Sony to Nintendo: Leave Our 3D Glasses Alone!


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Mar 10, 2008
Tarakos said:
Sony's 3D plan on the other hand, involves us buying a TV at about 4 grand, and then the goggles for another $200. So yes, in comparison, Nintendo's the better deal.
You can easily find 3D capable TVs for around $1500 (though obviously you mean the majority, so I'll give you partial credit). A lot of those TVs come with the glasses, don't they? I know my friend's did.

Even so, I'm not going for either one at this point. I was merely giving my two cents on this subject. 3D is truly a fad that will pass. At least Nintendo is thinking outside of the box. So if I came across as supporting the whole 3D thing, then I'm sorry you saw it that way. I merely think Nintendo has a better idea, even though 3D will never become the norm. And if this statement seems to contradict my earlier one, I do that. Go with it.
I have to wonder, how many people bashing 3D have ever played a 3D game? Have you ever played WipeOutHD in 3D? Or any of the PC games that can be played in 3D? Or any of the 3DS demoes (I haven't, but you get the idea)? It really makes a world of difference, and if used in the right mindset it could be used for newer innovations. People say "GOSH! 3D is such a gimmick! Wake me up when virtual reality kicks in!", but how do you think we're going to get to VR?

I'm sick of people calling new innovations "gimmicks" or "fads" simply because they're new. Motion controls, even if used improperly, is still an innovation, as is 3D, touch screens, "controller-less" controller (even though I'm skeptical of it to, but whatev). The technological quality of all these devices can only go up, and their uses in games can always be implemented in newer, creative ways [/optimistic bastard]

Regardless, I'm the #1 Sony fanboy, I admit it completely. I have a huge bias with Sony and always try to see it there way. In this case, it's great that Sony is acknowledging their competition and wanting to work together with them to promote 3D (I doubt that will happen, but wouldn't that be cute? Ninony/Sotendo). I can't help but feel very worried and skeptical with Nintendo's 3DS, mainly because I haven't seen it myself, I've been disappointed with them before (the Wii+DS, I hardly play with them), and other reasons. I want to love Nintendo, I really do, but at the same time I just can't (along with my own stubbornness, I'll admit)

We'll see what happens, but despite my skepticism you don't see me going "GOSH! The 3DS is just a gimmick! 3D is just going to fad away like everything I hate about pop culture!"


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Nov 23, 2007
Enigma6667 said:
Glasses-free 3D is the only good 3D. In that point I must add-- wait, what? Sony and Nintendo working together?? Could it be?

Yup. It could be.
You know that was an April Fool's joke from 2007, right?

Also, Sony want Nintendo to stop "bashing" them by simply stating that a well known limitation of 3D is not present in the 3DS? Well maybe they should have thought of that before calling the Wii a lollipop []. Face it Sony, you've been a total asshole the last 10 years or so, so you're in no position to be asking anyone anything.


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Apr 3, 2010
SirCannonFodder said:
Enigma6667 said:
Glasses-free 3D is the only good 3D. In that point I must add-- wait, what? Sony and Nintendo working together?? Could it be?

Yup. It could be.
You know that was an April Fool's joke from 2007, right?

Also, Sony want Nintendo to stop "bashing" them by simply stating that a well known limitation of 3D is not present in the 3DS? Well maybe they should have thought of that before calling the Wii a lollipop []. Face it Sony, you've been a total asshole the last 10 years or so, so you're in no position to be asking anyone anything.
I already know its an April Fools joke. The post itself was a joke to begin with. Albeit an apparently unfunny joke that nobody seems to actually get, but a joke nonetheless.


New member
May 18, 2009
Heh. First article in related news was "Sony boss talks down handheld 3D."
Hmmmmmmmmm. Yeah, I don't think glasses 3D is great. I'm still not sure about 3D at all. I do know that the glasses free thing is a big selling point for the 3DS, and Nintendo and Sony are kind of competitors. So I think they're going to continue insulting each others product.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
I reckon the glasses are just an excuse to gouge more and more money out of people's wallets. That has to be the reason why Sony is saying how important the glasses are. If Sony wants everyone to use their 3d glasses then may I suggest that Sony pay for the laser surgery for those of us who have to wear prescription glasses?


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Feb 13, 2009
RowdyRodimus said:
whaleswiththumbs said:
Also, The glasses aren't nice and light, and easy to forget. Maybe its just me, and alot in my immediate circle, but we all get headaches after wearing them for 30 mins, much less the few hours Avatar is.
Honestly though, was that from the glasses or from James Cameron jerking his ego off onto you for those few hours?
I could care less for the story. I just liked the pretty things. Because my previous experience with 3D was like everyone elses with the stupid filter paper glasses and the super gimmicky things that ruin an otherwise good movie.

And it didnt hurt that there were large almost naked "women" bouncing around infront of me. in 3D no-less. Alittle stupid, but it works haha.


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May 5, 2010
They sound like Fox news now. Didnt they say before how they were proud of Nintendo's 3DS?
Nintendo is doing what Sony should do if it wants to sell 3D. MAKING IT BETTER! 3D glasses are the shackles of failure that keeps 3D a gimmick. Once we can make 3D glassessless for everything will 3D be worth it.


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Jun 28, 2008
Gamegodtre said:
since i wear actual glasses the 3D glasses don't fit me can i get 3D goggles?
This is precisely what I was going to say.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
I don't think it was Sony trying to ignore their initial statement and try to be all buddy buddy with nintendo now that the 3DS is a big hit (and it isn't even out yet).

If you recall, he originally stated that he hadn't had a chance to check out the 3DS, and that the Sony Development team hadn't been able to make a proper 3D on the handheld without the use of glasses.

Things change over the course of a week. Perhaps he finally did get to see the 3DS and agreed with everyone else, "This thing really works"

Nintendo Team was able to do something that all of Sony couldn't do. Sony isn't bashing Nintendo for making the 3DS. they are congratulating Nintendo and want to partner up.

that's not regretting anything.

And lets face it, the last time Sony and Nintendo partnered up we ended up with Playstation. This can only end awesome.


and I saw Toy Story 3 in 3D. the whole movie is in 3D, and I had the glasses on the whole time with no problems. I did forget they were there.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
Not only will I not wear a pair of expensive glasses while gaming I won't buy a game that's in 3D period. I'm sick and tired of this graphics race. For fuck sakes graphics aren't the only thing that matters and a real gamer would know that.


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Apr 26, 2009
I'm starting to lose faith in all the companies, considering they just keep making me depressed with news like this.


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Feb 12, 2009
sony's just pushing for glasses cause they cant figure out how to make 3D like nintendo did, just like how they couldnt figure out how to make motion controls before nintendo did


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Hey Sony, remember when you spent all that time taking the piss out of other companies at E3 for their motion controls? You don't? Well I guess that explains your massive hypocrisy. Grow the fuck up already and accept competition instead of whining endlessly about it. Or alternatively you can stop using Kevin Butler.


New member
Jan 1, 2010
lol. The last time Sony and Nintendo partnered up Sony screwed Nintendo pretty bad, but now they're all butthurt because this time they cant steal the better technology? Serves them right.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
What a pathetic reason

"a more cinematic experience with glasses"

Bullshit, just because someone makes a better version does not mean it should be passed off. Sony and Nintendo are competing business but there should be praise where praise is due or at least counter with a decent argument and not just say it's rubbish for one of the pettiest reasons I have heard in a long time

Besides they could maybe get a contract together and revolutionise home entertainment. With Sony's large TV market share and Nintendo's majority video game market sales they could really dominate the electronic industry if they worked together.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Oh Sony. You do make me laugh. Denial is such a funny thing to watch. 3D is a distraction for lack of imagination. As yahtzee Says. When you have holograms like in star trek, then come to me. And I bet Sony are loving the new survey that's come out in japan saying that 67% of those asked have no interest in 3D TVs voicing THE GLASSES as a major reason.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Nintendo: "We have developed a revolutionary new technology".
Sony: "Oh come on guys, why do you have to be such assholes? Who gives a shit? Can't we just divide the industry pie and live happily ever after? Here, you can have the handhelds. YOU CAN HAVE THEM, WE DON'T CARE. Just let us have the big screens. Ok? Please...?"


New member
May 27, 2009

What an adorable little tiff.

Nintendo developed a better technology, and promoted it, which, if I remember correctly, is the purpose of that marketing department they likely put so much money into.

I can understand, perhaps, a desire to, "forge ahead," into a new area of technology together, but I think Sony would do well to remember that both they and Nintendo are companies... out to make money... by promoting and selling better products than the other guy. (They don't have to BE better, necessarily.)

That said - when Sony comes out with something ground breaking (3D glasses and building a black monolith of a processor and shoving it into a massive box is by no means pushing the envelope), I shall wait to see if the tunes change. The stoic silence of a competitor is USUALLY something I would take as a sign of respect when releasing something new.


New member
May 27, 2009
AceMcBadass said:
lol. The last time Sony and Nintendo partnered up Sony screwed Nintendo pretty bad, but now they're all butthurt because this time they cant steal the better technology? Serves them right.
Refresh my memory?


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Sony you poor fools....Can you not see that Nintendo is a key? WORK WITH THEM AND GET RID OF THE DORKY GLASSES.

Or create Holodecks.....that would be the BEST!!!!!!