TF2 Rip-Off game: Really a Rip-Off?


New member
Jul 14, 2008
avykins said:
Damn that looks cool. Screw TF2 I wanna play this!
Anyway if you are that annoyed by it ripping off something else (something most games do) then either don't buy it or pirate it. They have put no effort into it and have stolen from someone else so its only fair you steal from them.
A) its not theft at all, they didn't steal anything from valve. if somebody wants to do a cartoony classed based shooter without making it feel like bugs bunny then they can pretty much only go along this path.
B) thats horrible logic anyway trying to justify piracy. just say your cheap and have access to the tools to pirate, don't try to say a company "had it coming" by using ideas that have worked elsewhere and modifying them for themselves. This happens all the time, otherwise we would only have DOOM, Pole Position, Space Invaders, and Tennis for Two(not even pong!)


New member
Jun 28, 2009
It looks like they took Tf2 and made all of the characters more cliché and less likable. May that game burn forever in videogame hell.


New member
Mar 8, 2007
I would play this because it kind of reminds me of when I and probably a lot of you used to play with toys when we were kids. It's kind of like Toy Commander for Dreamcast in that sense. I loved having control of the living room with my plastic biplane that drops eraser bombs and fires pencil missiles and taking control of the turrets and stuff. It's like that but with a TF2 sort of play style. I could enjoy it, and I don't care if it's a 'rip-off' of TF2.


Ace Defective
May 1, 2009
"They are so small, is funny to me!"
Sorry, couldn't resist.

I don't think they were even trying to be original. That robot even had the same helmet as the Soldier, for cryin' out loud.
I wonder if changing the character models and maps of someone else's game would get their own to sell more.


New member
Feb 16, 2009
It doesnt look class based to me, if you look, the apparent "Scout" Character uses a sniper.
I think you can pick up the weapons, or customize a character.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Going towards the path of the game as a rip-off, hell, the soldier even ripped off the rocket jumping. Sure, rip off the general aspects, but when they rip off the simple and special aesthetics of another (e.g. scout bat, look of grenades, rocket-jumping) then it gets way too much of a rip-off to be comfortable.

If I was the creator I would have added plastic jet models do airstrikes. Toy concepts are still new and rich for the taking. Make the best out of it, at the least.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Good god, everything is wrong with this! Blatant rip off of TF2? Check. ANIME?! Check... Freaking ANIME?! Oh god, the agony.

If it was just INSPIRED by TF2, that'd be okay, but so many things look like they were pulled directly from Team Fortress 2, like: The way the Scout runs. Looked very similar. The sniper rifle scope looked exactly the same, and used the exact same sound. The Demoman robot had the same reload animation the TF2 demoman had... And finally, the anime Heavy's minigun looked exactly the same.

Shameless. I really hope this is just a mod, if not, well... Valve is going to sue the bejeezus out of them.

The Shade

New member
Mar 20, 2008


I didn't even know whether to laugh my ass off or start yelling at my monitor when I watched that. How can ANY company think it's a good idea to attach your name to something that is SO BLATANTLY a rip-off?

And this isn't one of those, "It's kind of similar. They were probably using _____ as a source for ideas. For shame." kind of deals, either. That is flat-out plagiarism.

The looks of (some of) the characters.
The weapons. (The minigun even had the little gas cannister on the side)
The sniper scope (right down to the green font on "Head shot")
The blood splatter (even if it was blue) was almost the same effect
The soldier jumping through the air
The silver baseball bat
Pretty sure I saw the medic's needle gun in there.
The ubercharge
The demoman 'nade (or electro-nade, whatever)
Even the demoman character looked like the Demoman
The music AND sound effects!


'da fuck?


New member
Nov 1, 2007
I was expecting a "BONK!" sound, followed by "I'mma force'a naycha!"

Buuut... similar music, practically the same visual style, and player classes... I wouldn't find it a rip-off if it continued over the same team-based mechanic that featured classes, but when it's this exacting of a clone, I'm calling it out xD


New member
Mar 8, 2009
It looks appealing to me, I like the idea of manga girl and robot toys, but as everyone else has pointed out it is very similar to tf2 in that it certainly brings it to mind (especially with the ubercharged toy girl with the minigun, which was awesome). Isn't there another valve game being remade by another developer and being sold as such? I remember reading about a lawsuit over a game called Black Mesa.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
ThrobbingEgo said:
Oh no. A class based shooter. Gasp.

Yeah. It kind of strikes me as a cross between Team Fortress 2 and Custom Robo. You know what? That's okay. You have have homages and imitators in video games. Good ideas set trends. I'd be interested to see how this turns out.

If the game's any good, I don't see a reason why it can't coexist with Valve's product - which is loaded with personality and charm.
I'm glad to know that I am not the only one on here that doesn't hate this in a "I'm only faithful to Valve!" kind of way. OT: I actually thought this looked pretty fun.


New member
May 28, 2009
NaumWolf said:
i don't care if its a blatant rip off, i think it looks like fun
I completely agree. Looking at the gameplay it looks like this will be a console game only though. A shame, I completely "dig" it.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Being an optimist i could just say maybe Valve allowed them to use their engine, but they faught screw that lets just change as few things as possible and release it.
Now to the more fun Pessimistic side. Scout-Esq anime girl has the exact same scene as within meet the scout, to the same way her legs run. sniper sounds same as sniper in TF2. Blue blood instead of Red blood but both explode with same effects.
this really just sounds like its on the same engine =D


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Well, there are only a couple differances I can point out without even trying.

1> More teams. It's evident that this is not just a RED v BLU - type game, we have at least schoolgirls, deamon schoolgirls and robots, with what looks like a "Different Robots" from the demoman. That's at least three, maybe four, which mixes up the mechanic quie a bit.

2> I'm pretty sure I saw an assault rifle there in the begining.

While there was evidence of a medic-type class (little healing pluses flying around one target), it seems things like the Ubercharge are pick-up powerups rather than tied to a specific class. And they're rare enough for skirmishes to erupt over them.
Yeah, there's some definate "inspired by" going on, but it almost seems like the devlopers are saying "Let's take your game and make it better than you did".


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Just like what I said in some past posts, this game has potential. A class-based TPS in which you use figurines and toys. The only thing missing are originally created classes, and actually using more toy-like aspects.

What makes this game sour is they're shoving their originality or style out of the window when they ripped specific characteristics of TF2.

The Shade said:
The weapons. (The minigun even had the little gas cannister on the side)
The sniper scope (right down to the green font on "Head shot")
The blood splatter (even if it was blue) was almost the same effect
The soldier jumping through the air
The silver baseball bat
Pretty sure I saw the medic's needle gun in there.
The ubercharge
The demoman 'nade (or electro-nade, whatever)
Even the demoman character looked like the Demoman
The music AND sound effects!
^These things have to go. If it has, now we're talking.