I hate how people see Final Fantasy as some kind of franchise like, say, God of War, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Mario, or something else like that.
In truth, every major Final Fantasy game has honestly, very little connection to the previous games in terms of gameplay, especially nowadays. Similarities amongst the games (chocobos, moogles) are usually aesthetic in nature, and the gameplay similiarities are always core aspects of the JRPG genre (turn-based combat, linear progression).
Especially nowadays, with the constant revamping of things like combat systems, final fantasy games are becoming increasingly more varied from one another. If you were to take someone who's never heard of Final Fantasy, had them play FFX, than FFXII, and then FFXIII, it is unlikely they would guess that all games were part of the same series, chocobos not withstanding.
Each game, in a sense, is Final Fantasy in name only. Final Fantasy VII could have been called "Cloud", FInal Fantasy X could be called "Summon: Tale of Sorrow", XII could be called "Star Wars: But not".
Final Fantasy doesn't exist as a franchise. It's a brand name. In truth, if Square Enix just makes a game, and then they call it Final Fantasy. They make another game, almost completely unrelated to the last, they call it Final Fantasy. If they didn't, they wouldn't have that "Final Fantasy" brand that's instantly recognizable amongst the gaming community. That's how you get stuff like Nier and Last Remnant. Have you even heard about those games?
We need to stop thinking about Final Fantasy as a whole. It's just a title that Square Enix happens to affix to any major, big budget, game they happen to make. We need to look at the games as individual games, held together ONLY by name.
That's why there's this dilemma. Since there are so many Final Fantasy games, each radically different from each other, there is no way they're going to please the fanbase as a whole. If they make a Final Fantasy game with a turn-based combat system, fans of Final Fantasy 12 will cry out that Square Enix is retreading old, beaten ground. If they try new fangled complex combat systems, more casual fans of simpler games such as 7 will be displeased. If they try to use Linear Story progression, fans of the more open and free roaming Final Fantasies gonna be hatin on that shit, yo.
I however, thank Square Enix. They disguise original Intellectual properties under the banner of Final Fantasy in order to give whatever original, innovative ideas and stories they think of a chance in the gaming world. I'm sure they'll think there way out of this rut. They have no set formula to hold them back, after all.