TF2 Rip-Off game: Really a Rip-Off?


New member
Dec 22, 2008
It looks like a TF2 mod made for the 'toy soldiers' maps. It's a total conversion for EVERYTHING, and also makes the game third person. It's probably also built on the Source engine(under a different name) and originally made with Source SDK, amirite? =D


New member
Jun 25, 2009
woem said:
NaumWolf said:
i don't care if its a blatant rip off, i think it looks like fun
I completely agree. Looking at the gameplay it looks like this will be a console game only though. A shame, I completely "dig" it.
You serious? Looks like a pc mmo to me, the ones where you spend real money to buy more pixelized garbage for your character to wear.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Daye.04 said:
I thought this actually had some appeal to it. I mean it's like Toy Story in TF2. And I loved Toy Story. But this brings me up to another idea I read on this forum somewhere. It would have been totally awsome if they (Valve) also made it possible to have like a team of females as well in TF2. That would in my opinon be totally awsome
But it is such a blatant rip-off! I would say that it is just similar in every way, but the fact that it has a demoman, the likes of which I have never seen in a shooter. There is a difference between basing off an idea and making a whole other game, and slightly changing the surrounding of another games and selling it for $60.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
I simply love this. I make a connection showing Warcraft/Starcraft to be a rip-off of Warhammer/Warhammer 40,000 and everyone calls me a troll. Then this comes out and everyone is shitting bricks.

Gamer137 said:
When I hear true rip-off, I think of a product that is indentical not only in concept, but also in the majority of art and models. This is no more a rip-off then half of todays shooters and rip-offs of Halo: CE
Basically, this is my point... except for the Halo part... since Halo ripped off a laundry list of games, but let's not got there.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
I don't think it's fair to classify it as a TF2 rip-off yet. It looks remarkably similar to TF2, yes, and sounds a lot like TF2, but I think more info on the gameplay and character classes needs to be released before we can make any conclusions.


New member
Jun 14, 2009
Anyone wondered if this was done with valve's blessing? Maybe TF2 never acheived decent penetration in the far east and they licenced aspects of the IP so they would make money in a market they can't hit on their own? Just a thought. Some of the similarities are just TOO close (one eyed black demoman i'm looking at you).

pha kin su pah

New member
Mar 26, 2008

seriously, its a close copy, but interesting none the less.

NB - notice how it isn't class based? SHOCK HORROR!


New member
Jul 2, 2009
pha kin su pah said:

seriously, its a close copy, but interesting none the less.

NB - notice how it isn't class based? SHOCK HORROR!
Valve fanboyism? I can't stand Valve, they make the most overrated games ever in my opinion, but if you've played Team Fortess 2, you can't look at that video and say it's just a passing resemblance, so much of it looks like it was copying directly from TF2, sounds, animations, it's plagiarism at it's finest (Or worst?)


<Insert Avatar Here>
Jul 3, 2008
ThrobbingEgo said:
Oh no. A class based shooter. Gasp.

Yeah. It kind of strikes me as a cross between Team Fortress 2 and Custom Robo. You know what? That's okay. You have have homages and imitators in video games. Good ideas set trends. I'd be interested to see how this turns out.

If the game's any good, I don't see a reason why it can't coexist with Valve's product - which is loaded with personality and charm.
It looks like an innocent bit o fun really. :)


New member
Nov 7, 2006
I'm confused... I think some people play TF2 way too much...

I don't really see how random girls using very common weapons (I cant even name how many games have sniper rifles or miniguns...) and killing each other is TF2 specifically...

Then again I don't play TF2 so I dont know what I'm talking about...


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Daye.04 said:
It would have been totally awsome if they (Valve) also made it possible to have like a team of females as well in TF2. That would in my opinon be totally awsome
I disagree. Female models are generally smaller, and therefore harder to hit. This would unbalance the game, because a skinnier Heavy or a more feminine-shaped Scout are going to respectively break their classes.


New member
Jun 25, 2009
Daye.04 said:
I thought this actually had some appeal to it. I mean it's like Toy Story in TF2. And I loved Toy Story. But this brings me up to another idea I read on this forum somewhere. It would have been totally awsome if they (Valve) also made it possible to have like a team of females as well in TF2. That would in my opinon be totally awsome
Skins, skins and more skins. My pyro skin is atm female, everything but the voice is female. But she's still wearing a mask so it doesn't seem that bad. The model is realy well made and everything, including physics around the chest area. Yes they bounce when you jump, and taunt ( then one where you lift your flamthrower over your head)

So skins, skins and more skins. There you have it. Btw, FPSbanana I think the site is called, where I downloaded it and got instructions to where to place it.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Hmm... Minilife looks like it's ripping off The Sims as well???
(I'm probably being slightly unfair there but there's nothing innovative from that site at all!)


New member
Jun 25, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
I disagree. Female models are generally smaller, and therefore harder to hit. This would unbalance the game, because a skinnier Heavy or a more feminine-shaped Scout are going to respectively break their classes.
Dunno how to make ze pictures appear so I'm giving you a link, female models does not need to be smaller. Heavy girl version could be a large russian lady or something, girls ain't always smaller than boys you know


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Arcanz said:
Flying-Emu said:
I disagree. Female models are generally smaller, and therefore harder to hit. This would unbalance the game, because a skinnier Heavy or a more feminine-shaped Scout are going to respectively break their classes.
Dunno how to make ze pictures appear so I'm giving you a link, female models does not need to be smaller. Heavy girl version could be a large russian lady or something, girls ain't always smaller than boys you know
Main problem with that picture is that A) Pyro is already a chick and B) Why is she wearing flame-retardant pants and overalls? That doesn't make any sense.

No, women aren't always smaller than men, but GENERALLY they are. And, really now, do you think anyone will want it if their Medic is a fat, blubbery mess?

They want it because they want the novelty of "lawl bewbz kill bewbz", and it would unbalance the game. The classes were given very distinct, very recognizable shapes so that they could be determined with a quick glance. Add in new ones, and invariably they'll start to blend. That=bad.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Am I the only one reminded of all those twisted drawings on deviantart of the TF2 characters redrawn as anime girls? It's like they took TF2's carefully crafted 60's art style, then shoved anime into it because they could.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Geez, looks like a total rip off, the style, the classes, the sniper rifle even makes the same noise, even some of the scenes look like they we're ripped from the "meet the" trailers, I mean, does anyone notice that the shot at 1:02 looks alot like a moment in the Meet the Demoman trailer =P