The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Devon, Caim

Caim noticed his student disappearing down a corridor towards a training room and raised an eyebrow in curiosity. After a battle like the one they just had, and even with Caim's harsh standards for training, the warrior would have allowed Devon to take a break for the day. With a shrug, the mute wandered after Devon and upon reaching the bard's location, gave Devon a tap on the shoulder with a concerned expression,

"You know, I understand that I rag you hard for your training, but if you asked, I would have allowed for you to rest off today. We did just destroy a giant robot and various other forces of gods knows what. Something on your mind?"
Rising Dawn: Ella, Constance, Teri, Dimitri, Garm

Dimitri gave a small smile before entering the Rising Dawn's systems and answered over intercom, [color=3897E0]
"Even as a temporary resident, my services are available, should they ever be needed."

With a smile and a little wave to Ella, Teri said, [color=0E59E4]"Well, I dunno bout the blood type personality thing, but I'll leave you to it. As for myself, I'm gonna get this furball a bath. Ring in Dimitri if you need me!"[/color]

The wolf gave a wag of the tail at the sound of a bath, but went along after his charge with no resistance, seeing as it wasn't entirely unpleasant the last time he had one.

--- Jake Teri's Room---

After stripping out of her uniform and various bits of magical equipment, Teri put on a black and blue shirt and shorts combo to prepare for the onslaught of bathing an enormous wolf (after all, maintaining one's equipment was vital), before looking down to her staff shaped friend,

[color=0E59E4]"You know, now would be the perfect time to have that discussion we've been meaning to have... But I'm gonna need my hands to take care of Garm. You think you can turn into a bracelet or something? That way we can talk and I can keep working."[/color]

Rising Dawn: Canteen: Slindis, Angelus, Ella, Hadrian, Constance, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg

Angelus wandered into the Canteen as well, both of the "children" (Ton Ton and Cadolbolg) sitting on her shoulders before she reached a table, to which the duo dismounted and settled themselves. Giving a short nod of greeting to Slindis, the dragon-turned-human began scrounging around for a hunk of some kind of animal and a glass of water before settling at a table and tucking in with a pleased expression. After a few large bites, the dragon looked up from her meal and spoke with a faint air of jest, "Slindis, a question. As you are of the elves, or at least a kind of them known as Drow; I can assume you've lived a length of time longer than a typical mortal. Now, riddle me this, do you ever find yourself in awe of how, despite living past many mortals and seeing things change so much in that span of time, a single day can feel like a month or a year instead? Because I certainly am at this moment!"

Swirling her glass of water, the dragon muttered, her brow furrowing as her line of thought continued, "Perhaps nearly dying again does that to you. Or perhaps it is because I live amongst mortals so much now, the mortality is beginning to rub off..."

As for the Cutie Bruisers in question, Ton Ton asked an imp in a very polite tone for a pair of delicious sandwiches rather like the ones they had earlier, seeing as the imps were Devon's helper friends (at least, how Ton Ton perceived them to be) and tried his best to hold back his younger counterpart when he energetically listed off all the delicious things he liked on his sandwich.

Rising Dawn: Mainframe: Dimitri, AI Alpha, AI Vermilion

After reintegrating with the Rising Dawn, Dimitri did not need to wait long before finding a familiar red AI wrap her arms around him; a face partially hidden by a hood as a kiss was placed on his cheek,

"There you are."

Dimitri's face drooped, a goofy grin appearing in place of his usual well placed stoic expression as he was reunited with his compatriot and paramour, AI Vermilion. The red cloaked AI glowed faintly in the Dawn's inner circuitry with a faint smile before asking, [color=FF5349]
"I trust your mission went well? You and your Mistress are still intact. And the sensors are not picking up any signs of distress. Also, there's a matter I need to discuss with you. There is-"

Dimitri nodded impatiently, hands going to the red AI's shoulders and asked in a tone that hinted on a plea, [color=3897E0]
"Can it wait for a moment? I simply wish to drink in your presence for a moment longer before getting to work."

Vermilion gave a small shake of her head and pointed over Dimitri's shoulder, showing an AI Alpha working on the flight controls, [color=FF5349]
"We have a new helper in our midst. I thought it'd only be right we introduce ourselves as well. She was nice enough to give me a moment to speak with you, even if unintentionally..."

The Blue Butler straightened up only a little before planting a quick peck, then assumed his usual posture with a light sigh, [color=3897E0]
"You are right. If we wish to have some harmony about here, it would be right to help our new ally integrate to the systems. Furthermore, it could lessen the workload for all. Lead the way, Ms. Vermilion"

Vermilion took Dimitri's hand and led the Butler over to Alpha's side, giving a light cough as she too went to her section of the flight controls and began inputting supplemental data while she spoke, [color=FF5349]
"Alpha, was it? I am AI Vermilion, and I saw that you were taking control of the flight patterns of the Rising Dawn, a duty I typically take ruling over. I considered it a positive action that myself and my comrade could introduce ourselves to you, as well as possibly talk over the division of automated duties on this ship. The Rising Dawn is rather large, and can seem somewhat overwhelming at times, seeing as the demands of the Users are often frequent and varied."

Dimitri cut in at this point, sitting at his usual controls for the domestics (temperature, food supply, etc) and added, [color=3897E0]
"Aside from that, it is far more interest to work when you have amicable conversation, if what I've seen between the Users is true. I am Dimitri; the unofficial director of domestics, occasional calculation adviser, and Personal assistant to Teri Gravel: 8th Level Cleric of God. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Devon, Caim

Devon shook his head. "I'm not going to slack off now... Besides, it'd be better for me to keep my blade training up. I don't want to fall behind there, after all." He dropped the bag on the ground next to him, and it made an odd metallic CLANG.

Rising Dawn: Slindis, Angie, Cutie Bruisers, Imps

Slindis finished up her food and nodded. [color=c200]"It happens all of the time, although it seems to come with the line of work. It's not really the mortality that's rubbing off, but more of the challenge, the thought that death's on our heels that brings up that feeling. It's that surge of getting past something you never thought you'd even come close to."[/color] She continued on as if she'd thought a long time about this, due to past experiences like that.

The imps took notes of all the things the two Bruisers wanted, although it would be a lot more than they normally made thanks to Cadolbolg's requests...

Rising Dawn: Ella

Ella grinned as she poked the small yet rather spicy sammich. "It's a kind of Japanese food. I want to say it's based on fish, but the only common factor is the rice in all of it. It's nice for a change of pace, even if Devon couldn't get us to one in the last two cities..."

Rising Dawn: Sadei, Teri

Teri's quarterstaff seemed to make a pleasant chiming in Teri's head as she thought it out. "I dunno, Teri... I've never tried it before, so I couldn't really say. I could give it a try, though." It took a good amount of focus on Sadei's part, but she eventually began forming into an armband...

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Following her guide through the halls of the Great Airship, the Raven Haired vampire could only gawk at the view that existed on the other side of the perfectly formed glass windows whose thickness protected the passengers from the elements of the upper atmosphere. She marveled at the fact that the Airship appeared to be a large manor that floated through the clouds as the saw every sort of amenity that one could want. Passing by what appeared to be a training room, Constance saw the Bard, Devon, practicing with a dark haired human Swordsman, pausing briefly to wave before she scurried off to catch up with Ella.

Arriving at the Canteen, the girl was again awe-struck by the fact that room of the Canteen's scale, two stories with a viewing balcony, could exist high in the sky. Sitting down at one of the tables, the vampire witnessed a team of squeaking imps preparing various meals for each of the guests visiting the Canteen. Seeing Hadrian perusing the pantry area, Constance again waved at the familiar figure.

[color=B87333]"It appears that I'm not alone in stature on this Airship."[/color] Teddy's voice chimed from the seat next to Constance's, the Vampire having opted to set him there when she herself sat.

Glancing around, Constance laughed lightly at the sight of the Miniature Dragon and its Humanoid Lizard counterpart who were, indeed, the same size as the Vampire's Teddy Bear.

[color=B87333]"If you don't require anything, Miss Constance, perhaps I'll introduce myself."[/color] The Teddy Bear backpack continued as he climbed off the chair and headed towards the pair known as the Cutie Bruisers.

Moments later, Constance found that a plate containing several rolls that consisted of rice, vegetables, sea weed and fish had been placed in front of her. Sniffing the plate cautiously, Constance made a face towards the Succubus that was seated in front of her.

[small]"I don't know how to tell you this but your imps didn't cook this."[/small] The Vampire whispered apologetically as she pointed at the small but obviously raw piece of fish that had been set in the middle of the roll. It also should have been noted that she had no idea what the Japanese were but if their cuisine involved not cooking their food, Constance thought that perhaps someone should have introduced them to the concept of fire.

While Constance was experiencing Sushi for the first time, Teddy finally arrived at his destination, the table where the "Cutie Bruisers" sat ordering food.

[color=B87333]"Good day, chaps!"[/color] Teddy said cheerfully as he climbed up on one of the chairs that sat at the table, looking at the Dragon and his Lizard Friend.

[color=B87333]"Say, you blokes wouldn't know where to find a good bottle of scotch would you?"[/color]


As Constance and Teddy were integrating themselves into the crew, Som was by himself in the room that he had chosen for himself, looking at a large screen that appeared to be some sort of computing device. Touching it, the screen powered up and displayed a series of menus

R.D.O.S. >>>

-Ship Logs
Unable to find a keyboard anywhere in the room, the Hunter touched the screen and was surprised to find that it reacted to his touch. Pausing for a moment, Som touched the menu item that was labeled entertainment and found several subcategories, the next one he selected was Television, whatever that was.

Aghast at the fact that the massed audience found the subject matter to be entertaining, the bewildered Hunter tapped the screen several times until he video feed cut out and he was returned to the menu. Unsure of what else he would find, he hesitantly touched the menu item labeled music.

Listening to what passed for music in this world, Som Waterford started to feel rather warm, uncomfortably so, and the sensation was only starting to grow as seconds passed. Jabbing the screen once more, believing that perhaps the music had something to do with it, Som started to feel as if he had been placed in an oven, his skin starting to turn red from the sensation of heat.

"Wh-what is happening?" He asked aloud, unsure as to what was happening to him as his skin began to glow from within, as if a fire had been set ablaze within the confines of his body. Writhing in pain, Som watched with morbid fascination as his body began to be consumed by the energy that emanated from within.

Seconds later, Constance, Som and Teddy were no longer on the ship, the only sign that they had been there was picked up by the ship's sensors as a fluctuation of chronoton particles.

Middleworld: Besieged Capitol City of Tiran said:
A pair of blue eyes opened suddenly as the sound of an explosion thundered through the skies. Looking about, Som felt relief as he saw the twin suns high in the sky, only partially blotted out by Overworld.

"(We are back.)" The Hunter thought to himself as he picked himself off of the ground where he had found himself laying.

"Highness! Are you alright?" A voice from behind him asked causing the Hunter to turn around, assuming a defensive posture as he did.

"Highness?" A voice's owner, a solider clad in the uniform of the long dead Empire asked with a voice filled with confusion at Som's actions.

Another explosion rocked the world around him, driving Som back down to the ground as the soldier dove upon him, shielding Som with his body. Trapped underneath the guard, Som heard the sound boots upon stone and voices of alarm.

"Highness! Are you alright?" Asked another guard as the first was lifted off of the Hunter.

"What? What is going on?" Som asked, his voice wavering and filled with confusion.

"The Underworld Army has resumed their assault. We're prepared to start the frontal assault as you commanded, your Highness!"

"Highness? Why do you keep calling me that?" The Hunter asked bringing forth a look of confusion and concern from the guard.


"Answer the question."

"Highness, you are Emperor Firebrand, ruler of Middleworld and all its lands." The guard responded.

"(How-how is this possible? Emperor Firebrand died during when the old Capitol was sacked by the combined armies of the Under and Over wolds.)" Som thought to himself as he remembered his history lessons as he ran towards a window and saw the the truth for himself.

Outside the beleaguered city was a massive force that was preparing to to attack, a force was at that very moment hurling ball after ball f fire at the city's walls.

"(The Emperor's assault was futile as the Middle World army was destroyed to the man.)" The still confused Hunter thought to himself before turning to the guard.

"Belay that order. I want a covered retreat back to the city!"


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Storm-1788 & David.
Location: Rising Dawn | Outside the Brig.
Time: Early Morning.
Seeing David made Storm breath a sigh of relief. "(Did he seriously just call me Iron Man ... as in that old comic book hero?)" The Spartan asked himself in his head "Nah, it was quiet around here. The radio frequencies in the area went pretty crazy at one point talking about a "Virus", at that point I locked up the ship. At that point the waves were all clear until our Lone mutual friend called us." Storm said describing his boring time. "Other then that I was just repairing my armor and making a few small upgrades. Though did't you quit to become big in the local police?" Storm asked the former cop but feels like a small gust of wind went behind his back, shrugging the feeling he awaited the Sniper's response.

One on one time, The Lone Wanderer/Shawn & Deadshot.
Location: Rising Dawn | Brig Cell.
Time: Early Morning.
The steel room was quite futuristic, whilst looking around the room Deadshot could see a pair of glowing eyes coming from the small bulletproof window on the cell's door. A few seconds later it looked like the air around that door window was changing as a familiar figure was de-cloaked. Deactivating a stealth boy stood the Lone Wanderer, not in the cell, but outside it. "Heh, you mean how I'M going to get paid." Shawn stated from outside the door with a cocky smile once more on his face. "I came back here to grab a few things for my place, but since you caused all of this and have not paid me yet ... well let me just say that I'll do this for you. Free of charge." The cocky turned into a confident smile as the Wanderer pulled out his Pip-Boy.

Soon enough a bleeping noise emerged from the RobCo Tech piece, then finally a tune played signalling the finish of a computer process. "You hear that? That was the the sound of your account being flushed away to multiple charities ... sorry about that, it was suppose to be my payment but you know, shit happens. Well, enjoy your stay here ... and don't worry I won't poison your food, though don't expect it to be a good quality, this ain't a vacation. Hahahahah!" Shawn laughed as he activated his Stealth Boy to sneak out of the room once more, the funny thing is that he had not idea if that bug worked or not ... honestly he just wanted to stomp some salt into his wounds.

Sneaking out of the room, David could see a blur that went towards the storage bay.

& the other AI.
Location: Rising Dawn | Mainframe/ RD Bridge.
Time: Early morning in the world.
The AI called Alpha was entirely new to the Rising Dawn mainframe, she was pretty scared to actually go inside and meet other AI like herself. It was much larger then the mainframe inside Storm's helmet or phone, the phone was like a bedroom compared in size and the helmet was like a cockpit to a mech. The body she was currently using was fit just like a body, but the mainframe to the ship was very large just like the ship itself, she had no idea if it was modelled after the ship or not.

Her physical body was inside the bridge so that she may access the controls to obey Storm's order, and to show that she was stronger then she had arrived, she simply entered the system, but one of her eyes was looking into the mainframe which led to her missing one in the AI's world. Forgetting about actually introducing herself to the other AI all of this time, she blushed after being surprised by the other two AI. "
Ah, thank you very much and sorry for suddenly appearing and taking control of the ship ... I wanted to impress-I mean, I am Codename: AI Alpha, my real name is Miku Hatsune in the english language. I'm assigned as the Prototype AI partner to the Spartan Storm-1788, it is a pleasure to meet the two of you
" The girl AI spoke in a highly computerized way which seems to be made of many female voice samples but have been connected perfectly in the English language.

Shortly after her introduction Alpha bowed in a Japanese way, judging by the way the two spoke they were close and have a personality just like her ... and that they are very devoted to their jobs. "
Um, I wouldn't mind being assigned a job to help ... though my primary function is devoted to Storm.
" She nervously asked. Just like them, she wanted to show how devoted she was to both this group and partner. Still, she did not know how to navigate this mainframe that well.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Brig: David West, Storm

David paused for a moment as the light seemed to simmered as Shawn left the Brig, unaware that the Wanderer was even there.
"...Yeah, I did. Then that Virus you heard so much about happened. Not only that, but it seemed like the police in the city were more than willing to let the Lower Classes burn. Hell, 2 of Deadshot's men were cops. Besides, least if the shit ever hits the fan again, I've got you guys backing me up." He explained as they walked along the halls of the Rising Dawn.
"Still, I know where I'm going now...." He chuckled as he looked out the window to the city below.
"After all the shit that happened? I've fucking earned it." He said as he looked down at Las Venturas

Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal

Once he was cleaned up and had his usual 1.5 glasses of wine, Rugal left his Quarters for the Canteen for a light meal.
He soon entered the eatery, seeing his fellow crew members there.
Passing on his order to the "Waiter" Imp: "Surprise me. Just hold back on the spice, Not my taste.", He passed by Hadrian and added "I'd recommend the Beef, though I bet you could order an entire cow if you wanted to.".
With his advice given, he sat down with the Dragon and Drow and said "So, That's another day saved. Deadshot should be picked up in a day or two. Might finally be able to take a break now."

Rising Dawn: Living Quarters: Jenny, David Ashworth

Glad that Constance and Som seemed to have gotten the gist of the place, Jenny was about to go about her own business.
As she did though, she found one of the room doors slightly ajar and loud snoring coming from it.
Creeping in and peeking through the door, she found the Student from earlier passed out on the bed, no doubt tired from his ordeal.
Suppressing a laugh, she opted instead to close the door, leaving the student to his sleep and loud snoring.
That young man will need all the rest he can get around here... She thought as she went along.

Rising Dawn: Brig Cell: Deadshot

"OH COME THE FUCK ON! I'M ALREADY IN PRISON! NOW YOUR GOING TO FUCKING ROB ME!? PRICK!" Deadshot shouted as Shawn hacked his account, trying to get out of his binds as he walked away.
As for the accounts, Shawn found that his hack worked but despite supposedly having enough money to bribe that drug dealer back in Los Santos, the only thing in his bank account was a message:



From the looks of things, He wasn't going to get paid in the first place!


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, Angelus, Ella, Hadrian

Angelus gave a nod to Slindis as she took another inhuman looking bite out of her meal, "Very true. Perhaps it has been too long since I have found myself close to death's door. I need to sharpen my claws properly, before I find myself caught unawares again. It would not due if I found myself and Caim dead from a careless error again..."

It was after this that Rugal entered the room and gave his piece regarding R&R for the group, a notion Ton Ton and Cadolbolg picked up on with interest (as they were still waiting on their sandwiches, and the thought of some relaxing distracted them for a moment),

[color=15650D]"That sounds wonderful, to have that terrible man put behind bars finally. I only hope the punishment keeps... We do have a tendency to have people follow after us that are of less than savory character..."[/color]

"Does it really matter? We could do something fun for once! Let's do that! Of course, after putting up the bad guy and stuff."

Rising Dawn: Mainframe: AIs Dimitri, Vermilion and Alpha

The Butler-looking AI gave a nod and added, [color=3897E0]
"That's perfectly understandable, Ms. Alpha. My programming is mainly devoted as an assistant to My Lady, the aforementioned Teri Gravel. If you need to return to this Storm, that's perfectly understandable. Aside from that, perhaps you could give us a list of what duties you take up while acting as Storm's aide; and we might be able to divvy up duties that way. Apart from that, please don't feel the need to be overly formal. We're all comrades here, so there'd be no need to feel uncomfortable. Oh, speaking of..."

Dimitri paused for a few moments as he began a conversation with his creator in question, leaving Vermilion to take over the conversation. Giving a tinkling laugh at Dimitri's mention of not being 'overly formal', Vermilion added, [color=FF5349]
"Whether or not you wish to stay and work here is your decision, Alpha. We cannot force any work upon you. Regardless, I'm more than capable to take up piloting while Dimitri shows you around the ship."

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Caim, Devon

Caim gave a faint smirk to Devon's determination to improve and added,
"Can't say I disagree with that too much, so long as you keep your health intact. Now, care to explain to me why it sounds like you're carrying a spare set of armor in your pack? I know you like to be prepared, but in my experience, armor is best suited to be worn, not carried. Unless you happen to have a spell that requires it?"
The mute gave a light chuckle (or the closest approximation of a chuckle a mute man could make) at his statement, not quite aware how possible that could be, as far as magic from the DnD verse went.

Rising Dawn: Teri's Room: Teri, Garm, Sadei

With a grin, the Cleric slipped on Sadei's new form and said, [color=0E59E4]"Perfectly done, Sadei! Now, we just need something pleasant to listen to and start this cleaning party... With a wolf Garm's size, this is gonna take a while."[/color]

That was when the intercom buzzed in and Dimitri answered over the room's intercom, [color=3897e0]
"You know, your Ladyship, the apparatus you use to house me in does contain all your old files from home... Music would be included in those, would they not? If not that, I can access your old Youtube playlists, even if the profile that made them may be somewhat non-existent."

Teri paused and her smile broadened a little more as she brought her Tablet to the bathroom and started up her playlist, beginning with a familiar tune [] from home before poofing in a couple bottles of dog shampoo and getting to work on washing the enormous wolf, addressing Dimitri and Sadei as she did so,

[color=0E59E4]"Thanks Dimitri, but you go on ahead with Vermi. I've got Sadei with me. Now, where were we Sadei? I remember you saying something about chilling out in my brain space a while back?"[/color]


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Storm-1788 & David.
Location: Rising Dawn | Outside the Brig.
Time: Early Morning.
Nodding at David's talking, looking towards the Brig the Spartan was curious. "Yeah, I'm sure all of you deserve some R and R after that battle with that machine I saw. Also I'm guessing our 'Guest' is safe in the Brig? We should lock the brig up in-case he actually manages to escape ... and we do not want that knowing how big this ship is. Hell he can hold up in one of the places we haven't explored yet." Storm said suddenly remembering his curiosity about this ship."

"Other then that I should let you go, I'm meeting a certain someone near the bridge."

One on one time, The Lone Wanderer/Shawn & Deadshot.
Location: Rising Dawn | Sniper Shack.
Time: Early Morning.
After lugging bits, pieces and a fridge onto the Rising Dawn's roof, Shawn fell onto the couch and decided to check the progress of his hack. The only thing he found was a message in the bank account.



Staying silent ever since, Shawn had one simple reaction to the message.

The colour was removed from his world and depression started to settle in.
"The wind is harsh to me today." He said in a depressed voice as he walked to the unplugged fridge, grabbed a Whiskey, shoved it into his mouth and fell onto the couch.

& the other AI.
Location: Rising Dawn | Mainframe/ RD Bridge.
Time: Early morning in the world.
In the physical world the AI known as Alpha moved her body to the hallway outside of the Bridge so he 'Partner' can find her easily as she communicates with the AI in a another process. Back in the AI Mainframe Alpha was thinking about her duties to Storm. "
[color=nvayblue]My duties ... hmm ... When he plugs my AI chip into his armor I can control his armor suit, weapons and any machinery close to him, to be honest I like to work with weapons more then anything. He is the one to pull the trigger but when I'm in the suit I can cover his weaknesses and show him opportunities that he may not see. Plus I offer intelligent advice and can pull things onto his HUD.[/color]

Hearing Vermilion talk about a tour intrigued Alpha. "
[color=nvayblue]Yes, I would like a tour very much. I have been wandering about this ships weapon and defense systems for a long time. After all this ship houses everyone we love. [/color]
Alpha said to the female AI. The question about the relationship between Dimitri and Vermilion's relationship almost came out but the new AI did not want to be rude to her new friends.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, Angelus, Ella, Hadrian

Ella stopped for a moment when she saw Constance. "D-did I just see that right? I really hope she didn't go to see my family..." Obviously a bit jarred from that, she left the Canteen without touching the rest of her sushi.

Slindis hadn't seen this, though, so she responded to Angelus' statement. [color=c200]"It's something I had to do quite a bit. From what I've learned in my time, the time you most need training is when you believe yourself to be fine. After all, lingering in that state too long makes one complacent. If you need a sparring partner after this small break that Rugal's suggesting, you're more than free to ask me if you want."[/color] She used the rest of the bread to mop up the remnants of the soup and saw as the imps flew over with the Bruiser's rather large (for them) sandwiches.

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia

The young girl was making a good amount of progress, with the rapid changes forcing her to think on the fly a lot more when fighting the various machines. "Come now, what's next? It should have been here by now!"

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Caim, Devon

Devon looked just as surprised as Caim. "Caim, you know that I only wear the chain shirt. I mean, not even Angie's training can necessarily make my casting go easier in heavier armors, I think..." Still, Caim did bring up a good point and he pulled out the armor.

Now, Devon only saw the slight dings in the lightweight suit of full plate, but Caim's discerning eyes saw something rather different [] in the rather well-made armor. It was almost as quiet as Caim's own breastplate, and that had been tailor-made for Caim. It might be a good fit for the bard...

Rising Dawn: Teri's Room: Teri, Garm, Sadei

Sadei nodded. "Well, even though she's gotten a bit calmer, she still throws fits from time to time... Can you try to find some way to get her to stop being such a moody fish, please? There's only so much I can pull out the sushi mat."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Hallway: David West, Storm

"Nah, place is locked up tighter than...Something...Really...locked up...Point is, one of the AIs on the ship will know if he so much as sneezes so we should be cool. Anyway, Got to round the rest of them up. Give that Wanderer guy a buzz, I know a man who pulls a good bender when I see one." David explained as he went down the hall to his room to change for his night on the town.
A quick wash and a credit transaction later, David was ready to start on the bender of a lifetime.

Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David West

"...Sharpen your Claws? Hm. Didn't think Dragons did that." Rugal said as he was handed a small dish of Salad, the one thing that the Imps seemed to spare the spice on.
"Still, just not in another realm, not travelling to a warzone. Just some peace for once. Heh, one thing I miss about my "Career" days." He sighed, recalling all the quiet days back at his old Manor.
It was around this time that David West entered the Canteen, out of his Uniform and back into his classic look of a Jacket, a running top and some Jeans.
"Come on, Up and at them people! No time to be sitting around. Venturas awaits, Bright Lights, Casinos, Liquor, All that good shit!" He shouted to the crew like a man trying to fire up a football team.
"...Excuse me, What?"
"You heard me, We're right next to the worlds largest Las Vegas rip off! I'm not fucking missing this and you lot aren't either! Now get dressed, come on!, Choppy Chop!" He added, clearly trying to get everyone motivated.
While confused at first, Rugal did admit, the Sniper had a point.
"Well...When in Rome. What do you think? Either of you got to go to a Casino before?"

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia

As number 29 went down without much fuss, Melethia watched as the Simulation brought in her next opponent.
[Generating Combatant: AI Weapon Codename: Viscus. Stage: Urban Warzone] The machine said as the area began to change for her final fight.
The Room faded into a War Torn Overpass, Tanks and Soldiers running around in the background.
Then her target entered the scene, A flying robot zooming to her location, landing perfectly in front of her.

Right off the bat, it was leagues faster than the lumbering robots she had faced thus far and had more ranged weapons.
To begin with though, it unfolded an Energy Blade from his forearm and began to march forwards, hoping to get within melee range.
[color=grey]"I think, Therefore I am. I kill, Therefore you die."[/color]

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, Angelus, Ella, Hadrian

[color=BF750B]"Alright! This'll do."[/color] Hadrian smirked, carrying a tray stacked with several raw cuts of beef sirloin, a bottle of jagermiester, and a loaf of sweetbread. He brought his immense meal over to a table, which shook visibly as he set it down, and got to work.

He partially changed into his werewolf form, his head specifically, so that the food would go down easier and actually fit into his mouth, and plucked a piece from the top of the stack. He dangled the sirloin over his gaping maw, and dropped it straight down his gullet. This went on for a few minutes, until the tray had nothing left but a few drops of blood, and some small scraps of meat. He leaned back in his seat, letting out a quiet, satisfied belch, and sipped at his bottle of jager.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David West

Slindis heard the talk about the city and shook her head. [color=c200]"I've seen enough of them to know that I'm not too keen on the idea, but I will head to the city. Just don't expect me to head inside any of those gambling establishments."[/color] The drow made it a point to not move from where she was to make any changes to her outfit, since she had no intentions of entering the casino in the first place.

[color=c200]"In any case, would you like to join us over here?"[/color] She called out to the drinking werewolf in an attempt to start knowing him better. She thought she'd seen him a few times, but never for far too long.

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia

Melethia started with tossing out a flask of grease by the machine's feet to weaken its balance then drew her best longsword [] and her light mace [] in an attempt to urge the machine to approach quicker. At least we have an actual machine here this time instead of those pieces of junk from earlier. In any case, she was ready to keep an eye out to try and find amy openings she could on this machine.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David West

The wolfman shrugged and got out of his seat, holding onto his bottle, and loaf of sweetbread. [color=BF750B]"Why not? Haven't seen you guys in a while, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to play "catch-up.""[/color]

Hadrian walked over, and took a seat to her right, grinning. [color=BF750B]"So, what has this group been up to lately? Been saving the world from lunatics hellbent on enslaving everyone or annihilating the world's population? And I noticed your numbers seem somewhat fewer. Did they decide to break off and go solo or something?"[/color]


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, Angelus, Ella, Hadrian

Angelus shook her head with a faint smile at Rugal's comment, "All creatures with claws need to resharpen them every once in a while, Bernstein. Do you not see your oversized kitten or the wolves do that every so often?

Now, as far as this Las Venturas goes, I say that it could be amusing watching the mortals lose all their gold to whatever gambling that assails them...."

At this point, Cadolbolg lifted his head up from his sandwich (and being one of the few who rather liked the spice the imps were partial to), "So we are going to go do something for the sake of having fun? YAY!"
The little turtle dragon baby would have flown into a loop de loop, were it not for his more level headed partner reminding him it would make a mess on the floor with his meal, and added in himself, [color=15650D]"It sounds interesting, certainly, Mr. West. But I thought persons of me and Cadolbolg's age weren't allowed in gambling establishments? Or is that just the drinking? In my case, I think the later doesn't apply. I don't like drinking very much. None of it tastes good."[/color]

As Hadrian spoke up, Ton Ton was the one to answer, [color=15650D]"Recently, we apprehended a man responsible for creating a would be zombie apocalypse and trying to incite a gang war. Following that, we ended up in the base chasing after him. As for our numbers thining... Well, some of our number just up and vanished. I blame that backwards high school we warped to that one time."[/color]

"You mean the one where you and I were dance teachers?"

[color=15650D]"The same."[/color]

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Caim, Devon

Caim, while not as great of an expert on armor as he was on weaponry (which was something of an unfair comparison, seeing as Caim's expertise with varying forms of medieval weaponry was swimming to a fish); could see for a fact that the armor in his hands was some high quality stuff, and really light weight at that. Running his hands over the mithril (which the mute mistook for really good steel) Caim looked back to the bard with a pseudo air of awe and pointed at him,
"I don't know, nor do I care where you got this from. What matters is, you're going to start wearing it. It certainly feels light enough."
Rising Dawn: Mainframe: Dimitri, Vermilion, Alpha

Dimitri brightened up at Alpha's mention of weaponry and enthusiastically suggested, [color=3897E0]
"I do not believe we have a weapon specialist for the Rising Dawn's defense systems... I bet you'd fit right in!"

"Dimitri? I do believe you were going to show her the ship?"

"Right! Now, right this way, Ms. Alpha. See you in a bit, Ms. Vermilion."

Giving a small wave to the red cloaked AI, Dimitri began giving Alpha a tour of the ship, pointing out points of interest as they went along. It was a rather large ship, but acting as the main humanities director (if unofficially), Dimitri had to make it his job to be well aware of the most frequented areas of the ship.

Rising Dawn: Teri's Room: Teri, Garm, Sadei

Working her way down to the middle of the wolf, Teri gave a sigh and answered back, [color=0E59E4]"If I knew how to completely reign her in, don't you think I would have done so already? Controlling my thoughts and feelings hasn't always been a specialty for me... Even trying out meditating again only does so much for me now. As far as I can tell, what calms her down the most is dropping Divine Power and going hog wild on some poor soul."[/color]

Speak of the devil and it shall appear, some say. Or, in this case, the Shadow, [color=0E59E4]"Well, it's not like you have a complete dislike for it. The fact that I like it only shows that you do have a nasty streak in you, kiddo."[/color]

Teri paused, feeling a light sting from the old monkier being used by someone other than-, [color=0E59E4]"Don't use that term, please."
"Why, reminds you too much of our asshole ex? He dumped our ass, you know. I can say it as much as I damn well want."

The cleric shook her head again with an attempt to get a grip on her inner thoughts and focused on Sadei again, [color=0E59E4]"See what I mean? No matter what I say, she's so abrasive!"[/color]


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Storm-1788 & David.
Location: Rising Dawn | Outside the Brig.
Time: Early Morning.
Waving the cop away, Storm decided to send out a recorded speech from his phone and transmitted it to radio waves so that the Wanderer could pick it up depending if he is keeping an eye on it, Storm was worried if he did too much in his first adventure aboard this merry crew of Heroes from many corners of this world. "Hmm, I'm sure he's okay." He shrugged off the worry of a different version of him and began to walk to the Bridge once more

Reaching the T section of the hallway near the Bridge he could see Alpha leaning on a wall, back facing the Spartan, she seemed to be playing around with a function of hers. Storm had hoped that she has made some friends since they got here, she had been too shy in the past. That thought wasn't the primary one inside Storm's mind, I mean his lover's back was turned and she was not expecting him as much.

Sticking out his tongue with an imaginary bulb above his head, he decided to sneak behind her.

& the other AI.
Location: Rising Dawn | Mainframe/ RD Bridge.
Time: Early morning in the world.

Walking a bit behind AI Dimitri, he was giving a tour of the ship mainframe which was practically a virtual model of the Rising Dawn itself. Being impressed for the most part, Alpha decided to ask a few questions. "
So what weapons and defenses do we have on here? This ship is quite advance in the technological aspect, it actually looks like a prototype of the ships from my Universe ... but much more luxurious.
" Alpha asked her guide as she studied the environment around her.

The AI couldn't but feel a presence behind her. Looking behind her in the mainframe world she could not see anything. Since it was her first integration with the ship's systems it was difficult to both be in the mainframe and physical world. So she is mostly focusing her existence in the mainframe, if she was in Storm's phone or armor it would be more easier to focus on being inside here.

She did not know that she was about to be surprised.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David West

"Oh Come on, Slin! That's like going to Cinema for the adverts!" David protested, though the comparison was lost on the Drow, given that she hadn't seen a movie before.
"Look, All I'm saying is that we need to live it up when we can before more stupid shit happens. Or at least have that stupid shit happen on our terms for once." He added as Hadrian asked about the group's numbers.
"Eh, People come and go, but I find we usually run into them again down the line." He explained as an Imp threw him a bottle of energy drink.
"As for you two (Ton Ton, Cadolbolg), I think either A. They have areas for kids or B. you do whatever. I mean, we just fucking blew up a US Army base! You going to let an Age Limit stop ya?!" He mocked, like one of those people Anti-Drinking PSAs warned you about you about.

Rugal let out a amused grunt at Angelus's rebuttal.
"Alright, I just assumed you Dragons used magic or something. It wouldn't be out of place, now would it?" He defended his notion as he thought about Venturas.
"As for the City, I do recall a lot of the Organised Crime in the city declining before I..."Switched sides". Guess they found that it was easier to get money from tourists then the Black Market. I can't image that a massive resurgence occurred since then, so we should be safe enough." He then added to help ease the Drow's fears.
"Still, there are more things to do in America's Playground then just gamble. It'd be a nice change of pace and lord knows Melethia could do with a break from battle..."
"Listen to the guy. All that time fighting, it's no wonder she's so messed up!..." David then said in the mother of all "Foot in mouth" moments.
"What I MEANT to say was-"

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia

The Viscus Simulation paused in front of the pool of grease with a confused look on it's face.
[color=grey]"...Did you really think that I would fall for that?"[/color]
He deadpanned as he processed the foresight to actually walk around it (Which was something that the others seemed to lack).
Once he was past it, he suddenly dashed forward with great speed, aided by his repulsors, Before making an upward slash in a Uppercut style motion.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, Angelus, Ella, Hadrian

When David made his statement, SLindis calmly put her spoon down, calmly cleaned her mouth off, and leveled a frigid glare at him. [color=c200]"I believe it's in your best interests to apologize for that statement. The sooner, the better"[/color] She wanted to make it rather clear that he'd crossed a line, and a dangerous one at that. If it had been one of her students saying that, they would have been extremely lucky to not end the training session within the next 20 hours.

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia

Melethia rolled to the side before slashing with the longsword at what she thought was an exposed area while trying to move the machine back over to the greasy area. If she could find a way to light it on fire, there was the chance it might mess with his systems.

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Caim, Devon

He shook his head in an abject refusal. "Are you joking? I doubt I could move that well in it at all! Plus I don't even know if I could cast spells in it... I mean, that wouldn't make any sense." Unfortunately, the proteses weren't all too effective, and it was clear to him that he would have to wear the full plate. What am I, some kind of knight?

Rising Dawn: Teri's Room: Teri, Garm, Sadei

Sadei sighed as Teri washed Garm. "She is... Look, Fish Breath. Stop taking up so much room in there. It's hard to do much of anything or comfortably talk with her with that massive aquarium you have."[/quote]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, Angelus, Ella, Hadrian, David West, Slindis

David froze on the spot as Slindis glared at him, visibly sweating at his horrible situation.
"...Okay....Bad move on my part....Sorry....Just saying...Is going someplace that doesn't have a bunch of people killing each other REALLY a bad thing?..." He said as he backed up a little and cursing how Human he was and how easily his bones could break.
"Look, Melethia is a great kid, Dead Sound. Just...Always so damn..."Soldier-y" at times, You know? I mean, when I was her age, My only concern was getting through school..." He murmured as Rugal gave him a disapproving head shake.
"Hell, Everyone could use a break, you know? I mean, Now don't tell her this, But I saw some recording off Teri's tablet once. She dreams of fucked up shit! Just a change of scenery, bit of fun...ya get me?..."

Rugal stayed out of it for the most part, though he was going to have a talk with Slindis about it when this was over.
That part about Teri was also worrying...

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia

The sword clanged against Viscus's ribs, the adamantine blade piercing the armor of the machine and exposing some wiring.
"Impressive. Your odds of survival have increased by 0.000000342% percent."
He stated, proof that the AIs got his personality (and Ego) right.
Despite that wound being fatal for a human, he didn't skip a beat as he kept swinging his Energy Blade, doing several fake outs in an attempt to trick out the Elf.
The Simulation though knew she was just after many battles much like this one, she couldn't keep it up forever...


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, Angelus, Ella, Hadrian, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg

A hush fell over the room as David gave his apology to Slindis, which hopefully, the paladin would accept. Angelus, however, remained silent, even when the event regarding Teri's Tablet came up. Swirling her water, she took a sip and waited to see the results, not in the least surprised by Slindis' reaction to what David said. If it were one of her own insulted, the dragon would have done the same.

Ton Ton and Cadolbolg, on the other hand, made certain to eat their sandwiches much more quietly than before, now afraid to make too much noise.

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Caim, Devon

Caim shook his head and held the armor in front of Devon insistently, not wanting to give in on the matter,
"The fact that I can pick this suit of armor up so easily, and yet still feel as solid as it is very telling about it's quality. Trust me, I can teach you how to move properly in it. Just try it on, Devon."
Rising Dawn: Mainframe: Dimitri, Alpha

Dimitri shrugged, [color=3897E0]
"You'd have to ask Ms. Vermilion. She handles the weapon systems far more than I do. I typically take care of Environmental controls, laundry and food preparation for the chefs. In short, minutia for the Users while they relax here. None the less, I'm sure if you spoke with her, she could give you a very through rundown of those systems. Now, do you have any other questions?"

The Butler had a very relaxed, if somewhat blank expression as he asked this; somewhat hoping he could calm the nervous AI down a little. At the very least, Alpha could sense a calm, patient aura from the AI. He was only trying to help her, after all.

Rising Dawn: Teri's Room: Teri, Garm, Sadei

Finally working her way to the wolf's rear section, Garm being a very good boy throughout this whole procedure, and heard her Shadow's rebuttal to the staff, [color=0E59E4]"Aquarium? Kid, you seriously cannot talk. I get a small pond in this headspace! You get to roam around, while I'm confined. Besides, I'm trying to help out our collective communicator here."[/color]

Teri snorted at the notion, not believing what the Shadow had to say for a second, before said Shadow cut in again, [color=0E59E4]"Don't believe me? Hear me out for a moment. Now, riddle me this. Why do you think you're having such a hard time not keeping yourself alive out there. At least, alive enough to where you have to rely on a spell to keep from falling over from a paper cut?"[/color]

The Cleric paused from washing her wolf at that thought, inciting a confused noise from Garm before she continued, and asked back cautiously, [color=0E59E4]"Because I'm not used to fighting people?"
"It's cause you're scared. You're scared of turning into a bloodthristy maniac like your Dad was. Like Caim is. You don't want to be something you've come to hate, which is why you hide behind the technical kills of your elementals and your magic. It's so you don't have to do it up close and personal. But at the same time, that fear is only holding you back. It's because of that fear you're such a shit for brains using Sadei to beat the daylight out of things. And, since I know everything you do, don't you realize that by mastering how to use Sadei, you could just knock out people with her instead of outright killing them with Squishy or a spell? In a sense, you've been doing the thing you've hated doing this whole time. Ever thought 'bout that?"

Teri looked down at her hands with horror, mentally kicking herself for not realizing this sooner, [color=0E59E4]"Oh god.... Sadei, after this and a shower of my own, I'm gonna need you to turn back into a staff again..."[/color]

The Cleric worked to finish the rest of Garm's bath quickly, feeling a sense of urgency in improving her skills before her ignorance killed someone else.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, Angelus, Ella, Hadrian

David's apology would have been accepted, but it was horribly undercut by following statement. [color=c200]"...I think there's been a small error in your guessing here. It seems like you think I could have just monitored her all the time and done it like a 'proper' parent, right? Because I had all of the time in the world to dedicate solely to that, right? Because I wasn't needed constantly for issues that demanded my attention such as Mindflayers attempting to change the city's inhabitants into monstrosities begging for the release of death, right? Because passing on the threat stopping of Devil invasions to someone else because I didn't feel like it, right?[/color]

[color=c200]I mean, it's not like I had major power blocks of the planet that wouldn't have hesitated to Soul Bind me the moment they heard of me falling so I wouldn't be around to be a thorn in their sides. It's not like Melethia came to me with the majority of her lock skills and I couldn't hold her in any place without having an arcane caster set a forcecage in her room and thus make her a prisoner out of no fault of her own. It's not like the masssive attempts with certain groups to have Melethia get captured for something she had no control of also kept me busy for months on end.[/color]

[color=c200]No, it was all sunshine, rainbows, and cherubs for us where everything was laid out for us instead of having to fight tooth and nail for a semblance of sanity. Because every place is the same as the other, and of course I had all of the time in the world to ensure Melethia had a peaceful childhood where she never had to worry about killing, but I was just too lazy to try and dissuade her.[/color]

[color=c200]Thanks for enlightening me on how my former homeworld worked, West."[/color] After she was done, she got out of her seat and left the Canteen with a reverberating silence.

"...So, about that Las Venturas..." Ella spoke up to try and lower the awkward tension in the air tht was left in the room.

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia

She did her best to block the attacks then activated the Everbright flash to temporarily blind the machine then went in for some more stabs with her longsword if she could. This fight had to be ended quickly, and hitting it in seemingly unrelated areas might be enough to cascade into a weapons or mobility failure.

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Caim, Devon

Seeing a losing discussion with Caim when he saw it, Devon sighed. "Okay, okay... Just give me a bit to put this on, will you?" When he came back to Caim, though, it seemed clear that Devon only had his clothing on...yet it was also in his arms as well. Something was definitely up here.

Rising Dawn: Teri's Room: Teri, Garm, Sadei

Sadei fired back with a rather harsh snipped to Teri's Shadow. "You do have a point, but you could at least try to word it better, Sashimi."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David West

David just stood there slack jawed at the massive verbal beating he received and just how little he really knew about the drow.
"" He said as he stood red faced in front of everyone, including a extremely displeased Rugal.
"...So, about that Las Venturas..."
"...I......I' you there..." He said before making his way out of the canteen, every ounce of his party mood driven right out of him.
"[sub]Christ...Ohhhhh...West, you fucking moron....[/sub]" He cursed to himself, realizing how much he just fucked up.

Rugal meanwhile was more pro-active in trying to fix the damage.
"I'll have the AI's land the ship nearby and everyone can opt for shore-leave in the city if they so desire. And I'm sorry you all had to see all that. Her many years were "unpleasant" to say the very least. Now if you would excuse me..." He said as he quickly followed after Slindis.
I'll force feed that man wet cement, let it set, then crack his throat like fine china. Maybe then he can keep his damn mouth shut... He thought in relation to the Sniper, already working on how to get away with it.
Pushing though the thoughts of horrible torture, he refocused on finding where she went to.

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia

The EverBright flash didn't seem to affect Viscus's sensors, allowing the machine to advance, parrying the elf's sword with his own Energy Blade, quickly turning the tables and becoming the aggressor.
[color=grey]"You Biological Meat Sack! Did you really think you could win! I am the most advanced thing on this planet! You can even so much as touch my superiority"[/color]
He gloated as he kept forcing Melethia to back up, focusing on breaking her guard if possible.