Stupidest rule in school...


New member
Nov 3, 2008
A day in detention for every letter in a swear word.
And our detentions were called JUGs (Justice Under God).
I got one for calling it Justice Under Gods as a joke once because the teacher deemed it as blasphemous.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
we had numbered parking spaces. While its not too bad it still irked me because of how far out i was from the building.

skitzo van

New member
Mar 20, 2009
No physical self defense. I asked a teacher if we should just lie on the ground KO'd for a few hours then come back to consciousness and go tell an official... she said yes.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Douk said:
One more that happened to me, a couple kids found a rusty balisong (flipping butterfly knife) and were scared to touch it. I picked it up and started doing those tricks you see the spy in Team fortress 2 do. Everyone was impressed and I probably looked like some sort of badass. Then the group returned the knife to the teacher and I got slapped with a detention. I thought it was for endangering the kids by flipping the knife but noooo it was because I knew how to use the damn thing in the first place. I was a 'professional knife wielder' and coulda harmed someone like an assassin or some shit. In hindsight it sounds cool, on my school record it better say "Detention for being a professional assassin" B)
actually, i´d like to know, is it even hard to do those tricks?

if not, then i might try and get one of those just for show.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Rednog said:
A day in detention for every letter in a swear word.
And our detentions were called JUGs (Justice Under God).
I got one for calling it Justice Under Gods as a joke once because the teacher deemed it as blasphemous.
bloody catholic schools. if i was ever to go to 1, id be as "blasphemous" as possible (sorry, its just me and my hatred of christianity and catholics).


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Weren't allowed to be near the library unless we were working and the librarians would give us detention if we were nearby the library and not working even if we were completely quiet. Couldn't wear any shirt with a perticular type of message, my friend Chad had a shirt that said "Orgasms for Peace" and he was sent home, another person I knew had a shirt that said "fricken' sweet" and he was sent home.

I remember a student at my school started a mini revolution in which he stormed out of a classroom and called the teacher a "Facist pig". After hearing that I was thinking "Hey what if we all did shit like that? Are there any precautions to prevent in-school revolution?" I know this is kinda off-topic, but I think if anyone is dealing with a perticularily stupid rule at school they should revolt against it.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Akai Shizuku said:
pirateninj4 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
pirateninj4 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
I refuse to wear a uniform; to me it symbolizes subservience and being like everyone else...two things I am against.

I stitched a hammer & sickle into my mp3 player's wrist strap thing. I'm going to start arguments if anyone tells me to take it off, fascist bastards.
Err, isn't Communist Russia like the poster child of uniformity and obedience? I think you're just being obnoxious and looking for confrontation. You'd do better by just going about your day and not paying attention to the fact that you're already doing the same shit as everyone else.
Communist Russia never existed. The USSR was trying to start a communist society (and made it to the socialist phase), but as soon as Stalin rolled in, it was turned into a totalitarian dictatorship...which is the very opposite of a communist society. In fact, communism when fully executed is actually a form of anarchy. This is an honest mistake on your part, and I understand; the government did a very good job with its anti-communist propaganda.
Yea that's all very well and good, but that doesn't change the fact that the majority of people would see that as a sign of communist Russia and therefore the things I mentioned in my prior post. I'm just saying that if you want to make a statement, it needs to be understandable before it can make effect. Otherwise the only person you're making a statement to is yourself.

Fair play though, you did your homework.
I try to make a point out of educating those around me on matters I have knowledge of. If everyone did that, the world would be a much better place.
Well as someone who has tried that and reached out to the ignorant masses only to find that they don't want to listen, I say Good Luck.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
martin said:
clicketycrack said:
ZERO TOLERANCE POLICIES. Whoever came up with that idea should burn in hell.
Wait, so there would be zero tolerance policies on those that created zero tolerance policies. I suppose you'll be burning next to them.
That's not why I'd be burning.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
The libraians are complete bitches. If you're playing a card game or you're on a portable console or if you're using your laptop for anything except studying, then they kick you out. They just love to stick their ugly faces in other people's business.


New member
Jan 24, 2009
Feh. Sounds like none of you have to wear a uniform. I've recieved a detention for not tucking in a shirt. I have 3 weeks till graduation, and theres kid's in my year that are going to be suspended unless they buy neww school branded shoes for $80 bucks to replace the ones that are shit-torn


New member
Jul 25, 2009
Christemo said:
Douk said:
One more that happened to me, a couple kids found a rusty balisong (flipping butterfly knife) and were scared to touch it. I picked it up and started doing those tricks you see the spy in Team fortress 2 do. Everyone was impressed and I probably looked like some sort of badass. Then the group returned the knife to the teacher and I got slapped with a detention. I thought it was for endangering the kids by flipping the knife but noooo it was because I knew how to use the damn thing in the first place. I was a 'professional knife wielder' and coulda harmed someone like an assassin or some shit. In hindsight it sounds cool, on my school record it better say "Detention for being a professional assassin" B)
actually, i´d like to know, is it even hard to do those tricks?

if not, then i might try and get one of those just for show.
Its like juggling, hard to start but you remember forever. I suggest you get a fake balisong with a dull blade or something, thats what I used cause you're gonna be cutting yourself a lot.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Shuvy said:
Feh. Sounds like none of you have to wear a uniform. I've recieved a detention for not tucking in a shirt. I have 3 weeks till graduation, and theres kid's in my year that are going to be suspended unless they buy neww school branded shoes for $80 bucks to replace the ones that are shit-torn
if you had read most of the posts in the thread you´d see that about 1/3 of the people has to wear one.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Douk said:
Christemo said:
Douk said:
One more that happened to me, a couple kids found a rusty balisong (flipping butterfly knife) and were scared to touch it. I picked it up and started doing those tricks you see the spy in Team fortress 2 do. Everyone was impressed and I probably looked like some sort of badass. Then the group returned the knife to the teacher and I got slapped with a detention. I thought it was for endangering the kids by flipping the knife but noooo it was because I knew how to use the damn thing in the first place. I was a 'professional knife wielder' and coulda harmed someone like an assassin or some shit. In hindsight it sounds cool, on my school record it better say "Detention for being a professional assassin" B)
actually, i´d like to know, is it even hard to do those tricks?

if not, then i might try and get one of those just for show.
Its like juggling, hard to start but you remember forever. I suggest you get a fake balisong with a dull blade or something, thats what I used cause you're gonna be cutting yourself a lot.
oh, thanks ^^. although its probably a bit hard to get one here in Denmark, where theres a strong enforcement against knifes.

Haunted Serenity

New member
Jul 18, 2009
The rules were so messed up at the school's i went too i can proundly claim i earned the Title: Schools resident arachist and forced 3 teacher's to quit and 2 to drink on the job.(the one teacher i did like was already drinking)
Rule 1) No Animals of anysort allowed in school(we brought our pet lobster!)
2)Hats are not allowed(Sombreros anybody?)
3)Skateboards are not to be use on school property.(we just left them everywhere)
4)Bulling is a zero tolerence policy. Well if my friend and i are joking around we get set to detention but whyen a kid gets pushed done the stairs then have a binder with 2 textbooks in it dropped onhis nuts the guy who did it is let off scot free...yeah...
5)No kissing in hallways(made $50 from a kissing booth. For 50 cents each)
And for the best rule in the entire school.

Unauthorized students in the school over the summer holidays will be expelled from the most recent year of attendance.

It means you get expelled from last year but you still have your courses/records and noone is ever there till the last 2 weeks of August.

And runner-up
No forcing religon unto others. This was at a christan school where religon study class's and study time was enforced with extreme severity.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
When I was in school there was a 'boys can't wear lipstick' rule. Funnily enough I never saw it written down.

Haunted Serenity

New member
Jul 18, 2009
Lordpils said:
Weren't allowed to be near the library unless we were working and the librarians would give us detention if we were nearby the library and not working even if we were completely quiet. Couldn't wear any shirt with a perticular type of message, my friend Chad had a shirt that said "Orgasms for Peace" and he was sent home, another person I knew had a shirt that said "fricken' sweet" and he was sent home.

I remember a student at my school started a mini revolution in which he stormed out of a classroom and called the teacher a "Facist pig". After hearing that I was thinking "Hey what if we all did shit like that? Are there any precautions to prevent in-school revolution?" I know this is kinda off-topic, but I think if anyone is dealing with a perticularily stupid rule at school they should revolt against it.
I did do a revolution...against student council, teachers and idiots in the hallways. We had about 60 dedicated students and 30 expendables for the cause. We actually did stuff though like oragnized the kissing booth incident, destroyed the P.A system because it was right above our lockers and very very lould, stole the door handles off of a locked car because the owner was a prick, marched out of class barricaded the cafetiera while we took food from it, and buried cars with snow and ice in the winter. We made a glacier! We also ran the contraband item's smuggling operation in the dorm. Nothing serious like guns though just airsoft and paintball guns, booze, caffine, junk food, dirty maginzes and forbidden movies books music games etc. Bets one we did was get a 42' tv in without anyone noticing and it stayed their for 6 months of the year! And we knew the camera system codes and were to cut power at the right time and everything. I miss high school now...


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Molten Water said:
10. You come more that a minute late for class and you are marked as absent.
They tried to enforce this in our last year, in the finnish version high school. That would be ages 17 to 19.
Our English teacher said that the rule was created because of me, and a few others. I told her that I'd never been late to any class during my whole time in that school. She disagreed, as I wasn't exactly a model student, and it was easy to roll all the shit on me. I pointed out that I come here with a bus, and if I'm late, I'm late by atleast 15 minutes, and at that point I always either stay home, or go and have a cup of coffee somewhere.

After that, two classmates walk into the classroom, about three minutes late. Then our teacher went on a powertrip, telling them how they just received two hours of ABSENT!. The dudes go "woot!" and leave. Someone in the back says "That went well."

They pretty much stopped enforcing that rule there. It was just futile, and they hadn't thought it through. People from five different areas were coming to that school, and they all had to travel by bus, if they didn't have their own cars. And those buses could easily be five minutes late.

Some of your schools are just mad though. We never had anything like uniforms or dresscodes. Pretty sensible stuff all and all. Some dick teachers though.