Stupidest rule in school...


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
Dazza5897922 said:
Insanum said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Insanum said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
I refuse to wear a uniform; to me it symbolizes subservience and being like everyone else...two things I am against.

I stitched a hammer & sickle into my mp3 player's wrist strap thing. I'm going to start arguments if anyone tells me to take it off, fascist bastards.
If you saw someone with the nazi symbol stiched onto whatever, what would you say?
I would scowl and walk away.

Don't act like they're the same thing. Nazism and communism are completely opposite.
You misunderstood me, I just meant to ask you if you felt people with fascist symbols should be giving out to while people with communist ones shouldn't.
It was just to see if you would contradict yourself.
The difference is in the details. Both symbols stand for entirely different things. One for white supremacy and control and the other for equality and freedom.
Hmmmm, I've been phrasing that wrong, change "nazi symbol" to "fascist symbol."
anyway, regardless of what a symbol stands for it's their right to support whatever they want and draw it's symbol on their property.
Anyway, as I said, change "nazi symbol" to "fascist symbol"
I would most likely scowl and walk away. Non-Nazi fascism isn't something I hate that much, because it can actually work if done right. But there's still no freedom for anybody but the dictator and everything still sucks. But if it doesn't promote Nazi-esque ideas then I don't have too much of a problem with it. In fact, I might have a nice conversation with the person.
Well, it all depends on who the dictator is and what he/she supports.
Yes, like communism, fascism also has potential to work, I think the neo-nazis give fascists a bad image.
It's refreshing to talk to someone that knows the difference between nazism and Fascism.
Indeed, it is possible to start a fascist regime based on values entirely different from Nazism, and that regime might work very well. Hell, the people might even enjoy it.

People usually equate fascism with Nazism because Mussolini was slightly less of a prick than Hitler.
Yes, for example; the reason I support fascism is because I think it has the best chance of uniting humanity and keeping us strong. I am well aware that democracy can also be powerful (America and the European Union for example) but I doubt it will unite humanity, making us stronger.
As a Fascist I actually despise Nazism as I think it defiles what I think fascism stands for, setting up a system of racism (The Jews) will only cause conflict within humanity and weaken us.
I also think a fascist government is still a government, in other words it should still work for its citizens and do things for the best interest of the country.
Thats a good incite, Similar to my opinion of "democracy only works if you agree with it", BUT Well...Fascist governments tend to use underhanded tactics to eliminate people that disagree.
Yes, what if a group of anarchists became strong in number and wanted to destroy all government in the country, you know it will ruin the country regardless of what the anarchists think, are you just going to leave them become stronger or are you going to "deal" with them and keep the country safe.
The same goes for the taliban bombing sub-ways.
I was mainly talking about political prisoners & they're ilk. Thats the only problem with fascism, If you don't like it, They tell you to piss off. If you don't & shout louder, You "disappear". Or at least thats my opinion.
As a Fascist I fully respect the right to freedom of speech as it allows me to support fascism without persecution.
However, it's when said speech turns to dangerous action that my respect for rights fall to the extent that I'll ignore them to advert a threat to the country.
Im undecided. I share the opinion the only reason Nazi Germany was demonised was because they lost the war. When it comes to government Im a supporter of a fair oxymoron at best.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I got suspended for ACCIDENTLY bringing my pocket knife to school, and the school was like

Wow. another one:
No water bottles in class "It brings in ants" T_T, don't the ants get WATER from the SPRINKLERS? HM?
And mah school is VERY good at blocking websites, and they blocked EVERY single proxy blocker site... bah..


New member
Jan 31, 2009
As I try to remember why I blocked all my memories in Middle School, I gotta say that I got it pretty easy back then.

Dazza5897922 said:
ender214 said:
My high school has a rule where you can't use the benches outside the school. You can sit on the grass however...
But what about the "don't walk on the grass rule."

Best reply EVAR!


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
Dazza5897922 said:
Insanum said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Insanum said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Insanum said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
I refuse to wear a uniform; to me it symbolizes subservience and being like everyone else...two things I am against.

I stitched a hammer & sickle into my mp3 player's wrist strap thing. I'm going to start arguments if anyone tells me to take it off, fascist bastards.
If you saw someone with the nazi symbol stiched onto whatever, what would you say?
I would scowl and walk away.

Don't act like they're the same thing. Nazism and communism are completely opposite.
You misunderstood me, I just meant to ask you if you felt people with fascist symbols should be giving out to while people with communist ones shouldn't.
It was just to see if you would contradict yourself.
The difference is in the details. Both symbols stand for entirely different things. One for white supremacy and control and the other for equality and freedom.
Hmmmm, I've been phrasing that wrong, change "nazi symbol" to "fascist symbol."
anyway, regardless of what a symbol stands for it's their right to support whatever they want and draw it's symbol on their property.
Anyway, as I said, change "nazi symbol" to "fascist symbol"
I would most likely scowl and walk away. Non-Nazi fascism isn't something I hate that much, because it can actually work if done right. But there's still no freedom for anybody but the dictator and everything still sucks. But if it doesn't promote Nazi-esque ideas then I don't have too much of a problem with it. In fact, I might have a nice conversation with the person.
Well, it all depends on who the dictator is and what he/she supports.
Yes, like communism, fascism also has potential to work, I think the neo-nazis give fascists a bad image.
It's refreshing to talk to someone that knows the difference between nazism and Fascism.
Indeed, it is possible to start a fascist regime based on values entirely different from Nazism, and that regime might work very well. Hell, the people might even enjoy it.

People usually equate fascism with Nazism because Mussolini was slightly less of a prick than Hitler.
Yes, for example; the reason I support fascism is because I think it has the best chance of uniting humanity and keeping us strong. I am well aware that democracy can also be powerful (America and the European Union for example) but I doubt it will unite humanity, making us stronger.
As a Fascist I actually despise Nazism as I think it defiles what I think fascism stands for, setting up a system of racism (The Jews) will only cause conflict within humanity and weaken us.
I also think a fascist government is still a government, in other words it should still work for its citizens and do things for the best interest of the country.
Thats a good incite, Similar to my opinion of "democracy only works if you agree with it", BUT Well...Fascist governments tend to use underhanded tactics to eliminate people that disagree.
Yes, what if a group of anarchists became strong in number and wanted to destroy all government in the country, you know it will ruin the country regardless of what the anarchists think, are you just going to leave them become stronger or are you going to "deal" with them and keep the country safe.
The same goes for the taliban bombing sub-ways.
I was mainly talking about political prisoners & they're ilk. Thats the only problem with fascism, If you don't like it, They tell you to piss off. If you don't & shout louder, You "disappear". Or at least thats my opinion.
As a Fascist I fully respect the right to freedom of speech as it allows me to support fascism without persecution.
However, it's when said speech turns to dangerous action that my respect for rights fall to the extent that I'll ignore them to advert a threat to the country.
Im undecided. I share the opinion the only reason Nazi Germany was demonised was because they lost the war. When it comes to government Im a supporter of a fair oxymoron at best.
You may support what you want, whether it affects my opinion of you depends but I'm generally open-minded. I wasn't trying to oppose democracy in our debate; I was merely explaining why I think Fascism is the best form of government
I think i need to look into the full definitions of Democracy, Communism & Fascism, Then make an educated opinion. I dont judge usually, And even if (after some research) i completely disagree with you i would still respect your opinion, and would expect the same.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Srkkl said:
1. The off campus also didn't make sense to me but if your wearing uniforms it's making the school look bad and I do believe they have the right to punish if said students make the school look like it's full of trouble makers.

2. There was a certain court case refering to the whole free speech thing at school, it boiled down to the school administrators have the right to censor a student if they are disrupting the student body or school functions. Also there was another one like that that said they can search kids belongings without a warrant as long as they have reasonable cause, that part had nothing to do with your stories I was just telling you that so you can know that this isn't the only time the school system has bent constitutional rights.
Sadly I know. It is one of the reason I like to point out that children are not free citizens with equal rights though people quote the 14th that claims they are. No, the rulings make it clear that children are property, owned by the parents when they are at home and by the government whenever they are not.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
My old school banned cell phones, hats, running in the halls and many other very annoying things that I really shouldn't be complaining about after reading some of the posts on this thread. Most of all though it essentially banned free speech and open mindedness. But I'm at a new school now which is much more liberal and much better.


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
Dazza5897922 said:
Insanum said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Insanum said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Insanum said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Insanum said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
I refuse to wear a uniform; to me it symbolizes subservience and being like everyone else...two things I am against.

I stitched a hammer & sickle into my mp3 player's wrist strap thing. I'm going to start arguments if anyone tells me to take it off, fascist bastards.
If you saw someone with the nazi symbol stiched onto whatever, what would you say?
I would scowl and walk away.

Don't act like they're the same thing. Nazism and communism are completely opposite.
You misunderstood me, I just meant to ask you if you felt people with fascist symbols should be giving out to while people with communist ones shouldn't.
It was just to see if you would contradict yourself.
The difference is in the details. Both symbols stand for entirely different things. One for white supremacy and control and the other for equality and freedom.
Hmmmm, I've been phrasing that wrong, change "nazi symbol" to "fascist symbol."
anyway, regardless of what a symbol stands for it's their right to support whatever they want and draw it's symbol on their property.
Anyway, as I said, change "nazi symbol" to "fascist symbol"
I would most likely scowl and walk away. Non-Nazi fascism isn't something I hate that much, because it can actually work if done right. But there's still no freedom for anybody but the dictator and everything still sucks. But if it doesn't promote Nazi-esque ideas then I don't have too much of a problem with it. In fact, I might have a nice conversation with the person.
Well, it all depends on who the dictator is and what he/she supports.
Yes, like communism, fascism also has potential to work, I think the neo-nazis give fascists a bad image.
It's refreshing to talk to someone that knows the difference between nazism and Fascism.
Indeed, it is possible to start a fascist regime based on values entirely different from Nazism, and that regime might work very well. Hell, the people might even enjoy it.

People usually equate fascism with Nazism because Mussolini was slightly less of a prick than Hitler.
Yes, for example; the reason I support fascism is because I think it has the best chance of uniting humanity and keeping us strong. I am well aware that democracy can also be powerful (America and the European Union for example) but I doubt it will unite humanity, making us stronger.
As a Fascist I actually despise Nazism as I think it defiles what I think fascism stands for, setting up a system of racism (The Jews) will only cause conflict within humanity and weaken us.
I also think a fascist government is still a government, in other words it should still work for its citizens and do things for the best interest of the country.
Thats a good incite, Similar to my opinion of "democracy only works if you agree with it", BUT Well...Fascist governments tend to use underhanded tactics to eliminate people that disagree.
Yes, what if a group of anarchists became strong in number and wanted to destroy all government in the country, you know it will ruin the country regardless of what the anarchists think, are you just going to leave them become stronger or are you going to "deal" with them and keep the country safe.
The same goes for the taliban bombing sub-ways.
I was mainly talking about political prisoners & they're ilk. Thats the only problem with fascism, If you don't like it, They tell you to piss off. If you don't & shout louder, You "disappear". Or at least thats my opinion.
As a Fascist I fully respect the right to freedom of speech as it allows me to support fascism without persecution.
However, it's when said speech turns to dangerous action that my respect for rights fall to the extent that I'll ignore them to advert a threat to the country.
Im undecided. I share the opinion the only reason Nazi Germany was demonised was because they lost the war. When it comes to government Im a supporter of a fair oxymoron at best.
You may support what you want, whether it affects my opinion of you depends but I'm generally open-minded. I wasn't trying to oppose democracy in our debate; I was merely explaining why I think Fascism is the best form of government
I think i need to look into the full definitions of Democracy, Communism & Fascism, Then make an educated opinion. I dont judge usually, And even if (after some research) i completely disagree with you i would still respect your opinion, and would expect the same.
People that don't respect the opinions of others usually don't last long in debates.
I wouldnt have said it if i didnt mean it. As long as you can ack up your opinion with facts or a valid point, I will respect it.

The only thing really i cant debate is religion...Its far too irrational.

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
We must return our locks to the school at the end of the year. The locks we PURCHASED from them. I even had to pay for a replacement one since mine broke. I didn't return it. I urged my friends not to. My science teacher knew I wasn't going to give it back to her at the end of the year. She didn't put up a fuss or anything though. While everyone else went to go and get theirs and hand them in I sat in my desk. I got up after a bit and started talking with her. She agreed it was a stupid rule and let me go. Our new principle is an idiot though.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Our school handbook is riddled with grammatical errors that make for humorous interpretations. The first thing in our handbooks about expulsion is "Students may be expelled for conduct, which violates school rules."

Not really a "school rule", but the room in which we are herded into for tornado warnings is a computer lab, with at least 30 computer towers and monitors in it, and an entire wall with loose mirror panels. The place is a death trap filled with potential missiles and flying glass. Thanks, but I'll take a hallway instead.

For our junior year government class and service learning classes we were required to have at least X hours of community service to complete the class. You could get almost anything counted as service hours if you wanted to, but the teacher was trying to fail one student for not completing his hours.

The student was a junior member of the local volunteer fire department who had proof of hundreds of hours of volunteer work and training. And he had the balls to think he could pass a government class. Luckily we have a reasonable principal who got pretty pissed at the teacher for that.


New member
Dec 18, 2008
I couldn't wear my Bad Religion t-shirt.
Just because it has the words Bad and Religion in it, together.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Dazza5897922 said:
I love it when the teachers mess up, it proves that some of them are idiots.
Welcome to the Escapist.

I'll just say most of the situations in this thread could be avoided with a good whack of the common sense stick.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Dazza5897922 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!

If you saw someone with the nazi symbol stiched onto whatever, what would you say?
Unbeknownst to many people, the swastika meant something completely different before the Nazi party blatantly ripped it off. I'm going to leave it up to you people to look it up. Educate yourselves.

Obviously, if the person is a complete asshole and does identify with the Nazi party, then yes, that's an issue. If they aren't, however, they might have another reason for sporting it.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
In the Uniform Code: Plain white socks and undershirts.

Clothing most likely to not be visible.