Stupidest rule in school...


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Boys cannot have hair beyond collar (which I find incredibly sexist as it was a mixed school). They made me cut it (I almost got around it, then my mum actually dragged me out of school one lunch after being phoned), but in the end they actually gave up because I gave them hell. Oh, and this one bastard of a new teacher told me that I had to shave my mustache and my beard (you can't even see them, as the hair on my face is all white and completely invisible 99% of the time. The fact that he told me to do this whilst rocking a goatee himself was just the icing on the top of the fucking cake, mind you). I didn't.


New member
Feb 15, 2009
Shadowhatchi said:
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
I hear this statement all the time, however I've never actually seen anyone get bullied for what they wear.....
Really? You've never seen anyone get bullied for what they wear? You must go to a very tame school.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Mandatory boat hats - the gross part was the glue holding the woven straw stuff together, it would flake off into your hair and look like severe dandruff.

Skirts/Dress shorts(boys) - had to be below the knee. weekly in roll call, the girls would have to kneel on the floor, if the skirt didnt touch the floor you had to lower the hem and go to detention.

No makeup - daily checks with q-tips. If you were wearing makeup, you would have to take it off there (the school kept remover wipes). This includes nail varnish and tanning products. (Tanning products would incur suspension until removed/faded)

Natural hair - hair could only be dyed 'natural colours' and had to be of one tone only, no streaks etc.

Short hair - boys hair could not cover their ears, or touch the neck/shoulders. If it reached a certain length and you ignored (3) warnings, you would be taken to the hairdresser. This included NO facial hair, ever.

Jewelery - Boys can only wear one wrist watch, and one appropriate ring. Girls may wear one wrist watch, one appropriate ring, plain stud earrings (one hole per ear), and a crucifix pendant. Strictly no piercings other than single holes in both ears for girls.

Intimacy - under no situation could any student be intimate with any other on school premises or grounds. If you're caught kissing, touching, even hugging, you would be put on detention.

OS Behaviour - if the school becomes aware of any undesirable Outside of School behaviour, the principal reserves the right to exempt that student from studies. This included: underage or excessive drinking, any recreational drug use, underage sexual intercourse or abundant sexual encounters, public menacing or public denouncement of faith/God.

My favourite observation, is how focused the school was on rules as opposed to performance. Especially the subjugation of girls...

Need I mention the school had a sport, summer and winter uniform, including uniform school bags? Oh and girls had uniform underwear too - 'bottle green' full briefs, though that was difficult to police. Worked on an informant basis... >.>


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Project_Omega said:
'Dont run in the corridors" - SO HOW THE F*** ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GET TO LESSONS ON TIME?!?!

Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
By not walking like a sloth?
I hated uniforms all the same (although our elementary school never really enforced them).
Stupidest rule (that wasn't really that stupid): No rubber bands.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
We had some chief head in the middle of the floor in front of the main doors to the school and we weren't allowed to step on it...


New member
Jul 15, 2009
My high school had a school iD (same complaints as above posters) and also we were not allowed to play cards. Why? because some students (guys) played strip poker. I'm not kidding.

Man I love university.


New member
Aug 31, 2008
When I was a senior in high school we got mittens and gloves banned indoors after wearing black winter gloves to all out classes for a week.


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
sabaducia said:
Mandatory boat hats - the gross part was the glue holding the woven straw stuff together, it would flake off into your hair and look like severe dandruff.

Skirts/Dress shorts(boys) - had to be below the knee. weekly in roll call, the girls would have to kneel on the floor, if the skirt didnt touch the floor you had to lower the hem and go to detention.

No makeup - daily checks with q-tips. If you were wearing makeup, you would have to take it off there (the school kept remover wipes). This includes nail varnish and tanning products. (Tanning products would incur suspension until removed/faded)

Natural hair - hair could only be dyed 'natural colours' and had to be of one tone only, no streaks etc.

Short hair - boys hair could not cover their ears, or touch the neck/shoulders. If it reached a certain length and you ignored (3) warnings, you would be taken to the hairdresser. This included NO facial hair, ever.

Jewelery - Boys can only wear one wrist watch, and one appropriate ring. Girls may wear one wrist watch, one appropriate ring, plain stud earrings (one hole per ear), and a crucifix pendant. Strictly no piercings other than single holes in both ears for girls.

Intimacy - under no situation could any student be intimate with any other on school premises or grounds. If you're caught kissing, touching, even hugging, you would be put on detention.

OS Behaviour - if the school becomes aware of any undesirable Outside of School behaviour, the principal reserves the right to exempt that student from studies. This included: underage or excessive drinking, any recreational drug use, underage sexual intercourse or abundant sexual encounters, public menacing or public denouncement of faith/God.

My favourite observation, is how focused the school was on rules as opposed to performance. Especially the subjugation of girls...

Need I mention the school had a sport, summer and winter uniform, including uniform school bags? Oh and girls had uniform underwear too - 'bottle green' full briefs, though that was difficult to police. Worked on an informant basis... >.>
Become an athiest, When they attempt punishment - Sue.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Epifols said:
Our school specifically mentions no rocket launchers.
That's actually kind of awesome, because it means they had a problem with them at one point.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
sabaducia said:
Mandatory boat hats - the gross part was the glue holding the woven straw stuff together, it would flake off into your hair and look like severe dandruff.

Skirts/Dress shorts(boys) - had to be below the knee. weekly in roll call, the girls would have to kneel on the floor, if the skirt didnt touch the floor you had to lower the hem and go to detention.

No makeup - daily checks with q-tips. If you were wearing makeup, you would have to take it off there (the school kept remover wipes). This includes nail varnish and tanning products. (Tanning products would incur suspension until removed/faded)

Natural hair - hair could only be dyed 'natural colours' and had to be of one tone only, no streaks etc.

Short hair - boys hair could not cover their ears, or touch the neck/shoulders. If it reached a certain length and you ignored (3) warnings, you would be taken to the hairdresser. This included NO facial hair, ever.

Jewelery - Boys can only wear one wrist watch, and one appropriate ring. Girls may wear one wrist watch, one appropriate ring, plain stud earrings (one hole per ear), and a crucifix pendant. Strictly no piercings other than single holes in both ears for girls.

Intimacy - under no situation could any student be intimate with any other on school premises or grounds. If you're caught kissing, touching, even hugging, you would be put on detention.

OS Behaviour - if the school becomes aware of any undesirable Outside of School behaviour, the principal reserves the right to exempt that student from studies. This included: underage or excessive drinking, any recreational drug use, underage sexual intercourse or abundant sexual encounters, public menacing or public denouncement of faith/God.

My favourite observation, is how focused the school was on rules as opposed to performance. Especially the subjugation of girls...

Need I mention the school had a sport, summer and winter uniform, including uniform school bags? Oh and girls had uniform underwear too - 'bottle green' full briefs, though that was difficult to police. Worked on an informant basis... >.>
That's why I'll never go to a Nazi catholic school.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
crudus said:
pimppeter2 said:
Talking back to a teacher.

"What if the teacher is very fucken wrong"
You I have had that happen. I argued with her for 10 minutes about how you can die from drinking too much water(which you can). And again when she said something stupid about why helium makes your voice a higher pitch(she was saying something like because helium is less dense than air it diffused quicker into the room and carrying the sound waves with it). I got in school suspension for both of those. It was worth it; my 8th grade science teacher was a moron.
My most famous one was a teacher said the plural form of you is y'all. The word "you" is supposed to be enough for both singular and plural uses. Anything else is just slang, even if it is in a dictionary. It resulted in me calling her a dumb **** and getting switched out of her class. She was a fucken English teacher. She should know that.

Another famous time is me writing a 20 page narrative (she said it had to be at least 6 pages), I went overboared because I really liked my story. She gave me an F becuase it was too long and she didn't read it. /Facepalm for teachers of America.


Elite Member
Feb 10, 2009
In America they have a zero tolerance for weapons and other band contraband so every year a valedictorian gets expelled because she borrowed her mom's car and she kept a stun gun in it or they strip search a thirteen year old girl because someone said she had Ibuprofen, not weed, meth but Ibuprofen.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
When I was a kid in Jr. High (some of you weren't even born yet) one of the big things in good old LBC were high bangs. Seriously, girls would aqua net their bangs into these gigantic curled waves. My school actually made it against the rules to have your bangs any higher than a certain number of inches (it's been way too long, but from what I recall I think the limit was 2-3). If you did you were booted.

Others might have seemed stupid at the time, but in retrospect now seem more sensible. No British Knights for example... ugh.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
One thing I don't get is why they would list iPods and MP3 players together when they could just say MP3 players and get rid of the advertising.

The worst at my school is being unable to listen to your MP3 Player during lunch, but since you guys completely one-upped me with your nazi schools I'm not going to complain.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Insanum said:
Become an athiest, When they attempt punishment - Sue.
It was in the contract you signed to get in to the school, that you were of 'a christian faith'. My mother was a member of their church, so naturally they assumed I was also...otherwise that would have been a nice option - the school had A LOT of money.


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
sabaducia said:
Insanum said:
Become an athiest, When they attempt punishment - Sue.
It was in the contract you signed to get in to the school, that you were of 'a christian faith'. My mother was a member of their church, so naturally they assumed I was also...otherwise that would have been a nice option - the school had A LOT of money.
Could you not claim that it is not for your parents to decide what faith you should be...

...Oh wait, If you not Christian in america then your a terrorist. Similar to ireland really.

In the UK Christian schools are view with caution by anyone with some intelligence.


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
I refuse to wear a uniform; to me it symbolizes subservience and being like everyone else...two things I am against.

I stitched a hammer & sickle into my mp3 player's wrist strap thing. I'm going to start arguments if anyone tells me to take it off, fascist bastards.
If you saw someone with the nazi symbol stiched onto whatever, what would you say?
I would scowl and walk away.

Don't act like they're the same thing. Nazism and communism are completely opposite.
You misunderstood me, I just meant to ask you if you felt people with fascist symbols should be giving out to while people with communist ones shouldn't.
It was just to see if you would contradict yourself.
The difference is in the details. Both symbols stand for entirely different things. One for white supremacy and control and the other for equality and freedom.
Hmmmm, I've been phrasing that wrong, change "nazi symbol" to "fascist symbol."
anyway, regardless of what a symbol stands for it's their right to support whatever they want and draw it's symbol on their property.
Anyway, as I said, change "nazi symbol" to "fascist symbol"
I would most likely scowl and walk away. Non-Nazi fascism isn't something I hate that much, because it can actually work if done right. But there's still no freedom for anybody but the dictator and everything still sucks. But if it doesn't promote Nazi-esque ideas then I don't have too much of a problem with it. In fact, I might have a nice conversation with the person.
Well, it all depends on who the dictator is and what he/she supports.
Yes, like communism, fascism also has potential to work, I think the neo-nazis give fascists a bad image.
It's refreshing to talk to someone that knows the difference between nazism and Fascism.
Indeed, it is possible to start a fascist regime based on values entirely different from Nazism, and that regime might work very well. Hell, the people might even enjoy it.

People usually equate fascism with Nazism because Mussolini was slightly less of a prick than Hitler.
Yes, for example; the reason I support fascism is because I think it has the best chance of uniting humanity and keeping us strong. I am well aware that democracy can also be powerful (America and the European Union for example) but I doubt it will unite humanity, making us stronger.
As a Fascist I actually despise Nazism as I think it defiles what I think fascism stands for, setting up a system of racism (The Jews) will only cause conflict within humanity and weaken us.
I also think a fascist government is still a government, in other words it should still work for its citizens and do things for the best interest of the country.
Thats a good incite, Similar to my opinion of "democracy only works if you agree with it", BUT Well...Fascist goverments tend to use underhanded tactics to eliminate people that disagree.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
z121231211 said:
One thing I don't get is why they would list iPods and MP3 players together when they could just say MP3 players and get rid of the advertising.

The worst at my school is being unable to listen to your MP3 Player during lunch, but since you guys completely one-upped me with your nazi schools I'm not going to complain.
I only listed the ones I thought were 'bad', other included no MP3's, mobile phones, metal rulers, electric pencil sharpeners, no weapons or imitation weapons.. it went on and on. No shoes more than 1-inch in sole/heel height. No soda/pop, the canteen/cafeteria only sold 'healthy alternatives', no chocolate, ice cream, crisps, burgers etc. Harry Potter and Richard Dawkins were banned from being in the school, punishment of suspension or expulsion. That was the hardest for me, being an avid fan of both. Especially when book 6 came out and I was still at school, so I was 'sick' for a few days.