The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
Diablo1099 said:
Leaving Aperture Site: Adel, Dani

"....Alright...I think I know just where to go..." Adel said as he joined Dani in her hovercraft.
"Set the course for Berlin, Germany. I'm going to meet my father...."

*Shakes Magic 8 Ball of Writers Block*


Santa Monica, Residence of Maximilian Christensen: The Former Bernstein Cartel

[color=b4b4]"...What plan? All I was going to do was sell the Data so we could move out of there and get an actual Evil Scheme going. And Hell, I only stole this Data so I could try and set up the death of this Woman back when she called me short."[/color] Cortex said truthfully, confessing to trying to kill Sana.
[color=004d]"Wait...Wasn't Bison running for Prime Minister?"[/color]
[color=b4b4]"...Okay, how the hell did you get "Bison running for Prime Minister" from "Bison wanting to run for President of the United States?"[/color]
[color=004d]"WE'RE IN AMERICA!? Fuck, Doom thought we went to Australia!"[/color]
[color=b4b4]"...Can you guys Lobotomize him or something? Because...Christ..."[/color] Cortex sighed.
[color=b4b4]"Look, Bison does have some sort of scheme going, but the rest of us are just trying to get by until that starts paying off."[/color]
Dani nodded as they sat down and the shuttle rocketed off over the dead bodies. once they climbed up to cruising altitude, Dani brought up a hologram in the cabin. "We're cruisng close to mach 2.5 and should be within out destination in a few hours, but in the mean time, i'll show you what i have to offer to you in terms of support incase we ever need it." explained the girl.
"I have developed drop pods for the turrets, allowing them to be fired via cannon at aperture to anywhere on the planet with a little sub orbital flight. Then i also have a series of experimental robots that will be dropped in the same way the turrets are, but these are far more mobile and each one can serve a different task. Not to mention the virtual access we have." Dani explained to him.
"hmmm... i do have this rather useless blueprint to efficiently create diamonds..." she said, quickly displaying it on the screen. "However, i'll need something to get around in, something that's not like the potato i put viscus in." she said. "So count me in, and if you're wondering what to call me, call me Omega."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

"Shut up, shut up SHUT UP!" Deadshot shouted at his own machine as dozens of alerts and error messages flooded the cockpit, at least the music drowned it out before now.
"Where is the mute on this thing?...THERE we go..." He sighed as all the blaring alarms in the cockpit were silenced, allowing him to get back to actually piloting the damn thing....
This was then followed by Shawn's Pulse Grenade scrambling the Mechs OS on Deadshot again and turning them all back on again.
"...Awww...PISS! What did I say about doing that?!" He shouted as a stray missile blew the Wanderer away.
Despite that, things weren't going too well for him as the alerts clear pointed out.

First, He lost power to Legs 3 and 5, 3 was hit by Shawn's Tesla Cannon and 5 was knocked offline thanks to the bomb that Som planted.
You know when you get punched in the arm so hard that it goes numb for a while? Basically that but with Giant Robot Legs.
They weren't detatched or blown off, hell, they didn't even look damaged, they weren't going anywhere anytime soon.
Second, The Armored Plates that were protecting the most vulnerable part of the legs were being knocked off like Dominos, thanks to the efforts of the crew that were chipping away at them.
This meant that most of the legs could now ACTUALLY be blown or cut off.
"...Urggg...This was a much better idea 30 minutes ago..." He sighed as one of the cameras picked up Constance trying to plant another one of those Putty Bombs.
"Ahhh...Crap, crap, CRAP!" He growled as he desperately looked for a countermeasure to fire.
Oyyyy...I knew I should have took that Manual when I stole the keys to this thing... He thought as he just hammered the buttons and wiggled the sticks.

As for Rugal, Caim, Slindis, Melethia and Hadrian, they were soon able to break off the heavy armor around the joints, revealing MUCH weaker metal underneath.
Before they could get to blasting/cutting at it though, another set of hatches opened as the last line of countermeasures deployed.
A set of Clunky looking robots climbed out, one for each leg and went to engage the attackers, focusing more on getting them away from the joints than actually killing them.
Proof of this was how they opted to try and grab the team and hold them in place for the Kidnappers to pick up.
Speaking of, while a large dent was put in their numbers, more Kidnappers were soon deployed along with the Robots, seeing how effective they were earlier.
"Ohhhh...Didn't think they still made this model anymore. God, this takes me back...Alright, Let's dance." Rugal calmly said to his new opponent as the pair of grappled each other, each trying to get the better of the other.

Back in the air, Ella's attacking of the wiring was able to disable the 2nd Plasma Cannon, stopping EXCELSUS from spraying Plasma Death into the skies.
But there was still the matter of everything else in the sky, including the Mech's Huge Blades trying to swipe the airborne party members.
Jenny's reflect barriers wouldn't block THAT! So she refocused her efforts on trying to protect the people atop the Mech from the bullets of the Kidnappers.

America's Funniest Explosions with David West
Location: Area 69: SAM Site
Finally, outside of the battlezone:
"-Stupid, Stupid, STUPID! Why the hell am I even doing this?! Fuck, I should have just gotten that Elf Kid to do this. Then again, she can actually put up a fight so...Oyyy...Not even going on the piss can make this a credible idea..." David West grunted to himself as he managed to pry off one of the Missile Tubes for this Redneck Rocket Launcher.
Slowly sliding the Missile out, he started on phase 2: Duct Taping the numerous bombs that Shawn had gave him to the Missile, the end result looking like some homemade 4th of July Firework...
Made by people who had no idea how fireworks actually worked.
"...I am not drunk enough for this...This doesn't even count as Crazy Enough to Work, Explosions don't work this way!" Despite his constant rambling on how dumb this was, he couldn't stop trying to make it work, shoving a Mini Nuke onto the Tip of the SAM Missile.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Aperture Hovercraft: Adel, Dani

Adel raised an eyebrow at the fact Dani seemed to have her own private arsenal.
"No thank you. It's not my style..." He calmly answered the Hologram, not wanting his revenge soured by having some soulless machine do his killing for him.
"Just get us to my Father's Manor and when we meet his guards, no support. I want to earn my kill..." He added, seemingly unaware that the Manor had long since been deserted for quite some time now.
"Does this ship have personal quarters? I might have use for this in the future..." He then asked, imagining how much easier his search would be if he didn't have to walk on foot and sleep outside.


Santa Monica, Residence of Maximilian Christensen: The Former Bernstein Cartel

[color=b4b4]"...Freaking...DIAMONDS?!...Wait, You put Viscus in a Potato?..."[/color] Cortex asked, puzzled by what she said, seeing how the AI was supposed to be a pile of RAM at the bottom of a blown up lab under the sea.
Following a moment of confusion from both him and Doom, the both of them shrugging it off, He then said [color=b4b4]"Alright, we'll see what we can do. Just you have to remember that we have next to no budget around here, but I managed to grow a fully grown woman in a bathtub full of Chemical Waste and Cleaning Products. I should be able to figure something out to give you mobility at the very least"[/color]

With a new Goal in mind, he pulled out his notebook and pencil and began to doodle a design for this "Omega".
[color=004b]"Oh! Wait right here! Doom's got just the thing!"[/color] the Manchild of a Monarch said before running downstairs and coming back with something in his hands.
[color=b4b4]"Oh for the love of..."[/color]
"It's Perfect, isn't it? Eh?...Eh?...It has Ducktales Remastered on it!"


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

Melethia immediately pivoted on hearing the machine and scowled. One time's enough, If that thing's gonna try and grab me again, I'll finish the job first. Before she was pulled off the machine again, she replaced the handaxe for the electric grenade flask and threw it as hard as she could at the vulnerable components inside.

The robot then grabbed the girl's leg and tried to get her off the Metal Gear, but the damage was done: The electricity had gone off inside the leg.


Ella heard Constance's requests for an airlift and moved down through the tiny gaps in the blades' coverage area to get to her and the Wanderer. "Sooner we can get that down, the better. So, what's the plan?"


Slindis heard the climbing of the gangly machine towards her position and put her all into the last flurry of blows she could deliver on the exposed electrical conponents, scorching the area with electricity and fire from her handwraps before getting fiercely tugged on by the Grapple-Buddy. [color=c200]"I won't let Los Santos happen again, especially not from a construct like this!"[/color] If Rugal could split his attention for a moment, he could sense Slindis' shift into a far more aggressive stance - something that was extremely rare for the normally level-headed drow.

Slindis had shifted from the Ocean stance to the Fire stance. Trading a chunk of her wisdom and evasiveness, she gains a lot more power behind her attacks and a rapid Ki Generation when she successfully attacks something.
With that, she flipped off of the leg with the grappler and went in with a fierce straight to the elbow area of the Grapple-Buddy.


Devon saw the problems in the air and shook his head. "Didn't you forget? this is a no-fly zone." He focused as much as he could, hoping to get the Kidnappers blown away or at least deterred. What's holding up Flagrun and the others?

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

Hadrian pulled his arm back, ready to stab right through the now vulnerable appendage, but something gripped his leg. Glancing down, he saw a metal man nearly as tall as him, garbed in combat fatigue. It spoke in some monotone babble which Hadrian couldn't understand, and tried pulling the werewolf down. [color=BF750B]"Oi! Just give me a second! Got my hands full at the moment."[/color] Hadrian taunted the robot, before driving Body right through the leg, all the way down to his elbow. Yanking his arm out, he left a sizable hole in EXCELSUS' leg, revealing the complicated machinery within.
[color=BF750B]"Alright, big guy! Finished up here, and I'm coming down!"[/color]

Hadrian let go of the tower of metal, letting himself get dragged down by the robotic soldier. They landed down below with a crash, a cloud of dust shielding them from view. The sound of meat on metal and metal on meat was heard for a few minutes as the robot and the werewolf exchanged blows, until Hadrian came running out of the cloud, shoulder-rushing the robot and knocking it to the ground. He straddled the robot, grinning ferally, and fists clenched. He stabbed at the robot's head nine times at a rapid fire pace, before rearing back his right arm, and activating the blade's fire enchantment. With a roar, he brought it down, unleashing a fiery, explosive stab/punch, running the blade right through, and his fist knocking the robot's head deep into the sand. Hadrian stood up, and gave the apparently out-of-commission robot a mock salute.

[color=BF750B]"Don't be depressed! That's just the difference between pros and amateurs."[/color]

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
StormShaun said:
"I CAN ... help ... with that."
bluecrimson said:
"So, what's the plan?"
Constance froze as two sets of eyes locked on her and requested instructions on a plan, a plan that could go horribly wrong and kill the three of them. As her mind filled itself with the possibility any of her plans going awry and the unfathomable burden of lives in her hands, the Cat-Eared vampire froze and started breaking out into a cold sweat that caused tiny droplets of blood to appear on her skin.

"I-I-I-I don't know." The Raven Haired Vampirette stammered as her body began to shiver uncontrollably, her body reacting to what was happening to her mentally.

[color=B87333]"Remember your lessons, Miss Constance!"[/color] A voice strapped her to voice chimed in, breaking the infinite loop of terror that had overtaken her.

Sorrowfeld Manor: A Classroom said:
Sitting alone in the makeshift classroom her father had ordered built, a quite young Constance Sorrowfeld felt uncomfortable in the uniform that her instructor had bid her wear during their daily lessons and this being the first day that she was to meet her instructor, she was unused to the roughness of the clothing and nervous to meet her new teacher.

The class itself was very small and very empty with none of the materials that one would expect except for a small desk where Constance sat, a larger desk for the instructor and a blackboard. The only item that appeared to be out of place was a Teddy bear that sat motionless on the instructor's desk.

Glancing through one of the three windows that lined one side of the classroom, the young girl-child wished that she was on the other side of the panes of glass, running through the woods that surrounded her family's estate. It did not help that her instructor was over an hour late which in all probabilities meant that she would be spending an extra hour beyond the time that had been allotted for her studies.

[color=B87333]"Are you going to just sit there all day or shall we begin?"[/color] A voice said from the instructor's desk, startling the young vampire out of her daydream of running among the trees.

Looking at the instructor's desk, Constance saw no one there, at least she perceived no one being there until the Teddy bear that had been set upon the table began to move of its own accord.

[color=B87333]"Of the students that I have had over the centuries, you are the first to have sat there for the entire time to wait for your teacher's arrival without questioning why it was that he hadn't yet arrived. It's an admirable quality but ultimately foolish. It's no wonder your father sought to hire me."[/color] The Teddy bear continued as he began to reach into his belly and draw out a piece of chalk and a long stick upon which the chalk was set.

[color=B87333]"Misdirection. That is one of the key elements that allowed the Upperworlders to do as well as they did during the Hydro-War-"[/color]
"So, what's the plan?" the Succubus repeated, bringing the Cat-Eared vampire back to her current plane of reality.

"Right. I need you to carry me up above the machine and drop me right on top of it. While I'm there, I'm going to plant this Putty Bomb on one of the armored plates." She responded to the Succubus with a voice filled with resolve.

"But I'm just the diversion. You, human, are going to toss one of those EMP grenades of yours into any exhaust vent or opening that you can find that's near its power source. Knocking out the power source should bring that thing down." Constance said to the red haired human before starting into a run, motioning for the Succubus to gain some speed before picking her up off of the ground.


Diablo1099 said:
"Ahhh...Crap, crap, CRAP!"
As the machine's pilot started depressing any and all of the toggles that he could find, the machine's fire control system was engaged, causing a series of sprinkler to sprout out from around the machine's body and start dousing the metallic skin with water.

Planted firmly atop the machine's exterior, the Vampire was not spared being doused by the spray that began to sap her of all of her energy and sent pain shooting through the entirety of herself. The water caused the energy that gave the vampire her life to short circuit.

With her consciousness fading, Constance felt herself slip off of the top of Excelsus to the ground below.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

The young Ashworth was exhausted, having been narrowly avoiding getting a stray bullet in the face by the flying grappling robots, and the falling remains of said robots. [color=9BBED5]"Oh for the love of God! CAN'T I GET A DAMN BREAK?!"[/color] David shouted in frustration at the drones. Of course, they ignored him, continuing the launching of their hooks, and the firing of their machine guns in an attempt to thwart the heroes' attack. He dove to the side, as another drone was knocked down from the sky, falling in a downward spiral and firing it's gun uncontrollably.

He pushed himself up from the sand, and wiped the sand from his face and glasses. Before he could curse the robots once more, he felt droplet of water falling on his bare skin. He looked up, seeing EXCELSUS expelling water from the top of it's main body. That, and a girl sliding off from it, and falling to the ground below. [color=9BBED5]"Oh damn it all!"[/color] He ran towards the girl, arms out, and dove.

[color=9BBED5]"I gotcha! I gotcha, I got-YAAGH!"[/color] The young man succeeded in catching the girl, but not as he intended. His timing was a bit off when he dived for her, and as a result, she ended up landing right on his back, bringing him face-down onto the sand.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Before Constance's Dropoff

Ella half-groaned at the possible thought of lifting the both of them up. After all, the Wanderer looked like he weighed a lot, and even without, she'd only carried one person at a time before... "I'll make it in two runs to keep it safer. [small]show them what us so-called subhumans can do.[/small]" She went into a dive (The air starting to get a bit clearer thanks to the wind pushing back some of the bullets) so she could get enough speed, then picked up the rather quick Constance and dropped her off as near as she could to the requested area.

The flight back through the chopping blades was going to be a lot more difficult, though...


Devon gave a quick sigh in relief at the wind helping a bit, but this momentary lapse in attention was nearly punished by one of the still-working legs. "Oh shi-! Gotta focus, gotta keep going..." He did his best to get near the gunslinger that had proved to be rather rude earlier and called out to him. "Oi, you see anything I can nail from here? I've been a bit more busy down here keeping the air clear, but I'd rather get this over with!" His voice was certainly loud enough to reach all those that were conscious in the area.


Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Daft Sikes said:
[color=9BBED5]"I gotcha! I gotcha, I got-YAAGH!"[/color]
The darkness that surrounded the Cat-Eared Vampire's consciousness shattered at the same time as her coccyx shattered on impact with the human that had attempted to catch her as she fell.

"OH MY GODS!!! AAAARRRRGH!!!" Constance found herself screaming as her mind shook off the shroud that clouded her thinking and focused on the sharp burning sensation of pain that emanated from her posterior.

[color=B87333]"Oh dear, Miss Constance, you sound like you're in a great deal of pain."[/color] Teddy commented as he found himself spared from any harm due to the fact that Constance's body had shielded him from damage and the fact that he was a plush Teddy Bear backpack with no bones or flesh to shatter.

"AAAAAAAAAGGGGGG" The Cat-Eared Vampire continued to scream as she felt her body start to mend itself by sending blood to the damaged region in her body. It did not help Constance's broken rear end that the ground beneath her was constantly squirming.

Lifting her skirt, the young Vampirette discovered the back of someone's head, which logically meant that his face had been buried in the ground. The fact that the human had attempted to catch her as she fell and the gratitude that should have been felt was off set by a large margin by the fact that the man's head was located under Constance's skirt, a fact that sent the blood that was healing her damaged arse to her face.

The gravity of the situation returned to her, fortunately for Young Ashworth, when Constance heard the succubus' words as she flew high above, carrying the red-haired human in her arms. Heaving herself off of the stricken human, she pulled him up from the crater that his face had created, allowing him to finally breathe.

bluecrimson said:
"[small]show them what us so-called subhumans can do.[/small]"
Som's attention was too rapt in keeping himself alive to have paid attention to the Succubus' commentary and even if he had heard the words, he would have ignored them. Surrounded by two of the machine's children, the Hunter was busy dodging and blocking blows to either side, trying to attack from odd angles that the smaller machines would not have predicted.

"Blasted machines." Som cursed as he felt a set of mechanical claws rake his back, ripping his jacket and scoring his leather armor, revealing a set of thin metal plates that had been sewn between the layers of leather. Using the momentum that he had been given by the strike from behind, the Hunter pitched forward into a roll, a roll that took him beneath the strike of the metal child in front of him.

Planting the handle of his blade into the ground underneath the machine, Som caused the blade to morph into a spear, causing it to plant itself into the ground while impaling the smaller metal monster, the blade of Som's spear erupting out of its neck.

With one of his opponents finished, Som turned towards the second and unleashed a flurry of small arms fire at the automaton only to see the bullets bounce off its armored hide. Without his spear and with his pistol showing itself to be ineffective, Som could only dodge the series of attacks the leg machine unleashed at him.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

David swayed back and forth, barely able to stand on his own two feet. He looked at the girl, grinning stupidly. [color=9BBED5]"Heeey theeere, missssss!"[/color] The Ashworth said in a slur. [color=9BBED5]"Did yoooooou make it okee?"[/color] Before the girl could answer, he gave her a thumbs-up. [color=9BBED5]"Thhaaat's greeeaat to hear. Good night."[/color]

The poor lad teetered forwards and fell into the sand face-first once more, and in front of the girl he attempted to save.
[color=9BBED5][sub]"Mmmmmmmffff,"[/sub][/color] David gave a muffled, pained moan into the tiny particles of earth.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Now that Devon saw the two, he started trying to process who would need the help the most. It's be a lot easier if Teri could get over here, but enough worrying about what I can't change. Honestly, it'd be a lot easier to heal the both of them at once, but the only way he could do that would be somewhat painful...

"Constance, will you need immediate aid? Make up your mind, because the amount of damage between the two of you isn't something I can really ignore." as he talked quickly, he began gathering the energy he'dneed to cast a healing spell on one of the two while mentally gulping at what he'd be doing to help the other...


Ella pulled out her Kama and began fighting alongside the redhead, using the longer reach it could provide to give some needed cover for Som. "Of course you throw away your close quarters weapon at the first shot...[small]how you bring a peashooter to a Metal Gear fight is beyond me[/small] you have anything else in reserve, or did you already blow your load?" It was certainly tense for her, but Ella had learned enough to know that it wouldn't be a good idea for that human to go off and do the first second third fourth thing they did best - getting themselves killed.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Daft Sikes said:
[color=9BBED5]"Thhaaat's greeeaat to hear. Good night."[/color]
The sight of a the human passing out just after saying what was essentially nonsense would have been comedic at the best of times but with the situation that they were in at the moment, Constance found herself feeling rather concerned for the boy that had risked bodily injuring in his attempt to help her. That coupled with the throbbing that she still felt in her rear end silenced any laughter that she might have allowed to inadvertently escape had the circumstances differed.

As she rolled the young Ashworth onto his back, allowing for him to breath more freely, she heard the sound of approaching boots followed by the sound of the bard's voice.

bluecrimson said:
"Constance, will you need immediate aid? Make up your mind, because the amount of damage between the two of you isn't something I can really ignore."
"You'd better take care of him first, us Vampires can heal ourselves fairly quickly." She said with a nod towards the unconscious David Ashworth.

As she spent a moment to continue healing herself, she watched Som as he fought the machine that was giving him to much trouble.


"Of course you throw away your close quarters weapon at the first shot...[small]how you bring a peashooter to a Metal Gear fight is beyond me[/small] you have anything else in reserve, or did you already blow your load?"

Normally a comment such as the one that the Succubus leveled at him would not have garnered any sort of response from the Hunter, he being a professional and she being a creature beneath him but he found himself flustered at the fact that his attacks seemed to do little if any damage to the larger of the machinations and very little damage to is subordinate machines.

"Not all of us show our hand off the bat." Som said with a frown as he used the much needed diversion by the winged demon to remove a vial of water and another vial filled with a black powder from his pouch of alchemy supplies. Pouring some of the water into the vial, Som shook the mixture, watching the black powder start to expand inside the container, waiting for a cue that only he seemed to know.

Without warning, the Hunter threw the vial at the machine, causing it to shatter and release the black oozing liquid onto Som's target. The reaction was immediate as the vile liquid began to eat away at the machine, causing a cloud of acrid smoke to rise from where ever the slimy liquid touched.

Were one to observe the black liquid carefully, they would have noted that it appeared to move of its own accord, climbing up the side of the machine, spreading itself so as to completely engulf Som's target.

"Dehydrated Ooze, just add water." Som quipped, reciting a statement that his instructor had said the first time they had been taught the proper handling of oozes and slimes.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Electromagnetic pulses FTW. Shawn & Everyone.
Location: Area 69: Surface.
Sighing as he got his new objective by the cat girl, the Wanderer pulled out his grenades. "I'm not a human, I'm a mutant technically." Shawn sneered as he brushed back his blood soaked hair revealing his glowing blue eyes. The wound healing faster then usual thanks to the Auto-Inject Stimpak that was ready for any injuries. Deciding not to use him jetpack on the one, Shawn made a sudden dash and started his round on the Metal Gear.

Ninja perk activated
Was the message displayed this time around and soon the wanderer was making air dashes through the air whilst throwing the grenades into every nook and cranny he could find on the robot, luckily he had his good ol' VATs mode to help him aim whilst completing this difficult objective. A few seconds later, Shawn was back to the starting point and clapped his hands which suddenly revealed the electromagnetic pulses going off. Pulling the Tesla Cannon out of thin air once more Shawn said one simple phrase. "Lets finish it."


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri, Garm
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

Devon could not have thought too soon, as Teri arrived on wolfback right on cue and began waving her hands over the young Ashford lad, her spell and Aura pumping him full of Positive Energy:

Teri casts Cure Serious Wounds, dropping (3d8 + 15) x .5[footnote](level 8 cleric, +1 from Domain, +6 from Augment healing and the multiplier from Teri's equipment)[/footnote] of healing! In this case:  42 points of Healing (alongside 2 points every six seconds David's in the Aura)! David is now A Okay, and fully conscious!
42 seconds till Teri can cast another 3rd Level spell.
Breathing a heavy sigh of relief, Teri looked to Devon and said, [color=0E59E4]"Sorry for taking so long. Lets just say that helping out Dad ended with a detour or two. Now, is she gonna be alright?"[/color]

Teri indicated a hand to the new Vampire who looked roughed up, and continued,

[color=0E59E4]"Or how bout yourself?"[/color]

As she asked these things, Devon and Constance could already feel the Cleric's aura on full blast, what wounds either had beginning to close.

With the cannons out of the way, Angelus began shooting more homing fire on the mech, careful as to not hit her allies and 'sent' to Jenny as she continued her assault,
"You have my thanks! I loathe to think what those cannons would have done...."

As for Caim, finally exposing the not so safe interior inspired the warrior to swap back to his green blade (Slaughterism []) and shouted,
, before thrusting the blade into the sky and raining down purple tinted lightning at the various units trying to distract the party from the Metal Gear.

As for Ton Ton and Cadolbolg, the duo zipped around the blades, a mixture of platforming on Ton Ton's part and Cadolbolg slicing back at the blades with his sharp tail; sparks flying as the two met. After knocking off another blade coming in, Ton Ton hopped on the blade in question, and brought down his knife on the joint holding the blade in place, as well as a lightning breath from Cadolbolg. Ton Ton, being strong against several kinds of elemental attacks [], only felt a light tingle as the blade was severed from the main mech. Now, that left the other blades coming at them...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

The Damage to EXCELSUS was reaching critical levels, the inside of the cockpit smoking and sparking as the machine broke down around Deadshot.
"NONONONONONONO-DAMMIT!" He shouted into the PA as each and every leg of the Mech went offline.
Pulse Grenades, Lighting Magic, Putty Bombs, Dragon Fire, Claws, Fists, Swords, Chef Knives the combined efforts taking down a sizable chunk of the last decade's worth of Department of Defense spending.
"Sorry to keep you waiting. Everyone *MIGHT* want to get out of the way!" David West sent over the Communicator Rings as he made his intentions clear, propping up his Homemade Missile Launcher on his shoulder as he took aim, giving everyone time to get out of the way.
In Melethia's case however, the Jack unit that had grabbed hold of her by the leg managed to lob her off the side of the Mech and into one of the Base's Hangers below, unaware of the incoming threat.
Once he was though and his mind made all the calculations, he did the logical thing in such a situation: Threw his arms up in the air and panicked while screaming like a toy robot falling into a swimming pool.

"...I wish I a quote for this..." He asked himself as he took the shot, launching his Duct Taped Missile at what was left of EXCELUS (It wasn't very much), the countless other explosives barely holding on until it reached it's mark.
"Oh Jesus Tittyfucking-"
The Explosion was enough to blast the remains of the Mech, the Mini Nukes Shawn lended giving it the kick needed to light the Former Metal Gear up like a Christmas Tree, sending flaming chunks of metal flying in all directions.

"......FUCK, I just came up with the one liner! GODAMMIT" David cursed, feeling he missed out on something awesome as he marched back towards the base, thanking the lord above that the Missile didn't just blow up when he shot it.

Rugal and the others were able to clear the Blast Zone easily enough and was able to get a good front row seat for the blast.
"...Metal Gear...Great as Launch Platforms...Not so much as an Armored Unit..." He said, remembering how the older models could be easily beaten by lone soldiers with RPGs.
It was then it hit him: "...Melethia?....Melethia?!..." He asked as he began looking for the elf among the group.

As the dust cleared, a flaming metal Pod-like object crashed not far from the rest of the group, bouncing to a halt once it did.
The Hatch fell off the escape as Deadshot crawled out, battered and shaken from the explosion and in no state to fight.
"*COUGH COUGH* [sub]I still better get paid for this[/sub] urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggg..." He groaned as he passed out.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

After the fight, Melethia made her way back to Rugal with a clearly unhappy look on her face. [small][small]"Of course, I barely did anything against that thing because of of those damned grapplers... Next time I see them, I'm just going to tear through each one of them with electricity."[/small][/small] It was this that reminded Rugal that unlike a lot of kids her age, she got a lot quieter when she was mad. Considering Rugal could hardly hear her...

Slindis did her part by checking on the others while Devon responded to Teri. "Give her a bit and she could recover, T. Good thing youo got here when you did."


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri & Shawn/Wanderer.
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

As the robot exploded with a fascinating colour and pattern due to the explosions he had given David the cop a while back, Shawn just stared in amazement, giggling inside his own head that Deadshot deserved this. Returning to the grim topic, Shawn was now only thinking about two things, Deadshot's 'owner' and his own payment for going through all of this hell. Not giving his now demoted 'Prey', Shawn travelled to the crashed pod and passed his Pip-Boy over it. "Low radiation, better get you out of there before you become a cooked egg." Shawn joked as he picked up Deadshot by the head.

"Yeah, your not ... that money you stole is going to charity." Shawn said to him as he passed out. The Wanderer then dragged the body of the enemy to the group. "Honestly if you ask me, we should interrogate him first and hand him off to some authority friends of mine." Shawn said as the body made a loud "thunk" noise. "Whoops ... dropped him."

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri & Shawn/Wanderer.
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

[color=BF750B]"So THIS is the one who was causing all this trouble, eh?"[/color] Hadrian looked at the incapacitated mercenary, looking rather unamused... to put it lightly. He grabbed the man by the head, and held him in the air. [color=BF750B]"What do you guys reckon we do with him? Should we follow that man's idea, or would you rather I kill him right now? All I need to do is squeeze, and his head will pop like a cherry. Or I could make it less messy, and just snap his neck."[/color]


David sat up with a moan, rubbing the back of his head, ignorant of the current situation. [color=9BBED5]"Aaagh... What happened? Feels like I got hit by a Mack truck..."[/color] Opening his eyes, he noticed something floating in front of his face. He pushed up the glasses on his face, getting a better look at it. [color=9BBED5]"...Huh?"[/color] It was a rock. A rock was floating before his eyes. When he thought to move to take a closer look, the rock flew and smacked him on the forehead, and dropped to the ground. Thankfully, he wasn't knocked unconscious, and only got a bruise for his trouble.

The Ashworth glared at the rock, before widening his eyes in realization at what he just did. He pulled out a throwing knife from beneath the army jacket, and tossed a knife into the air, locking his sight on it. Much like the rock, it ended up floating at the air. [color=9BBED5]"..."[/color]
He decided to experiment a little more, gesturing with his hands, causing the knife slash and stab at the air, and making it perform little aerial tricks, twirling about the air.

The smile that grew on his face disappeared when it flew right by his head, and embedded itself up to the hilt in a nearby boulder. The boy stood up and ran up to it, and tried yanking the knife out, but was having much difficulty doing so.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri Deadshot

Rugal let out a sigh of relief when the Elf soon arrived, worried she was caught up in the explosion.
It was a little disheartening to see her in her current state though.
"...Well...Live and learn, Hm?" He said as he kneeled in front of the Elf and smiled in a bid to cheer her up.
"What's important that you're okay, everything else is a bonus...[sub]And if you still have a bone to pick, I do believe our friends picked up Mr. Deadshot...[/sub]"

Jenny meanwhile was watching the young Ashford try out his new found powers, the sight of it bringing back memories of Levelling up.
"Oh yeah...I remember when I first used my Telekinesis..." The Gardevoir said as she walked over and used her mind to help pull out the knife.
"Now, I'm more of a talker, not a fighter, but it has it's uses, doesn't it?" She said as she made the knife float around a little before dropping it in Ashford's hand.
"Still, need any help..." I'm more then happy to provide! She said, the last part of her message being sent mentally.

Meanwhile, David West had joined Shawn and Hadrian as the latter held Deadshot by the neck.
"You'll do neither. He'll rot in prison with the rest of his kind, stuck in a UNIT Cell for the rest of his life..." He said as he motioned for Hadrian to put down the Assassin.
"Besides, not worth the bill for cleaning off the blood."
There was no insightful comment from the Villain himself, merely glancing around gazed and confused, seeing how he was nearly blown up

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri Deadshot

Hadrian grunted in assent, dropping the man on the ground. [color=BF750B]"I did say I could snap his neck."[/color] He turned, showing West the large rip in his suit. [color=BF750B]"That, and my suit's ruined anyway."[/color]


David nodded reluctantly at Jenny. Reluctant, because it was a bit unsettling to get a voice inside of his head, and he did get training from his parents (though he didn't have his powers at the time)and went as far as to fill a notebook full of notes. However, it's usefulness will need to be tested later on. That, and it was a Pokemon. Back in his world, they were just game characters. But then again, most of the group was from some "fictional" universe of some sort. Still...

[color=9BBED5]"...I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for the offer."[/color] The Ashworth gave her a bow, and returned the knife to it's sheathe.