It had a rather decent WW2 expansion pack too. Got that for ?5 with a steam sale. Heard there was some controversy about actishit trying to sell it as a full game some years ago.Zakarath said:Oh good. Lets completely kill the theme of the game in order to sell more copies to halo fanboys. I can just see how this game is being designed completely by Activision's marketing dept.
Not that I really care, though. For me, CoD ended with 4.
That game was amazing!Wolfenbarg said:If this game does a Battlefield 2142, I will be on it like... well insert your own metaphor, and it'll be like that.
I sense the Sarcasm, but in reality it would be a pretty big an unexpected leap for the series.Woodsey said:That's like, so totally original.
Damn... I had a good idea for a 40k third person shooter...KSarty said:Unfortunately it wouldn't be 40k Space Marines, THQ has exclusive rights to the 40k franchise for video games. If anything it would be Starcraft marines.bfgmetalhead said:for the emporor lol
I agree as well, lets pump some creativity into the "realistic military shooter" genre.Ki11erHyde said:Indeed.hittite said:Good. The more unrealistic the game, the better, in my opinion.
No but if you haven't fucking noticed we have a billion different space marine shooters being released every single damn year. So now we're pushing CoD into that genre as well now? What's the point?De-Moti said:HURR HURR HALO INVENTED SPAEC MAREENS!qbanknight said:So you're making fucking Halo now? Brilliant, for a second there I thought the game's industry had run out of ideas COMPLETELY
You twelve years old or something?