Stupidest rule in school...


New member
Jul 25, 2009
TheGreatCoolEnergy said:
Hmmm two things(both from grade school....I have had no problems with highschool yet):

1. Walking in a straight line. Seriously give me 2 examples where ANY real life situation requires this.

2. I once got suspended one time for telling alot of people that this one guy made out with this realy ugly chick.
Second one is kinda funny haha. I guess it was rumor spreading, whether or not it was true.

1. Pulled over by cops, and they test how drunk you are.
2. Runway model.

Those two kinds of people are thankful of their teacher instructing them or they'd be in trouble.

General Ken8

New member
May 18, 2009
My teachers get psychotically mad when you state your political opinion
I'm a quiet guy, so i don't have to worry, but still


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Bulletinmybrain said:
skywalkerlion said:
clicketycrack said:
ZERO TOLERANCE POLICIES. Whoever came up with that idea should burn in hell. tolerance for what?
Zero tolerance for anything practically.

The idea is that if they intimidate you with an extremely harsh punishment, you won't do wrong again. Which only serves to piss off the upstanding students, and it is mostly irrational. Most of them have a policy revolving around zero tolerance to drugs. EVERY DRUG. Even the free and legal ones like advil and ibuprofen, a notable case to illustrate this was that time where a girl was strip searched after a locker search turned up nothing. The search was for 400mg ibuprofen. While prescription, ibuprofen is practically impossible to OD on enough to kill you. You just end up bleeding out of your ass, bowels, and yeah.. You end up looking like a retard.
Ibuprofen is prescription? the hell? I have 200(?) mg tablets in a giant plastic bottle downstairs. And routinely whenever i ahve pain i just pour it into my hands and take between 2-6 depending on whats bothering me at the time.


New member
Jun 22, 2008
firedfns13 said:
Bulletinmybrain said:
skywalkerlion said:
clicketycrack said:
ZERO TOLERANCE POLICIES. Whoever came up with that idea should burn in hell. tolerance for what?
Zero tolerance for anything practically.

The idea is that if they intimidate you with an extremely harsh punishment, you won't do wrong again. Which only serves to piss off the upstanding students, and it is mostly irrational. Most of them have a policy revolving around zero tolerance to drugs. EVERY DRUG. Even the free and legal ones like advil and ibuprofen, a notable case to illustrate this was that time where a girl was strip searched after a locker search turned up nothing. The search was for 400mg ibuprofen. While prescription, ibuprofen is practically impossible to OD on enough to kill you. You just end up bleeding out of your ass, bowels, and yeah.. You end up looking like a retard.
Ibuprofen is prescription? the hell? I have 200(?) mg tablets in a giant plastic bottle downstairs. And routinely whenever i ahve pain i just pour it into my hands and take between 2-6 depending on whats bothering me at the time.
150mg(?) and 200mg tablets are available OTC, but there are higher dosed pills such as Motrin which is 800mg that require a prescription. 400mg ibuprofen happens to fall into the category of not being available OTC I believe.


New member
Jan 7, 2008
At one of the schools I used to go to we weren't allowed to wear jeans at all, and guys weren't allowed to wear hats but girls were. Plus other stupid rules.
Nov 28, 2007
smilely47 said:
Takoto said:
Akai Shizuku said:
I refuse to wear a uniform; to me it symbolizes subservience and being like everyone else...two things I am against.
So uuhh, you know, you'd rather be different and get beaten up because you're wearing something someone deems "stupid".

...I think I'll stick too the uniform and wait until college, seeing as college allows you to wear whatever you want within reason, or at least, most do.

For real, I'm tired of hearing posts of "OH IF I WEAR SOMETHING DIFFERENT I'LL GET BEATEN UP"
What kid beats up someone because of their cloths??????
Agreed. My high school was terrible. At least a dozen kids a year got expelled, and on a couple of occasions, a kid was beat up because it was his birthday (birthday bashings, they were called). The second one was even worse, because it wasn't even his birthday. Someone just said he was. Even in that school environment, I never heard of anyone getting beat up because of their clothes.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
In my school, you can't express affection in any way, including hugs, holding hands, and even the "hands off" rule is enforced to the point of a small shove equals suspension.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
No fighting... Anywhere. If you fought or took part in something violent outside of school someone could call the principal, tell him what you were doing and you'd be screwed when you got to school the next day.

Damn teachers don't understand that fighting builds character and is a crucial part in natural selection.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
No water bottles, they think that people are filling it up with Vodka insted of water. So stupid.

Rape, yes Rape, get you 10 days out of school suspension.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
At the merest shadow of a hint of rain, the dinner ladies would start yelling "ITS SPITTING!" and usher all the kids back into school with frantic armwaving, as if mount Vesuvius was raining hell down upon us. Living in England, this tended to happen pretty much every day. Morons.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
I have only one. My parents (I was in 7th grade) asked if my spanish teacher could say her spanish and then in english. She said I couldnt because everyone else might hear. She was freakin' obligated to use some English! However, when I was in 3-5th grade? Arguably the best years of my life, due to my teachers being the nicest EVAR, and the dress code was kicked in the bal-PANTS! I SAID PANTS!


New member
May 20, 2008
we have a zero tolerance policy in our district, but it's rarely enforced. I get into fights all the time during gym. No harm done.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
When I was in Highschool you were not allowed to go to the restroom during class time at all reguardless of how bad you had to go. They took the rule away one week when about 30 male students decided they would just pee in the trashcans to make a point. They all got OSS for a week and 2 months of ISS but they let use use the bathroom after that.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
If there was a fight, both involved parties were suspended. Yep, you're right, that means if someone walked up to you and just clocked you in the face you were suspended.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
In my school, you cannot have an RPG that has more than 8 ounces of explosives in it. So, technically, if someone brought an RPG with, say, 5 ounces, they couldn't suspend him.

My school isn't that bad for oppressive rules though. But some teachers make me take my headband off which is sexist because they don't tell girls to take their headbands off. Of course the females at my school wear headbands to look ncie or what have you. I wear an Addidas headband just because I can, regardless of how foolish I may look.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
smilely47 said:
Takoto said:
Akai Shizuku said:
I refuse to wear a uniform; to me it symbolizes subservience and being like everyone else...two things I am against.
So uuhh, you know, you'd rather be different and get beaten up because you're wearing something someone deems "stupid".

...I think I'll stick too the uniform and wait until college, seeing as college allows you to wear whatever you want within reason, or at least, most do.

For real, I'm tired of hearing posts of "OH IF I WEAR SOMETHING DIFFERENT I'LL GET BEATEN UP"
What kid beats up someone because of their cloths??????
Dumb kids.
There's a lot more of them than you think.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Wow, some of you guys and gals have oppressive schools. Like some of this stuff is just plain pointless.

Hitari0 said:
In my school, you can't express affection in any way, including hugs, holding hands, and even the "hands off" rule is enforced to the point of a small shove equals suspension.
That is bull crap.

Xojins said:
At one of the schools I used to go to we weren't allowed to wear jeans at all, and guys weren't allowed to wear hats but girls were. Plus other stupid rules.
Jeans are like the only pants I wear. That is also bull crap.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Can't say I really hate any of the rules up here... They're all reasonable. The one that ticks everyone off the most is that they have to keep cell phones off during class, which is reasonable enough. Can't imagine how many people hide their phones under the desks then text friends... That are sitting directly beside them.