Tap water , do you drink it?


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Yep! I love the taste of tap water. I despise most bottled water.

Couldn't tell you if it's good quality or not though. It's not something I'd go to the trouble of figuring out.

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
Yes I drink tap water.

Yes the water here is considered very good.

Those two facts are related. I would, however, buy a filtration system rather than bottled water.


Sep 9, 2010
Here on Long Island, I'm told we have good drinking water. At least, I drink it from time to time. First wake up in the morning, sticking my mouth to the bathroom faucet.... Oddly enough the bathroom sink has the best tasting in the whole house, none of us know why but we all agree it's somehow better. anyway.

One time, family takes a trip to florida. We stop at a cracker barrel in in the carolinas, we order fountain sodas.... And this clearly must of been a town that clean their water of sulfur because the water reeked of it and the waiter was so perplexed when we asked for bottled sodas. It wasn't even a payment thing, cause we were fine paying extra, he and his manager didn't think there was anything wrong with the water

Personally though, I prefer to drink canned Seltzer. I miss the carbonation when I drink drinks that don't have them. I really only drink bottle water when I'm on the go. Or at work, as we lack a drinking fountain and I frankly don't trust to drink from our pipes.


New member
Feb 13, 2012
Ah living near the largest source of fresh water in the world, i.e. a few miles from lake Erie. The tap water is very high quality in general, but some pipes are old so if you don't let it run for about a minute the water usually taste weird. But saying that I always drink tap water, sometimes I use a filter because while the water is good it can be better.
Aug 1, 2010
I love my tap water.

I live in the high mountains of Northern California, so 99.9 percent of our water is fresh snow melt filtered through various springs.

It's absolutely incredible water.

Plus I can't stand the taste of bottled.


. . . . . . . .
Aug 3, 2013
Yes I do drink tap water and no it isn't considered a taste explosion where I live due to heavy mineralization.

I hate to tell you bottled water drinkers this, but you are also most likely tap water drinkers as well, its simply been filtered and brought in from elsewhere.

Toby Stewart

New member
May 2, 2011
I drink tap water, as it is rain water we collect from our roof and store in a tank. I don't enjoy drinking town supply from the tap though, s it does have a slight chemical taste. I'll still drink it though, no point in paying a fortune for a bottle of the stuff.


New member
May 5, 2010
Yep. The tap water here is good and it's pretty much the only thing I drink. My wife has issues with drinking tap water, which drives me bonkers. I've also yet to find a bottled water that doesn't taste like ass.

Little Woodsman

New member
Nov 11, 2012
I drink filtered tap water. I've had conversations with the staff of our municipal water system and every one of them has strongly recommended filtering the tap water before you drink it.
In my old home town (less than an hour's drive from here) the water was so bad there were city ordinances that made it illegal to give tap water to children under 3 years of age. I got used to drinking distilled water when I lived there.
As for bottled water--it varies wildly. Some is just bottled tap water. Some is filtered water. Some is distilled water that has specific minerals added to it for taste. There is one brand of that last type that I do like, but I rarely drink it due to costs and not wanting to use more plastic than necessary.


I'm just a Smeg Head
Jun 30, 2010
Me and my fiance drink about four bottles of water a day and refill them with the tap. So yeah, I drink tap water, noone seems to have an issue with it here in Florida.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
sweetylnumb said:
krazykidd said:
My friends find me weird . Everytime i go to their homes and ask for somethinf to drink they always say water . Now while i have nothing against water in general, i will never ever drink tap water ( except in extreme cases obviously ). They say i'm difficult , especially since the tap water where i live ( montreal , Quebec )is apparently of pretty good quality . Despite that , i always prefered bottled water , than that from the tap .

So my question to you escapists is : Do you drink tap water?

And as a bonus question: Is there tap water where you love considered good
Im sorry but who the hell doesn't drink tap water? If you have enough disposal income to spend $3 every time you need a drink, all power to you, but for all us normal peasants that shits just not sustainable
Dude , it costs a total of 3$ for a 24 pack of bottled water . I don't know where you're buying your water ... But you're getting ripped off .


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
I live on a farm that gets water from the ground. My grandparents used to drink it, but if you run the water too long black sludge starts coming up so we never drink it at my house...


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Yeah, I drink tap water. The only reason I would buy bottled watter is for the carbonation, but thanks to the carbonating devices you can use at home, even that reason went out the window. That said, if I travel I may not drink tap water because their safety standards might not be up to snuff, depends on the country.


Regular Member
Mar 9, 2012
I drink tap water all the time. I've consciously started to do so about two years ago, after watching one of scooby1961's videos. And I personally think it tastes no worse than bottled water.
Though I think he mentions the benefits of tap water specifically in other videos.

Staying hydrated is very important, for anyone and especially if you do sports. As far as I understand, the quality may depend individually on the local water recycling facility, but tap water is extremely cheap and safe to drink in any industrialized nation.

Edit: I think a poll might have been appropriate.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
No, I don't drink tap water. The water where I live (Winnipeg, Manitoba) used to have a chlorine-like taste that I absolutely despised. Even though my city no longer uses chlorine (they use nitrogen now) I swear I can still taste it so I avoid it if I can.

However, I do love the well water at the farm my uncle inherited from my grandparents. Apparently my grandfather had it tested at one point and it was pure so that could be a huge reason as to why I love it.

That said, I'm not particularly fond of bottled water either. It's always had sort of a plastic taste I can't really get past.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
ClockworkPenguin said:
I know a guy (I'm well aware of how meaningless that claim to authority is on the internet) who worked as a chemist for one of the big companies ( you know the ones, who somehow seem to make everything and secretly own all the 'competing' brands) and he says that, at least in his day, bottled water has more crap in it than tap water.
There's actually a brand of tap water here that boasts that they are using tap water rather than water from Stream X or river Y. It turns out it was cleaner than all of the competing brands and although that might not be the case everywhere it's not impossible that tap water is in fact preferable some places.

OT: I rarely drink anything but tap water. Well, tap water and coffee (coffee made by tap water in case you wondered). My tap gets pretty cold water and I usually have a bottle that I fill with water and put in the freezer in order to make it cold enough to be enjoyable.

Being unable to drink tap water has rarely been the case where I live. We have high standards on how much chemicals are allowed to be used in cleansing (yeah, for some reason we don't allow fluoride at all, I think I can guess the reason though) and there's rarely any incidents that cause any problems. There was one city that had a breakout of the algae emiliana huxleyi and that wasn't too pleasant though. Mostly drinking tap water is perfectly safe and the taste is usually pretty good.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
At home... yes, I have three natural springs on my property, one of which is... tapped... for drinking. I'm told I could bottle and sell it if I had a mind to. In the city, only if I know which reservoir it's coming out of, where it's supplied from, and that it's not exposed to such things as pigeon shit... and if the place has newish pipes. I know at least one public building in Portland that still passes tap water through lead. Even though I live in the watershed that supplies their water, so technically it's the same source... there's something to be said about the journey to their taps. Bottled for me downtown.

Oh, also when I was stationed in Europe... I had a budget set aside just for buying jugs of water, four gallons at a time on base. Everywhere I went the water tasted like it had rust flakes and chlorine in it. Actually gave me a sore throat to drink it for a day. Couldn't even filter the stuff properly, charcoal filters broke down inside a week on that stuff.