Square Enix Dusts Off Final Fantasy X for PS3 Remake


New member
Jul 9, 2010
Atmos Duality said:
I just find it hilarious how Squeenix contradict themselves.
As some of you may recall, Squeenix claimed that they didn't want to do a FF7 remake because "It would cost an astronomical sum" (paraphrased); And yet here they are going ahead and doing exactly that but with another game in the franchise.

Hilarious, and disheartening.

I mean, who in their fucking right mind would want to go back to TIDUS of all ncharacters? The man raped my brain through my ears with his insipid dialogue and constant nasally whining.
While I agree with the sentiment that is just not accurate. To remake FF7 they'd have to either build it from the start as a full polygon-based game, which has been dismissed as non viable time and time again; reach a compromise like using the mini-me versions of the characters for the whole game, or leave as it is and get a lot of flak for not updating it enough. The assets on which ff7 was built are in essence, low poly characters and heavily pixellated dated cg backgrounds. So yeah, it'd be like making a brand new game.

When they're saying they're not making PS3 level remakes they mean they cannot afford to develop games of the old series' breadth and complexity within the demands of PS3 level game development.

So sadly, remaking X may be the closest SE is getting towards releasing a full fledged PS3 RPG in the near future.


New member
Jul 20, 2010
unacomn said:
Do you hear that? That's the sound of The Spoony One screaming in horror.
I was thinking the same thing. I can't wait to see his reaction. I'd imagine it'd be something like this:

OT: I'm indifferent. JRPGs don't really appeal to me, so... good for the fans, I guess?


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Square... We're done.
*Thumbs down and square's head goes flying through the arena in the Colosseum.*

The Arctic Nun

New member
Jun 2, 2010
Wow, opinions are certainly split on this one.

While I'd be keen for a VII remake for purely nostalgic reasons, I'd look forward to this title too...if I owned I PS3...

...which I don't.



New member
Oct 12, 2010
Sounds like they're pulling a Nintendo.

I will refuse to buy this if it is anything other than a complete overhaul. Otherwise it's a just a marketing ploy to raise some cash.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Huh. Sad to see Square continually produce nothing but remakes. I mean, yeah, to be honest, I am pretty much done with JRPGs and have been for the past couple of years, but still, Square has been an icon of my youth and it just saddens me that they are producing so little original content these days.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Now, I'm personally one who only buys the remakes if I missed the original.

But still, it should be good for remake fans as well as those who missed it the first time around.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
This is great news! Not because they're remaking FFX, that game sucked ass, but I can't wait to hear Spoony's reaction!

Studs MacKenzie

New member
Aug 6, 2011
Oh man! Square Enix, you REALLY need to get your act together.

Still no Versus XIII for the PlayStation folks, another off-shoot of an established entry (Final Fantasy XIII-2), and now you're adding this to your production line?

When is enough enough? Let's just move on to finishing Versus XIII or starting another installment in the series. Do we /really/ need this remake of the oft-overhyped Final Fantasy X?


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Oh yes, because we all LOVED played as Tidus so much the first time around! [/sarcasm]

Well, on the plus side, atleast if it's being remade that assures that Auryn will be back in it. Still, i really think out of all of the final fantasy games being remade...this one is probably the one the least amount of people were screaming out for. Seriously, listen to any major FF fan and they will most likely ask for one of the following to be remade: 6,7,8 or 9.

So..yeah Enix, why not just remake one of the above ones? Hell, i'm pretty sure a vast majority will settle for 6 being remade!


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I'm very disappointed that they shoved remaking FFVII aside for this. That really was something to look forward to.

On the other hand, I loved the original FFX. It was fun, the story was engaging and interesting, the sphere grid was a unique take on getting stronger...Seeing it getting remade might not, overall, be a bad thing.

That does leave me with a few questions as to what might be included in this edition. Will we be seeing the extras that were introduced to the international version of the original that most US players didn't get to see outside of YouTube? Will there be more Aeons, or better weapons or new abilities? And will we get to see new cut scenes linking the game to X-2? There are so many things I would love to ask about this.


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Jun 2, 2010
Inkidu said:
Swing and a miss!

You might as well be that first pilot down the Death Star trench. Honestly, I think Square-Enix is just screwing with their fans right now. "We'll remake one, but it will be the least desired one of all." Final Fantasy X was a good game, but darn it, I'd take VIII, IX, IV, and VII before X.

I have a mental image of Japanese business men in suits huddled around a boardroom table snickering.
As much as I would love to see a fully realized HD remake of FF VII using FFXIII's tech and graphics, I can understand this choice, and it was actually a very good one on Square's part.

The games you specifically name, FF IV, VII, VIII and IX are all presently available on SONY's current hardware generation. They have had a thriving PSN business selling them for PS3 and/or PSP (IV is PSP only). A vast number of PS3 owning FF fans already have those games, and may or may not spring for simply buying them again with better graphics.

But because of radical technology differences between the PS2 and PS3 it has not been possible to simply port the PS2 FF games up. As a result they have not been available to fans for quite some time. Plus the already hires nature of their pre rendered cutscenes is probably far easier to convert to modern standards then redoing every frame of FF VII.

I'm actually looking forward to this. FF X was a great game and was simply stunning at the time. Hopefully this means they will also do FF XII (the one I never played). Heck I would even buy and replay X-2.


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Oct 17, 2009
Zetsubou-Sama said:
One of the best in the series gets a remake, best turn based combat, one of the best scripts, best soundtracks, and a fun sphere grid.

I can get behind that. Way more than I would for VII remade.

Seriously, best script? Maybe if they changed like 90% of the dialog and the voice actor for the greatest argument for partial-birth abortions known as Tidus, sure.

Lets see,

~Get rid of most of what Tidus says. It's not his story, it's Yuna's, so he needs to STFU.
~If they could, maybe turn Tidus into the original prototype of Tidus for what they had in mind, a part time Plumber and Gang Member (No, I'm not kidding on that, they really had that idea in mind but decided against it as it's not a strong main character for this game basically forgetting the entire mario series). It still sounds kind of weird for him to be a plumber, but it is easily a hundred times more interesting than his whiny pussy self from the getgo.
~Scrap Wakka entirely. "Don't feel bad that your entire home was destroyed Rikku. Boom! Like happy fireworks festival." That line alone is the greatest insult to humanity I've ever heard and it came from a guy who sports a waterproof cow-lick and uses a volleyball as a weapon, fuck this guy.
~Replace the end boss with something less insulting to gamers than a tick who gives you constant auto-life.
~Have the most competent member of the party, Auron, ENSURE Yuna sends Seymour after the second battle (seriously, aside from the first, there's nothing preventing her from sending Seymour any other time, and he adds NOTHING to the plot afterwards).
~Lose Blitzball, like ALL of it. This was NOT a fun addition to the game.
~Lose the Ass-shots. Seriously, how many cameras need to be pointed directly at someone's ass?
~More realistic steals (Grenades being stolen from fish? BWAHAHAHAHA)
~Less stupid, mindfucking minigames. 200 Thunder plains lightning dodges? Butterfly chasing with horrible camera perspectives in an area ALL ABOUT PERSPECTIVE? Wasting five to six hours trying to get a score of 0:0:0 in chocobo racing with birds flying at you repeatedly? Sadomasochists wouldn't even find that torture "fun" in any way.
~Scrap "Missable" Al-Bhed primers.
~Scrap ALL missable's actually.

Seriously, the only thing even remotely genius about this game is the combat system, everything else needs to die a horrible fiery death.

They would have to redesign pretty much the entire game and it's story for me to think it might be a good game.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Why did they have to do it to 10, The 2nd worst Final fantasy game (after 10-2).
I really don't wunna see a HD version of tidus crying for the entire game.
on the other hand, i'd love to see anima in HD, and -Hopefully- a non robot looking version of bahamut.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Oh well. Persona 4 already sold the Vita for me.
Indeed, Speaking of which, superb shadow Naoto avatar, good sir.

OT: I want Final Fantasy III remade in HD. That was one of my favorite games in the series. I just loved the story.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Anyone who bitches about this, yet at the same time says they're looking forward to the SOTC/Ico HD re-release is officially a hypocrite and needs to give up gaming.

What Squenix is doing is no different to what other publishers are doing: Taking a game with easily re-useable assets, and bumping up the textures and resolution. Unlike Final Fantasy 7, the character models in FFX don't look like complete shite. The backgrounds are all 3D, so they can upscale those like they would charatcer models, unlike a VII remake where they'd have to make everything from scratch. In short, FFX lends itself well to an HD upgrade by virtue of looking not too bad already. Plenty of people have yet to play FFX, and Squenix is simply giving them another chance to do so without having to hunt Ebay for a second hand copy and a PS2 to play it on.
This, a million times. I'd be willing to bet that this is a high definition remaster, not a remake. A few GUI assets will need replaced, and a bit of camera work might need updated for widescreen, but for the most part it'll just be rendered at a higher resolution. Exactly like was done for God of War Collection, and is being done for MGS Trilogy.

Besides, FFVII is already playable and purchasable over PSN on EVERY PS3. FFX cannot say the same thing, as it is a PS2 game and only works on some older PS3s, not currently sold models.

P.S. Thanks


New member
Oct 12, 2009
I will be getting this myself... it is #2 on my Top ten list of favorite video games, under Kingdom Hearts 2 and above Mass Effect. I adored the music (Nobou Uematsu at his finest) and the characterization that every character had. I found Tidus to be more realistic than any other Protagonist I had seen if the earlier FFs (at least he had personality even if it started a little grating). The story was well made and executed, it showed Tidus' progression and had him grow up. I truly loved this story when I was a kid and still love this game even to this day.

Though that one Chocobo race can suffer with the fleas of a thousand sick camels.
Jun 11, 2008
Well hopefully they change the absolute steaming pile that was the Sphere Grid and all its horrible ilk. Although I find this unlikely to happen.