Stolen Pixels #258: Where the Boys Are


New member
Nov 12, 2010
The two things I heard about Brink the day it was launched: It's a throw-away single player and there aren't females.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Lucane said:
Irony said:
lesterley said:
So the idea of making a game with all FEMALE characters is completely incomprehensible?
That doesn't really solve the problem. It'd still be a one gender game and people would complain about that.
That isn't the point it's that if the gender of say Call of Duty Black Ops was switched to be an all female cast(or mostly if the original had a few women as NPCs) a decent number of men would object to it and/or refuse to buy/play it regardless of quality because they aren't represented.Any current FPS makers could easily make their next game in a series switch gender balance but they likely won't because they know it would hurt sales even with brand recognition.

DannibalG36 said:
Um... why? Does it matter? Since when did women become so damn sensitive? Just play as a guy. It doesn't matter if the avatar you kill has a digital vagina - they're still dead. Have fun.
Have you ever payed(Note: it's not missing a "L") for a game that let you customize your character's appearance but only had female designs to pick from?
You're missing the point. Gameplay is what's important, not the genitalia of the avatar you're playing or the sex of the people you're interacting with. Why would you make a superficial customization issue something that overrides the fun a game provides?


New member
May 6, 2011
I almost think they didn't include female body types to avoid another type of persecution. Its a lot easier to just say it was a resource decision than deal with the attacks from feminists groups saying the "light" body type is bad imagery for girls. Dumb shit like that.
Lol, no. No feminist I have ever met or heard of has a problem with thin/athletic people. That would even be out there for 99% of this page:

Agayek said:
lesterley said:
So the idea of making a game with all FEMALE characters is completely incomprehensible?
From a business perspective, yea it is. The vast majority of FPS fans are males in the 18-30 demographic. Thus, they will attempt to appeal to that market, and a significant portion of that market is insecure in themselves enough to refuse to play as women.
Yeah, Portal and Portal 2 are sure taking serious sales hits for having a female protagonist.

Ian Caronia

New member
Jan 5, 2010
Zhukov said:
Yeah, because every other online FPS has female characters.


Oh wait.


I kind of get why people are annoyed, but I fail to see why they are picking on Brink specifically.
Well, if you get a game set in a war zone or with a resistence force in a country where women are second class, then yeah of course it's understandable.

But if it's set in a civilization, on that civilization's soil, and is in fact a civil war (with a civilization supposedly set in the future), there should be women.
Though there should also be women in COD and such (if set in present day) since they are in the US military. Don't know if they are or aren't in those games. Just saying that's just as ridiculous, if not more so since, you know, the US military actually exists.

Personally I think the game was not just rushed, but the art department didn't know how to make women. Seriously. Look at those friggin monstrosities in Brink. Like it or hate it, that's an aesthetic choice that would look even goofier on female characters.

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Soylent Dave said:
poiumty said:
lesterley said:
So the idea of making a game with all FEMALE characters is completely incomprehensible?
No, just implausible. Women don't usually go shoot eachother for sport.
Which horrifying dystopia do you live in?

Because men don't usually shoot each other for sport in mine.

(not that it isn't still a horrifying dystopia of course...)
I never see women at my local Thunderdome.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
Kahunaburger said:
Yeah, Portal and Portal 2 are sure taking serious sales hits for having a female protagonist.
First off, Portal is a vastly different beast from Brink.

Second, there's a larger percentage of customers that would prefer to play men over women, when presented with the choice. Hence, it makes greater business sense that if you must choose one, go for men over women. That's all this is, a business decision.

Soylent Dave

New member
Aug 31, 2010
Grey Carter said:
Soylent Dave said:
poiumty said:
lesterley said:
So the idea of making a game with all FEMALE characters is completely incomprehensible?
No, just implausible. Women don't usually go shoot eachother for sport.
Which horrifying dystopia do you live in?

Because men don't usually shoot each other for sport in mine.

(not that it isn't still a horrifying dystopia of course...)
I never see women at my local Thunderdome.
That's because they're operating it all behind the scenes - it's a well-known fact that a certain Ms. Turner is the majority shareholder in Thunderdomes Incorporated.


New member
May 6, 2011
Agayek said:
Kahunaburger said:
Yeah, Portal and Portal 2 are sure taking serious sales hits for having a female protagonist.
First off, Portal is a vastly different beast from Brink.

Second, there's a larger percentage of customers that would prefer to play men over women, when presented with the choice. Hence, it makes greater business sense that if you must choose one, go for men over women. That's all this is, a business decision.
And we all know that business decisions about game content are always correct?


New member
May 13, 2011
All these excuses about how "making female models is hard" and yet, I can make my Spartan female in Halo:Reach. That changes the model completely and yet there are still a ton of customization options. Its one of the most customizable shooters on the market. You even play "your" spartan in the campaign.

Say what you want about halo, but brink brings nothing to the table I can't get playing reach. Less in fact, reach has a poor story but at least its single player campaign is existent. I see no reason to be interested in brink at this point.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
Kahunaburger said:
And we all know that business decisions about game content are always correct?
I never said it was a correct or just decision. Someone asked why there's no women, I gave the most likely reason behind such a thing. Numbers speak, and they wanted to capture the biggest market share they could.


New member
May 6, 2011
Agayek said:
Kahunaburger said:
And we all know that business decisions about game content are always correct?
I never said it was a correct or just decision. Someone asked why there's no women, I gave the most likely reason behind such a thing. Numbers speak, and they wanted to capture the biggest market share they could.
I certainly think that's how the people making the decision felt - playing it safe, etc. Although, has an all-female shooter even been tried? Honestly, I'd guess that buzz about the gameplay would supersede buzz about the gender of the characters, as it did in Portal and Mirror's Edge.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
The women of that universe probably passed on taking part in it.

Besides, look at how the MEN are styled! A woman would be blocky, thick and built tough like a linebacker, so don't think those stick figure models would last long in it if that's what you're after.

Though it would be a nice change from "Thick glaring, built tough guy with skinny, slender, big tittied supermodel beside him holding a gun bigger than she is that passes for the women of in a combat setting. There aren't enough tough girls in games.

Harry Mason

New member
Mar 7, 2011
You know, I was originally really offended by them cutting females out of Brink's character customization, but now I realize that in order to have a female Brink character, you would have to make a FEMALE BRINK CHARACTER. So, something that looks like a woman, a horse, and a caveman crossbred. *Shudder* It would be almost as hideous as the male characters.

What awful facial design. Sheesh. Permanent derp-faces.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Fuck Brink .. that game has so much lag it's unplayable.

Don't care about what you can or can't do in the customisation screen.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Wow they sure are generous with the usernames said:
Just so you know, they specifically announced that they won't be having female characters and that it was a specific design decision, not just an oversight or anything. They felt female character models wouldn't fit in with the design style they chose for their game.
Well then, if they believe that, they might want to rethink their design. A visual style that does a poor job of portraying half the human population is not really a good one. What if they want to do sequels with women?

Although, honestly, I think women would look fine in that style. While the extra workload is a valid excuse, it still comes across as odd. Saints Row 2 had nearly as much customization freedom, and Volition had no problem including women.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
WanderingFool said:
michaelknives52 said:
YES!!! Pretty much because a larger portion of the video game community is comprised of males and thats the target demographic and the majority of games are created by male developers. Yes sexism still exists. Call of duty would look pretty silly with females running around shooting gus with double D sized breasts... that only makes sense in fighting games like dead or alive or mortal kombat. Perhap you can create a game that is comprised of females with normal sized chests... and watch you company burn to ashs and fail
Ummm... okay, this might seem weird to someone, but is anybody else actually sick of seeing large breasts on female characters? Cause im literally bored with the image of large breast now...
Yeah, like The Witcher, where everyone with LESS than double D breasts was a fat guy merchant..

It's insulting to me as a guy that the developers think the game will be better if all the women have giant boobs..


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Shamus Young said:
Stolen Pixels #258: Where the Boys Are

Who needs women? Not Brink, apparently.

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Not to be a jerk about this but theres three standard character models in Brink. Light, Medium, and Heavy. The heavy model is like a massive tank. To balance play the female version would need to the be same size. That would be hilarious at least.

Females are naturally smaller and offers an imbalance to play. Halo gets around this with enormous armor... Socom got around this by having the female character the same size as all the rest ( a world of Tom Cruise size soldiers, hurrah ).