Square Enix Dusts Off Final Fantasy X for PS3 Remake


New member
Mar 27, 2011
i much enjoyed all FFs, Hang on, subtracting 14, 13.....10-2. i enjoyed 10 as well, wasn't my fav, but it was up there


New member
Jan 2, 2008
I really don't understand what's so bad about the laughing scene, it's actually what makes the game a standout for me =p

Jonathan Pedersen

New member
Sep 14, 2011
alithanar8 said:
I will be getting this myself... it is #2 on my Top ten list of favorite video games, under Kingdom Hearts 2 and above Mass Effect. I adored the music (Nobou Uematsu at his finest) and the characterization that every character had. I found Tidus to be more realistic than any other Protagonist I had seen if the earlier FFs (at least he had personality even if it started a little grating). The story was well made and executed, it showed Tidus' progression and had him grow up. I truly loved this story when I was a kid and still love this game even to this day.

Though that one Chocobo race can suffer with the fleas of a thousand sick camels.
KH2 had me until they started giving everyone and their frickin mothers keyblades. To me, the moment Kairi was given her keyblade was the moment the game died in my eyes. Sora and Rikku made sense, and Mickey (because he's Mickey Mouse, so wtf not?) but Kairi was inexcusable.

That said, I for one will open my wallet one more time to the Squeenix Overlords (if they do more than just an HD port of the game and upgrade the character models to more current graphics standards.) It was a good and fun game without a true leveling system. I enjoyed the sphere grid, and enjoyed blitzball despite how ridiculous and impractical the concept. Seriously, I'd love someone to try to compete in a swimming competition wearing some of those outfits.


New member
Nov 13, 2003
So of all the final fantasy games that could get a fantastic remake on the PS3 they chose X ?! Wtf...


New member
Dec 23, 2008
Awwwwwww yeah. My PS2 is dead and my computer can't properly emulate it, so this finally gives me the chance to play FFX again, with better graphics to boot! Frankly, I don't care if this is just a shameless money grab. Squeenix deserves MUCH more money than I've already given them for this game, and I live in Australia, so that's saying something.

Also, while I haven't read the thread, I bet someone's complained about it, so let's just put this out there: the laughing scene was supposed to be forced and awkward.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Personally, its an alright game, not my fav in the series by a long shot (i like messing around i mean exploring and stuff) but considering ff 1 - 6 got re-released on ds and ps (or something like that, might have been elsewhere but thats what ive got them for), why not 7,8 and 9.

Infact, why have they done 1 - 6 then skipped 7 (which ive heard demands for a remake of since the ps3 was announced at least) 8 and 9, instead going for 10?

Might be something to do with why the mgs and silent hill hd collections dont include the originals, but beyond it takes more time i havent heard any other reason, which just makes them sound lazy and looking for a quick buck to me...


Jan 15, 2009
What's next a Final Fantasy 13 remake? What's the point of remaking a game this new? Especially when the only thing being changed is greaphics.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
I'm on the fence about this topic. Although it's great that FFX is getting a PS3/Vita release, I'm not so sure if this is a smart move, especially when there are other titles in the series that are in HIGH DEMAND for a release. FFX was my gateway RPG, and I would like to keep it that way. I definitely don't want to play the whole game over again (it took me years of on-and-off gameplay for me to beat it and collect all the secrets and items).

Unless the game looks more amazing on the PS3/Vita than it already did on the PS2, or has some new features to enhance the story or gameplay, I'll probably just stick to my PS2 copy.

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
I have a feeling that within the week, they'll make another announcement: "Yeah, so we've been working on Versus XIII for five years and just entered full production about a week ago, but we're still gonna take all of our resources away from that to fund this remake nobody wanted. Don't worry though, you'll still get... Final Fantasy XIII-2! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Honestly, X was my least favorite game in the series (I don't even consider XIII a game). Why would Square remake that over any other? I feel like they're just trolling us now like George Lucas is doing with Star Wars.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Absolutely brilliant, maybe SquEnix will get some more money off me after all. I was very disappointed with FFXIII, and vowed to only ever buy their new games used. I would rather see a FFXII remake, but hey, can't be too picky.

FredTheUndead said:
No, no it really wasn't.
In your opinion. Please remember that.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
shadowmagus said:
You'll give this a remake, but won't give FFVI or FFIV from the SNES era, which are far superiors games, a modern upgrade. Way to go SE.
You never played the remakes on the GBA did you. Both are on there, and both are better than the SNES versions. IV also got a remake on both the DS and the PSP, so IV is one of the most remade Final Fantasy games of all time, if not the most remade.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Ugh... this isn't a remake. Square Enix never said that and this article is misleading.

It is a HD port of a PS2 game just like the God of War collection. Why are people going mad over the choice of title?

Wake up people!


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Have I finally found a reason to buy a PS3? Or is there a chance this will be an xbox release as well?


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Not Final Fantasy VII? Or are they trying to avoid the obvious? Well, maybe if they gave this game a good polishing it MIGHT be worthwhile...


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Adam28 said:
Ugh... this isn't a remake. Square Enix never said that and this article is misleading.

It is a HD port of a PS2 game just like the God of War collection. Why are people going mad over the choice of title?

Wake up people!
so...instead of remaking it which would require SOME effort on their part their going the even LAZIER route by just giving it an "HD" update...do they even care anymore? cause this just screams "GIVE ME MONEY!" more then anything else still.


New member
Nov 26, 2010
Well I am an FFVIII fanboy myself, but I can certainly get behind this. I have been meaning to replay FFX so I may as well get the HD version when it comes out and play that.

When I first played X, it didn't really compel me as much as I wanted it to. Maybe the second time around it will :)