TF2 Rip-Off game: Really a Rip-Off?


New member
Feb 10, 2008
TF2 meets Toy Story meets Japan. Meeh, some things are obviously ripped off, but this game looks like it has enough of it's own. Heck it's 3th person just to start with.


New member
Jul 14, 2008
alright, my turn to address even more!

1) "her minigun looks just like the heavy's, right down to the gas canister!" No. Thats what a minigun looks like, right down to the "gas canister" which actually the ammo storage. Last time I checked, valve does not own the IP of minigun.

2)again, the music. It is making fun of the 60's spy movies, like Bond or others. Valve does not own the rights to lampooning that.

3)Aluminum baseball bats. Seriously? Your getting onto their case because they use a plain, aluminum bat? Lets go sue the minor league baseball teams too because, hell, Valve put a common piece of equipment into a game!

4)Blood splatter. Your caring about how blood splatters? Ever think that when shot in the head with a rifle, your blood might come out like paint?(it does, FYI) TF2 had a good blood animation set, realistic and all, so again, if somebody wants a cartoony yet realistic game, they have few options.

5) the powerup. so valve also owns the rights to powerups that make you glowingly invincible? Ok, lets sue Mario, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, and just about any other game.

None of those things above are Valve's originally. They used them, the game became popular, and all of a sudden they have a monopoly on basic gaming things? Does infinity ward have a monopoly on WWII now? Nintendo on platformers? Atari on tennis games? It doesn't seem realistic to try and yell at a company that makes a game that has basic things that are mandatory for a genre like it. Stop fanboying and judge the game after you play it on its own merits, not on how similar it is to another great game.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
You know what would work for this game, is if its third person view was actually if the char is zoomed in closer towards the left side. It looks like its blocking the actual firing view especially for melee.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
HOLY SHIT¡¡¡¡ it's like TF2 but with Anime chicks and badly made robots¡¡¡ it's like a dream come true....


New member
Mar 2, 2009
So this is what you get when you combine Team Fortress with Army Men with Ani-Cute. I'd totally play that.

sgtshock said:
Am I the only one reminded of all those twisted drawings on deviantart of the TF2 characters redrawn as anime girls? It's like they took TF2's carefully crafted 60's art style, then shoved anime into it because they could. Non-Japanime style.

I also agree that the 'classes' don't appear to be set in stone, and that there are more then two factions.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
So it's got cartoony graphics and it's an online team FPS. Surely, noone else has done any of this before Valve did, so it's a TF2 rip off.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
It's a frakking rip off of a game mod turned into commercial release. If console fanboys and generation y / dot com game purchasers weren't so frakking retarded, this kind of topic and "game" wouldn't rate a mention on a 3rd rate console blog, let alone a semi-respectable gamers' forum.

Yeah, I'm pointing the finger at you, under 25's, for turning gaming from an intelligencia hobby to mass-retard entertainment platform. Fuck you, and the console you rode in on :)


Parallel Streaks

New member
Jan 16, 2008
Jaythulhu said:
It's a frakking mod turned into commercial release. If console fanboys and generation y / dot com game purchasers weren't so frakking retarded, this kind of topic and "game" wouldn't rate a mention on a 3rd rate console blog, let alone a semi-respectable gamers' forum.

Yeah, I'm pointing the finger at you, under 25's, for turning gaming from an intelligencia hobby to mass-retard entertainment platform. Fuck you, and the console you rode in on :)

I'm sorry Grandpa, you seemed to have misplaced your dentures, I can't understand a dang thing you're saying! Now if you don't mind, me and the rest of the under 25's are going to go eat raw rotting meat and bang our heads against walls while shrieking "DURRRRRRRRRRR".

Incidentally, this game is impossible to research, have you every tried to find a game called Have? It ain't easy. If anyone could get me like an article or even a mention other than this thread it'd be great.

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
This is some bullshit. How much does ANYONE want to bet that it's not even their own engine? Just a modified version of Source?


New member
Apr 25, 2009
This could very well be their own ideas... I guess.

But honestly, would anyone have batted an eye in the slightest if they were skinned like the TF2 characters?

The soldier acts the same, the demoman is amazingly similar, the sniper is the same(well its a sniper), their scout wields an aluminum bat and double jumps with the tf2 animation.

It might not be a rip off, oh who am I kidding, you can't come that close to TF2 without knowing what you're doing.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Parallel Streaks said:
Jaythulhu said:
*snip myself*
I'm sorry Grandpa, you seemed to have misplaced your dentures, I can't understand a dang thing you're saying!
Can't say I'm surprised, given that your generation has the literacy abilities of a 10 month old cowpat.

Here's a less subtle hint for you. You, your generation, and everyone born since, around, and after you is part of the problem, not the solution to the shite that has become gaming. Congratulations. Have a potato chip, and revel in the fact you've helped turn games and gaming from a hobby of the intelligent to a pastime of the bored, retarded and mediocre. Well done.


Professional Lurker
Sep 8, 2008
Jaythulhu said:
Parallel Streaks said:
Jaythulhu said:
*snip myself*
I'm sorry Grandpa, you seemed to have misplaced your dentures, I can't understand a dang thing you're saying!
Can't say I'm surprised, given that your generation has the literacy abilities of a 10 month old cowpat.

Here's a less subtle hint for you. You, your generation, and everyone born since, around, and after you is part of the problem, not the solution to the shite that has become gaming. Congratulations. Have a potato chip, and revel in the fact you've helped turn games and gaming from a hobby of the intelligent to a pastime of the bored, retarded and mediocre. Well done.
Not all of us under 25's are how you think. Some of us can actually tell the difference between "their" and "they're" and have an IQ over 50. Stereotyping young people as neanderthalic retards is just as much part of the problem, since that is what the developers who make "the shite that has become gaming" thing when they make these games. Have you ever thought that some of us are intelligent and we cringe at what others in our generation do? Stop being bigoted towards people younger than you and realize that idiocy and intelligence are spread evenly over the age spectrum, and not clustered at the bottom like you seem to believe.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Beltom1066 said:
Not all of us under 25's are how you think. Some of us can actually tell the difference between "their" and "they're" and have an IQ over 50. Stereotyping young people as neanderthalic retards is just as much part of the problem, since that is what the developers who make "the shite that has become gaming" thing when they make these games. Have you ever thought that some of us are intelligent and we cringe at what others in our generation do? Stop being bigoted towards people younger than you and realize that idiocy and intelligence are spread evenly over the age spectrum, and not clustered at the bottom like you seem to believe.
Pretty much everything I wanted to say. Kudos.
Jun 13, 2009
The Sniper in this one lacks all style!! And the heavy is lacking in the russian accent. Vere is her sandvich?!! D: This is a travesty!!