a good thing. I'm glad Nintendo is making the 3DS, that's what I wanted if 3D is going to be tried not the glasses nonsense.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
I can't stand 3D TV because if you're not wearing glasses, you can't watch it without getting an immediate headache.


New member
Apr 5, 2009
The glasses are stupid, now take you beating like good boy.

What they should be making fun of it the fact that you have to buy a 3D tv to play the games.


New member
May 21, 2009
FloodOne said:
Tarakos said:
NOT rob them blind (3DS at around $300 I think)
I was gonna stay out of this thread, but this statement blew me away.

Three hundred dollars. For a fucking handheld!?

Clue me in to where I'm not being robbed blind.

The PSPGo was $250 and the internet (this site and it's members included) deep fried them for their business move.

Now you're going to support a three hundred dollar handheld because of some gimmick...

Way to go internet, you've reaffirmed the failure of the fanboy.
Fanboy. Lol. I've never even owned a piece of Nintendo hardware and don't plan on it. The 3DS pricing isn't bad when you consider what it can do. Stereoscopic 3D display, processing power some say is one par with the consoles, and probably upgraded wi-fi, among other things I can't be bothered to look up. Sony's 3D plan on the other hand, involves us buying a TV at about 4 grand, and then the goggles for another $200. So yes, in comparison, Nintendo's the better deal. Even so, I'm not going for either one at this point. I was merely giving my two cents on this subject. 3D is truly a fad that will pass. At least Nintendo is thinking outside of the box. So if I came across as supporting the whole 3D thing, then I'm sorry you saw it that way. I merely think Nintendo has a better idea, even though 3D will never become the norm. And if this statement seems to contradict my earlier one, I do that. Go with it.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Tarakos said:
FloodOne said:
Tarakos said:
NOT rob them blind (3DS at around $300 I think)
I was gonna stay out of this thread, but this statement blew me away.

Three hundred dollars. For a fucking handheld!?

Clue me in to where I'm not being robbed blind.

The PSPGo was $250 and the internet (this site and it's members included) deep fried them for their business move.

Now you're going to support a three hundred dollar handheld because of some gimmick...

Way to go internet, you've reaffirmed the failure of the fanboy.
Fanboy. Lol. I've never even owned a piece of Nintendo hardware and don't plan on it. The 3DS pricing isn't bad when you consider what it can do. Stereoscopic 3D display, processing power some say is one par with the consoles, and probably upgraded wi-fi, among other things I can't be bothered to look up. Sony's 3D plan on the other hand, involves us buying a TV at about 4 grand, and then the goggles for another $200. So yes, in comparison, Nintendo's the better deal. Even so, I'm not going for either one at this point. I was merely giving my two cents on this subject. 3D is truly a fad that will pass. At least Nintendo is thinking outside of the box. So if I came across as supporting the whole 3D thing, then I'm sorry you saw it that way. I merely think Nintendo has a better idea, even though 3D will never become the norm. And if this statement seems to contradict my earlier one, I do that. Go with it.
My bad, I wasn't really referring to you as a fanboy, more of an observation of the direction of this thread.

I for one, would never pay $300 for a handheld anything. Game system, phone, iPod... none of it.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Honestly, lenses that are close to what is in the 3DS was also being demoed for PC monitors, and with that how long can it really before it's in your average TV? Much like HD didn't get too far till just about every TV on the market was one, I don't think 3D will ether. I look at it like the transition from black and white TVs to color, I bet there where many that said, "Ya, it's nice to have color, but I'm not going to pay a lot more for it" back then too.

Like several have said, I do think that the depth that a 3D display can put out can help in many kinds of games (I want a 3D Boom Blocks... that would be kick ass). Take a platformer like Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie, how much easier would the jumping be if you could better judge the distance, or lobbing Grenades in a FPS. It's not something that would make the game take a huge jump, but any improvement is still an improvement. And that's just game play, in my time seeing films in 3D, the ones that do it best almost always are the 100% computer animated ones (Avatar, Toy Story 3, How to Train Your Dragon). Since games usually are completely made in the computer, I'd say the best stuff in 3D may come from games after all.

The funniest thing I heard is that what makes a TV 3D or not 3D costs the maker next to nothing... so all the mark up that the TVs themselves have is made up (I've just seen an under 2000 buck 120 HRZ TV.. aka it refreshes as fast as a 3D TV). If Sony was real about there pushing of 3D, they'd maybe give themselves a 300 to 400 buck difference in cost from 2D to 3D and update all PS3s so they can run 3D movies (worked to fight for Blu Ray vs HDDVD fight) along with the 3D games, and also have some popular games 3D with a free patch (I'd imagine that could be done cheep and fast). Right now it's content that is as big a crutch as the price. I think that the only two movies I think you can get in 3D right now is Monsters vs Aliens and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and there's little word on things coming at all the rest of the year.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Xzi said:
Why shouldn't Nintendo promote glasses-free 3D? It's the only way to deliver 3D that I'm interested in since I already wear glasses, and having another pair on top is freaking annoying. I'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat.

More Sony bitching, what a surprise. Why on earth would Nintendo promote a competitor's products? I don't remember Sony saying, "motion-controls are great" when the Wii came out, but look what's happened now. If Sony's 3DTVs are a good enough technology, eventually everyone will be on board. But I don't see it happening.
Same here with the glasses issue, that's always been a pain in the ass for me to have to wear two pairs of glasses like some dork. If Nintendo can give us good 3D effects without the bloody glasses then I'm shocked they aren't shouting it from the roof tops. I'm sure if Sony or another company pulled it off they would be bragging about it.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
I'd hate to repeat myself but $300 was a prediction. We should know by now that they wouldn't release hardware that wasn't affordable from the get go.


New member
Feb 13, 2009
Right sony, so those of us WITH glasses are just SOL, or is that covered?

Also, The glasses aren't nice and light, and easy to forget. Maybe its just me, and alot in my immediate circle, but we all get headaches after wearing them for 30 mins, much less the few hours Avatar is.


New member
May 23, 2009
Enigma6667 said:
Glasses-free 3D is the only good 3D. In that point I must add-- wait, what? Sony and Nintendo working together?? Could it be?

Yup. It could be.
Holy @#$%ing God. This may very well be the BEST. THING. EVER.

In all seriousness, if Nintendo can genuinely provide a 3D experience without one of the biggest drawbacks of 3D (having to put on bloody goggles every time you want to enjoy entertainment), then why can't they use that as a selling point? It's like saying, "You can't say yours is good, because ours isn't as good." Assuming they both have working 3D, of course. Trying not to take a side.

However, if game companies are working together, it could lead to them assimilating each other and, well, how that will turn out is all documented here:


New member
Apr 24, 2010
whaleswiththumbs said:
Also, The glasses aren't nice and light, and easy to forget. Maybe its just me, and alot in my immediate circle, but we all get headaches after wearing them for 30 mins, much less the few hours Avatar is.
Honestly though, was that from the glasses or from James Cameron jerking his ego off onto you for those few hours?


New member
May 21, 2009
FloodOne said:
Tarakos said:
FloodOne said:
Tarakos said:
NOT rob them blind (3DS at around $300 I think)
I was gonna stay out of this thread, but this statement blew me away.

Three hundred dollars. For a fucking handheld!?

Clue me in to where I'm not being robbed blind.

The PSPGo was $250 and the internet (this site and it's members included) deep fried them for their business move.

Now you're going to support a three hundred dollar handheld because of some gimmick...

Way to go internet, you've reaffirmed the failure of the fanboy.
Fanboy. Lol. I've never even owned a piece of Nintendo hardware and don't plan on it. The 3DS pricing isn't bad when you consider what it can do. Stereoscopic 3D display, processing power some say is one par with the consoles, and probably upgraded wi-fi, among other things I can't be bothered to look up. Sony's 3D plan on the other hand, involves us buying a TV at about 4 grand, and then the goggles for another $200. So yes, in comparison, Nintendo's the better deal. Even so, I'm not going for either one at this point. I was merely giving my two cents on this subject. 3D is truly a fad that will pass. At least Nintendo is thinking outside of the box. So if I came across as supporting the whole 3D thing, then I'm sorry you saw it that way. I merely think Nintendo has a better idea, even though 3D will never become the norm. And if this statement seems to contradict my earlier one, I do that. Go with it.
My bad, I wasn't really referring to you as a fanboy, more of an observation of the direction of this thread.

I for one, would never pay $300 for a handheld anything. Game system, phone, iPod... none of it.
Actually, I researched the 3DS pricing a little further and analysts predict it somewhere around $200, so that's a lot better. I'm still a little skeptical on how well the 3DS actually works. As I said, it's very limited tech at this stage, so even at $200, they need to prove it's worth it.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Sorry, but Nintendo is in the right here. What Sony seems to forget is that many people already wear glasses just to see in their everyday life. So no matter how "light" they make their glasses, they will always be cumbersome to those people.

Also, Sony complaining about someone else bashing their technology is laughable. They do that all the freaking time. It's like if Apple was to start complaining that another company charges too much for products: there's this story about the pot calling the kettle black...


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Um, considering Sony's been bashing the Wii for years, it's pretty hard to sympathize with them. They've been denouncing Nintendo's console as a fad, and are now all butthurt about them rubbing in their superiority in a technology that may very well turn out to be nothing. Still, I'm sort of suprised two corportate giants are really taking the time to talk trash about each other at all. I thought that was something reserved for internet wierdos.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Enigma6667 said:
Glasses-free 3D is the only good 3D. In that point I must add-- wait, what? Sony and Nintendo working together?? Could it be?

*Snipped Picture*

Yup. It could be.
Umm... that's a Squaresoft title, not Sony. In fact, there was one on the GBA [] a long while back, and just recently one came out on the DS [], with another DS game [] on the way. So Kingdom Hearts on Nintendo platforms is hardly anything new.

(( Hmm, and it seems there's one announced for 3DS [], too. ))


New member
Dec 6, 2009
I do wear glasses and I do have to say I like the shutter glasses on the TV better then the theater ones. The 3D just seems to come off better.

Sony.. if you want to sell the idea a bit better I have 3 words for you (or 1 word, 1 number and 1... abbreviation) Portal 2 3D... think about it


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Would you rather wear glasses when you could not be and be just as fine, or wear them to look good. Seriously, no glasses is a clear win.