I would much rather see a remake of FF10, rather than play the crap licking game called "final fantasy 13". I waited for that game for a least 4 years, and ended up being a real downer. FF10 might have had goofy characters, Wakka anyone, but FF13 took the cake of being crap, useless characters like Hope pathetic wimp, Vanille's a rip off Rikku, Sazch hardly used too annoying,Snow hulking douchebag, Fang again hardly used but not a bad character overall, lastly Lightning was the only good character with a good personalty and story.
Yeah okay, FF10 might not have awesome and hectic characters like Cloud, Sephiroth, Terra, Leon and the rest of the bunch, but when compared to FF13, come on, I would choose FF10 in a heart beat, well that's just me.