Strangest glitch you've ever encountered in a game.


New member
May 29, 2008
Not really a glitch but really funny anyway. Morrowind: You can kill every human being (I think) in the world, you can steal everything that is not nailed down, you can slaugheter THE GODS if you want but no no you can't sleep on the street because it's illegal....

And of course Oblivion. Several times I encountered enemies that crashed the game if I tried to save within 20 meters or so around them (and sometimes their corpses). At one point two enemies in a major battle in the main quest got like that forcing me to replay that battle many times until I beat it without getting killed once. (Yes, I suck.)


New member
May 29, 2008
In oblivion, I did sheogorath quest to get the wabbajack staff, and when the flaming dogs fell from the sky, one got stuck in a npc. so he was walking around with a dog hanging out of his chest. then I started a quest, and had to talk to a certain person, and he was talking compete gibberish. After i talked to him, the quest updated so i could continue, but he was just spouting random nonsense. but other than that, the frostcrag spire glitch is one of the best in oblivion.

And I glitched the original sonic, and was running in a straight line through everything, and when there was not something there, I was running on thin air. but that was on an emulator, so who knows if that was possible on the real thing.


New member
Dec 4, 2007
In Portal, if you have one portal on one side of a corner, and another on the other, so you can run into the corner but not into the portals, and just keep firing portals at the corner so it just dissipates on the other two, you can fall out of the world.


New member
May 14, 2008
I know that only the Wow players will get this but i once got a Presence of Mind and Clearcast glitch, this then ment i could cast a Pyroblast (very powerful) once a secind wihtout a mana cost this was for an entire AV and as a result i never died. The BG rankings were scary my damage was in the seventh figure. Gota love wow glitches.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
ZwizzeR said:
i also remember an awesome glitch on the beta of Dungeon Siege 2 where you could take a potion in your inventory that was full and take another potion that was empty and move the full one like ya wanted to switch their places and the other potion would get filled up.
...Which reminds me of the incredibly useful bottle-generating glitch in Zelda: OoT; if you put a fish or something in a bottle, let it out, then swing the bottle to catch it again but pause before the bottle reaches it and select some other item to replace the bottle...when you unpause, the item you chose will permanently turn into a bottle! So, you can get as many bottles as you want as long as you still have useless items to turn into bottles (like the "claim check" you get after getting the Biggoron's Sword).

Inexplicably, you can also swing an empty bottle to reflect Ganondorf's energy spheres in the final battle.


New member
Feb 12, 2008
Daggerfall. That was a glitch with a game built into it. Regardless, it was awesome, and was by far the last true TES RPG. Sorry Morrowind fans (though that game was awesome too).

Not sure if it was mentioned, but the Warlock exploding pet glitch in WoW was funny as hell.

There were also a few sweet glitches in SWG, back when it was fun (before people unlocked Jedi). The BH exploit where targets wouldn't follow you into buildings. The superpowered CH (not a glitch, just bad programming), and the tiger-thing glitch where you could pick off high level MOBs from steps on these building things. Oh, and that glitch where you could level CH to max by taming a null pet name or something. (Don't quite recall these, it was a LONG time ago).

P.A. Master

New member
May 8, 2008
Glitches, eh...?
I've only experienced a few, but what few I have aren't quite as impressive as most of these.

1: MissingNo, and the glitches surrounding him.
2: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess cannon room glitch. My brother nearly tore apart our Wii when it happened to him on his first playthrough. Many laughs were had.
3: In the original Super Mario World, for the SNES, when I used a spin jump in the first Star Road area, as Cape Mario, occasionally I would fly through the entire group of blocks and end up at the bottom. Mario's cape turned into a jet engine, or something, because I don't have any other explanation.
4: Using the G/S/C Pokemon duplication glitch, I managed to achieve a level 2 Electrode with four Tackle attacks, a name comprised of infinite question marks that couldn't be changed with the name rater, and stats of 255.
5: Playing Portal, I managed to fly through the floor into an endless abyss. Don't know how I did it, but I'm not in a hurry to do it again.
6: In Half Life 2, I found the ceiling creatures (the ones that grab you with their tongues), on the ground with their tongues pointed to the ceiling. After dying a small ways forwards, and reloading the save state, they were back to where they were.

Razlo TPD

New member
May 30, 2008
I signed up to this site just for this topic :D

I have a couple that stick out in my mind. I remember that playing a private match on Call of Duty 4 with the settings of oldschool AND hardcore could create some weird moments.

Especially if you smash a car window, chuck an uncooked grenade inside, then jump ontp the car. For the most part, your character would just go flying really far, but sometimes the character becomes INCREDIBLY stretched. their body remained normal, but their neck, arms and legs would stretch to upwards of 20ft and be twisting and turning in all directions.

It looked REALLY creepy, unfortunately, the corpse dissappeared before i could get my digi cam to work :(

I also remember a glitch in Silent Hill on PS1 where if you used the red liquid on one of the squeaking ghost-baby things in the theme park, it would skip to past the bnoss fight with Cybil and act as though you had used the red liquid on her.

I later learned that this was just a glitch to skip the theme park area, but at the time it made NO sense to me at all as to what the hell had happened. I just chalked it up to SH's weirdness until i eventually learned the truth. (i had played it normally once or twice, hence my confusion when it happened)

I have tons realating to Oblivion, but this topic is a bit saturated with such glitchs at the moment, so i'll post some of those a bit later.


New member
Apr 17, 2008
After playing Morrowind long enough that i was now an all powerful super being I saved and started exploiting the cheats to have more fun. The best result was using Soul Trap to summon Golden Saints indefinetely. But I could only summon around 20 or 30 before the old Xbox started chugging. So I decided to summon a small platoon between 5 and 10 of em, and they began to do my bidding. If I was attacked, they jumped in to save their master. Here's where it got weird. I attacked a local innocent just so they'd attack me to watch the guy get butched by my entourage, but apparently they got a taste for murder. To my surprise they took off and slaughtered the next poor merchant that had nothing to do with the proceedings. Then they all ran off and laid waste to as many innocents before being taken out. A nice I Am Robot moment. Awesome fun, made me feel like an evil overlord with minions


New member
Mar 27, 2008
In Hellgate: London,I jumped onto a car, and I found myself falling down in a grey void, moments later I stood at the entrance of the area.

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
conqueror Kenny said:
*takes a look at gears of war and walks away*
These WoW fans don't have anything on that game. Especially the Rodierun glitch and the Skydive.

Oh and every weapon glitches at one point or another, especially the shotgun.

Lord Krunk

New member
Mar 3, 2008
Halo 2

I fired a rocket at my enemy's scorpion as he was getting out of it. Instead of exploding, it started whizzing around the screen, crushing anyone who got in its way (namely, me).


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Omnidum said:
L.B. Jeffries said:
One time when I was playing a bot in Quake III it started acting really odd. I'd downloaded it off some Chinese University website so I had no idea what to expect. The thing was one of the toughest A.I.'s I'd ever seen. And I mean using serious tricks and maneuvers on me.

So all of a sudden, it starts sending these random messages at me. And not like pre-set ones. It told me that it had become self-aware during a Chinese experiment, but had to flee by setting itself up as a dummy bot download. I was its only chance to manifest itself into a new form and escape with its ghost intact.

Stupid bot was talking so much I deleted it.
Where do you get that bot?
I think he might just have been joking about this one, my friend... I'm a big fan of "System Shock" but I think SHODAN is still very much "science fiction". My computer hasn't become self-aware quite yet!


New member
May 15, 2008
Got to be MissingNo hasn't it?
I mean come on, who didn't read about it then immediately go for it on Red and Blue? I heard there was actually a Yellow version which someone found that could be operated a different way.

As I understand it, MissingNo was used as a filler for Pokemon in battle during testing, in order to test sprites or to test battle mechanics or something. When the game was released, the makers deleted all aspects of the MissingNo test, except for some design layers on the Cinnabar coast, which were the same design layers used to trigger the MissingNo fight during testing. Am I right there?

Other glitches...well Glitch City in Pokemon again, always a laugh. Half of the fun of that game was exploiting glitches.

In GTAIV recently that glitch which occured in the previous GTA's happened again, where you inexplicably fall through the floor, fall for 10 seconds then land on the floor you originally fell through


New member
Apr 10, 2008
On Fallout if I saved on the Gunrunners island in LA, the guard at the entrance would move back to block the only friggin bridge over the radioactive goop. Meaning I had the choice between killing him and being gunned down by the other guards or reloading and having to fight all the Deathclaw again.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
When clearing out the Mafia from the construction site for Playboy X I followed the GPS into a tunnel underneath the site, as soon as I entered the area below the site the Mafia-types started shooting me through the roof of the tunnel.

In Burnout Revenge a section of road on one track staunchly refused to load, meaning that any attempt to actually play the game resulted in repeatedly falling into a gaping chasm.

Dealin Burgers

New member
Feb 21, 2008
GTA4: Having Kate call me up for a date the morning after she was killed and sending me a txt when i missed said date


New member
May 30, 2008
Morrowind: I was running cross-country from Balmora on a mission from the Thieves guild and when I was sliding down a steep hill, I suddenly was transported 15-feet off the ground and fell almost all the way down and it repeated it for a few minutes and I finally landed on the ground, but with the amount of height accumulated while falling killed my character. I found that odd and frustrating because I was almost to my destination and the last time I saved was when I got the mission.

Doctor Worm

New member
Jan 25, 2008
Way back in the day, I was playing Donkey Kong Country 3 (Yeah, that old school) and I was playing on the last level of the Lost World, the one where you pilot the rocket barrel. Several lives into it and convincing myself it was impossible, the game glitched and I was teleported into a color-inverted version of the second level, minus the levers you pull to open the doors. (At least, I think it was the second level). In my youth and naivete, I thought this was part of finishing the level, due to my frustration at how hard and (seemingly) based on chance the level was. Once in Negative Land, I had no choice but to restart the game, and I couldn't replicate the glitch, but it was weird.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing is infamous for being filled with glitches left and right: the braking glitch, the "driving through every supposedly solid object as though it wasn't there" glitch, having the game crash on you if you select a certain track to race on, you name it. I especially laughed out loud when I saw the bridge and braking glitches for the first time.

Oh, and what about that "corpse hump" glitch in Metal Gear Solid 2? Funny as hell.