StormShaun said:
"...welcome ... to the Rising Dawn. Stopping evil since 2009..."
bluecrimson said:
The Cat-Ear and Cat-Tail clad Vampire did not respond to any of the gathered individuals around her as she stood with her eyes fixed upon the Airship that had materialized from beyond the blue horizon. With eyes the size and shape of saucers, the young vampire found herself stuck in a state of awe that was caused by the sheer size of the flying structure that floated overhead. Standing there, next to the sky city, Constance felt as a mote of dust might have next to a mammoth and the sensation caused her to forget where she was as she found herself surrounded by the grouped crew.
The need to escape cause the young Vampire to back up suddenly to put some distance between her and the strange faces that surrounded her, bumping into someone that stood behind her. Turning around, Constance had a hiss ready until she saw who it was that she had bumped into, the smiling winged Succubus that had been quick to defend her against Som earlier.
"S-sorry." She apologized quickly, embarrassed by her actions. Turning to the others she addressed them in a friendly and warm tone.
"Thank you for the warm welcome. I-I'm not sure if we'll be joining you but I would really like to." She said with eyes that flicked back and forth looking at the interactions between each of the crew of the ship that had been christened the Rising Dawn.
It seemed that the relationship between Humans and Non-Humans was quite different, something that was proved evident by the manner in which a blue skinned Drow interacted with a human, the way the dragon, now in human form, interacted with her rider, even the way the Succubus had interacted with the Healer. The fact that the Healer had offered her services without demand of repayment was proof that there was something different about this realm.
"Could you tell me about your crew?" Constance asked with a voice that seemed to be filled with more and more curiosity, addressing the Healer who had healed her, the being that had welcomed her and the Succubus that was so kind to her.
The Hunter did not respond to the Collaborator for quite some time as was dictated by the tenants of prayer, that he should ignore the world outside in order to focus on the Divinity. Bowing low once more, he touched his head to the earth, a sign that he was bringing his prayers to a close.
A pair of blue eyes turned to regard the human that stood nearby as Som stood up and began to stow his instruments of prayer back into his travel bag.
"I am unsure if I will be traveling with you as I have pressing business to attend to." He said, pausing for a moment as he considered whether to tell this Devon the purpose of his travels with the Vampire Girl. Remembering that he was on a world that was not his own, he figured that it could not hurt.
"My vampiric charge has information that is vital to my superiors and it is imperative that I bring her to my superiors. So if you would be so kind as to return her and myself to our world, I would be most grateful."
Turning his gaze away from his conversation partner, Som caught sight of the massive airship for the first time and for a moment, he shared the same reaction that Constance had felt when she set her eyes on the Rising Dawn.
The ship itself was massive and would have dwarfed anything that anyone in his world could produce. It dwarfed even the largest of the Overworld's ships, their emphasis being on function rather than comfort due to the scarcity of materials located in Overworld. As he looked at the ship, he felt a bit of child like wonder that there could be something so large that could float in the skies as effortlessly as this Airship appeared to.
"But, if you are unable to, perhaps my charge and I could travel with you until we discover a way back." He added, coming to the realization that if something the size of the Rising Dawn could exist in this world, surely it was his duty to find out more about this world to report back to his superiors.