Eugh at people "smiling" and being all happy over such a petty thing, you selfish, narrow minded gaming people (sorry but this is genuinely how i see it)¬¬
You do realize that because a minority (gamers) couldn't wait to play, the ENTIRE class had to rescheduled and end at 7 to compensate?
That is seriously not cool, and if it happened in my class it would totally have screwed over quite a few people who need to get to jobs/kids after, and such rescheduling is a nightmare for them, usually forcing them to miss the lecuture all together (and not because they just wanna play a game).
Generic gamer covers other negatives so ain't touching those, but this seriously isn't something to cheer about, if anything this is the kinda thing that make us seem like total douschebags to non gamers.
Edit: Was this in a school? Kinda assumed from the picture it was a lecturer posting to his students.
If this took place in a school, disregard all what I said.
If this applies in a uni, then what I said applies (you might not be at school by choice but this is not the case for uni, messing with other people's studies just ain't cool)