Stupidest rule in school...


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Gbadude3 said:
In my school we're not alowed to wear watches.
What's the excuse behind that rule?

As for mine own, it was not being allowed to wear hats any other way than forward, simple I know, but the excuse behind it was that the we would look like bullies if we wore our hats backwards.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Chainsaws_of_War_2 said:
Girls in my school are not allowed to wear thongs, and if they are caught doing so it'll result in a week suspension. Talk about repression, geez.
How do they check? 0_o


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Insanum said:
sabaducia said:
Insanum said:
Become an athiest, When they attempt punishment - Sue.
It was in the contract you signed to get in to the school, that you were of 'a christian faith'. My mother was a member of their church, so naturally they assumed I was also...otherwise that would have been a nice option - the school had A LOT of money.
Could you not claim that it is not for your parents to decide what faith you should be...

...Oh wait, If you not Christian in america then your a terrorist. Similar to ireland really.

In the UK Christian schools are view with caution by anyone with some intelligence.
I lied to get in to the school. After my scholarship at the academic state school had finished, I didn't have much of a choice. It was the only other school in the area that had class sizes limited to 20 students, and both music and sports programs. Luckily I was only there for my last two years.
Ps - I live in Australia, but I lived in an isolated community/city where if you didn't belive in God or Christian values you were pretty much labelled a lost cause.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
feather240 said:
Chainsaws_of_War_2 said:
Girls in my school are not allowed to wear thongs, and if they are caught doing so it'll result in a week suspension. Talk about repression, geez.
How do they check? 0_o
I assume it was like our uniform underwear.. informant based. Basically if another student thought they saw you wearing un-uniform underwear, they'd go and tell a teacher, who would send you to the nurse to "confirm".


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Crimson_Flag said:
In my High School rulebook it says if we cause a avalanche we get suspended for 10 days and our school is in the middle of a field...
No. No way. You HAVE to be making that up...right?


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
Dazza5897922 said:
Insanum said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
I refuse to wear a uniform; to me it symbolizes subservience and being like everyone else...two things I am against.

I stitched a hammer & sickle into my mp3 player's wrist strap thing. I'm going to start arguments if anyone tells me to take it off, fascist bastards.
If you saw someone with the nazi symbol stiched onto whatever, what would you say?
I would scowl and walk away.

Don't act like they're the same thing. Nazism and communism are completely opposite.
You misunderstood me, I just meant to ask you if you felt people with fascist symbols should be giving out to while people with communist ones shouldn't.
It was just to see if you would contradict yourself.
The difference is in the details. Both symbols stand for entirely different things. One for white supremacy and control and the other for equality and freedom.
Hmmmm, I've been phrasing that wrong, change "nazi symbol" to "fascist symbol."
anyway, regardless of what a symbol stands for it's their right to support whatever they want and draw it's symbol on their property.
Anyway, as I said, change "nazi symbol" to "fascist symbol"
I would most likely scowl and walk away. Non-Nazi fascism isn't something I hate that much, because it can actually work if done right. But there's still no freedom for anybody but the dictator and everything still sucks. But if it doesn't promote Nazi-esque ideas then I don't have too much of a problem with it. In fact, I might have a nice conversation with the person.
Well, it all depends on who the dictator is and what he/she supports.
Yes, like communism, fascism also has potential to work, I think the neo-nazis give fascists a bad image.
It's refreshing to talk to someone that knows the difference between nazism and Fascism.
Indeed, it is possible to start a fascist regime based on values entirely different from Nazism, and that regime might work very well. Hell, the people might even enjoy it.

People usually equate fascism with Nazism because Mussolini was slightly less of a prick than Hitler.
Yes, for example; the reason I support fascism is because I think it has the best chance of uniting humanity and keeping us strong. I am well aware that democracy can also be powerful (America and the European Union for example) but I doubt it will unite humanity, making us stronger.
As a Fascist I actually despise Nazism as I think it defiles what I think fascism stands for, setting up a system of racism (The Jews) will only cause conflict within humanity and weaken us.
I also think a fascist government is still a government, in other words it should still work for its citizens and do things for the best interest of the country.
Thats a good incite, Similar to my opinion of "democracy only works if you agree with it", BUT Well...Fascist governments tend to use underhanded tactics to eliminate people that disagree.
Yes, what if a group of anarchists became strong in number and wanted to destroy all government in the country, you know it will ruin the country regardless of what the anarchists think, are you just going to leave them become stronger or are you going to "deal" with them and keep the country safe.
The same goes for the taliban bombing sub-ways.
I was mainly talking about political prisoners & they're ilk. Thats the only problem with fascism, If you don't like it, They tell you to piss off. If you don't & shout louder, You "disappear". Or at least thats my opinion.

sabaducia said:
Insanum said:
sabaducia said:
Insanum said:
Become an athiest, When they attempt punishment - Sue.
It was in the contract you signed to get in to the school, that you were of 'a christian faith'. My mother was a member of their church, so naturally they assumed I was also...otherwise that would have been a nice option - the school had A LOT of money.
Could you not claim that it is not for your parents to decide what faith you should be...

...Oh wait, If you not Christian in america then your a terrorist. Similar to ireland really.

In the UK Christian schools are view with caution by anyone with some intelligence.
I lied to get in to the school. After my scholarship at the academic state school had finished, I didn't have much of a choice. It was the only other school in the area that had class sizes limited to 20 students, and both music and sports programs. Luckily I was only there for my last two years.
Ps - I live in Australia, but I lived in an isolated community/city where if you didn't belive in God or Christian values you were pretty much labelled a lost cause.
AND you have jumping spiders...I really feel for you...


New member
Sep 4, 2009
All i can say is that I'm glad I'm an old fart and through with will this school crap. If I went to school nowadays I would be arrested for terroristic threats in about a week. All I can say is that my girls aren't going anywhere near public schools, and if I can't afford to go private when the time comes I'm homeschooling. When is there a real life situation where you have to ask permission to go to the bathroom?

To all you kids still in school remember this. Every single adult you interact with as part of your school is there because they were failures in real life. Either they got a bullshit degree and realized they couldn't get a real job so they went into education, or they were scared to deal with people in any situation where they didn't have absolute power so they became teachers. And the more bitter, nasty, and arrogant they are, the bigger failures they were.

So the next time some pissant martinet tells you to take off your hat give them a knowing smirk. Because in a few years you are going to leave that place forever and never look back and they are stuck there until they retire, too burnt out to do anything except wait for death.


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
Dazza5897922 said:
Insanum said:
sabaducia said:
Insanum said:
Become an athiest, When they attempt punishment - Sue.
It was in the contract you signed to get in to the school, that you were of 'a christian faith'. My mother was a member of their church, so naturally they assumed I was also...otherwise that would have been a nice option - the school had A LOT of money.
Could you not claim that it is not for your parents to decide what faith you should be...

...Oh wait, If you not Christian in america then your a terrorist. Similar to ireland really.

In the UK Christian schools are view with caution by anyone with some intelligence.
I'm athiest and live in Ireland and no one gives out to me.
I assume you are reffering to the catholic-protostant conflict in the north.
I was generalizing, I apologize. (but your point is valid)

Logan Badass

New member
May 23, 2009
I had this one shirt that said "once I farted in class, and everyone laughed" that I liked to wear. I had been wearing it every-so-often for 7 months. I even wore it during a presentation. Then one day, my teacher came up to me and said, you can't wear that in school. I asked why not, and told him that I wore it regularly. He said something along the lines of "well, you can't wear it now".

Every school rule that seems ridiculous, is there for the SOLE purpose of power-tripping on kids.


New member
Sep 7, 2009
I have absolutely no idea why, but during my Catholic junior high days, the administration banned ankle socks (you know the ones that only go up to your ankle). Why?! This happened mid-semester, so something had to have sparked the thought among the staff that these ankle socks were causing problems. How could socks cause problems?!


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
ElephantGuts said:
Goddam, I was going to complain about my school but some of your schools are downright oppressive.

I'll just be quiet then.
This, and I go to a Christian school.

And even then, I don't think any of the rules are that bad.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
My high school has a rule where you can't use the benches outside the school. You can sit on the grass however...


New member
Aug 22, 2009
We're not allowed to stand in a circle, or huddle up. I mean, I understand that they think we might be doing something illegal, but what if its really cold and we're looking for some body heat?

A guy and girl can't be standing too close to each other (no one ever pays attention to this one because its co-ed and the halls get crowded.)

We get a dress code if we wear a professional jersey.

we need to carry our schedule, ID Card, and Agenda with us when we go to the bathroom.

Of course the Self Defense rule, both people have to go to anger management, pay a fine, and attend another form of counseling.

No cell phones allowed at school at all. This rule is stupid because the school's payphones don't work and we can't use the libraries phone unless we have a librarian around (most of the time she just hangs out in the back room doing god knows what).

I had a teacher who would give us detentions if we wore some kind of metal band's shirt. I think his reasoning was that it was affiliated to gangs, but he was one of those extreme bible thumpers too.

EDIT: ah yes, our groups cannot be larger than four people, if you come to school at 6:30 you must be involved in Zero Period or else you'll be trespassing, you cannot stay on the campus past 4:00 PM unless you're involved in after school activities.

and the weirdest by far is that the GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) isn't allowed to participate in Club Rush, Club Parties, ASB meetings and so on.

I just can't help but feel bad for them.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Fanusc101 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
I refuse to wear a uniform; to me it symbolizes subservience and being like everyone else...two things I am against.

I stitched a hammer & sickle into my mp3 player's wrist strap thing. I'm going to start arguments if anyone tells me to take it off, fascist bastards.

Wait, you stitched the symbol of the Soviet Union into your wrist strap, yet you oppose subservience and being like everyone else?

Sounds a bit *puts on sunglasses*....contradictory

Have you been listening to Joystiq?

Hmm. I suddenly see my school with a bright, new light. The only rule I can think of (for high school) was no iPod during class. I can understand when the teacher is speaking (but I don't have to like it). But while working? C'mon. My iPod helps me. I need teh beatz!

But anything before high school was hell.

-cannot enter the school before 8. Even if it's 30 below zero (Metric, sorry Americans).
-must walk to each class in a line
-during recess, groups may be no larger than 5 people, as it might "intimidate the younger grades." My personal favourite. We decided we were in 7 groups of 1.
-no talking in the hall. Yeah, good luck making that happen.
-if you weren't at school precisely when the bell went off, it was an automatic detension. I once got one despite being in front of the door as the bell ended.

I dunno how many of these are normal, universal school things though.