The Big Picture: Conspiracy Weary

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
Good points, but some of the more bizarre and abosulty stupid conspericay theories turned out to be true:

COINTELPRO, INFEKTION, The Tuskegee Experiment, Operation Snow White, MKULTRA, etc.

Even goverment mind control, while not strictly true, had truth behind it, they tried, (along with mmicrowave lasers), and it worked, sorta. []


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Thank god someone said it. But like you said it is just like theology, if you start picking it apart people aren't likely to listen intently but instead get offended


New member
Apr 30, 2009
People, could please someone who has ACTUALY done research about 9/11 set some facts straight for me? I would realy like to believe that it was not an inside job but please explain to me:
1. The plain that crashed into pentagon.
2. How could that 7th building collapse.
3. How could they find passports of the terrorists in trade center ruins.

I don't mean to offend anyone, i just crave facts.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
SonicWaffle said:
PaulH said:
Kafka would have been more suitable, but i'm still surprised to meet people who haven't even heard of him ... which makes me a sad panda.
You work around kids all day and you're surprised that they've never heard of Kafka? ;-)

Hell, most people on this website are much, much older than that and I bet the majority think he was the villain from FFVI...
Not a teacher yet ... don't plan to be until atleast 30.

Want to live first before the drudgery of underpaid civil servitude. And the sad thing is I was talking about people my age and older ;.;

'The Metamorphosis', 'The Trial' and'Catch 22' (I know, not Kafka but equally good) should be considered the three books that if combined would be the modern Bible of contemporary civil society.

Cursed Frogurt

New member
Aug 17, 2010
Orekoya said:
Cursed Frogurt said:
Global warming is real. Whether or not we are significantly affecting it is the debate.

Conspiracy theories are stupid. Personal agendas should always be considered.
I have to agree with Penn on this.

Pretty good stuff. I would probably have to agree with him too. Never forget just how well money can influence outcomes. Do I think every climate change scientific study is being paid off? No. Do I think some Al Gore severely exaggerates for personal gain? Absolutely.

Let's not forgot how detrimental forced green technology can be for the economy and developing countries. Granted, I don't think anyone has a monopoly on the truth, but I don't think there is enough evidence to warrant green-house gas protocols.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
I don't think I've said this one for a while, but I think Bob is way off again.

First I'll start out by saying conspiricies do exist. A simple example of this would be setting up the co-worker at a job that nobody likes, or everyone finds annoying. Even differant cliques of people will frequently cooperate in order to get rid of those people under the table, and when the unfairness of the entire thing is brought up the response will be "What kind of paranoid conspiricy theory is that? A lot of the people speaking against you don't even like each other". When you have supervisors and management involved this means that employees are involved also. Let's say your working in monitor room with control of the casino's cameras, it's not a coincidence when you find recorded evidence of a guy taking too many breaks or whatever, since the guy in the monitor room (ie me) was ordered to do it, and their cushy job was dependant on the good will of the people making the demand.

I could say more about it, but that's a pretty simple example, and chances are everyone has been involved in, and/or on the receiving end of something like that at some point.

Conspiricy theories are like that on a bigger scale. While the overwhelming majority of them are false, enough are true, or true enough where it's pretty scary, and almost all of them by definition seem laughable when you put it down on paper.

It's also noteworthy that conspiricies in the goverment and big business are common simply because of their need to find excuses. It's a variation of what some people call "Blamestorming". A bunch of executives sitting around wondering what is going wrong are frequently going to point towards exterior forces for the problems even if they are internal and then suggest action. The problem compounded by the simple fact that corperate espionage does exist. A few charismatic executives sit down, and convince other executives and a CEO that they aren't to blame for problems, and that the fault lies with another industry, and that theory is going to spread. Those executives are going to speak to people in similar industries and being important people probably convince them that it's true, and then the next thing you know you've got a conspricy forming to combat something that might not have existed to begin with... or ironically making a non-existing enemy a reality simply in response. The point isn't so much that any of it makes much sense in absolute terms, but that conspiricy theories exist, and can be self perpetuating.

Another thing to consider also is that while not quite as dramatic as in the movies, the whole international "spy game" and goverment "black ops" do indeed exist. Heck, there are whole museums dedicated to this kind of thing, not to mention surprising numbers of documents that should be secret (or never declassified) sitting around in places like "The Library Of Congress" if you know where to look. Tom Clancy has gotten himself in trouble doing research for his books before.

The thing about something like the death of JFK, or other national/international occurances is that there are entire organizations of people that exist specifically to do things like that. When you look at the enemies we had at the time, it's not really that much of a reach to see why a lot of people don't subscribe to the "lone nutball" theory. To put things into perspective, years ago during elections in "Ukraine" the Russians were caught poisoning a pro-western/US cantidate so they could get the guy they wanted into power. Had this not been uncovered, when they guy died and poison was discovered people would have been wondering who actually did it, and that would include "lone nutball" theories when it was actually the Russian espionage agencies. JFK being viewed in a similar light, albiet one where it wasn't discovered and prevented in a public fashion. I don't care enough to have much in the way of JFK theories myself, I just use it as an example.

The point I'm trying to get at is that people CREATE conspiricies, it's part of how we're wired and our society works. We do it without even realizing it a lot of the time. What's more as I learned in sociology, in a lot of cases the more prevelant a conspiricy theory becomes the more likely aspects of it will become true in response due to people trying to counter the possibility if nothing else. Simply put, humans create drama. Conspiricy theories are pretty much when you see the same garbage from MMO guilds and message boards going on with nations, politicians, and big business.


Quite Dutch.
Mar 30, 2009
The problem isn't our need for order, it's that the need overrides our need for empirical evidence.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Hmm... "Reproducing asexually"? Is that what they're calling it these days?

(Sorry, sorry. I couldn't resist.)

Overall an interesting and reasonably well thought out editorial, but I do have to point out one thing (which is NOT in any way meant to suggest that I follow the "Hollywood conspiracy to destroy video games" theory.)

The California law, as written, doesn't target M-rated games. It pretty much doesn't take note of the ESRB at all. One portion targets any game which the range of options available to a player includes killing, maiming, dismembering, or sexually assaulting an image of a human being...
Which depending on how you choose to define it could be Sub-Zero ripping out someone's spine or Samus bopping Mario off of a ledge. That's a big portion of why that law is so freaking scary: it's vague as all hell, and gives the wrong people all kinds of power to choose what's "right for our children".

Because, y'know, the world was designed to be child-safe.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Cursed Frogurt said:
Global warming is real. Whether or not we are significantly affecting it is the debate.

Conspiracy theories are stupid. Personal agendas should always be considered.
I thought they ("they" as in, scientists of the world) dismissed the term "Global Warming" in order to give it a more fitting title "Global Climate Change". Under that logic, "Global Warming" would then, in fact, not be real. Just saying.


New member
May 13, 2010
I think it's also that people want to think they know how the world *really* works and others don't. So they can feel superior in some small way to ignorant old you. Oh, and the best comeback to use on someone who claims that those in the know who would spread the news are being killed off so that they can't out the conspiracy (more people than you think trot this one out). "So why are you still alive?"

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
But global warming IS a conspiracy theory (emphasis on theory).

Regardless, Cobra Commander proves yet again he is awesome.


True Gamer
Apr 8, 2010
I would say that it is global warning thats the conspiracy,
would you rather believe that the human race has such a large impact on an entire planet that we can increase the temperatures by such a large amount, or that the temperatures just goes up and down during the natural course of the planets life.

In my oppionion it all goes back to the human != animal, which for some is a comforting idea.


New member
Nov 23, 2009

Wonder if Bob was making an intentional reference to this video?


New member
Sep 24, 2008
wasalp said:
Cursed Frogurt said:
Global warming is real. Whether or not we are significantly affecting it is the debate.

Conspiracy theories are stupid. Personal agendas should always be considered.
really? Its pretty obvious. I think its 97% of scientists believe global warming is caused by humans, the other 3% are less educated and qualified then their brethren.
Ehhh no. []

Step back and look at this issue alittle harder. The reality of reality is chaos. The universe is vast, cruel and random. Just as our ancestors needed Thor to be sending down lightning in order to make lightning seem less random and frightening, we need to feel that we are the cause of global climate changes.

As fun as it is writing out what moviebob said to make a point and while he did say in the video that global warming is real, that wasn't followed with the phrase "And we are causing it." Most everyone who is taken serious in the scientific field are standing in the issue with both feet. Even on websites that parade that statistic of 97% make a footnote effort to point out that the survey responses said that scientists answered that humans "very likely" play a significant role. Very likely. As in, they don't know for certain.


New member
May 20, 2010
Such topics are just so pointless. Some people believe, some not. It's just the same like saying "hey, God exists!" and half of the people react immediately "no he doesn't, you moron! How can you believe in such things?", the other half is like "of course he does, shut up!". Recently I hear/see news about conspiracy theories, proofs of UFO existence et cetera almost everywhere. And let's be honest - nobody is changing mind reading/listening to such things. It just makes people angry and trying to prove they are right no matter if they really are or not.

It seriously looks like Movie Bob is being one big troll here, putting such topic on the show. Yes, I saw the words "This is an opinion show" but there are some topics you seriously do not mention - it's seriously just like he made a video "Hey folks, let's be honest - God doesn't exist. It's just not possible." and made some statements every 'fighting atheist' says. In my opinion (hey, it's the opinion thread, isn't it?) this episode was just so ridiculous it's hard not to laugh. Not because the conspiracy theories are silly, but rather because the author is being so extremely one-sided, not even trying (let's be honest here, seriously) to understand the other side, not to mention trying to do some actual research in these terms -
(Yes, I know noone will actually see the movie above, because probably nobody gives a damn if he's right or wrong here - just keeping on trying to prove they are right. Correct me if I'm wrong and you've actually seen at least a half of it.)

But anyway, congratulations to Movie Bob (don't misunderstand me - I seriously like both of his shows, but this episode is one big exception, and I'm not being actually angry here at any particular person or a group of people, be it believers or disbelievers. I'm just sharing my opinions.) for being a successful troll.


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
MB202 said:


...Who's Alex Jones?
A raving lunatic. He believes that there are cancer viruses in the vaccines, that 9/11 was an inside job, that all foiled terrorist attacks afterwards are part of a global plot to keep us all in line with fear, that there are FEMA concentration camps in the U.S. for millions upon millions of people, that passenger airlines release chemtrails in order to slowly kill us all, and that flouridization of the water is meant to kill us to name a few. In short, the man is a total fucking loon.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
I like how swiftly he "discussed" conspiracy theories, and sidestepped conspiracy facts.

Another moment, and I would have declared him, an enemy of the Emperor.
Burn the heretic.
Though, I will lead an investigation of the mentioned affiliation with xenos. Pray to the Emperor, that the joke will be taken lightly and discarded as mere baseless comment.


New member
Dec 11, 2010
Thanks for giving us something not related to comics. I know you're a Fanboy Bob, but I tend to enjoy these more when they have to do with real life issues, like the space one a few months ago. Thanks for being alive Bob, you can always put a smile on my face.