Stereotypes that you prove.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
daftalchemist said:
My boyfriend and I are both from NJ, now living in Arizona. We had a moment one day while at the gas station (pumping our own gas, le sigh) where we wondered what vocation parents use to threaten their kids with into doing better in school here. In NJ it's always "you're going to be pumping gas someday if you don't get your ass in gear!", so what do people threaten in states where you have to pump your own gas?
I think "flipping burgers" is the usual standby. I'm not looking forward to my first gas pumping experience. I'm going to be that weird guy who's reading the directions. And I can't shake the feeling that the smell would get in my clothes.


New member
Sep 22, 2011
Oh boy here we go:

I'm of Czech descent and I lOOOOOOOOOOVE beer. I'm also kinda nuts.

I live in the Bay Area and I am very liberally minded.

I am a punk with tattoos, piercings, patched up clothing and I attend shows almost weekly.

I'm so nerdy that I use terms like "pokevolve" and "it's super effective" to describe situations.

Being almost 30, I yell at kids to get off my lawn.


Rule Britannia

New member
Apr 20, 2011
I'm British and I have shitty yellow teeth. I'm from suffolk so I have a sterotypical 'posh' accent. I live in Canada so my sterotypical traits stick out like a sore thumb.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
give me the coupon book, and bask at my chosen peoples ability to find great deals


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Physically weak and enjoy video games, mathematics, computers, etc. Wear the exact same thing everyday, a plain gray/black "uniform" of sorts.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Dags90 said:
daftalchemist said:
My boyfriend and I are both from NJ, now living in Arizona. We had a moment one day while at the gas station (pumping our own gas, le sigh) where we wondered what vocation parents use to threaten their kids with into doing better in school here. In NJ it's always "you're going to be pumping gas someday if you don't get your ass in gear!", so what do people threaten in states where you have to pump your own gas?
I think "flipping burgers" is the usual standby. I'm not looking forward to my first gas pumping experience. I'm going to be that weird guy who's reading the directions. And I can't shake the feeling that the smell would get in my clothes.
Oh, but it's so thrilling! First, you get to hope and pray that there's even a pump open. Then, your debit card gets declined for no reason as usual. Then, you use your credit card instead. Then, it wants to know your zip code/pin number/birth date/social/mother's maiden name/do you have a Fry's card/would you like to use your Fry's card (I'm serious about the Fry's card part, and I don't get it, except that the gas prices at my local station skyrocketed once they partnered with the Fry's card thing). Then, you get to pump the gas, and it won't stop on its own when the tank is full (no matter what the pump says about it stopping on its own), so you'll waste about a dollar on the ground. And if you have cash, you get to go inside and wait in line to pay for your gas before you're even allowed to pump it while your car sits outside at the pump completely unattended! It's like the best thing EVER! Which is why I make my boyfriend do it.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
I would say maybe I am a stereotypical gamer-girl, but I dont even know what the stereotype is for that.
I'm a bit of a tomboy in that I dont give a damn about shoes, but its not like I'll never wear a dress.
Though I am the stereotypical woman when it comes to babies, kittens and chocolate.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I'm Korean and I'm smart for my year. Although I don't really like Starcraft...


New member
Sep 17, 2010
starving artist stereotypes. always frowning,wears a lot of black, terrible with people, really thin, and has strong opinions on art, music, movies, etc.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Jarimir said:
I am a male chauvanist, but I am gay so I enjoy exploiting and belittling other men. Especially the good looking ones that thinks the world owes them something for being "hot".
Bitter muchly?

Right now you're starting to prove the "gay men are total bitches" stereotype.

Jay Yaternick

New member
Sep 7, 2011
I'm Canadian, and I'm, like, obscenely polite. Sometimes when I'm being nice to someone my inner voice will be shouting 'why are you putting up with these jerks?!'

It's like a reflex, I can't help it.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
OmniscientOstrich said:
I'm a white, male, teenage, atheist, bisexual, brony with aspergers, so I guess I'm somewhat of an Escapist stereotype, other than that I don't really know.
QFT :p
There is about something about your description that, while it isn't literally accurate, rings of truth.

Jewish Stereotype: I'm a smart nerdy Jewish guy that comes from a family with money (my dad is an entrepreneur). I'm also extremely cheap to the point that my parents have talked to me about it (Jokingly, but still....).

Canadian Stereotype: I am incredibly nice (according to other people, I don't really know). I had an American extreme Christian tell me that I'm like Jesus, which was an odd yet very sweet compliment. I also say eh a lot. Its so useful! I don't use it like "um" (some Canadian do), but more to symbolise a question from an observation. Example: "That poutine is like a heart attack on a plate, eh?" I don't actually know how you would be able to make such a sentence without the eh.

And no spell-checker, "symbolise" IS spelled with an s.... American spelling makes me angry sometimes.

t3h br0th3r

New member
May 7, 2009
I'm a black guy and math hates me more than the Mississippi penal code. I scored a 90 IQ in math...but a 185 IQ in verbal skills. /beastmode


Lives in dactylic hexameter.
Dec 28, 2008
Leemaster777 said:
Fat, glasses-wearing nerd. Fat American, too.

I am working on the weight thing, though. Lost 40 pounds in the last 5 months.
'grats on working on your weight and losing 40 pounds! :)
I'm ginger and I dislike anything above 15-20 degrees.
maxben said:
And no spell-checker, "symbolise" IS spelled with an s.... American spelling makes me angry sometimes.
Wait what? There is an American spelling for that? ...Fair enough.