"That's Not a Real Job"


New member
Jan 29, 2009
I can see some validity in such a statement if your "job" has no positive effect on society. Some people (not me) may think anything art related falls in such a category. That is of course hypocritical if they ever watch tv, movies, read books etc....but that is besides the point. It is more a factor of how they feel, not what makes logical sense.

Teaching, collecting garbage, cooking food for people, selling property etc, all have real world applications that benefit society.

Drawing...to some...may not fit into their idea of a "real job" even if it's subconsciously. Silly, but if you look at it from their perspective....you can kinda at least understand why they may feel that way.

That is probably more true for people who have worked in "real jobs" that they didn't like or are dissatisfied with. They are on some underlying level, jealous of anyone who can support themselves (and perhaps their family) while doing a job they would consider frivolous, or worse....FUN!!

Then there is the security option. Many Art base jobs for instance (Singing, drawing/painting, performing etc) are not very secure as far as income is concerned, and would not be the best thing in the world to bank on if you have a family. It may be worth the risk to you....because it's your dream job and what you love, but to others who may care about you....it may seem like too much of a risk. Parents who want you to get married and have grandkids for them for instance, may want you to "settle down" with a secure position, instead of gambling on something that may not pay out.

I've known many people who have tried to make it in the arts. None of them have ended up homeless and on the street (although I do know some who worked at companies etc that ended up that way), but it is very rare for someone to make it big in the music industry (even with rich relatives my uncle had to give up eventually....but had his own recording studio and got rich from that at least). Some goes for actors, dancers and artists as well. Most of the Artists I have known painted etc on the side while working another job during the day.

When you see so many people having to work a "real job" while they draw etc on the side....I can see how some people might not consider it a "real job" since....over many years, they may have seen many other people drawing etc on the side while working during the day. Once you have seen 10+ people all try to make it as an artist, or musician etc...and fail, it becomes much harder to encourage someone to put all their hopes into such a career.

In the end, a job is anything you can support yourself, and perhaps your family with. If you are lucky enough to get a job that you love, keep it...fight for it, and don't let anyone talk you out of it. If you have a dream job, work towards getting it and don't stop.

That being said, having a backup plan in case things don't work out is a very good idea as well. You might not end up being able to support yourself with your art for instance, but in the process of trying, you might end up teaching art at a school and inspiring future artists, or perhaps running an art gallery etc. You may not ever end up being a famous musician or performance artist, but in the process you may end up running a music studeo, or creating jingles for TV shows etc.

If you are stuck in a job you do not find rewarding, don't give up, even if it pays a ton. There is always something better out there...but if your not trying for it, you'll never get it.
Nov 24, 2010
Vausch said:
You ever get someone that tells you that? I got an argument with someone that says art isn't a real job because there's no physical labour involved, and nobody should charge more than 10 dollars for a drawing. Needless to say many erupted at him, but I've heard this about almost every job that involves entertainment or the like.

All I hear from it is "Stop enjoying your work and have a miserable job like mine". I mean, what is a "real" job? I perform a service, people are willing to pay for it, I get paid. Is it not a real job because I enjoy doing it?
"ah, don't nagg on me helping you with the dishes.. i cant do that, i have worked all day long and i cant see the dirt and.. well, homework is no real work anyway so dont complain and make food."

so, yeah. Maybe not in all this clearness, but everyday and everytime thousands of people hear this kinda statement, more or less direct and open.
Sep 14, 2009
King Aragorn said:
gmaverick019 said:
King Aragorn said:
gmaverick019 said:
eh while i think the entertainment industry is way over valued sometimes in terms of how much some people make, they are all DEFINITELY real jobs

(and don't quote me with "blah blah people are willing to pay blah blah" crap, i understand all of it, doesn't mean i have to like it.)
Well then, may I ask why don't you like it? I don't see what's wrong with that myself.
Jamieson 90 said:
I get this all the time off my brother who's in finance and banking. "Teaching isn't a real job and you need to get in the real world."

My response:

"Yeah well at least teachers contribute to society rather than ruining our economy."
Hmm...I wonder who teached him finance and banking...
Oh wait, teachers!
well this has my long distaste for "assholes" (see apple company) and people willingly overpay to that garbage of a company for products that are nowhere near better than quite a few other substitute goods. i'm not trying to diss the actual product itself, but it is WAYYY overvalued, and i couldn't help but have one fat grin on my face when i saw apple's stocks fall by fucking 300 this past season.

also, i just find it almost disgusting how incredibly rich some entertainment artists/players are and their publishers are too. nfl/nba/mlb players, most of them make insaneeeeee amounts of money. i'm not trying to diss athletes, but you play for what, 10-12 years? and most of them are set for life.

personal example: my best friend's fiance's sister, just graduated high school this past year, she is dumb as a fucking bag of bricks and is as lazy as one too, but she makes insane amounts of bank for her artistic skills, each of her paintings usually sells for 5-10 grand, and these are just the ones she hasn't even made a name for herself with yet. as of right now she's sold 7 or 8 paintings i know of in the past 10 months, which racks up to around ~50 grand averaging.

yes obviously talent/skills factor into it and everything, i just think the "entertainment" industry is way over valued for what people are willing to pay for crap.
I personally think you underestimate art. Art is a vital form of self expression, it tells us about ourselves, about our culture, I think it's an important part of society. And that applies to movies, games, so and so forth.
When someone has secured the more vitals things for living *Food, water, a proper home, etc* I see no problem in one providing himself with entertainment. You can trace it back to the industrial revolution, after a while, people became wealthy enough that they demanded entertainment, education, etc.

Basically, after you secure yourself vitals, what there is to spend on? its territory goods/''luxuries'', and I don't think there is a problem with it. The people behind them put as much work as others do into other goods.

And hey, I like Apple.
well that's fine, so your happy with the way things are.

personally, i don't see why i should ever pay 10 grand for some piece of art when i can take a picture of it or photo copy it and hang it on my wall.

bam. probably costed a couple bucks at kinko's. i can understand when you are covering cost of supplies and whatnot, but if you actually cranked out $/hr earnings it would be just ridiculous.

and do you like apple as a company or do you like their products? the latter, then fine, i have no problem with someone liking their product, it's streamlined to be very friendly to the average person. i just hate everything else about it/the company is all.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
"That's not a real job!"

"Yeah well people pay me for it so I guess lucky me huh? Don't you wish you didn't have a real job too?"

Seriously that real job stuff all comes from Jealousy.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
CrossLOPER said:
Yopaz said:
There are people managing to live quite well by begging.
Source, please.
This comes from personal experience so sadly I can't provide you with any good sources here. You might not believe it, but it happens.

Now you ignored my question there. Let's say that hypothetically some people manage to get by from begging. Is that a real job? You know, if you had answered that question to begin with you wouldn't have had a low content post, just saying.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
prowll said:
Would you expect to pay 10$ for a Van Gogh?
Yes, back when he was alive(fact!)

I can't even understand exactly how a person can even say this; barely anyone wants to work in a factory/involving manual labour: the people I know/have met say that they never want to work in something involving physical labour, even those whose jobs have them working in such a manner.

Also, you don't need me to tell you that you should never listen to asshats that have criteria for how "real" an occupation is.

Tell them to fuck off to their real job/tell them that you can't hear them over your paycheck.
Sep 14, 2009
CrossLOPER said:
Yopaz said:
There are people managing to live quite well by begging.
Source, please.
just one of many


i can't remember the show, but they followed this guy home one day and he walked into his house with a fucking bmw convertible out front.

you'd be surprised in which cities beggars can make some bank in.


New member
Jul 14, 2011
Jamieson 90 said:
I get this all the time off my brother who's in finance and banking. "Teaching isn't a real job and you need to get in the real world."

My response:

"Yeah well at least teachers contribute to society rather than ruining our economy."
...teaching isn't a real job? Who the hell is going to TEACH THE NEXT GENERATION HOW TO DO ANYTHING?!

Your brother needs to get his priorities straight. :|


New member
Sep 15, 2010
I work pretty hard at my job, hauling stuff, cleaning stuff, arranging stuff. I have to wear a back support so I don't go home in agony. I do not take breaks because A) I don't have to with the hours I work and B) If I do I end up more screwed than when I left. Do I consider it a real job? Yes. I am going to school for a degree in digital media. Would I like to have a job that doesn't require the previous level of physical labor? Yes. Would I consider it a real job? Also Yes.

It is my belief that all the jobs in this world have to be done, there is no "Man's job" or "woman's work" or "real job" or "fake job" there are just "Jobs" and the people that do them. So to anyone who believes they can pick and choose which jobs have real merit, I say, "Your opinion means less to me than that feeling when your foot falls asleep."


New member
Dec 7, 2009
carlsberg export said:
Vausch said:
You ever get someone that tells you that? I got an argument with someone that says art isn't a real job because there's no physical labour involved, and nobody should charge more than 10 dollars for a drawing. Needless to say many erupted at him, but I've heard this about almost every job that involves entertainment or the like.

All I hear from it is "Stop enjoying your work and have a miserable job like mine". I mean, what is a "real" job? I perform a service, people are willing to pay for it, I get paid. Is it not a real job because I enjoy doing it?

ignore that guy, he is just set in his ways. i can see his angle, and yes it is nice to break a sweat and stand back at the end of the day and be satisfied that you made/accomplished something. but when it comes down to it we all work for money. if somebody offerd me £100 an hour to pick up rubbish I would jump at it.

I also like to doodle on the side by the way, I once had to paint a 'sign' I guess you would call it, for this old guys canal boat. now I'm not a painter but I think I did an ok job but I felt super bad at the money he offerd me, I was expecting 20 at most for materials and a pint.
what sort of stuff do you draw/paint/create?
Multiple things. It's mostly cartoons and comic book work, colouring for a webcomic my friend does, and occasionally something bigger.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
krazykidd said:
I think when people say get a " real" job , they mean , get a job that will sarn you a substancial amount of money . A job where , people won't look down on you . A job of importance .

Now you have everh right to say that's shit , but you cannot deny that in the eyes if a vast majority of people , art is not a worthwhile job .
People make money all the time from art, selling paintings, doing commissions, etc. If they can make a regular income from doing it, how can anyone say it's not a "job."


New member
Sep 17, 2011
I do Alarm Monitoring and it is a real conversation killer.

Who cares what other people think, other people can be idiots, and the internet proves this time and again.

King Aragorn

New member
Mar 15, 2013
gmaverick019 said:
King Aragorn said:
gmaverick019 said:
King Aragorn said:
gmaverick019 said:
eh while i think the entertainment industry is way over valued sometimes in terms of how much some people make, they are all DEFINITELY real jobs

(and don't quote me with "blah blah people are willing to pay blah blah" crap, i understand all of it, doesn't mean i have to like it.)
Well then, may I ask why don't you like it? I don't see what's wrong with that myself.
Jamieson 90 said:
I get this all the time off my brother who's in finance and banking. "Teaching isn't a real job and you need to get in the real world."

My response:

"Yeah well at least teachers contribute to society rather than ruining our economy."
Hmm...I wonder who teached him finance and banking...
Oh wait, teachers!
well this has my long distaste for "assholes" (see apple company) and people willingly overpay to that garbage of a company for products that are nowhere near better than quite a few other substitute goods. i'm not trying to diss the actual product itself, but it is WAYYY overvalued, and i couldn't help but have one fat grin on my face when i saw apple's stocks fall by fucking 300 this past season.

also, i just find it almost disgusting how incredibly rich some entertainment artists/players are and their publishers are too. nfl/nba/mlb players, most of them make insaneeeeee amounts of money. i'm not trying to diss athletes, but you play for what, 10-12 years? and most of them are set for life.

personal example: my best friend's fiance's sister, just graduated high school this past year, she is dumb as a fucking bag of bricks and is as lazy as one too, but she makes insane amounts of bank for her artistic skills, each of her paintings usually sells for 5-10 grand, and these are just the ones she hasn't even made a name for herself with yet. as of right now she's sold 7 or 8 paintings i know of in the past 10 months, which racks up to around ~50 grand averaging.

yes obviously talent/skills factor into it and everything, i just think the "entertainment" industry is way over valued for what people are willing to pay for crap.
I personally think you underestimate art. Art is a vital form of self expression, it tells us about ourselves, about our culture, I think it's an important part of society. And that applies to movies, games, so and so forth.
When someone has secured the more vitals things for living *Food, water, a proper home, etc* I see no problem in one providing himself with entertainment. You can trace it back to the industrial revolution, after a while, people became wealthy enough that they demanded entertainment, education, etc.

Basically, after you secure yourself vitals, what there is to spend on? its territory goods/''luxuries'', and I don't think there is a problem with it. The people behind them put as much work as others do into other goods.

And hey, I like Apple.
well that's fine, so your happy with the way things are.

personally, i don't see why i should ever pay 10 grand for some piece of art when i can take a picture of it or photo copy it and hang it on my wall.

bam. probably costed a couple bucks at kinko's. i can understand when you are covering cost of supplies and whatnot, but if you actually cranked out $/hr earnings it would be just ridiculous.

and do you like apple as a company or do you like their products? the latter, then fine, i have no problem with someone liking their product, it's streamlined to be very friendly to the average person. i just hate everything else about it/the company is all.
More or less, I think that's just stems from the fact that we as humans, like to have something that's original/authentic. Because a copy is often looked down as of less value/importance.

And I like the product, the company....eh. I'm not a fan of what they sometimes do, but I do think some people make them seem worse than they really are.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
"Well, I'm getting paid for not having a job. Clearly I'm in a better position than you."

I never understood why people say things that make them look like suckers in order to feel better about themselves. Maybe there's more masochists out there than we admit.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
krazykidd said:
I think when people say get a " real" job , they mean , get a job that will sarn you a substancial amount of money . A job where , people won't look down on you . A job of importance .

Now you have everh right to say that's shit , but you cannot deny that in the eyes if a vast majority of people , art is not a worthwhile job .
By that logic, my job as a cashier is "not a real job".

To which I will happily ask them if they'd like to scan and bag all $400 of those groceries by their lonesome, seeing how I have much better things to do than stand around and do stuff that they say "isn't worth doing".


New member
Oct 16, 2008
I'll tell you a little secret. Most people who say such things about creative pursuits not being real jobs are actually intensely jealous that you could do something you enjoy, and that brings joy to others, and still get paid for it. Confront them with that, and of course they'll deny it, and try to make something up about it being about how much money you make, or some canard like contributing to society. Those are all easily dispensed with as well, but you're really doing yourself a disservice to feel like you have to answer to someone like that at all.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
mattaui said:
I'll tell you a little secret. Most people who say such things about creative pursuits not being real jobs are actually intensely jealous that you could do something you enjoy, and that brings joy to others, and still get paid for it. Confront them with that, and of course they'll deny it, and try to make something up about it being about how much money you make, or some canard like contributing to society. Those are all easily dispensed with as well, but you're really doing yourself a disservice to feel like you have to answer to someone like that at all.
this exact scenario is what made me lose a great deal of my high school friends


New member
Mar 22, 2008
lacktheknack said:
krazykidd said:
I think when people say get a " real" job , they mean , get a job that will sarn you a substancial amount of money . A job where , people won't look down on you . A job of importance .

Now you have everh right to say that's shit , but you cannot deny that in the eyes if a vast majority of people , art is not a worthwhile job .
By that logic, my job as a cashier is "not a real job".

To which I will happily ask them if they'd like to scan and bag all $400 of those groceries by their lonesome, seeing how I have much better things to do than stand around and do stuff that they say "isn't worth doing".
And i wholeheartedly agree . But unfortunately ,people in society often uses faulty logic to valorize themselves and look down on others. That was all i was trying to say in my original post.