The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri Deadshot

Melethia shook her head. "That secondhand piece of garbage isn't even worth my time."

Slindis and Ella checked on the others, and Slindis had the gut feeling that Deadshot wasn't the main one behind this. After all, he mentioned something of getting paid. someone had a good amount to benefit from this, and they had to find that person lest they send another to continue that job.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri, Deadshot

"Too Right, Melethia. Too Right..." Rugal sighed as he glanced around the rest of the group.
"Just sit tight, we'll be back on the Dawn soon." He said as he finally got up and made his way over to where the others were shaking down Deadshot.
"And a Shame too, I myself pride my appearance. Rugal Bernstein, Rising Dawn. Thanks for the Assistance in the Battle." He quickly introduced himself to Hadrian as He, David West, Shawn and Hadrian himself looked at the knocked out Deadshot.
"He say anything?"
"Nah. Bastard's too beat up to get anything out of him. Give me a few hours and some creativity though..." The Sniper said as he nudged his body with the tip of his shoe, making sure he was even alive.
"I see...When he wakes up, I want to know. This bastard knew where my old Contacts were, who they were and what they had. Not exactly something you just look up." The Former King of Fighters said as he had this turn at grabbing the killer.
"Ohhhhh...I've been waiting for this...The second he wakes up, he'll wish he'd never been born..."

"Hey, it's what I'm here for. Nice work by the way." Jenny friendly said as she went to check up on the others.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri Deadshot

Teri blinked a little at David's display, as well as Jenny beginning conference with the young Ashford, and decided to turn her attention back to Devon and the vampire and gave a small nod before rubbing her hands together, [color=0E59E4]"Well, regardless, it would not do to leave her in any sort of harmed condition. She's our ally, right?"[/color]

With a bit of concentration, Teri began working to convert one of her spells to a healing spell before tapping the Vampire lightly with a smile, [color=0E59E4]"I'm Teri by the way. Thank you for your help with fighting the Metal Gear."[/color]

Using a Good Cleric's natural ability with Positive Energy, Teri converts the spell Spiritual Weapon to Cure Moderate Wounds, and heals Constance for 31 points of healing![footnote]Gonna post the new listing in a moment.[/footnote]
Constance could also see a very large wolf following after the Cleric's every step, and sniffed the Vampire's side with curiosity as Teri inspected Constance's condition.

As for Angelus and Caim, the duo landed quietly with the rest of the group, Caim dismounting after the dragon to investigate the remnants of Deadshot with those who decided to do the same. Pointing his blade at the unconcious man, he 'said',
"So, this one is who's been causing the big fuss? Why hasn't his head been lopped off yet?"
As for Angelus, she waited quietly for Cadolbolg and Ton Ton to descend, giving a toothy grin at their efforts against the former Metal Gear. Cadolbolg took to landing on Angelus' head with a happy sigh as Ton Ton decided to mill about the main group, little lantern and knife shining clearly in the desert sun.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
6 |0-level spells per day
4 + 1 |1st Level + 1 of Either Domain per day-1st Level Domain Spell
3 + 1 |2nd Level + 1 of Either Domain Per day - 2nd Level Domain Spell
3 + 1 |3rd Level + 1 of Either Domain Per day - 3rd Level Domain Spell
1 + 0 |4th Level + 1 of Either Domain per day - 4th Level Domain Spells

0 Level Spells
Create Water: Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Light: Object shines like a torch.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water.

First Level Spells
Domain Spell: Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5)
Command: One subject obeys selected command for 1 round (6 seconds).
Entropic Shield: Ranged attacks against you have 20% miss chance.
Protection from Evil: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
Shield of Faith: Aura grants +2 or higher deflection bonus.
Shivering Touch, Lesser: Touch deals 1d6 Dex damage

2nd Level Spells
Domain Spell: Fog Cloud: Fog obscures vision.
Augury M F: Learns whether an action will be good or bad.
Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +10).
Conjure Ice Beast 2: Hippogriff, Dire Badger, Medium Monstrous Spider, Medium Monstrous Scorpion, or Crocodile. Also, this spell allows for 1d3 (1d6 cut in half) for any creatures from Conjure Ice Beast 1.
Thin Air: Causes creatures to suffer from sever altitude sickness.

3rd Level Spells
Domain Spell: Cure Serious Wounds: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).
Blindness/Deafness: Makes subject blinded or deafened. (30 seconds per caster level)
Remove Blindness/Deafness: Cures normal or magical conditions.
Searing Light: Ray deals 1d8/two levels damage, more against undead.
Shivering Touch: Touch deals 3d6 Dexterity damage; robbing them of mobility. Depending upon how well this is rolled, it can paralyze.

4th Level Spell
Domain Spell: Control Water: Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Divine Power: You gain attack bonus, +6 to Str, and 1 hp/level.

Additonal note: Teri can use a Reppuken [] (a ground bound projectile) from level 1 and higher, and costs 12 seconds of recharge after it's use.

Caim's Sword 13:02

Crimson Hood 5:35

Fheng's Glaive 9:40

Guardian's Sorrow 10:40

Hymir's Finger 16:20

Ozymandias's Might 8:49

Slaughterism 9:49

Swordsmasher 15:35

Windsinger 3:45

Also, Devon currently has Injustice on loan.

Injustice 11:15

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
bluerocker said:
[color=0E59E4]"She's our ally, right?"[/color]
The question that the Healer posed was quite a difficult question to answer and simultaneously tricky to answer without any knowledge regarding the assembled group of individuals. Because of this, the Cat-Eared Vampire hesitated to answer, an uncertain look marring her youthful face.

"I-I dunno if we're allies, but I guess you could say that were at least that for that fight." Constance responded opting not to promise too much without knowing anything about the team. Were it not for the fact that the pilot of the machine was without question trying to kill everyone assembled, including her and Som, Constance might not have had as easy a time fighting alongside the victors as she did.

Remembering that the Young Cleric had introduced herself during the fray, the Raven Haired Vampire chose to return the favor, taking Teri's hand into her own.

"Constance Sorrowfeld, Daughter of Maximilian and Harlow Sorrowfeld, Princess of the Sorrowfeld clan." She said, introducing herself and ignoring the possibility that she was all that remained of the Sorrowfeld Clan.

Standing over the "remains" of his mechanical opponents, Som watched his involuntary Vampire companion interact with the group that comprised of non-humans and human collaborators, painfully aware that he was in a place where the Hunter's Authority had no authority.

Looking upwards into the sky, Som wondered briefly how it was that the residents of the world were able to tell time with only a solitary sun as opposed to the two that he was used to. Regardless of what time it was in this world, the Hunter assumed that now was as good a time as any for prayer as he pulled his prayer mat from his traveling pack and unfurled it onto the hard ground upon which he stood.

"Do they even have Gods?" The Hunter muttered as he kneeled upon the mat.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri Deadshot

Hadrian sighed and gave Caim a shrug. [color=BF750B]"I offered to do it, but they'd rather keep him alive. At least he won't be making anymore trouble for the time being."[/color] The wolfman glanced at the man's weapon, a look of interest visible on his face. He moved a bit closer, to take a better look at the blade. [color=BF750B]"Hm. That's an interesting sword you got there."[/color] He commented, fascination evident in his voice.


David A. decided to take a seat up on the boulder, and look out over the area. It was quite an impressive sight, what with pieces of EXCELUS scattered throughout the area, and the group of strange people standing around them.

[color=9BBED5]"Sheesh, what a mess...[/color] David said to himself, as he reached for a book from his bag. Unfortunately for him, he forgot that he gave his bag to Devon to carry, and only grasped a handful of air. He deflated, and opted to just lie down on the rock, and gaze up at the sky. [color=9BBED5]"...What a mess, indeed.[/color]


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
The one and only forgetable Wanderer. Shawn.
Location: Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri, Deadshot.
Time: Ugh, 4 am?
Poking the Assassin with a stick, Shawn sighed as he heard David, he would have liked to take a finger as a souvenir. "I would'a liked to get some information out of him, so that we can find who hired this damned dog. My contact in Prison wanted me to fuck his plan up anyway, so it's okay I guess." Shawn said whilst worrying about Deadshot's 'owner' and what they might do in the future. "I have a bad feeling about the future of this world, good thing I'm here" Shawn made a cocky smile as he rubbed his bloody hair with a random towel in his inventory, his wound had already healed.

Becoming tired, Shawn activated his radio. "Bring it in, we need a pick up." Shawn said and a response on the other end said, "
Yes sir!
" A feminine voice said on the other side, Shawn wanted to remind her not to be cocky but he sighed mentally.

A couple of seconds later a airborne structure came from the horizon, harboring the words of "Rising Dawn" on its side. It was the Heroes' home away from home which houses many rooms, AI and people. As the futuristic airship loomed overhead the group it started to lower until it touched down on the ground. The ramp to the ship lowered and a figure walked out of it holding a shotgun.

"Good to see that everyone is still alive, heard on the radio that there is a load of activity around this area. The White haired Spartan said to everyone as he stepped to the side to let everyone on. "Something about explosions in the desert which I'm guessing is this ... machine." Sean/Storm said as he pointed at the destroyed Metal Gear. "Though I feel that I should leave questions for later." He said with a calm tone.

"No kidding, I just want to fall onto some kind of comfortable ... thing." The Wanderer said as he walked into the ship wearing a totally new set of clothing which nobody saw him change into. Next thing was that he disappeared into the ship, presumed to be going to sleep at one point. The Wanderer himself just wanted some rest, but not before he activated the radio virus that was hooked onto Deadshot's bank account. Shrugging next, Shawn went to find a couch to drag out onto the airship roof and make a possible Sniper's Nest.

Seeing a couple of new faces the Spartan wanted to see who they are but would wait until they are confirmed as ally or not. "Other then that, welcome back home or to the Rising Dawn. Stopping evil since 2009 ... I think." Storm said not knowing much about the ship itself apart from what Tomoya said from his Archangel days.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Storm, Wanderer, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri Deadshot

Devon handed David Ashford his bag before heading over to the meditating Som. "You were asking about the gods? They're around, although I speak from experience when I say it's much saner to try not to get caught up in their affairs. Now I expect that you'll want to stay here longer, but we do have some transport that just arrived where you can get properly washed off. Will you come along? The only thing I ask is that you don't go after the help despite their looks. They're all reliable men and women." Hoping to have a smoother meeting, he extended his hand in a handshake to the meditating redhead.

"Remember, save some for me." Melethia nodded as she made her way over to the landed ship and waved to the SPARTAN. "Long time, Warforged. Looks like ya held up well enough, but that machine was a right pain in the arse ta get rid of. We ended up callin' in extra firepower from the area ta finish it." The young girl had been a bit disheveled from the whole affair, but alright besides the rather obvious high state of tension with her blades still out.

Ella swooped down and basked in Teri's healing aura as she gave a thumbs-up for Constance."Teri, she's fine. Could you see to it that she has access to some of the spare blood around the ship? She's got anemia from what it sounds like, and it'd make things a lot easier." She shot a knowing glance to Constance, trying her best to help keep the vampirism thing on a need to know basis. After all, Constance seemed a bit sheltered when it came to humans.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
StormShaun said:
"...welcome ... to the Rising Dawn. Stopping evil since 2009..."
bluecrimson said:
"Teri, she's fine."
The Cat-Ear and Cat-Tail clad Vampire did not respond to any of the gathered individuals around her as she stood with her eyes fixed upon the Airship that had materialized from beyond the blue horizon. With eyes the size and shape of saucers, the young vampire found herself stuck in a state of awe that was caused by the sheer size of the flying structure that floated overhead. Standing there, next to the sky city, Constance felt as a mote of dust might have next to a mammoth and the sensation caused her to forget where she was as she found herself surrounded by the grouped crew.

The need to escape cause the young Vampire to back up suddenly to put some distance between her and the strange faces that surrounded her, bumping into someone that stood behind her. Turning around, Constance had a hiss ready until she saw who it was that she had bumped into, the smiling winged Succubus that had been quick to defend her against Som earlier.

"S-sorry." She apologized quickly, embarrassed by her actions. Turning to the others she addressed them in a friendly and warm tone.

"Thank you for the warm welcome. I-I'm not sure if we'll be joining you but I would really like to." She said with eyes that flicked back and forth looking at the interactions between each of the crew of the ship that had been christened the Rising Dawn.

It seemed that the relationship between Humans and Non-Humans was quite different, something that was proved evident by the manner in which a blue skinned Drow interacted with a human, the way the dragon, now in human form, interacted with her rider, even the way the Succubus had interacted with the Healer. The fact that the Healer had offered her services without demand of repayment was proof that there was something different about this realm.

"Could you tell me about your crew?" Constance asked with a voice that seemed to be filled with more and more curiosity, addressing the Healer who had healed her, the being that had welcomed her and the Succubus that was so kind to her.


The Hunter did not respond to the Collaborator for quite some time as was dictated by the tenants of prayer, that he should ignore the world outside in order to focus on the Divinity. Bowing low once more, he touched his head to the earth, a sign that he was bringing his prayers to a close.

A pair of blue eyes turned to regard the human that stood nearby as Som stood up and began to stow his instruments of prayer back into his travel bag.

"I am unsure if I will be traveling with you as I have pressing business to attend to." He said, pausing for a moment as he considered whether to tell this Devon the purpose of his travels with the Vampire Girl. Remembering that he was on a world that was not his own, he figured that it could not hurt.

"My vampiric charge has information that is vital to my superiors and it is imperative that I bring her to my superiors. So if you would be so kind as to return her and myself to our world, I would be most grateful."

Turning his gaze away from his conversation partner, Som caught sight of the massive airship for the first time and for a moment, he shared the same reaction that Constance had felt when she set her eyes on the Rising Dawn.

The ship itself was massive and would have dwarfed anything that anyone in his world could produce. It dwarfed even the largest of the Overworld's ships, their emphasis being on function rather than comfort due to the scarcity of materials located in Overworld. As he looked at the ship, he felt a bit of child like wonder that there could be something so large that could float in the skies as effortlessly as this Airship appeared to.

"But, if you are unable to, perhaps my charge and I could travel with you until we discover a way back." He added, coming to the realization that if something the size of the Rising Dawn could exist in this world, surely it was his duty to find out more about this world to report back to his superiors.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Location: Rising Dawn | Hanger | Ramp.
Time: Early Morning.

Seeing The Lone Wanderer walk past him in a weird, tired way the Spartan was concerned since this was his first experience of this non-destroyed world, he decided to consult him later after he had said hello to everyone coming in, also keeping out watch in-case some hostiles spotted the air ship. ("He is strong anyway, a new world can't easily bring him down.") Storm thought about the Wanderer before hearing the greeting from the young Elf and placed his hand up in the form of a greeting.

"Greetings Melethia, it does seem this day was a hard fight from what I have heard on the radio, the local authorities are going crazy. I would have come over but my armor was banged up since the last adventure, though I have been upgrading a few bits and making different weapon packs." He said but saw the stance the Elf was in, he smiled. "You don't have to worry, get some rest and I'm sure we will have the ending briefing later." He placed his heavy hand on her shoulder as he walked on to meet a girl with cat ears and a tail who came with another human. "(Better introduce myself.)" He thought as he walked over.

Walking by the group of women, Storm stopped for a while. "We usually accept anyone into our humble crew." Shawn responded to the Cat-Girl's nervousness. "Pardon my rudeness but I am Storm-1788, a Superhuman who join these guys a while back. Allow me to welcome you once more to the Rising Dawn, call me "Storm". Teri here can probably tell you in more detail, but this crew is formed up of Heroes from all over life itself and gathers them here. I don't know if we have a purpose, but I like to believe that we are here as Guardians of this world. Our HQ is this giant ship which serves as our hub to wherever we go." Storm said as he spotted David and two others. "Now excuse me, I must see to those guys" Storm said finally and waved back to them as he walked away returning his grip to his shotgun as he came upon Rugal, David and a beaten up stranger.

"Judging by your faces I can tell he just came out of that thing." Storm nodded towards the broken Metal Gear that reminded him of a Covenant scarab or a "Type-47 Ultra Heavy Assault Platform" in UNSC military terms.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
StormShaun said:
"I am Storm-1788, a Superhuman who join these guys a while back"
The Raven haired girl hid the smile that threatened to crease her facade as her considered the term "Superhuman." To her, the term seemed to be an oxymoron as it had been her experience that there was nothing super about humans. Her struggle against the smile soon subsided as she regained her composure and returned her attention to the Healer and the Succubus. As she awaited the answer to her question as to whom these "heroes" were, she glanced back towards the massive airship, her insides started quivering in anticipation of the chance to explore the Rising Dawn.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
The Cleric gave a nod to Ella's assessment with a bit more serious expression before saying, [color=0E59E4]"I just needed to be thorough, Ella. No harm done here. As for the blood, there should be some in the Medbay. If Ms. Sorrowfield decides to join, I'll show her where the Medbay is. Otherwise, I might need a needle and a bag... I'm not a phlebotomist, but I know that O positive tends to be a safe blood type to transfer, unless you have a negative bloodtype, Ms. Sorrowfield?"[/color]

But before Teri could get her answer, Storm swooped in and took charge answering Constance's regarding the Rising Dawn, to which the Cleric continued, [color=0E59E4]"And there we have it! Storm here pretty much covered the whole explanation. The Rising Dawn is both our home and our group name. Since so many off-worlders tend to show up on it, myself included in that number, the Dawn tends to be pretty accepting of whoever wants to show up. Progress in nonchalance you could say? But, before you get on, I need to introduce you to one other person. Him and another like him run the basic operations of the ship when we're not on the ground. Dimitri?"[/color]

That was when another, more posh sounding voice arose from the Tablet on the Cleric's side, [color=3897E0]
"Greetings, User: Lady Sorrowfield. I am Dimitri, High Clearance AI, Unofficial Co-AI of the Rising Dawn, AI Vermillion being the other Co-AI, and Personal Assistant to Teri Gravel, 8th level Cleric of the Christian God. If you do decide to come along, I expect I will need to set up quarters and various other amenities on the ship for you and any companions who came along. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Caim gave a smile to Hadrian's interest in Slaughterism, and held up the blade for Hadrian's inspection, a sense of pride tinging his 'speech' as he gave a description of the sword,
"One of the better blades I've picked up in my travels. Slaughterism has been consistently on the side of reliable in cutting and it's magic potent. Barring the glowing, I'd say it was a perfect blade. Naturally, I still prefer my family blade. However, you want to get talking about weapons in general, I'm afraid I'd keep you for a while. I have many to choose from."
To emphasize his point, Caim reached into the Wheel and replaced Slaughterism with an axe, then a glaive, then Slaughterism again.

At this display, Angelus shook her head with a snort and muttered, "I never took you for a showoff, Caim..."

As Angelus was back in her human form, Cadolbolg took the moment to cuddle on the woman's shoulders with a sigh, getting a tickling feeling from his mother's long hair on his scales, as well as the sun kissing his skin.

As for Ton Ton, he tugged the pants Devon's leg and said in his standard child-like tenor (no doubt a bit surprising for Som, as it was for most who met the Tonberry for the first time), [color=15650D]"I think we're going to be leaving soon. The Dawn's arrived. And, it appears you've made a friend? Hello!"[/color]

Ton Ton waved his little lantern in greeting to the Hunter, unaware of Som's mild bit of distress about the alien nature of this world.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg, Rugal, Jenny, Teri, Deadshot

Rugal watched as the Rising Dawn came in and landed near the ruins of the base, kinda thankful that it didn't show up: Those SAM sites could have made quite a mess.
"West, get our Friend here to the Brig and watch him until he wakes up. The second he does, let me know." He ordered the Irish Sniper as he did just that, picking up the knocked out Assassin and bringing him on board the ship, lest he escape again.
"Now then...I don't know about the rest of you, but I think some R&R is in order, hm?" He said to the others as he made his way up the ramp and on-board the ship, keen to un-wind after the days events.

((There should be more here, but there isn't))


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
"Not this ship in particular, though, you could use the seats as a bed. annnnnnnnndd........ i've just sent the order to build a slightly larger version of this with facilities. it should take about a week to complete. " she said to him, then a thought entered her mind. "Would you like any titles or is just Adel fine with you? it's been forever and i don't know what's changed." she said to him, a blush on her cheeks as she averted her eyes from his.
"seriously.... kill him.... does his suit have life support in it? can i shut it off... please?" she asked, a mutual bond of hatred for doom being shared among those gathered here. "Anyways... yeah, any sort of mobile body, doesn't have to be pretty, pretty can come later. Just needs to have two arms, some resemblence of a head, a torso, pelvis and two legs. Aka: your standard humanoid body." she said to cortex.

Sana meanwhile was looking around and at her outfit. she eventually decided she'd get wesker's opinion on an idea of her's. "Wesker, think i should make this a bit more useful and combat orientated. Remove allot of the robes that restrict movement, then give myself enough that i still have decency. then i can go around killing people in the name of the lord and say it was the vatican that ordered me to do it." Sana said, then got a brilliant idea.

""OOOOHHHHH!!! OOOOOHHH!!! DAD! DAD!" she shouted running over to cortex. "can i infiltrait the vatican and become a member of iscariot? their special forces division dedicated to the removal of unnatural and heretical species?" she asked him, bouncing up and down excitedly.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Location: Rising Dawn | Hanger | Ramp.
Time: Early Morning.

Not getting a respond from the former Cartel Master or the now once again former cop. The Spartan shrugged as he saw the two drag their prisoner behind them. Looking outside in case anyone got left behind, confirming this fact Storm talked into his Phone/Communicator. "We have everybody on board, get us off the ground and out of this place." Storm said to his beloved Partner on the other end who retorted. "
I didn't hear a certain word!
" The feminine but computerized voice said from the other end.

Clasping his head with his palm he gasped. "Please take us out of here honey." He spoke in his charmed voice which affects a certain AI well. "
I-I'll forgive you ... this time around.
" Said the an embarrassed Alpha. Suddenly the ship lifted off from the ground as Storm smiled and pressed the button which raised the ramp back up. The Spartan turned around as he decided to reunite with his beloved on the bridge.

Taking the door out of the large hanger, Storm also eyed the armor loader which was located in a garage like area of the hanger and contained his green armor which was fully repaired. Then he eyes the weapon packs beside it, happy with his progress he left the hanger humming a marry tune.

The Lone Wanderer is Lone. Wanderer/Shawn.
Location: Rising Dawn | Roof | Shawn's Luxurious Sniper Nest.
Time: Early Morning. (5 am)
Meanwhile, the roof of the Rising Dawn was windy as always. The Lone Wanderer was once more by himself lying on a couch in his Doctor clothing. He decided to make this place his Sniper's Nest which he would treat like a base. At one point in this day he is going to set up some walls, a roof and possibly grab a science kit and fridge from somewhere so that he may continue to gain skill between missions. Right now though, he was tired to a point that he did not care about anything.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Aperture Hovercraft: Adel, Dani

"...Just Adel..." Adel answered as he got up from the passenger seat, seeming rather restless after being held in an ice cube for so long.
"Add a gym into it if you can. I for one am not one to just sit around." He added as he let his body drop to the floor of the cabin and began to do push ups, clearly pent up after his statis.
"Which reminds me, how did you get access to such devices, or that lab for that matter?" He asked as he effortlessly did them in rapid succession, proving that he wasn't weakened by inactivity.


Santa Monica, Residence of Maximilian Christensen: The Former Bernstein Cartel

[color=004d]"...Last time Doom helps you..."[/color] Doom said as he left the room, clearly offended by Omega's comments.
[color=b4b4]"Alright, I think I got something. Just sit tight and I'll get to work-"[/color]
"OOOOHHHHH!!! OOOOOHHH!!! DAD! DAD! can i infiltrated the Vatican and become a member of Iscariot? Their special forces division dedicated to the removal of unnatural and heretical species?" Sana came in shouting, not even waiting for Wesker's answer to her question
[color=b4b4]"Wait, what!?"[/color] He flatly asked, unaware that the Vatican even had a Special Forces.
[color=b4b4]"....Ummmm...Maybe?...I dunno. Just don't give away our location and I guess...Oh wait-BRUISER!"[/color] He answered before calling out to the Machoke.
[color=b4b4]"Need to make another run to the Junkyard, got another project to do."[/color]
"So you want me to go through the trash again? Fine. All I seem to be good for anyway..." The pokemon answered as he put on his coat to disguise him and began making his way to the door.
[color=b4b4]"oh, DON'T USE MAX'S CAR! If you could just carry them instead..."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Brig: David West, Storm

As Storm started to make his way over to the bridge, He passed by David coming out of the Brig, the Sniper dusting his hands after throwing Deadshot into one of the cells.
"[sub]Didn't even know we had one of those...[/sub]-Oh. Sup Iron Man? Been a while." He said as he locked the entrance to the brig.
"Funny thing, I've been on this ship for ages now and I only just learned that we had a Brig. And here was me about to stuff that bastard into a Shipping Container..." He joked as he double checked everything.
"Made a call with UNIT, they should be around in a day or 2 to pick him up. Just have to sit on the guy until then. Might get some fucking peace around here now...So any news? Or was everything quiet here?"

Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal

Rugal's first order of business once he was back on the Dawn was to get cleaned up and changed, while not as vain as he once was, he was always one to keep up his appearance whenever possible.
A quick shower and a new suit later and he felt reborn again, free of the dust and grime that he had been covered in during the raid on Area 69.
All he needed now was a drink: Pouring himself a glass a wine as he sat back at his study and relaxed.
Finally, peace for more than 5 minutes

Rising Dawn: Living Quarters: Jenny

As part of the Tour their new members were getting (Constance, Som, Ashford and Hadrian), Jenny showed them to the Airship's main Living Area.
"These are the Living Quarters. We still have quite a few rooms left so don't worry. Now, While they aren't exactly "5 Star Hotels", they are comfortable enough. You have a Double Bed, Closet Space, En Suite with a Shower and Bathtub, Short walk to the Canteen, Medical Wing just around the corner. Everything you'd want, really." She explained as she picked out a few empty ones for the new members to check out.
"Now, you can share if you want to, but you don't have to. From what I've gathered, this place was designed to take on a lot more than our group."

Rising Dawn: Brig Cell: Deadshot

"!" The assassin mused as he found himself in a steel room with his arms and legs handcuffed to the wall, minus all his gear and weapons.
"WHAT!? NO! NO! YOU SON OF A *****! THE SECOND I GET OUT OF HERE, I'M GOING TO RAM MY FIST SO FAR UP YOUR ASS, YOU'LL BE PUKING KUNKLE SANDWICHES!" He shouted as he attempted to get free of his bindings.
"FUCK!....Man....How the hell am I going to get paid now!?" He cursed as he tried to find a way out of his current situation.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Training Simulator: Melethia, (anyone else if they wish to join?)

Melethia nodded to Storm's statement before boarding, but she made a beeline directly for the Training Simulators the moment the ship lifted off. It took a bit for her to figure oout exactly what it was she wanted to do, but eventually she was able to punch in the parameters.

>Random machine at medium to mid high threat level.
>Three minutes for each machine
>after 'confirmed death', black room for thirty seconds then proceed to next machine
>End after thirty succeeded dismantlings
It was going to be a rapid-fire trial by fire, and since she'd gotten back her loaned equipment, she wouldn't be too handicapped.

Rising Dawn: Devon, (WHoever wants on?)

Since he got back, that meant it was time for some more practice. He'd like to get some rest, of course, but he had the feeling it'd let Caim down if he did. That was something that seemed repulsive to Devon, so off to the abandoned room that Caim had set out for this very purpose. As he went, he also noticed that his bag was unusually heavier even though he had given David A. his stuff back. But why?

Rising Dawn: Slindis

When she boarded, Slin made her way to the Canteen. [color=c200]After all of the fighting hat happened earlier, I'm surprised that more of them aren't heading for some food. Don't they realize how much that fighting takes out of one?[/color] When she got there, she went into the kitchen that was almost fully runned by Devon's imps and pulled out the supplies she wanted for her soup. After all, it was a quick meal she wanted to make and she wanted to ensure it was made just right.

A few minutes later, she walked back with a rather large bowl and worked at eating it. It was certainly a bit messy, but she didn't know how long she'd have to eat before something else would happen.

Rising Dawn: Ella

Ella responded. "Well, I think she's AB+ from the way she acts. Just ask her when she gets in, okay?" The wink that she gave made it cleatr to Constance that she'd be trying to have her back.

And while the newbies got their tour of the ship, Ella made her way to the Canteen "Sure wouold be nice if I could get some sushi, but the imps aren't too good at not making it spicy..."

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
bluerocker said:
I expect I will need to set up quarters and various other amenities on the ship for you and any companions who came along. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
The voice that came from the personal computer at the Cleric's side sounded strangely real despite its artificiality, a fact that confused the vampire greatly despite being conceptually aware of what artificial intelligence was. There were rumors that the Overworldian's had perfected the technology behind artificial life, even going so far as to create beings that were near indistinguishable from their biological counterparts. Still, this was Constance's first experience with something so advanced and her bewildered amusement caused her to stutter as she responded to Dmitri.

"Ple-Pleased to meet you as well, Dmitri." The Cat-Eared and Cat-Tailed Vampire greeted, pausing for a moment as her mind wondered what sort of social protocol would be called for when dealing with a personality that was indistinguishable from the real thing. It took a second of indecision but Constance finally decided to curtsy in response to Dmitri's welcome.

"But please, don't go out of your way, I'm not sure if Som and I will be staying." She continued, glancing at the Hunter who stood away from the remainder of the Rising Dawn's crew. "There're some things at home that need to be taken care of."

It was at that moment that Som had noticed Constance's glance towards him as he walked towards the group, his attitude evident in the way he stalked towards her.

"Is it time to go, already?" Constance asked Som as he stood beside her in a position that would easily allow him to subdue her should she struggle or create a scene.

"No. We will be staying with this group for a time."

"But-what about that creature Mal? What about -" Constance started to say only to receive a stern glare from the Hunter indicating that she should keep the affairs of their world to themselves.

"Until we figure out a means to return, we should stay with this group, unless you know how to send us back." Som Waterford countered, knowing full well that their appearance in this world was a fluke, an accident created by the intermingling of magical spells. Nodding to the others in the group, Som walked off, intent on viewing the ship for himself rather than being assisted by the animal that was guiding the remainder of the newcomers.

Once inside the ship, Som easily located the crew quarters. It seemed that ship layout was universal between worlds as the quarters were located in an area of the ship that would afford the crew the best views of the horizon. In choosing a room, he chose two empty room that were located next to each other, opting to stay close to his vampiric captive despite the fact that there would be no place that she could go once the ship was airborne.

Placing his equipment in the empty rack, he heard the echo of footsteps outside in the corridor as the creature known as Jenny guided the rest through last leg of the tour.

Diablo1099 said:
"Now, you can share if you want to, but you don't have to. From what I've gathered, this place was designed to take on a lot more than our group."
Peering out through the window, he saw Constance and motioned for her.

"Yours is the room next to this one. Stay there until this ship takes to the air. Then you can move about as you please." Som ordered tersely before closing the door in the vampire's face.

bluecrimson said:
"Sure would be nice if I could get some sushi, but the imps aren't too good at not making it spicy..."
Recognizing the voice, Constance saw the Succubus, Ella, and ran towards her as the Succubus made her way towards the Canteen.

"I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but what's sushi?" Constance asked as she forgot Som's orders for her to stay put. Constance had always had a fascination with food, even though her body did not need it for survival. She could eat, a trait that allowed her to blend in with the rest of society, but her body received no benefit from the act. It did not stop her however from admiring the various flavors that came with the food that she ingested.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010

Rising Dawn: Living Quarters: David Ashworth

David, having finished with the tour and settling into his new "home" (for the time being), he got out of the stuffy army uniform he was wearing, as well as his tattered school clothes, tossing them in a laundry hamper by the door. With a yawn, the student crawled into bed, exhausted, and clad in nothing but a white t-shirt, and black boxers. He didn't bother covering himself with a blanket. All he wanted to do now was get some proper sleep in a nice, soft bed, and without getting sucked through some other interdimensional portal. Closing his eyes, he felt that he forgot something rather important, but ignored it. He was far too tired to care at this point.

He forgot to lock his door again.
Rising Dawn: Hadrian

The wolfman wandered the halls of the Rising Dawn, whistling a tune. It's been quite some time since Hadrian been on this ship, and it felt nice to be in such a familiar place. He had abandoned the tour of the place, and decided to go find the canteen. Even if he didn't know the way there, he could just as easily sniff the place out for food.

Shortly after, he came into the Canteen, eager to fill his empty stomach.

[color=BF750B]"Hmm... What shall I have today?"[/color] He murmured, as he perused the contents of the kitchen.